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The Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) initiative is

  • driven by the Automotive Grade Linux Collaborative Project of the Linux Foundation
  • about improving open source components for automotive use cases
  • follows an upstream-first policy in publishing the improvements
  • using a common reference platform for test and integration purposes

The overall direction of the Automotive Grade Linux Collaborative Project is set by the AGL Advisory Board and Steering Committee. All work is carried out by the Expert Groups.

You are cordially invited to join and contribute to AGL and this Wiki. See Getting Started with AGL to register for accounts to contribute to the requirements, source code, or documentation of AGL.

Weekly Developer Meeting held on Tuesdays at 14:00 UTC (6 am Pacific Standard Time)

Conference Info and Meeting Notes


You can find the latest AGL News here.

Face To Face Meetings


Dec 13 - 14 - CES Integration Session - to be held in Yokohama, Japan at the NTT Data MSE office.



A list of Past face to face meetings can be found on this page.

Getting started with DokuWiki

The AGL Wiki is powered by DokuWiki

start.1519900174.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/01 10:29 by waltminer