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User Interface and Graphics Expert Group

EG Project and Task Lists are in Jira

List View can be found here.
Kanban View can be found here.


2017 AMM Winter


The UI and Graphics EG holds a weekly meeting on Mondays at 13:00 UTC. Meeting schedule, dial-in information, agenda, and minutes for the UI and Graphics Expert Group can be found here.


The User Interface and Graphics Expert Group is responsible for the requirements, architecture and design of the following topics within AGL.

Demo apps are out of scope but the EG may have to provide a demo of the functionality within its scope.


Expert Group Leader:

  • Nobuhiko Tanibata - Denso


  • Risto Avila - The Qt Company
  • Stéphane Desneux - Renesas / IoT.BZH
  • Jens Bocklage - Mentor
  • Tadao Tanikawa - Panasonic
  • Kenji Hosokawa - ADIT
  • Naoko Tanibata - ADIT


The Graphics and UI EG Roadmap is part of the overall AGL Roadmap and can be found on this page.


There are sub work-package to be discussed for alignment of AGL distro spec v2. We already have several OSS component in V2. So we can start to write down spec v2 with it. In parallel, we start to correct missing requirement and use cases per sub work-package here. Please visit each following page to add requirement, use cases, and your recommended solution, e.g. exist OSS or you can propose own code to be contributed.

Weekly Call

Call is held biweekly on Mondays at 13:00 UTC. Any changes to the schedule will be sent to the AGL-Discussions mail list.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 627 612 878 Find your local number:

Meeting minutes

eg-ui-graphics.1571818005.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/23 08:06 by tnaoko