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Vehicle to Cloud Expert Group

EG Project and Task Lists are in Jira

List View can be found here.
Kanban View can be found here.

How AGL uses Jira for creating and managing projects is here.


Bi-weekly on Monday's @ 10:00 U.S. Eastern, starting 6 May 2019 or United States (Toll Free): 1 866 899 4679
United States: +1 (571) 317-3117

Access Code: 271-869-653

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Argentina (Toll Free): 0 800 444 2385 Australia (Toll Free): 1 800 191 358
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New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:


  • Collect and prioritize use cases
  • Define Reference Architecture
  • Identify existing, missing or reusable components
  • Identify and document reference applications
  • Identify and document any AGL framework gaps
  • Recruit volunteers to build out initial demonstration(s)

Business Use Case Candidates


 Sharing, Parking, Petro/Charging, Traffic

Enable “Right to be Forgotten”/Privacy and Consent in a data driven ecosystem economy

 In-Vehicle Personalization
 Usage-based Insurance
 Vehicle/Ride Sharing/Car Rental

Technical Use Case Candidates


 Trusted Vehicle Identities

Shared Data Management

 Third Party usage & access
 Data Encryption & Signing

Telematics Integration

 OEM Data integration / management
 User Data Privacy Management

Application Candidates

Authenticate to third-party subscription service

Save Vehicle preferences from car to cloud
Cloud-initiated Feature Activation

CAN Data is encrypted, signed and stored in OEM Cloud

* Out of Scope for Current Phase: Integrated Device Management (OMA/DM or OMA LWM2M) Secure/Software Over-the-air Updates (SOTA) - Discussed 30-Jul-2018 Remote Vehicle Diagnostics - Added / discussed 30-Jul-2018 Predictive Maintenance Data Tagging in-vehicle


  • Robbie Jones - ForgeRock
  • Tiejun Chen - VMware
  • Artem Mygaiev - EPAM -
  • - INTEL
  • Hisao Munakata - Renesas
  • Daniel Bernal - Arm -


The V2C EG Roadmap is part of the overall AGL Roadmap and can be found on this page.

Meeting Notes


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • robbie.jones@forgerock
  • Discussed T-Systems upcoming Parking payment demo (possibly shown at the next AGL conference)
  • Robbie to ping to see if parts of their past IdM work can be leveraged for said demo

1 July-2019

Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • robbie.jones@forgerock
  • Jan-Simon Möller
  • Update: T-Systems is working on an upcoming Car Share and Parking payment demo
  • Given the maturity of this demo, we have moved it up in the U.C. list above.


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • robbie.jones@forgerock
  • Reviewed charter/mandate of the group for new members
  • Recapped work thus far on Business and Technical UCs
  • Concluded that we should look at the work in the Connectivity EG given common synergies


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • robbie.jones@forgerock
  • Introductions
  • Further discussions on prioritizing the existing bulleted items under the Business Use Cases (see in order to get a shorter, conciser list. Said list is now updated given feedback from this call but is considered a 'living document' (Work In Progress).
  • Specific discussions on the call: a. how do we 'enable GDPR compliance' and b. added car rental
  • Goal is to have said list 'ratified' before next general AGL meeting.


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • robbie.jones@forgerock
  • (call-in dialler #1)


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • Ashley Stevenson (ForgeRock)
  • Daniel Bernal (ARM)
  • B
  • C
  • Discussion Point #1
  • Discussion Point #2


  • Discussed Business use case prioritization with Walt, who will present to Advisory Board and other members for feedback
  • Discussed creation of a V2C EG White Paper using the new Confluence site
  • Discussed AECC


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • Ashley Stevenson
  • Michael Tworek
  • Tiejun Chen
  • Walt Miner
Discussion Topics
  • Reviewed business use case candidate list with Walt - feedback that SOTA, while technically V2C, has been well covered in other areas; also that GDPR (Privacy / Compliance) was a topic of interest during a recent Advisory Board meeting
  • Reviewed some other business use cases from MOBI initiative ( provided by Michael Tworek; will review and cross-reference with existing use cases
  • Once consolidated, we will provide the list of business use cases for Walt to circulate to get community feedback on prioritization
  • Moved “Shared Data Management” down to technical use cases, as its an underpinning technical theme that supports many business use cases, rather than a business use case unto itself


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • Rafal Garbat
  • Tiejun Chen
  • Ashley Stevenson
  • Jan-Simon Moeller
  • Hiroto Imamura
Discussion Topics
  • Attendees agreed to keep minutes and notes on this wiki page
  • Discussed the need for cloud-side integrations for V2C use cases, which is a relatively new angle for existing apps and demos that do not necessarily depend on external integration with cloud apps to demonstrate use case
  • Discussed OTA updates as one example
  • Discussed some intersections with Connectivity EG, but per Jan-Simon, this EG mostly focused on Wifi, Bluetooth, etc.
  • Hiroto suggested we survey OEM AGL members to determine their top V2C use cases
  • Rafal mentioned how most vehicle data today is OEM-specific
  • Ashley mentioned looking to other standards bodies, like CCC for V2C use cases
  • Rafal suggested considering 5G impact on V2C use cases
  • Team agreed to create a simple slide deck with suggested use cases and circulate to SAT, then to broader AGL members, including Advisory Board


Attendees (taken from GoToMeeting):
  • Archans
  • Ashley Stevenson
  • Daniel Bernal
  • Fulup-IotBzh
  • Harunobu Kurokawa
  • Hiroto Imamura
  • José Bollo [Iot.Bzh]
  • Michael Tworek
  • Pushpavati
  • Rafal Garbat
  • Tiejun Chen
  • Walt Miner
  • Léonard Moustacchis
Discussion Topics
  • EG Team Objectives
  • Use Case Candidates (Business and Technical)
  • Application Candidates
  • Discussed intersections with and evolving meaning of “Telematics”

Tokyo F2F Meeting Attendees - 2018-02-22

  • Ashley Stevenson - ForgeRock
  • Daniel Bernal - Arm
  • Joel Catala - Tuxera
  • Takuo Koguchi - Hitachi
  • Artem Mygaiev - EPAM -
  • Hisao Munakata - Renesas
eg-v2c.1563306494.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/16 19:48 by jonesrobbie