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EG CIAT bi-weekly call

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Topic: AGL EG-CIAT Meeting

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Meeting-ID: 295 064 716
Passcode: 722399

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Meeting ID: 295 064 716

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Roadmap for 2022

  • extend image/machine matrix today
    • New variants (IC, IVI)
    • Images in build matrix
  • r/o prserv + hashserv
  • reproducible builds
  • binary feed
  • move from jenkins-job-builder to a .jenkinsci or yaml based description (or gitlab)

Meeting 2022/08/30


Jan-Simon, Qiu, Du Erpei, Scott, Marius


  • lava lab status
    • agl-core-lab resetup
      • WIP
    • lab-baylibre
      • operational
  • -next branch / Scott
    • test builds up to homescreen, waiting for fixes on warnings upstream
    • WIP but close
  • Extend Testing (Qiu)
    • 8/2
      • above changes got merged
      • next steps:
        • need to enable feature - target is agl-(ivi-)demo-platform
        • need a lava test definition to call it
        • then adding more test cases / test sets
    • 8/30
      • Will adopt a ptest-first workflow. Add ptests where necessary and extend only diff to fuego.
      • rpm ptest: need package for dependency 'fakechroot' (try devtool) .
      • rpm has ./tests subfolder, can produce pre-compiled rpm-ptest package with it
      • can work on upstreaming to YP (wrt rpm-ptest and its dependency 'fakechroot')
  • Discussions during the F2F in Berlin show interest in binary feeds. Thus continuing the work on setting up PRServ and Hashserv with readonly ports. Then lateron extending this with a binary feed on master.
    • AI1: setup new VM for PRServ/new and Hashserv/new.
      • done
    • AI2: change CI in master to use it
      • done
    • AI3: POC for binary feed (and what features are included)#
      • WIP
      • discussion what the set of packages is that should be in the feed
      • bitbake world ?
      • discussion point: qt+html5+flutter demo ?
      • ask Denys
      • one idea was to have a minimal bootable image and let the user pull all
      • need to start somewhere, e.g. agl-demo-platform and expand
  • Damian: adding IC and drm-lease to CI loop (SPEC-4464)
    • a) adding the IC (agl-lxc) image to jenkins and build the 'lxc-host-image-demo' image.
      • todo: adding image to CI
    • b) add drm lease specific test template to qa-testdefinitions (=test scripts) and releng-scripts (template for jenkins to call)
    • c) then add test in jenkins run specifc to IC/drm-lease


  • IC image → screen snapshot test ? E.g. can disable animation by ENV variable.
  • Discussed UI snapshot for the different variants (IVI, HTML5, flutter, IC) and how to enable it.


Next call: Sep 20th , same time

Meeting 2022/08/02


Jan-Simon, Du Erpei, Kurokawa-san, Scott, Marius, Ishii-san


  • lava lab status
    • agl-core-lab resetup
      • working on worker/dispatcher node
      • working on h3ulcb+kf
    • lab-baylibre
      • had planned power outage
      • systems coming back
  • -next branch / Scott
    • will try next week
  • Discussions during the F2F in Berlin show interest in binary feeds. Thus continuing the work on setting up PRServ and Hashserv with readonly ports. Then lateron extending this with a binary feed on master.
    • AI1: setup new VM for PRServ/new and Hashserv/new.
      • 7/5:
        • New servers are up and change to use them is in gerrit.
      • 7/19:
        • prserv r/o is on:
        • hashserv r/o is on:
    • AI2: change CI in master to use it
    • AI3: POC for binary feed (and what features are included)#
      • WIP
      • discussion what the set of packages is that should be in the feed
      • bitbake world ?
      • discussion point: qt+html5+flutter demo ?
      • ask Denys
      • one idea was to have a minimal bootable image and let the user pull all
      • need to start somewhere, e.g. agl-demo-platform and expand
  • Damian: adding IC and drm-lease to CI loop (SPEC-4464)
    • a) adding the IC (agl-lxc) image to jenkins and build the 'lxc-host-image-demo' image.
      • 8/2: jsmoeller: WIP
      • 8/2: can move meta-agl-lxc –> meta-agl-ic-container now
    • b) add drm lease specific test template to qa-testdefinitions (=test scripts) and releng-scripts (template for jenkins to call)
    • c) then add test in jenkins run specifc to IC/drm-lease


  • IC image → screen snapshot test ? E.g. can disable animation by ENV variable.
  • Discussed UI snapshot for the different variants (IVI, HTML5, flutter, IC) and how to enable it.


Next call: Aug 30th , same time

Meeting 2022/07/19


Jan-Simon, Walt, Du Erpei, Damian Hobson-Garcia, Kurokawa-san, Scott, Marius


  • lava lab status
    • agl-core-lab down (due to move)
    • lab-baylibre operational
    • 17/07
      • fixed u-boot load addr
      • systemd configure the network - systemd.mask=systemd-networkd.service
      • <add jira> for investigation wrt systemd-networkd
  • -next branch / Scott
    • after EW
    • likely in 2 weeks
  • Discussions during the F2F in Berlin show interest in binary feeds. Thus continuing the work on setting up PRServ and Hashserv with readonly ports. Then lateron extending this with a binary feed on master.
    • AI1: setup new VM for PRServ/new and Hashserv/new.
      • 7/5:
        • New servers are up and change to use them is in gerrit.
      • 7/19:
        • prserv r/o is on:
        • hashserv r/o is on:
    • AI2: change CI in master to use it
    • AI3: POC for binary feed (and what features are included)#


  • Damian: adding IC and drm-lease to CI loop (SPEC-4464)
    • a) adding the IC (agl-lxc) image to jenkins and build the 'lxc-host-image-demo' image.
    • b) add drm lease specific test template to qa-testdefinitions (=test scripts) and releng-scripts (template for jenkins to call)
    • c) then add test in jenkins run specifc to IC/drm-lease


Next call: Aug 2nd , same time

Meeting 2022/07/05


Jan-Simon, Walt, Du Erpei, Qiu Tingting, Marius


  • lava lab status
    • agl-core-lab down (due to move)
    • lab-baylibre operational
    • 06/07
      • ndb stalls currently, investigation ongoing
  • -next branch / Scott
    • after EW
    • likely in 2 weeks
  • Extend Testing (Qiu)
    • Will follow-up by jira and email.
    • 5/25 will use src/qa-test-misc for testframework sources
      • want to work on nightly and release tests
    • 6/7
      • WIP
    • 7/5
  • Discussions during the F2F in Berlin show interest in binary feeds. Thus continuing the work on setting up PRServ and Hashserv with readonly ports. Then lateron extending this with a binary feed on master.
  • Change in master to remove ${AUTOREV} from app builds reduced build times by 40%
    • Question if we remove ${AUTOREV} in marlin and/or lamprey as well



Next call: Jul 19th , same time

Meeting 2022/06/07


Jan-Simon, Kurokawa-san, Marius, Scott, Duerp, Ishii-san


  • lava lab status
    • lava master down with 500, filed bugreport w/ IT
      • resolved
    • agl-core-lab down (due to move)
    • lab-baylibre operational
    • 06/07
      • ndb stalls currently , will work with Corentin to resolve
  • -next branch / Scott
    • after EW
  • Extend Testing (Qiu)
    • Will follow-up by jira and email.
    • 5/25 will use src/qa-test-misc for testframework sources
      • want to work on nightly and release tests
    • 6/7
      • WIP
  • Discussions during the F2F in Berlin show interest in binary feeds. Thus continuing the work on setting up PRServ and Hashserv with readonly ports. Then lateron extending this with a binary feed on master.
    • AI1: setup new VM for PRServ/new and Hashserv/new.
    • AI2: change CI in master to use it
    • AI3: POC for binary feed (and what features are included)#



Next call: Jul 5th , same time

Meeting 2022/05/24


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius, Denys


  • lava lab status
    • lava master down with 500, filed bugreport w/ IT
    • agl-core-lab down (due to move)
    • lab-baylibre operational
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 5/25: merged to master, will look at YP langdale -next soon
  • Ned talking to Renesas about V3H
  • Extend Testing (Qiu)
    • Will follow-up by jira and email.
    • 5/25 will use src/qa-test-misc for testframework sources
      • want to work on nightly and release tests


  • Discussions during the F2F in Berlin show interest in binary feeds. Thus continuing the work on setting up PRServ and Hashserv with readonly ports. Then lateron extending this with a binary feed on master.
    • AI1: setup new VM for PRServ/new and Hashserv/new.
    • AI2: change CI in master to use it
    • AI3: POC for binary feed (and what features are included)#
  • pi4 / screenshot issues


Next call: May 10th , same time

Meeting 2022/04/26


Jan-Simon, Marius, Kurokawa-san, Duerpei


  • lava lab status
    • agl-core-lab down (due to move)
    • lab-baylibre operational
    • planned lava update in march after marlin release
      • 4/26: update being prepared by Corentin
    • h3ulcb (h3ulcb-nogfx image) - resolution issue on master still an issue
      • u-boot loadaddr checked, next: attach display instead of jig,
      • 03/15: wip, no update
      • SPEC-4275 (HDMI-jig, works with Gechic), SPEC-4276 bad page messages on h3ulcb
        • maybe write custom dtb to supply memory to h3 instead of autodetection ?
        • firmware flashing via cpld as documented on
      • 04/26: reflashed uboot and adapted loadaddr
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 03/15
      • python cryptography module in oe-core now
      • rust is becoming a dependency (e.g. gstreamer)
      • mesa 22 probably as well
      • refresh next week, then see if branch is available upstream or if we pick a revision for the initial uprev of master.
    • 3/29
      • Some updates last week, will push manifest udpate.
      • experiments with usrmerge
      • no honister branch, yet
      • flutter and html do not build. issue is with 'gn'.
      • lets ask YP for timeframe of branch
    • 4/26
      • Being merged to master
      • Ronan has a sandbox with more changes specific to R-Car
      • agl-lxc has recipe issues, will need updates
  • Ned talking to Renesas about V3H
  • Extend Testing (Qiu)
    • Will follow-up by jira and email.



Next call: May 10th , same time

Meeting 2022/03/08


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, marius, Duerpei


  • lava lab status
    • operational
    • planned lava update in march after marlin release
    • h3ulcb (h3ulcb-nogfx image) - resolution issue on master still an issue
      • u-boot loadaddr checked, next: attach display instead of jig,
      • 03/15: wip, no update
      • SPEC-4275 (HDMI-jig, works with Gechic), SPEC-4276 bad page messages on h3ulcb
        • maybe write custom dtb to supply memory to h3 instead of autodetection ?
        • firmware flashing via cpld as documented on
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 03/15
      • python cryptography module in oe-core now
      • rust is becoming a dependency (e.g. gstreamer)
      • mesa 22 probably as well
      • refresh next week, then see if branch is available upstream or if we pick a revision for the initial uprev of master.
    • 3/29
      • Some updates last week, will push manifest udpate.
      • experiments with usrmerge
      • no honister branch, yet
      • flutter and html do not build. issue is with 'gn'.
      • lets ask YP for timeframe of branch
  • When to switch master to kirkstone
    • April timeframe right after upstream release
    • Upstream seem to be on track
  • Ned talking to Renesas about V3H
  • reviewed Task list for SAT / SC


  • SDK


Next call: Apr 12th, same time

Meeting 2022/03/08


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Du Rrpei


  • lava lab status
    • operational
    • planned lava update in march after marlin release
    • h3ulcb (h3ulcb-nogfx image) - resolution issue on master still an issue
      • u-boot loadaddr checked, next: attach display instead of jig,
      • 03/15: wip, no update
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 03/08
      • license now SPDX-conform, there is a script to convert
      • all layers bumped
      • compositor not yet rebased
      • html5 image test possibly next week
      • python build changes (wheels) don't affect us atm
      • need to watch meta-qt5 (and possibly need to backport patches from KDE)
    • 03/15
      • python cryptography module in oe-core now
      • rust is becoming a dependency (e.g. gstreamer)
      • mesa 22 probably as well
      • refresh next week, then see if branch is available upstream or if we pick a revision for the initial uprev of master.
  • When to switch master to kirkstone
    • April timeframe right after upstream release
    • Upstream seem to be on track
  • Ned talking to Renesas about V3H
  • reviewed Task list for SAT / SC



Next call: Mar 29st, same time

Meeting 2022/03/08


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius


  • lava lab status
    • operational
    • planned lava update in march after marlin release
    • am335x-sancloud-bbe-02 shows a kernel fault in some jobs, the other bbe does not.
      • traced down to CONFIG_RELAY in the linux kernel. disabled for bbe
    • h3ulcb (h3ulcb-nogfx image) - resolution issue on master still an issue
      • u-boot loadaddr checked, next: attach display instead of jig,
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 02/1
      • rebase pushed last monday, 3.5m2 is next target
      • Inclusive Language renaming , might affect us in Kirkstone or on autobuilder
    • 02/15
      • glibc update in upstream YP, a mesa update might land as well
    • 03/08
      • license now SPDX-conform, there is a script to convert
      • all layers bumped
      • compositor not yet rebased
      • html5 image test possibly next week
      • python build changes (wheels) don't affect us atm
      • need to watch meta-qt5 (and possibly need to backport patches from KDE)
  • Can bring back agl-compositor screenshot test
    • 02/01
      • qemuarm64/qemuarm : screenshooter does not work, next: JS: live instance debug w/marius.
    • 03/08
      • fixed. had to reload systemd daemon in user session as well to make


  • When to switch master to kirkstone
    • April timeframe right after upstream release
  • Ned talking to Renesas about V3H
  • reviewed Task list for SAT / SC


Next call: Mar 15st, same time

Meeting 2022/02/15


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, HeeWon Kim (DrimAES), Ned,


  • lava lab status
    • operational
    • planned lava update in march after marlin release
    • am335x-sancloud-bbe-02 shows a kernel fault in some jobs, the other bbe does not.
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 2/1
      • rebase pushed last monday, 3.5m2 is next target
      • Inclusive Language renaming , might affect us in Kirkstone or on autobuilder
    • 2/15
      • glibc update in upstream YP, a mesa update might land as well
  • Can bring back agl-compositor screenshot test
    • 02/01
      • qemuarm64/qemuarm : screenshooter does not work, next: JS: live instance debug w/marius.


  • MM m2 release with html5 and flutter builds
  • When to switch master to kirkstone
    • April timeframe right after upstream release
  • Ned talking to Renesas about V3H


Next call: Mar 1st, same time

Meeting 2022/02/01


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius


  • lava lab status
    • operational
    • planned lava update in march after marlin release
    • am335x-sancloud-bbe-02 shows a kernel fault in some jobs, the other bbe does not.
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 1/18
      • rebase done last week, looks fine.
      • (no)network namespace landed in bitbake
      • AI: check CI distro support and if necessary prepare uprev (ubuntu 20.04 or newer)
    • 2/1
      • rebase pushed last monday, 3.5m2 is next target
      • Inclusive Language renaming , might affect us in Kirkstone or on autobuilder
  • Can bring back agl-compositor screenshot test



Next call: Feb 15th, same time


Jan-Simon, Walt, Qiu Tingting, Scott, Marius


  • lava lab status
    • operational
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 12/07
      • New Readme file check upstream (yocto-check-layer)
        • “Maintainer”
        • “Patch”
        • → Jira and upreving master
      • Upstream might warn about upstream-status and 'Pending' state
      • 1/18
        • rebase done last week, looks fine.
        • (no)network namespace landed in bitbake
        • AI: check CI distro support and if necessary prepare uprev (ubuntu 20.04 or newer)
  • memory check - m3/h3 had only 4G after bsp update (firmware/bios/uboot older + newer kernel)
    • h3+kf and refhw could check for 8GB



Next call: Feb 1st, same time

Meeting 2021/12/07


Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Qiu, Ishii-san


  • lava lab status
    • operational
  • lava-docker
    • 12/07 h3ulcb+kf in baylibre lab reflashed
  • memory check - m3/h3 had only 4G after bsp update (firmware/bios/uboot older + newer kernel)
    • h3+kf and refhw could check for 8GB



  • Discussion on required changes for CI
    • jenkins-job-builder vs gitlab-runner exec ?
    • next spring 3.5 prserv/hashserv (rw+ro)

Next call: Dec 21th, same time

Meeting 2021/11/23


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius, Qiu


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 11/03 master conversion caused a few red builds. issues are fixed.
    • 11/26 h3ulcb+kf in baylibre lab to be reflashed
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 11/03
      • appfw removal rebased and pushed, removed a couple of commits
    • 11/26
      • rebase done, looking at pi4 and etnaviv as time permits
  • Discussion on required changes for CI
    • jenkins-job-builder vs gitlab-runner exec ?
    • next spring 3.5 prserv/hashserv (rw+ro)
  • Can bring back agl-compositor screenshot test
  • memory check - m3/h3 had only 4G after bsp update (firmware/bios/uboot older + newer kernel)



Next call: Dec 7th, same time

Meeting 2021/11/03


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Kurokawa-san, Alperen Bulut, Marius, Raouf Riahi, Ishii-san


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 11/03 all operational
    • 11/03 master conversion caused a few red builds. issues are fixed.
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 11/03
      • appfw removal rebased and pushed, removed a couple of commits
  • Discussion on required changes for CI
    • jenkins-job-builder vs gitlab-runner exec ?
    • next spring 3.5 prserv/hashserv (rw+ro)


Next call: Nov 23, same time

Meeting 2021/10/11


Jan-Simon, Scott, Li Xiaoming, Kurokawa-san


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 10/26 all operational
  • pyagl:
    • few changes in flight , should review+merge asap + check backport to lamprey
    • ^^ before removing appfw.
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 10/12
      • qtwayland patch disabled in -next , IC Group needs to sort out
      • sandbox or snapshot for when honister is branched (for reference)
    • 10/26
      • sandbox/scottm/next-honister capturing the state of 3.4-rc1 for reference uploaded
        • noupdates planned atm beside honister final
      • updated next branch to latest master (python 3.10 et al, large changes in upstream)
        • meta-agl-core works but lua in poky is newer than wireplumber expects
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working
    • 8/31
      • WIP
    • 9/14
      • no update
    • 10/12
      • → Presentation @ELC and upcoming ALS
  • Discussion on required changes for CI
    • build targets
      • agl-demo-platform(-crosssdk) - alias agl-image-ivi or agl-image-weston
    • lava tests to change
      • agl-compositor/screenshooter: minimal change around systemd unit
      • remove pyagl
      • remove application-lifecycle
    • jenkins-job-builder vs gitlab-runner exec ?
    • next spring 3.5 prserv/hashserv (rw+ro)


Next call: Nov 9, same time

Meeting 2021/10/11


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 10/12 had brief downtime due to power outage - fixed (lab-baylibre)
  • pyagl:
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 9/14
      • sllin and qtwayland ftbs fixed
        • sllin fix can be added to master
        • qtwayland needs to be sorted by IC group
    • 10/12
      • qtwayland patch disabled in -next , IC Group needs to sort out
      • sandbox or snapshot for when honister is branched (for reference)
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working
    • 8/31
      • WIP
    • 9/14
      • no update
    • 10/12
      • → Presentation @ELC and upcoming ALS
  • Discussion on required changes for CI
    • build targets
      • agl-demo-platform(-crosssdk) - alias agl-image-ivi or agl-image-weston
    • lava tests to change
      • agl-compositor/screenshooter: minimal change around systemd unit
      • remove pyagl
      • remove application-lifecycle
    • jenkins-job-builder vs gitlab-runner exec ?
    • next spring 3.5 prserv/hashserv (rw+ro)



Next call: Oct 26, same time

Meeting 2021/09/14


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius, Ishii-san


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 9/14 all up
  • pyagl:
    • 9/14
      • 1 merged, 2 in review
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 8/31
      • next branch updated after new syntax change merged, rebased meta-agl-devel/meta-agl-demo as well
      • agl-demo-platform does not build
        • sllin not building (likely header diff)
        • qtwayland ftbs
          • disable IC qtwayland patch and mention in SAT/IC that fix is needed
    • 9/14
      • sllin and qtwayland ftbs fixed
        • sllin fix can be added to master
        • qtwayland needs to be sorted by IC group
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working
    • 8/31
      • WIP
    • 9/14
      • no update


  • Marius: testing of IC or non-IVI images
    • IC , Connectivity, Container/Mesh EG need to drive
    • interested in testing 'remoting'
    • 1st: in the next cycle, edi can test the h3+pi4 with the IVI w/ agl-demo-preload + cluster w/ agl-demo-preload
      • 8/31: Scott will try
      • 9/14: wip
    • 2nd: lets find out how we can test this on one board only (h3 and if possible qemu)


Next call: Oct 12, same time

Meeting 2021/08/31


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius, Javier


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 8/17 - all up, one rpi4 needs a powered usb hub (rtl-sdr), Corentin will add hub
    • 8/31 - monitoring pi4
  • pyagl:
    • 8/17
      • 3 changes still in gerrit, Edi will look
    • 8/31
      • 2 changes in gerrit, 1 new
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 8/31
      • next branch updated after new syntax change merged, rebased meta-agl-devel/meta-agl-demo as well
      • agl-demo-platform does not build
        • sllin not building (likely header diff)
        • qtwayland ftbs
          • disable IC qtwayland patch and mention in SAT/IC that fix is needed
  • prserv:
    • 8/31
      • thanks to Paul and Scott we can now declare victory.
      • Usage on -next and after uprev in Q1/22
      • docker+ipv6 patch pending on ML
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working
    • 8/31
      • WIP


  • Marius: testing of IC or non-IVI images
    • IC , Connectivity, Container/Mesh EG need to drive
    • interested in testing 'remoting'
    • 1st: in the next cycle, edi can test the h3+pi4 with the IVI w/ agl-demo-preload + cluster w/ agl-demo-preload
      • 8/31: Scott will try
    • 2nd: lets find out how we can test this on one board only (h3 and if possible qemu)


Next call: Sept 14, same time

Meeting 2021/08/17


Jan-Simon, Walt, Ishii-san, Scott, Javier, Zhou,


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 8/3 - all up, no updates
    • 8/17 - all up, one rpi4 needs a powered usb hub (rtl-sdr), Corentin will add hub
  • pyagl:
    • 8/3
      • no update
    • 8/17
      • 3 changes still in gerrit, Edi will look
  • prserv:
    • first issue was asyncio loop in multiple processes
    • same on client side
    • shows especially on python3.9
    • fix works on python3.9 but still fails on python3.7
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working


  • Marius: testing of IC or non-IVI images
    • IC , Connectivity, Container/Mesh EG need to drive
    • interested in testing 'remoting'
    • 1st: in the next cycle, edi can test the h3+pi4 with the IVI w/ agl-demo-preload + cluster w/ agl-demo-preload
    • 2nd: lets find out how we can test this on one board only (h3 and if possible qemu)

Next call: Aug 31, same time

Meeting 2021/08/03


Jan-Simon, Scott, Zhou, Marius, Qiu


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
    • 8/3 - all up, no updates
  • pyagl:
    • 8/3
      • no update
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 7/06:
      • todo: re-use yocto-check-layer-wrapper from AB ?!
      • Scott will check
    • 7/20:
      • 2 srcrev updates required for -next to build
      • Upstream will likely cut their M2 this or next week
      • Upstream looks into a syntax change … _append → :append
    • 8/3:
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working


  • Marius: testing of IC or non-IVI images
    • IC , Connectivity, Container/Mesh EG need to drive
    • interested in testing 'remoting'
    • 1st: in the next cycle, edi can test the h3+pi4 with the IVI w/ agl-demo-preload + cluster w/ agl-demo-preload
    • 2nd: lets find out how we can test this on one board only (h3 and if possible qemu)
  • prserv:
    • issue on Autobuilder - reproduced issue locally. asyncio code issue, scott instrumenting.

New topics:

  • homescreen-service restart issue

Next call: Aug 17, same time

Meeting 2021/07/20


Jan-Simon, Zhou Mingying, Scott Murray, Marius Vlad, Virginie Delestree, Corentin Labbe, Kurokawa-san,


  • lava lab status
  • lava-docker
  • pyagl:
    • Update 07/06:
      • small updates
      • Fujitsu changes in gerrit in review
    • 07/20
      • Edi updated the documentation prior to Lamprey
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 7/06:
      • todo: re-use yocto-check-layer-wrapper from AB ?!
      • Scott will check
    • 7/20:
      • 2 srcrev updates required for -next to build
      • Upstream will likely cut their M2 this or next week
      • Upstream looks into a syntax change … _append → :append
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working


    • resetup done and re-upload in progress

New topics:

  • Lamprey and Koi releases this week
  • Marius: testing of IC or non-IVI images
    • IC , Connectivity, Container/Mesh EG need to drive
    • interested in testing 'remoting'
    • 1st: in the next cycle, edi can test the h3+pi4 with the IVI w/ agl-demo-preload + cluster w/ agl-demo-preload
    • 2nd: lets find out how we can test this on one board only (h3 and if possible qemu)

Next call: Aug 3rd, same time

Meeting 2021/07/06


Jan-Simon, Walt, Kurokawa-san, Corentin, Scott, Zhou Minying,


  • Corentin:
    • Update 07/06
      • Past week
        • need to fixup qemu-system-arm's sound
          • remaining: segfault in agl-service-audiomixer (SPEC-3976)
          • done
        • enable upload of kernelci metadata to AGL's instance
          • need to deploy token in jenkins asap
        • pyartiproxy
          • in place
      • This week
        • worker (lab) errors out if it looses connection to the master for some time
          • reproduced in core-lab and lab-baylibre
        • need to add dependency to curl (agl-netboot) → jira+gerrit
  • pyagl:
    • Update 07/06:
      • small updates
      • Fujitsu changes in gerrit in review
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 7/06:
      • todo: re-use yocto-check-layer-wrapper from AB ?!
      • Scott will check
  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working


  • need to change instance size (2vCPU → 4vCPU) , uprev to fossology 3.10
    • instance size changed, no luck. no help/idea from upstream on unbreaking
      • → need to resetup

New topics:

Next call: Jul 20th, same time

Meeting 2021/06/22


Jan-Simon, Walt, Kurokawa-san, Corentin, Virginie, Marius, Scott, Javier, Bernard,


  • Corentin:
    • Update 06/22
      • Past week
        • working on uploads of journals to artifactorial in case of failure
        • need to fixup qemu-system-arm's sound

[ 84.506491] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.508426] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.511842] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.512862] ALSA pcmC0D0p,0:Generic Analog: cannot preallocate for size 65536 [ 84.515193] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.532603] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.541605] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.542165] ALSA pcmC0D0c,0:Generic Analog: cannot preallocate for size 65536

  • issue is CONFIG_LPAE in MACHINE=qemuarm, turned config off
  • remaining: segfault in agl-service-audiomixer (SPEC-3976)
  • enable upload of kernelci metadata to AGL's instance
  • can go ahead and merge.
  • This week
  • enable upload of kernelci metadata to AGL's instance
  • can go ahead and merge.
  • pyagl:
    • Update 06/08:
      • small updates
      • Fujitsu changes in gerrit in review
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 6/08:
      • todo: re-use yocto-check-layer-wrapper from AB ?!
  • gitlab moving ahead
    • 6/22 not going to happen fast


  • need to change instance size (2vCPU → 4vCPU) , uprev to fossology 3.10
    • older version have issue when batch-uploading (extraction/load/lockups)

New topics:

  • Javier: update on openQA+lava - got POC working

Next call: Jul 6th, same time

Meeting 2021/06/08


Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Corentin, Kurokawa-san


  • Corentin:
    • Update 06/08
      • Past week
        • pyartiproxy: extending now to dump journal or composior.log + report URL to gerrit, can add e.g. zip'ed html output from gcov-wrapper next
        • update lava-docker with fixes for environment changes (core lab)
        • KernelCI token (→ Ryan)
        • check hdmi on h3+kf (failing screenshooter) - done
      • This week
        • working on uploads of journals to artifactorial i ncase of failure
        • need to fixup qemu-system-arm's sound

[ 84.506491] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.508426] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.511842] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.512862] ALSA pcmC0D0p,0:Generic Analog: cannot preallocate for size 65536 [ 84.515193] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.532603] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.541605] snd_hda_intel 0000:00:02.0: Rejecting highmem page from CMA. [ 84.542165] ALSA pcmC0D0c,0:Generic Analog: cannot preallocate for size 65536

  • enable upload of kernelci metadata to AGL's instance
  • pyagl:
    • Update 06/08:
      • small updates
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 6/08:
      • todo: re-use yocto-check-layer-wrapper from AB ?!
  • gitlab moving ahead
    • 6/08 no news



  • need to change instance size (2vCPU → 4vCPU) , uprev to fossology 3.10
    • older version have issue when batch-uploading (extraction/load/lockups)

New topics:

Next call: Jun 22nd, same time

Meeting 2021/05/11


Jan-Simon, Walt, Virginie, Mark, Kurokawa-san, Scott, Thou, Laurence, Guy, Javier


  • Corentin:
    • Update 04/27
      • Past week
        • exporting logs/files from the DUT / test run → pyartiproxy & artifactorial in place
        • qemu-system-arm fixes
        • bbe lite deployed
        • metadata fix
      • This week
        • pyartiproxy: extending now to dump journal or composior.log + report URL to gerrit, can add e.g. zip'ed html output from gcov-wrapper next
        • add test runs and evaluate bbe
        • update lava-docker with fixes for environment changes (core lab)
        • KernelCI token (→ Ryan)
        • check hdmi on h3+kf (failing screenshooter)
  • screenshooter
    • We need to check the h3+kf (no edid data), HDMI jig
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 4/27:
    • 5/11:
      • one build failues due to the meta-pipewire update (lua dependency)
      • re-use yocto-check-layer-wrapper from AB ?!
  • gitlab moving ahead
    • 4/27 no news
    • 5/11 no news

New topics:

  • need to change instance size (2vCPU → 4vCPU) , uprev to fossology 3.10
    • older version have issue when batch-uploading (extraction/load/lockups)

Next call: May 25th, same time

Meeting 2021/04/27


Jan-Simon, Walt, Javier, Virginie, Corentin, Kurokawa-san, Laurence, Mark, Zhou


  • Corentin:
    • Update 04/27
      • Past week
        • Replaced up² board
          • Checking
        • ARTIFACTORIAL deployed
      • This week
        • Need to fix worker node issues / network
          • nbd and rootfs timeouts !!
          • likely need to replace worker (thu)
  • Scott has prepared dunfell/3.1.7
    • meta-updater has issues → devcall
  • gitlab moving ahead
    • 4/27 no news

New topics:

Next call: May 11th, same time

Meeting 2021/03/30


Jan-Simon, Walt, Corentin, Virginie, zhong liu, Qiu Tingting, Marius, Scott


  • -next branch / Scott
    • 3/02:
      • set of patches submitted to master
      • new -next branch populated (repo, meta-agl+meta-agl-demo, few source repos)
      • target qemu
      • meta-agl-core in autobuilder:
        • either DISTRO=poky-agl
        • or DISTRO=poky plus few settings
          • AGL_EXTRA_IMAGE_FSTYPES = “”
    • 3/16:
      • meta-agl-core in autobuilder:
        • they'll evaluate poky-agl but might switch to DISTRO=poky.
        • Form submitted
      • -next branch usable (building against YP poky master ! for tests and tracking upstream)
        • Scott rebased -next branch
        • kernel configuration triggers warnings due to upstream kernel class changes (kernel-yocto.bbclass)
          • tbd if we disable the extra check or make use of it somehow
          • working on qemu*, rpi4, already. checking some more platforms
        • CI needs the rebasing on merge (SPEC-3846)
    • 3/30
      • CI needs the rebasing on merge (SPEC-3846)

New topics:

Next call: tentative 27th APR, same time

Meeting 2021/03/16


Jan-Simon, Li, Scott Virginie, Corentin, Ed


  • Corentin:
    • Update 03/02
      • Past week
        • try screenshot on all boards
          • proxy service + curl push from DUT
          • WIP
        • LAVA security update
        • Build metadata for KCi
          • in review and needs to be enabled
      • This week
          • proxy service + curl push from DUT
        • try screenshot on all boards
        • Need to check up² board
          • power supply or powered usb hub ?
          • voltage drop under load ?
  • pyagl:
    • Update 03/02:
      • issue with usb dongle.
      • see above
  • -next branch / Scott
    • 3/02:
      • set of patches submitted to master
      • new -next branch populated (repo, meta-agl+meta-agl-demo, few source repos)
      • target qemu
      • meta-agl-core in autobuilder:
        • either DISTRO=poky-agl
        • or DISTRO=poky plus few settings
          • AGL_EXTRA_IMAGE_FSTYPES = “”
      • 3/16:
        • meta-agl-core in autobuilder:
          • they'll evaluate poky-agl but might switch to DISTRO=poky.
          • Form submitted
        • -next branch usable (building against YP poky master ! for tests and tracking upstream)
          • Scott rebased -next branch
          • kernel configuration triggers warnings due to upstream kernel class changes (kernel-yocto.bbclass)
            • tbd if we disable the extra check or make use of it somehow
            • working on qemu*, rpi4, already. checking some more platforms
          • CI needs the rebasing on merge (SPEC-3846)


  • Li: AGL_APP_REVISION is autorev , for offline builds this means:
    • need to be on a tag, set BB_NO_NETWORK = “1” , conf/local.conf
    • if you have an own PREMIRROR, configure it and allow using BB_FETCH_PREMIRROR_ONLY
    • build target image once, then collect
      • buildhistory-collect-srcrevs -a
    • File JIRA as enhancement so we can work on the workflow
  • Li: repo sync: some repo's are slow → jira

On hold:

  • HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script

Future topics:

  • 2021 planning:
    • image/machine matrix today
      • current agl-demo-platform-crosssdk for most (-nogfx agl-image-ivi-crosssdk)
      • qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4, bbe
    • image/machine matrix 2021
      • need same as above to keep demo running (qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4)
      • IC EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - container host, container guest (multiconfig) –
      • IVI EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - minimal image for CI loop – build !
      • telematics-demo / cluster-demo (qemu) - build and boot is fine, full test is problematic
    • improve testplans for CI, nightly snapshots, next
    • gitlab-ci use ?

Next call: Tuesday Mar 30 th, same timeslot

Meeting 2021/03/02


Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Corentin, Kurkoawa-san


  • Corentin:
    • Update 03/02
      • Past week
        • change h3ulcb-nogfx to use full graphical image
        • radio testing
          • run manual job executing the pyagl radio tests within baylibre lab to confirm they work
          • SPEC-3832
        • LAVA + KCI updates done
      • This week
        • try screenshot on all boards
          • proxy service + curl push from DUT
  • -next branch / Scott
    • -next branch tracking YP master
      • need way to uprev necessary layers to track master
      • -next branches
        • how do these get bumped
        • rebase on-top of master (-next uprev is manual, but weekly CI is automated / _floating)
        • weekly / weekend build
        • weston/mesa/gfx
      • qemux86-64
    • meta-agl-core in the YP autobuilder
    • 2/16:
      • got meta-agl-core building with YP / master - autobuilder use case
        • some changes can go to master directly
        • rebase script/procedure wip
      • next is to build agl-demo-platform (need to see wrt braches involved)
    • 3/02:
      • set of patches submitted to master
      • new -next branch populated (repo, meta-agl+meta-agl-demo, few source repos)
      • target qemu
      • meta-agl-core in autobuilder:
        • either DISTRO=poky-agl
        • or DISTRO=poky plus few settings
          • AGL_EXTRA_IMAGE_FSTYPES = “”


On hold:

  • HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script

Future topics:

  • 2021 planning:
    • image/machine matrix today
      • current agl-demo-platform-crosssdk for most (-nogfx agl-image-ivi-crosssdk)
      • qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4, bbe
    • image/machine matrix 2021
      • need same as above to keep demo running (qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4)
      • IC EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - container host, container guest (multiconfig) –
      • IVI EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - minimal image for CI loop – build !
      • telematics-demo / cluster-demo (qemu) - build and boot is fine, full test is problematic
    • improve testplans for CI, nightly snapshots, next
    • gitlab-ci use ?

Next call: Tuesday Mar 30 th, same timeslot

Meeting 2021/02/16


Jan-Simon Möller, Walt, Scott, Kurokawa-san, Virginie, Corentin, Marius, Anmol


  • Corentin:
    • Update 02/16
      • Past week
        • Screenshot script
          • need jigs on all boards to work - DONE
        • ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN - no news upstream, patch in local tree/deployed
        • lava update preparations (replacing zmq with tokens)
          • update easy and automatic
          • SPEC-
      • This week
        • change h3ulcb-nogfx to use full graphical image
          • default to agl-demo-platform-crosssdk
          • unless branch = jellyfish/halibut
          • adapt ci-management(ci-platform*) , should be mostly in
          • and releng-scripts (koi branch, master branch, next branch?)
        • radio testing
          • run manual job executing the pyagl radio tests within baylibre lab to confirm they work
        • try screenshot on all boards
  • -next branch / Scott
    • -next branch tracking YP master
      • need way to uprev necessary layers to track master
      • -next branches
        • how do these get bumped
        • rebase on-top of master (-next uprev is manual, but weekly CI is automated / _floating)
        • weekly / weekend build
        • weston/mesa/gfx
      • qemux86-64
    • meta-agl-core in the YP autobuilder
    • 2/16:
      • got meta-agl-core building with YP / master - autobuilder use case
        • some changes can go to master directly
        • rebase script/procedure wip
      • next is to build agl-demo-platform (need to see wrt braches involved)


  • CI infra issues resolved now. JVM on build nodes crashed. Buildnodes are now 18.04.
  • gitlab still WIP
  • agl-demo-platform-html5: , need recheck on 18.04
    • need to check RID being (continue vs return) * need to check journal wrt service not starting * Marius: , main CPU hog is in QT * Marius: , looking into script (using afb-client-demo) to switch between multiple apps for debugging, can be reused in ci On hold: * gitlab mirror * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script Future topics: * 2021 planning: * image/machine matrix today * current agl-demo-platform-crosssdk for most (-nogfx agl-image-ivi-crosssdk) * qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4, bbe * image/machine matrix 2021 * need same as above to keep demo running (qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4) * IC EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - container host, container guest (multiconfig) – * IVI EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - minimal image for CI loop – build ! * telematics-demo / cluster-demo (qemu) - build and boot is fine, full test is problematic * improve testplans for CI, nightly snapshots, next * gitlab-ci use ? Next call: Tuesday Mar 2nd, same timeslot ==== Meeting 2021/02/01 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Virginie, Scott, Corentin, Paul, Stephane, Marius ===Topics=== * Corentin: * Update 02/16 * Past week * Screenshot script * need jigs on all boards to work - DONE * ARTIFACTORIAL_TOKEN - no news upstream, patch in local tree/deployed * lava update preparations (replacing zmq with tokens) * update easy and automatic * SPEC- * This week * change h3ulcb-nogfx to use full graphical image * default to agl-demo-platform-crosssdk * unless branch = jellyfish/halibut * adapt ci-management(ci-platform*) , should be mostly in * and releng-scripts (koi branch, master branch, next branch?) * radio testing * run manual job executing the pyagl radio tests within baylibre lab to confirm they work * pyagl: * 01/05: * radio binding tests: * h3ulcb-nogfx: * pi4: * issue: scan test needs to find other station (aka 1 FM signal not in center signal) * Todo: transmitter send, will arrive later this week, to be installed in lab. * Update 02/16: * radio transmitter deployed, corentin will do tests * -next branch * -next branch tracking YP master * need way to uprev necessary layers to track master * -next branches * how do these get bumped * rebase on-top of master (-next uprev is manual, but weekly CI is automated / _floating) * weekly / weekend build * weston/mesa/gfx * qemux86-64 * meta-agl-core in the YP autobuilder New: * - On hold: * gitlab mirror * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script Future topics: * 2021 planning: * image/machine matrix today * current agl-demo-platform-crosssdk for most (-nogfx agl-image-ivi-crosssdk) * qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4, bbe * image/machine matrix 2021 * need same as above to keep demo running (qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4) * IC EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - container host, container guest (multiconfig) – * IVI EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - minimal image for CI loop – build ! * telematics-demo / cluster-demo (qemu) - build and boot is fine, full test is problematic * improve testplans for CI, nightly snapshots, next * gitlab-ci use ? Next call: Tuesday Feb 16th, same timeslot ==== Meeting 2021/01/19 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Marius, Virginie, Li, Corentin ===Topics=== * Corentin: * Update 01/19 * Past week * kernelci update * AGL refhw / qemux86-64 jobs on up² * This week * kernelci update * backup/restore patch pending for merge * update procedure for LFIT * AGL refhw / qemux86-64 jobs on up² * working on submitting 2 jobs for each board (h3+kf/agl-refhw and qemux86-64/up²) * Screenshot script * qemu works * h3ulcb-nogfx: exempt from screenshot (investigating pixman+drm or fbdev ?) * for JS: agl-compositor –use-pixman * to be enabled for qemu*, pi4, up² * not enable for *-nogfx for now * pyagl: * 01/05: * radio binding tests: * h3ulcb-nogfx: * pi4: * issue: scan test needs to find other station (aka 1 FM signal not in center signal) * a) Corentin: unplug RTL-SDR usb dongle from pi4 in lab * b) Jan-Simon: send 1 FM transmitter to Corentin * c) look at h3ulcb-nogfx build to see why service is not up * d) verify pi4 locally first to rule out issue in SDR * agl-compositor / screenshotter * 10/13: WIP * screenshotter code in master * recipe changes and script next * 01/19: * WIP, script under test * Script has positive result * We can enable it (2nd last action before journal dump) * -next branch tracking YP master * to be discussed next time. On hold: * gitlab mirror * 12/08 * next: need to setup project specific runner * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 09/01 * html5 on hold New: * 2021 planning: * image/machine matrix today * current agl-demo-platform-crosssdk for most (-nogfx agl-image-ivi-crosssdk) * qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4, bbe * image/machine matrix 2021 * need same as above to keep demo running (qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4) * IC EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - container host, container guest (multiconfig) – * IVI EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - minimal image for CI loop – build ! * telematics-demo / cluster-demo (qemu) - build and boot is fine, full test is problematic * -next branch tracking YP master * need way to uprev necessary layers to track master * -next branches * how do these get bumped * rebase on-top of master (-next uprev is manual, but weekly CI is automated / _floating) * weekly / weekend build * weston/mesa/gfx * qemux86-64 * improve testplans for CI, nightly snapshots, next * gitlab-ci use ? * Marius: difference between bitbake -c populate_sdk agl-demo-platform (matching crosssdk for specified image) and bitbake agl-demo-platform-crosssdk (image and sdk as superset of above and workaround for meta-qt5) Next call: Tuesday Feb 2nd, same timeslot ==== Meeting 2020/12/08 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Scott, Corentin, Li, Virginie ===Topics=== * Corentin: * Update 01/05 * Past week * This week * kernelci update * database restore work * update procedure * 01/05: WIP * AGL refhw * Healthcheck job * 01/05: h3ulcb-nogfx can drive refhw lava tests * qemux86-64 jobs on up² * releng and lava bits in preparation * limit to master and jellyfish (patches for icefish in prep) * 01/05: ci-management repo needs to enable pushing jobs * pyagl: * todo: add peripheral hardware * Corentin has usb RTLSDR dongles * pi4 * h3+kf * up² * refhw * 12/08: * agl-service-hvac added to pyagl * Scott fixing agl-service-radio in gerrit * master and with additional changes in jellyfish * 01/05: * radio binding tests: * h3ulcb-nogfx: * pi4: * issue: scan test needs to find other station (aka 1 FM signal not in center signal) * a) Corentin: unplug RTL-SDR usb dongle from pi4 in lab * b) Jan-Simon: send 1 FM transmitter to Corentin * c) look at h3ulcb-nogfx build to see why service is not up * d) verify pi4 locally first to rule out issue in SDR * agl-compositor / screenshotter * 10/13: WIP * screenshotter code in master * recipe changes and script next * 01/05: * need to ask Marius * gitlab mirror * 12/08 * next: need to setup project specific runner On hold: * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 09/01 * html5 on hold New: * 2021 planning: * image/machine matrix today * current agl-demo-platform-crosssdk for most (-nogfx agl-image-ivi-crosssdk) * qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4, bbe * image/machine matrix 2021 * need same as above to keep demo running (qemux86-64, qemuarm, qemuaarch64, h3ulcb-nogfx, pi4) * IC EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - container host, container guest (multiconfig) – * IVI EG image tbd (initially qemux86-64) - minimal image for CI loop – build ! * telematics-demo / cluster-demo (qemu) - build and boot is fine, full test is problematic * -next branch tracking YP master * need way to uprev necessary layers to track master * -next branches * how do these get bumped * rebase on-top of master (-next uprev is manual, but weekly CI is automated / _floating) * weekly / weekend build * weston/mesa/gfx * qemux86-64 * improve testplans for CI, nightly snapshots, next * gitlab-ci use ? * Next call: Tuesday Jan 19th, same timeslot ==== Meeting 2020/11/10 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Scott Murray, Corentin Labbe ===Topics=== * Corentin: * Update 11/10 * Past week * re-enable upsquare * board reboots during bootup, might be kernel CONFIG_ (missing?) * agl-service-geoclue, agl-service-weather fixes jellyfish * more token injection / upstream * This week * kernelci update * AGL refhw for lab-baylibre * jellyfish: pytest can failures on h3 in CI * backport of can move * should fix jellyfish in CI * re-enable upsquare * Details in SPEC-2962 * plan: * wait for YP point release uprev in AGL * eval kernel update * pyagl: * signal-composer disabled * rds code * todo: add peripheral hardware * Corentin has usb RTLSDR dongles * pi4 * h3+kf * up² * refhw * agl-compositor / screenshotter * 10/13: WIP * screenshotter code in master * recipe changes and script next * * gitlab mirror * 11/10 * todo: autocloser actions * Test wgts: * disabled in CI due to test wgts killing homescreen. using pyagl. * details in SPEC-3608 * see agl-service-homescreen json refcount bug (SPEC-3694) On hold: * SW360: * Update 09/15 * liferay start does not complete * needs some work to get this up * upstream: recent upstream did not work * * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 09/01 * html5 on hold New: Next call: Tuesday Nov 24th ==== Meeting 2020/09/29 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Walt, Corentin, Scott, Marius, Matthew ===Topics=== * Corentin: * Update 10/13 * Past week * fixing qemu vga, sound * WIP: env var injection / token injection for artifact upload * upstream * This week * more token injection / upstream * qemu network if updates * pi4 u-boot fdt additions * pi need veth when in nbd boot * kernelci update * gcov (for -coverage wgt run on target) * 10/13: live in CI, follow-up with report to gerrit ? * pyagl: * 2 more CAN tests missing * signal-composer disabled * rds code * in CI working out infra issues * e.g. all boards need network visible to network service * todo: add most hardware to h3 in corelab * agl-compositor / screenshotter * 10/13: WIP * screenshotter code in master * recipe changes and script next * gitlab mirror * 09/15 WIP to mirror out to * 10/13 * todo: autocloser actions * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 09/29 * 10.0.0 uploaded * Test wgts: * disabled in CI due to test wgts killing homescreen. using pyagl. * details in SPEC-3608 On hold: * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Update 08/18 * next: * need to update kernelci instance * SW360: * Update 09/15 * liferay start does not complete * needs some work to get this up * upstream: recent upstream did not work * * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 09/01 * html5 on hold New: * Workshop post discussion * Scott: h3ulcb-nogfx w/ or w/o kingfisher: no kingfisher layer in there Next call: Tuesday Nov 10th ==== Meeting 2020/09/29 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Corentin ===Topics=== * Corentin: * Update 09/15 * Past week * -coverage * pytest / pyagl integration * This week * fix qemu wrt “-device VGA,vgamem_mb=64,edid=on” * check also: -device qemu-xhci -device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 * qemu-system-aarch64 -drive id=disk0,file=agl-demo-platform-crosssdk.ext4,if=none,format=raw -device virtio-blk-device,drive=disk0 -show-cursor -device VGA,vgamem_mb=64,edid=on -device qemu-xhci -device usb-tablet -device usb-kbd -object rng-random,filename=/dev/urandom,id=rng0 -device virtio-rng-pci,rng=rng0 -vnc :0 -soundhw hda -machine virt -cpu cortex-a57 -m 2048 -serial mon:stdio -serial null -kernel /home/dl9pf/yocto/build-qemuarm64/tmp/deploy/images/qemuarm64/Image–5.4.57+git0+4aeda12f7f_d3100abbe1-r0-qemuarm64-20200928084041.bin -append 'root=/dev/vda rw console=ttyS0 mem=2048M ip=dhcp console=ttyAMA0 quiet ' * env.yaml / env.dut.yaml in lava-docker ? * sound on (env QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=none) in env.yaml * env.dut.yaml (deploy with lava-docker) - env vars for artifactorial * kernelci update * gcov (for -coverage wgt run on target) * issue: gcov files from the build need to be present on target * gcda and gcno need to be in a build-time directory structure * build-time directory structure is embedded * might need gcovr (or lcov) , jq ? * GCOV_PREFIX, GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP to be set in env variable * GCOV_PREFIX=/tmp/gcov/<wgtname>/<build-time folder structure> * option 1: -fprofile-prefix-path ? (but gcc-10 only or patch) * option 2: namespace + overlayfs to deploy necessary folder structure * or kcov (but bad with shared libraries ) * deploy: * /usr/src/debug/<wgtname> (default debugsource location in YP) * /usr/src/coverage/<wgtname> * run -coverage wgt * mkdir -p /tmp/gcov/<wgtname> * cp -ar /usr/src/coverage/<wgtname>/* /tmp/gcov/<wgtname> * chsmack -r -a “System::shared” /tmp/gcov * stop -coverage wgt (to write out files) * find .gcda files and run gcov in source directory * report coverage % through lava result * go forward with deploy part, test -fprofile-prefix-path patch (app-templates) * gitlab mirror * 09/15 WIP to mirror out to * 09/29 * mirror in active sync * todo: autocloser actions * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 09/15 * 9.0.3 uploaded, ready for clearing * 09/29 * 10.0.0 uploaded * Test wgts: * Need help going through wgts and making sure * afm-util install/uninstall * afm-util stop/start * basically: * qemux86-64 * wgt tests 'passlist': * - cloud-proxy service * - sometimes network service * - bluetooth (start race) On hold: * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Update 08/18 * next: * need to update kernelci instance * SW360: * Update 09/01: * Temporary location: * Update 09/15 * liferay start does not complete * needs some work to get this up * upstream: recent upstream did not work * * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 09/01 * html5 on hold New: * Next call: Tuesday Oct 13th - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/09/15 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Corentin, Scott, Li, Brian, Matthew, Takada-san, Zhou ===Topics=== * Fuego / Lava support * Update 09/15 * merged ! * Corentin: * Update 09/15 * Past week * * extend for -coverage * This week * -coverage * pytest / pyagl integration * kernelci update * gcov (for -coverage wgt run on target) * issue: gcov files from the build need to be present on target * gcda and gcno need to be in a build-time directory structure * build-time directory structure is embedded * might need gcovr (or lcov) , jq ? * GCOV_PREFIX, GCOV_PREFIX_STRIP to be set in env variable * GCOV_PREFIX=/tmp/gcov/<wgtname>/<build-time folder structure> * option 1: -fprofile-prefix-path ? (but gcc-10 only or patch) * option 2: namespace + overlayfs to deploy necessary folder structure * or kcov (but bad with shared libraries ) * deploy: * /usr/src/debug/<wgtname> (default debugsource location in YP) * /usr/src/coverage/<wgtname> * run -coverage wgt * mkdir -p /tmp/gcov/<wgtname> * cp -ar /usr/src/coverage/<wgtname>/* /tmp/gcov/<wgtname> * chsmack -r -a “System::shared” /tmp/gcov * stop -coverage wgt (to write out files) * find .gcda files and run gcov in source directory * report coverage % through lava result * go forward with deploy part, test -fprofile-prefix-path patch (app-templates) * gitlab mirror * 09/15 WIP to mirror out to * python-driven tests for appfw (pyagl) * 09/01 plan is to have a first patchset in gerrit this week * 09/15 merged. Work on CI integration * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 09/15 * 9.0.3 uploaded, ready for clearing * Test wgts: * Need help going through wgts and making sure * afm-util install/uninstall * afm-util stop/start * basically: * qemux86-64 * wgt tests 'passlist': * - radio service cannot work in qemu * do a null driver done * 9/15 working on tests * - cloud-proxy service * - sometimes network service * - bluetooth (start race) On hold: * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Update 08/18 * next: * need to update kernelci instance * SW360: * Update 09/01: * Temporary location: * Update 09/15 * liferay start does not complete * needs some work to get this up * upstream: recent upstream did not work * * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 09/01 * html5 on hold New: * Corentin: Jan-Simon will look for SDR dongle for UP2 * Li: Next call: Tuesday Sep 29th - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/09/01 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Walt Miner, Li Xiaoming, Corentin Labbe, Scott Murray, Matthew Commons ===Topics=== * Fuego / Lava support * Update 09/01 * Tested with latest master, hope to get it in upstream * * Corentin: * Update 09/01 * Past week * extend for -coverage * * lava uprev * This week * -coverage * kernelci update * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 08/18: * Need to follow-up and ship the source tree with the coverage wgt. * need to run gcov on the target when the trace is finished * thus ship source tree with gcov annotation files * 09/01 * html5 on hold * python-driven tests for appfw * 09/01 plan is to have a first patchset in gerrit this week * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 07.07: * 9.0.2 analysis did run * open for license review * 08/28: * 9.0.2 done in fossology * 9.0.3 will be uploaded when released later this week * should we try the reuse decider ? * Li: yes for AGL packages * 09/01: * 9.0.3 uploading to fossology * will send email when ready for license clearing. * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 06/09: * new file * AI JS: Check with Ryan how to deploy * Update 07/07 * Host is up, port not exposed, yet. * Update 07/21 * No update * Update 08/18: * Host updates pending / disk space. * Update 09/01: * Temporary location: * will get domain next * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 07/07 * blocked by python 3 update * Update 21/07 * unblocked wrt python3 update * Update 08/18 * next: * need to update kernelci instance * Test wgts: * Need help going through wgts and making sure * afm-util install/uninstall * afm-util stop/start * basically: * qemux86-64 * Jan-Simon will contact Li wrt update SPEC-2795 * wgt tests 'passlist': * - radio service cannot work in qemu * option1: make it pass * option2: do a null driver * - cloud-proxy service * - sometimes network service * - bluetooth (start race) New: * Pawel: * Brought up Board@Desk during AMM. Investigating libguestfs issue, will demo later. * Corentin: Jan-Simon will look for SDR dongle for UP2 Next call: Tuesday Sep 15th - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/08/18 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Mathew Commons, Corentin Labbe, Seigo Takada, Scott Murray, Marius Vlad ===Topics=== * Fuego / Lava support * Update 07/07 * Patch updated in * Remi OOO till Jul 30th * Update 08/18 * No update * Corentin: * Update 08/18 * Past week * building multiple wgt packages in CI * updated application lifecycle to run 'release', 'test', 'debug' in CI * This week * extend for -coverage * jira) * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 07/21: * Follow-up: ship source tree with coverage wgt to allow parsing on the target (gcov) * does the debug/coverage prefix strip option end-up in the SDK ??? * 08/18: * Need to follow-up and ship the source tree with the coverage wgt. * need to run gcov on the target when the trace is finished * thus ship source tree with gcov annotation files * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 07.07: * 9.0.2 analysis did run * open for license review * 08/28: * 9.0.2 done in fossology * 9.0.3 will be uploaded when released later this week * should we try the reuse decider ? * Li: yes for AGL packages * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 06/09: * new file * AI JS: Check with Ryan how to deploy * Update 07/07 * Host is up, port not exposed, yet. * Update 07/21 * No update * Update 08/18: * Host updates pending / disk space. * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 07/07 * blocked by python 3 update * Update 21/07 * unblocked wrt python3 update * Update 08/18 * next: * need to update kernelci instance * plan is to do this during the next planned downtime in ~2weeks * prep branch or tag until then * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 05/12: no update * 05/26: Li did some more tests, issue/jira ? * Jan 24 14:49:47 raspberrypi3 afm-system-daemon[292]: ERROR: can't start system unit afm-appli-myapp–0.1–main@.service for uid 1001 [/w/workspace/release-jjb-halibut-snapshot/MACHINE/raspberrypi3/label/agl-test-slave/repoclone/output/tmp/work/armv7vet2hf-neon-vfpv4-agl-linux-gnueabi/af-main/halibut+gitAUTOINC+1289070816-r0/git/src/afm-urun.c:252] * 06/09: * no update * 06/23: * * 08/18: * We're seeing a lot of issues when we run the in CI now. * Test wgts need inspection on issues: * FAIL: Failed to start application agl-service-geofence-test * ERROR: failed Resource temporarily unavailable * Update 05/26: WIP * Update 06/09: * * No further updates * 06/23: * * no updates * 07/07 * no update * 07/21 * * Fixes: afm-util run (no 2nd restart) - and test wgt issues * 08/18 * partially fixed, still test wgts need a check New: * Pawel: * Brought up Board@Desk during AMM. Investigating libguestfs issue, will demo later. * Next call: Tuesday Sep 1st - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/07/21 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon Möller, Scott Murray, Pawel Wieczorek, Mathew Commons, Li Xiaoming, ===Topics=== * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 07/07 * Patch updated in * Remi OOO till Jul 30th * Corentin: * Update 07/07 * Past week * merged python3 support * check app-test (afm-util status) * This week * extend ci-management to run “autobuild package-all” (insert jira) * extent ci-management (application jobs) to upload the multiple wgt files being built now (insert jira) * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * 07/21: * Follow-up: ship source tree with coverage wgt to allow parsing on the target (gcov) * does the debug/coverage prefix strip option end-up in the SDK ??? * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 07.07: * 9.0.2 analysis did run * open for license review * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 06/09: * new file * AI JS: Check with Ryan how to deploy * Update 07/07 * Host is up, port not exposed, yet. * Update 07/21 * No update * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 07/07 * blocked by python 3 update * Update 21/07 * unblocked wrt python3 update * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 05/12: no update * 05/26: Li did some more tests, issue/jira ? * Jan 24 14:49:47 raspberrypi3 afm-system-daemon[292]: ERROR: can't start system unit afm-appli-myapp–0.1–main@.service for uid 1001 [/w/workspace/release-jjb-halibut-snapshot/MACHINE/raspberrypi3/label/agl-test-slave/repoclone/output/tmp/work/armv7vet2hf-neon-vfpv4-agl-linux-gnueabi/af-main/halibut+gitAUTOINC+1289070816-r0/git/src/afm-urun.c:252] * 06/09: * no update * 06/23: * * Test wgts need inspection on issues: * FAIL: Failed to start application agl-service-geofence-test * ERROR: failed Resource temporarily unavailable * Update 05/26: WIP * Update 06/09: * * No further updates * 06/23: * * no updates * 07/07 * no update * 07/21 * * Fixes: afm-util run (no 2nd restart) - and test wgt issues New: * Li: * * Brian: * Build caching demo * Pawel: * Brought up Board@Desk during AMM. Investigating libguestfs issue, will demo later. Next call: Tuesday Aug 18th - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/07/07 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Corentin, Li, Scott ===Topics=== * infra: please try responsiveness of * * vs. * * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 06/23 * Pi4 no audio … let's check driver module/kernel config and wireplumber-config device name * we do build CONFIG_SND_BCM2835=m * there is no wireplumber-config for the pi4, so the default might end-up only on hdmi (best guess) * * 07/07 * RC1: no test due to budget * upsquare: use qemux86-64 wic * pi: SPEC-3455 for UI (SPEC-3348) * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 05/26 * ported and staged for 2020.05 * Update 06/09: * Corentin will ping Remi * Update 06/23 * No update from Corentin * Update 07/07 * Patch updated in * Remi OOO till Jul 30th * Corentin: * Update 07/07 * Past week * Fixed packer images, * This week * merge python3 patches * check app-test (afm-util status) * extend ci-management to run “autobuild package-all” (insert jira) * extent ci-management (application jobs) to upload the multiple wgt files being built now (insert jira) * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * 04/28: * Scott will post his first round of aglwgt/autobuild fixes after next is merged. * Plan is to review in gerrit this week * 05/12: * Scott has his patches for review in gerrit * * First patchset out of a series. * 05/26: * Next set of patches in preparation * 06/23: * aglwgt bbclass rewrite * waiting for marius branch to land first * 7/7: * declare virtory for now * Follow-up: ship source tree with coverage wgt to allow parsing on the target (gcov) * does the debug/coverage prefix strip option end-up in the SDK ??? * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 05/12: * License clearing done. * Next step? * 05/26 * Next ? * extend clearing work ? * more boards * or more packages * discussion about completing one target. Li will discuss further. * fossology has a 'reuse' decider that can built on existing decisions from previous runs. * 06/09: * 9.0.2 being uploaded to the fossology server * no analysis run, yet. still making sure all artifacts are fully uploaded. * found issue Dockerfile should install unzip (so we we don't use the php built-in), verifying that. Will have Ryan update our container. * 06/23: * unzip issue still a WIP item as: * during 'ununpack', we cannot abort the agent. But also cannot reupload the same file * the agents can get stuck → unstable operation * 07.07: * 9.0.2 analysis did run * open for license review * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 Dockerfile and user guide:here. * Todo Jan-Simon: setup sw360 with ryan * Setup server on same aws host but increase cpu/mem * Go from there. * Update 04/28: * Afraid we cannot use the Dockerfile as-is in AGL infra * Items to work on: * a) no proxy settings, no proxy user, no proxy pass * TLDR: if we deploy this in AWS, there is no Proxy at all. * b) Dockerfile uses downloaded Oracle jdk: can't we use openjdk installed in the distro installed by apt-get? * c) all data/databases need to be on persistent shared volume(s) * d) all setup needs to be automatic (in Dockerfile) * no manual setup steps - only docker build & docker run * e) ? would it make sense to split using docker-compose ? * Who can work on this ? @Kusakabe-san * Update 05/12: * work started on Dockerfile * Update 05/26: * a), b), c) completed * d) wip * let's exchange email * Update 06/09: * new file * AI JS: Check with Ryan how to deploy * Update 06/23: * Still working through it with * Update 07/07 * Host is up, port not exposed, yet. * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 06/09 * based on KernelCI instanced update * Update 07/07 * blocked by python 3 update * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 05/12: no update * 05/26: Li did some more tests, issue/jira ? * Jan 24 14:49:47 raspberrypi3 afm-system-daemon[292]: ERROR: can't start system unit afm-appli-myapp–0.1–main@.service for uid 1001 [/w/workspace/release-jjb-halibut-snapshot/MACHINE/raspberrypi3/label/agl-test-slave/repoclone/output/tmp/work/armv7vet2hf-neon-vfpv4-agl-linux-gnueabi/af-main/halibut+gitAUTOINC+1289070816-r0/git/src/afm-urun.c:252] * 06/09: * no update * 06/23: * * Test wgts need inspection on issues: * FAIL: Failed to start application agl-service-geofence-test * ERROR: failed Resource temporarily unavailable * Update 05/26: WIP * Update 06/09: * * No further updates * 06/23: * * no updates * 07/07 * no update New: * Li: * test-wgt * reopened → devcall * triage → devcall * triage → devcall * working on missing tests and checking test coverage * Matthew and Brian * will try a pi4 configuration Next call: Tuesday July 21st - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/06/23 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Scott, Brian, Matthew, Li ===Topics=== * infra: please try responsiveness of * * vs. * * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 06/09: * * Pi4 no audio … let's check driver module/kernel config and wireplumber-config device name string. * 06/23 * Pi4 no audio … let's check driver module/kernel config and wireplumber-config device name * we do build CONFIG_SND_BCM2835=m * there is no wireplumber-config for the pi4, so the default might end-up only on hdmi (best guess) * * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 05/26 * ported and staged for 2020.05 * Update 06/09: * Corentin will ping Remi * Update 06/23 * No update from Corentin * Corentin: * Update 06/09: * Past week * kernelci-dev updated, new metadata in the jobs required * updated releng-scripts to python3 , JS needs to check CI builders before we merge * This week * blocked on python3 conversion * verification of kernelci- update with new metadata * Update 06/23 * Past week * transitioned releng to py3, builders were updated, but jinja2 version issue * * This week * should have all deployed by EOW * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * 04/28: * Scott will post his first round of aglwgt/autobuild fixes after next is merged. * Plan is to review in gerrit this week * 05/12: * Scott has his patches for review in gerrit * * First patchset out of a series. * 05/26: * Next set of patches in preparation * 06/23: * aglwgt bbclass rewrite * waiting for marius branch to land first * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 05/12: * License clearing done. * Next step? * 05/26 * Next ? * extend clearing work ? * more boards * or more packages * discussion about completing one target. Li will discuss further. * fossology has a 'reuse' decider that can built on existing decisions from previous runs. * 06/09: * 9.0.2 being uploaded to the fossology server * no analysis run, yet. still making sure all artifacts are fully uploaded. * found issue Dockerfile should install unzip (so we we don't use the php built-in), verifying that. Will have Ryan update our container. * 06/23: * unzip issue still a WIP item as: * during 'ununpack', we cannot abort the agent. But also cannot reupload the same file * the agents can get stuck → unstable operation * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 Dockerfile and user guide:here. * Todo Jan-Simon: setup sw360 with ryan * Setup server on same aws host but increase cpu/mem * Go from there. * Update 04/28: * Afraid we cannot use the Dockerfile as-is in AGL infra * Items to work on: * a) no proxy settings, no proxy user, no proxy pass * TLDR: if we deploy this in AWS, there is no Proxy at all. * b) Dockerfile uses downloaded Oracle jdk: can't we use openjdk installed in the distro installed by apt-get? * c) all data/databases need to be on persistent shared volume(s) * d) all setup needs to be automatic (in Dockerfile) * no manual setup steps - only docker build & docker run * e) ? would it make sense to split using docker-compose ? * Who can work on this ? @Kusakabe-san * Update 05/12: * work started on Dockerfile * Update 05/26: * a), b), c) completed * d) wip * let's exchange email * Update 06/09: * new file * AI JS: Check with Ryan how to deploy * Update 06/23: * Still working through it with * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 06/09 * based on KernelCI instanced update * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 05/12: no update * 05/26: Li did some more tests, issue/jira ? * Jan 24 14:49:47 raspberrypi3 afm-system-daemon[292]: ERROR: can't start system unit afm-appli-myapp–0.1–main@.service for uid 1001 [/w/workspace/release-jjb-halibut-snapshot/MACHINE/raspberrypi3/label/agl-test-slave/repoclone/output/tmp/work/armv7vet2hf-neon-vfpv4-agl-linux-gnueabi/af-main/halibut+gitAUTOINC+1289070816-r0/git/src/afm-urun.c:252] * 06/09: * no update * 06/23: * * Test wgts need inspection on issues: * FAIL: Failed to start application agl-service-geofence-test * ERROR: failed Resource temporarily unavailable * Update 05/26: WIP * Update 06/09: * * No further updates * 06/23: * * no updates New: * Li: starting point for (ui) app: * qmake example: * cmake example: * working on review of LICENSE files in app repos * bbe: source meta-agl/scripts/ -m bbe -b build-bb3 agl-demo agl-devel * bitbake agl-image-minimal * bitbake agl-demo-platform # afaik works with 720p Next call: Tuesday July 7th - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/06/09 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Li, Scott, Corentin, Takada-san ===Topics=== * infra: please try responsiveness of * * vs. * * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 06/09: * * Pi4 no audio … let's check driver module/kernel config and wireplumber-config device name string. * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 05/12: * Test in progress * Test ported to 2020.04 * Update 05/26 * ported and staged for 2020.05 * Update 06/09: * Corentin will ping Remi * Corentin: * Update 05/26 * Past week * Pi4 no change, u-boot master did not help * testing the patch and upstreaming * This week * email reports through - prepare uprev * Update 06/09: * Past week * kernelci-dev updated, new metadata in the jobs required * updated releng-scripts to python3 , JS needs to check CI builders before we merge * This week * blocked on python3 conversion * verification of kernelci- update with new metadata * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * 04/28: * Scott will post his first round of aglwgt/autobuild fixes after next is merged. * Plan is to review in gerrit this week * 05/12: * Scott has his patches for review in gerrit * * First patchset out of a series. * 05/26: * Next set of patches in preparation * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 05/12: * License clearing done. * Next step? * 05/26 * Next ? * extend clearing work ? * more boards * or more packages * discussion about completing one target. Li will discuss further. * fossology has a 'reuse' decider that can built on existing decisions from previous runs. * 06/09: * 9.0.2 being uploaded to the fossology server * no analysis run, yet. still making sure all artifacts are fully uploaded. * found issue Dockerfile should install unzip (so we we don't use the php built-in), verifying that. Will have Ryan update our container. * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 Dockerfile and user guide:here. * Todo Jan-Simon: setup sw360 with ryan * Setup server on same aws host but increase cpu/mem * Go from there. * Update 04/28: * Afraid we cannot use the Dockerfile as-is in AGL infra * Items to work on: * a) no proxy settings, no proxy user, no proxy pass * TLDR: if we deploy this in AWS, there is no Proxy at all. * b) Dockerfile uses downloaded Oracle jdk: can't we use openjdk installed in the distro installed by apt-get? * c) all data/databases need to be on persistent shared volume(s) * d) all setup needs to be automatic (in Dockerfile) * no manual setup steps - only docker build & docker run * e) ? would it make sense to split using docker-compose ? * Who can work on this ? @Kusakabe-san * Update 05/12: * work started on Dockerfile * Update 05/26: * a), b), c) completed * d) wip * let's exchange email * Update 06/09: * new file * AI JS: Check with Ryan how to deploy * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 05/12 * WIP * Update 05/26 * no update * Update 06/09 * based on KernelCI instanced update * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 05/12: no update * 05/26: Li did some more tests, issue/jira ? * Jan 24 14:49:47 raspberrypi3 afm-system-daemon[292]: ERROR: can't start system unit afm-appli-myapp–0.1–main@.service for uid 1001 [/w/workspace/release-jjb-halibut-snapshot/MACHINE/raspberrypi3/label/agl-test-slave/repoclone/output/tmp/work/armv7vet2hf-neon-vfpv4-agl-linux-gnueabi/af-main/halibut+gitAUTOINC+1289070816-r0/git/src/afm-urun.c:252] * 06/09: * no update * Test wgts need inspection on issues: * FAIL: Failed to start application agl-service-geofence-test * ERROR: failed Resource temporarily unavailable * Update 05/26: WIP * Update 06/09: * * No further updates New: * Next call: Tuesday June 23th - same timeslot. ———— ==== Meeting 2020/05/26 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Walt, Corentin, Li, Takada-san ===Topics=== * infra: please send me the output of: (jira/gerrit/lava) * mtr -4 -rnw -c 30 * mtr -4 -rnw -c 30 * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 05/26: * No update * Next release is 9.0.2 eta 2020-06-05 * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 05/12: * Test in progress * Test ported to 2020.04 * Update 05/26 * ported and staged for 2020.05 * Corentin: * Update 05/12 * Past week: * Deployed lava-docker 2020.02 and fixed issues * pi4 has still issues with network/tftp timeouts * This week: * Fix h3 - currently h3 has issues with switch deployed to fix pi4. Will revert to old switch. Let's file a jira for the pi4/switch issue. * Testing for * ported and being tested * Update 05/26 * Past week * Pi4 no change, u-boot master did not help * testing the patch and upstreaming * This week * email reports through - prepare uprev * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * 04/28: * Scott will post his first round of aglwgt/autobuild fixes after next is merged. * Plan is to review in gerrit this week * 05/12: * Scott has his patches for review in gerrit * * First patchset out of a series. * 05/26: * Next set of patches in preparation * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * 05/12: * License clearing done. * Next step? * 05/26 * Next ? * extend clearing work ? * more boards * or more packages * discussion about completing one target. Li will discuss further. * fossology has a 'reuse' decider that can built on existing decisions from previous runs. * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 Dockerfile and user guide:here. * Todo Jan-Simon: setup sw360 with ryan * Setup server on same aws host but increase cpu/mem * Go from there. * Update 04/28: * Afraid we cannot use the Dockerfile as-is in AGL infra * Items to work on: * a) no proxy settings, no proxy user, no proxy pass * TLDR: if we deploy this in AWS, there is no Proxy at all. * b) Dockerfile uses downloaded Oracle jdk: can't we use openjdk installed in the distro installed by apt-get? * c) all data/databases need to be on persistent shared volume(s) * d) all setup needs to be automatic (in Dockerfile) * no manual setup steps - only docker build & docker run * e) ? would it make sense to split using docker-compose ? * Who can work on this ? @Kusakabe-san * Update 05/12: * work started on Dockerfile * Update 05/26: * a), b), c) completed * d) wip * let's exchange email * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 05/12 * WIP * Update 05/26 * no update * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 05/12: no update * 05/26: Li did some more tests, issue/jira ? * Jan 24 14:49:47 raspberrypi3 afm-system-daemon[292]: ERROR: can't start system unit afm-appli-myapp–0.1–main@.service for uid 1001 [/w/workspace/release-jjb-halibut-snapshot/MACHINE/raspberrypi3/label/agl-test-slave/repoclone/output/tmp/work/armv7vet2hf-neon-vfpv4-agl-linux-gnueabi/af-main/halibut+gitAUTOINC+1289070816-r0/git/src/afm-urun.c:252] * Test wgts need inspection on issues: * FAIL: Failed to start application agl-service-geofence-test * ERROR: failed Resource temporarily unavailable * Update 05/26: WIP New: * Next call: Tuesday June 9th - same timeslot. ——– ==== Meeting 2020/05/12 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Walt, Li, Corentin, Farshid, ===Topics=== * infra: please send me the output of: * mtr -4 -rw -c 30 * mtr -4 -rw -c 30 * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 04/28: * Not this week * 05/12: * Not this week * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 03/31: * Corentin to push for a review upstream * Update 04/28: * Upstream requested testing (→ Corentin) * Update 05/12: * Test in progress * Test ported to 2020.04 * Corentin: * Update 04/28 * Past week: * Fixed Pi issues (basically replacing the network switch → likely autonegotiation issue) * This week: * Finish lava-docker * Update 05/12 * Past week: * Deployed lava-docker 2020.02 and fixed issues * pi4 has still issues with network/tftp timeouts * This week: * Fix h3 - currently h3 has issues with switch deployed to fix pi4. Will revert to old switch. Let's file a jira for the pi4/switch issue. * Testing for * ported and being tested * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * 03/31: * autobuild issue: * 04/14: * Scott is working on a fix of the autobuild issue. * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * 04/28: * Scott will post his first round of aglwgt/autobuild fixes after next is merged. * Plan is to review in gerrit this week * 05/12: * Scott has his patches for review in gerrit * * First patchset out of a series. * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * Update 04/28: * Li will review these packages in Fossology: * af-binder * af-binder-devtools-native * afb-test * af-main * af-platform-setup * agl-audio-plugin * agl-compositor * * agl-desktop-config * agl-login-manager * agl-service-audiomixer * agl-service-bluetooth * agl-service-bluetooth-map * agl-service-bluetooth-pbap * agl-service-can-high-level-viwi * agl-service-can-low-level * agl-service-data-persistence * agl-service-geoclue * agl-service-geofence * agl-service-gps * agl-service-homescreen * agl-service-hvac * agl-service-hvac-conf * agl-service-identity-agent * agl-service-iiodevices * agl-service-mediaplayer * agl-service-mediascanner * agl-service-navigation * agl-service-network * agl-service-nfc * agl-service-platform-info * agl-service-radio * agl-service-signal-composer * agl-service-steering-wheel * agl-service-taskmanager * agl-service-telephony * agl-service-unicens * agl-service-unicens-controller * agl-service-voice-high * agl-service-voice-high-capabilities * agl-service-weather * agl-service-windowmanager * agl-users * alexa-viewer * alexa-voiceagent-config * alexa-voiceagent-service * alexa-voice-high-config * als-meter-demo * audit * bluez-alsa * btwilink-disable-conf * cmake-apps-module * connman * connman-ncurses * controls * cynagoauth * cynagora * cynagora-cynara-compat * dashboard * default-voice-high-config * demo-i2c-udev-conf * dev-mapping * dev-mapping-demo * flite * flite-voicedata * * hmi-debug * homescreen * html5-dashboard * html5-homescreen * html5-hvac * html5-launcher * html5-mediaplayer * html5-mixer * html5-settings * hts-engine * hvac * initramfs-netboot * inputeventmanager * keyutils * launcher * libafb-helpers * libafb-helpers-qt * libappcontroller * libhomescreen * libmicrohttpd * libmp4v2 * libnfc * libqtappfw * libwindowmanager * libzip * lightmediascanner * lin-config * low-can-demo * low-level-can-generator * mediaplayer * messaging * mixer * * nativesdk-af-binder-devtools * nativesdk-af-main * navigation-demo * neardal * nghttp2 * noto-emoji * nss-localuser * ondemandnavi * ondemandnavi-config * onscreenapp * openjtalk * openjtalk-voicedata * osmium * osrm-backend * phone * pipewire * pipewire-conf-agl * poiapp * poiapp-api-key * protozero * qlibhomescreen * qlibwindowmanager * qml-execscript-plugin * qtaglextras * qtcompositor-conf * qt-qrcode * qtquickcontrols2-agl * qtquickcontrols2-agl-style * radio * rtl-sdr * run-agl-postinsts * runxdg * security-manager * settings * settings-log-utils * sllin * smacknet * smack-system-setup * systemd-agl-sync * taskmanager * tbtnavi * unicens-config * vboxguestdrivers * vod-server * waltham * waltham-transmitter * wam * wam-tinyproxy * wayland-ivi-extension * weston-ready * windowmanager * wireplumber * wireplumber-board-config-agl * 05/12: * License clearing done. * Next step? * SW360: * Will send Dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 Dockerfile and user guide:here. * Todo Jan-Simon: setup sw360 with ryan * Setup server on same aws host but increase cpu/mem * Go from there. * Update 04/28: * Afraid we cannot use the Dockerfile as-is in AGL infra * Items to work on: * a) no proxy settings, no proxy user, no proxy pass * TLDR: if we deploy this in AWS, there is no Proxy at all. * b) Dockerfile uses downloaded Oracle jdk: can't we use openjdk installed in the distro installed by apt-get? * c) all data/databases need to be on persistent shared volume(s) * d) all setup needs to be automatic (in Dockerfile) * no manual setup steps - only docker build & docker run * e) ? would it make sense to split using docker-compose ? * Who can work on this ? @Kusakabe-san * Update 05/12: * work started on Dockerfile * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 05/12 * WIP * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 03/31: no update * 04/14: no update * 04/28: no update * 05/12: no update New: * Test wgts need inspection on issues: * FAIL: Failed to start application agl-service-geofence-test * ERROR: failed Resource temporarily unavailable *Li: during license clearing: will review packages with non-apacheV2 in AGL. Next call: Tuesday May 26th - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/04/28 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Walt, Corentin, Li, Parth, Takada-san ===Topics=== * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 04/28: * Not this week * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 03/31: * Corentin to push for a review upstream * Update 04/28: * Upstream requested testing (→ Corentin) * Corentin: * Update 04/14 * Past week: * lava uprev * pi4 passes health check: * This week: * schedule lava uprev w/ Ryan * Update 04/28 * Past week: * Fixed Pi issues (basically replacing the network switch → likely autonegotiation issue) * This week: * Finish lava-docker * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's * Test wgt's for apps submitted * Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon) * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * 03/31: * autobuild issue: * 04/14: * Scott is working on a fix of the autobuild issue. * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * 04/28: * Scott will post his first round of aglwgt/autobuild fixes after next is merged. * Plan is to review in gerrit this week * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * Update 04/14: * 9.0.1 uploaded, ready for review - Li will review 9.0.1 * Update 04/28: * Li will review these packages in Fossology: * af-binder * af-binder-devtools-native * afb-test * af-main * af-platform-setup * agl-audio-plugin * agl-compositor * * agl-desktop-config * agl-login-manager * agl-service-audiomixer * agl-service-bluetooth * agl-service-bluetooth-map * agl-service-bluetooth-pbap * agl-service-can-high-level-viwi * agl-service-can-low-level * agl-service-data-persistence * agl-service-geoclue * agl-service-geofence * agl-service-gps * agl-service-homescreen * agl-service-hvac * agl-service-hvac-conf * agl-service-identity-agent * agl-service-iiodevices * agl-service-mediaplayer * agl-service-mediascanner * agl-service-navigation * agl-service-network * agl-service-nfc * agl-service-platform-info * agl-service-radio * agl-service-signal-composer * agl-service-steering-wheel * agl-service-taskmanager * agl-service-telephony * agl-service-unicens * agl-service-unicens-controller * agl-service-voice-high * agl-service-voice-high-capabilities * agl-service-weather * agl-service-windowmanager * agl-users * alexa-viewer * alexa-voiceagent-config * alexa-voiceagent-service * alexa-voice-high-config * als-meter-demo * audit * bluez-alsa * btwilink-disable-conf * cmake-apps-module * connman * connman-ncurses * controls * cynagoauth * cynagora * cynagora-cynara-compat * dashboard * default-voice-high-config * demo-i2c-udev-conf * dev-mapping * dev-mapping-demo * flite * flite-voicedata * * hmi-debug * homescreen * html5-dashboard * html5-homescreen * html5-hvac * html5-launcher * html5-mediaplayer * html5-mixer * html5-settings * hts-engine * hvac * initramfs-netboot * inputeventmanager * keyutils * launcher * libafb-helpers * libafb-helpers-qt * libappcontroller * libhomescreen * libmicrohttpd * libmp4v2 * libnfc * libqtappfw * libwindowmanager * libzip * lightmediascanner * lin-config * low-can-demo * low-level-can-generator * mediaplayer * messaging * mixer * * nativesdk-af-binder-devtools * nativesdk-af-main * navigation-demo * neardal * nghttp2 * noto-emoji * nss-localuser * ondemandnavi * ondemandnavi-config * onscreenapp * openjtalk * openjtalk-voicedata * osmium * osrm-backend * phone * pipewire * pipewire-conf-agl * poiapp * poiapp-api-key * protozero * qlibhomescreen * qlibwindowmanager * qml-execscript-plugin * qtaglextras * qtcompositor-conf * qt-qrcode * qtquickcontrols2-agl * qtquickcontrols2-agl-style * radio * rtl-sdr * run-agl-postinsts * runxdg * security-manager * settings * settings-log-utils * sllin * smacknet * smack-system-setup * systemd-agl-sync * taskmanager * tbtnavi * unicens-config * vboxguestdrivers * vod-server * waltham * waltham-transmitter * wam * wam-tinyproxy * wayland-ivi-extension * weston-ready * windowmanager * wireplumber * wireplumber-board-config-agl * SW360: * Will send dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 dockerfile and user guide:here. * Todo Jan-Simon: setup sw360 with ryan * Setup server on same aws host but increase cpu/mem * Go from there. * Update 04/28: * Afraid we cannot use the Dockerfile as-is in AGL infra * Items to work on: * a) no proxy settings, no proxy user, no proxy pass * TLDR: if we deploy this in AWS, there is no Proxy at all. * b) Dockerfile uses downloaded Oracle jdk: can't we use openjdk installed in the distro installed by apt-get? * c) all data/databases need to be on persistent shared volume(s) * d) all setup needs to be automatic (in Dockerfile) * no manual setup steps - only docker build & docker run * e) ? would it make sense to split using docker-compose ? * Who can work on this ? @Kusakabe-san * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 04/14 * No update * Update 04/28 * No update * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 03/31: no update * 04/14: no update * 04/28: no update * Li: * Fossology: reported need to restart container. we did not have to restart, yet. * 04/28: on scheduler was stuck on one job New: * Li: * pi4 image - pi4 image * $ source meta-agl/scripts/ -m raspberrypi4 agl-demo agl-netboot agl-appfw-smack * $ source meta-agl/scripts/ -m raspberrypi4 agl-demo >agl-devel< * Next call: Tuesday May 12th - same timeslot. ==== Meeting 2020/04/14 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Walt, Kusakabe-san, Li Xiaoming, Kurokawa-san ===Topics=== * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 04/14: * 9.0.1: still todo * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 03/31: * Corentin to push for a review upstream * Corentin: * Update 03/31 * Past week: * Testing new lava version in baylibre lab * allow multiple artifacts to be uploaded (combined qemu+intel case) * This week: * prepare lava uprev * pi4 in corelab * Update 04/14 * Past week: * lava uprev * pi4 passes health check: * This week: * schedule lava uprev w/ Ryan * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's * Test wgt's for apps submitted * Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon) * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * 03/31: * autobuild issue: * 04/14: * Scott is working on a fix of the autobuild issue. * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * Update 31/03: * Jan-Simon: rewrote the fossology-rest class into a phased version to * allow upload / analysis / spdx report to be separate steps * this works with online servers in remote datacenters with limited CPU * Update 04/14: * 9.0.1 uploaded, ready for review - Li will review 9.0.1 * Kusakabe-san: * Will send dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 dockerfile and user guide:here. * Todo Jan-Simon: setup sw360 with ryan * Setup server on same aws host but increase cpu/mem * Go from there. * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 03/31: * No update * Update 04/14 * No update * CI Setup document needed - * Update 12/10: * Files collected. Markdown changes pending. * Update 03/03: * Tbd (AMM cancelled) * Update 04/14: * preparing a presentation * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 03/31: no update * 04/14: no update New: * Li: * Fossology: reported need to restart container. we did not have to restart, yet. * Next call: Tuesday Apr 28th - same timeslot. ——– ==== Meeting 2020/03/31 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Li Xiaoming, Walt, Parth, Kusakabe-san, Corentin ===Topics=== * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 03/30: 8.0.6 test report * * and reopen if it applies to master * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 03/03: * Who can drive this upstream? Corentin ? * Update 03/31: * Corentin to push for a review upstream * Corentin: * Update 03/03: * Past week: * Pi4 is now working * This week: * Deal with enabling in CI * Also fix board boot issues after zeus uprev * * Update 03/31 * Past week: * Testing new lava version in baylibre lab * allow multiple artifacts to be uploaded (combined qemu+intel case) * This week: * prepare lava uprev * pi4 in corelab * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's * Test wgt's for apps submitted * Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon) * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * 03/31: * autobuild issue: * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * Update 02/18: * Debugging python error * Uploading a build of icefish 9.0.0 to fossology (qemux86-64) * AI: create user for Li * AI: check if m3/h3-nogfx can be uploaded * Update 03/03: * Still stuck on python error see: * * Update 31/03: * Jan-Simon: rewrote the fossology-rest class into a phased version to * allow upload / analysis / spdx report to be separate steps * this works with online servers in remote datacenters with limited CPU * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 12/10: * Please comment on * Update 01/21: * New fields being added for the links back ( * Update 03/03: * No update * Update 03/31: * No update * CI Setup document needed - * Update 12/10: * Files collected. Markdown changes pending. * Update 03/03: * Tbd (AMM cancelled) * Update 03/31: * tbd * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * 03/31: no update * Kusakabe-san: * Will send dockerfile for sw360 container * Update 03/03: * eta in 2 weeks * Update 03/31: * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm * Update 04/13: * sw360 dockerfile and user guide:here. Next call: Tuesday Apr 14th - same timeslot. ——– ==== Meeting 2020/03/03 ==== === Attendees === Jan-Simon, Walt, Michail Zaytsev (Mera), Andrey Shamanin (Mera), Leonid Lazarev (Mera), Marat (Mera), Li, Ronan, Frederic, Corentin, Takada-san, ===Topics=== * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) * 02/18: * 9.0.0 report sent: * * * → Known issue * Fuego / Lava support * Update 12/10: * Reworking * waiting for upstream review * Update 02/18: * No update from upstream * Update 03/03: * Who can drive this upstream? Corentin ? * Corentin: * Update 02/18: * Corentin nbd/netbooted the rpi4 via using the CONFIG_ARCH_FIXUP_FDT_MEMORY of uboot. * Good news, we do not need bootefi, so the boot process is classic. * Board to be added to lab asap * Update 03/03: * Past week: * Pi4 is now working * This week: * Deal with enabling in CI * Also fix board boot issues after zeus uprev * * Application tests , build multiple wgts * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's * Test wgt's for apps submitted * Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon) * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) * Update 11/26: * Fred: working on cmake module update, mods in sandbox ( * Move to master and test on app builds * Update 02/18: * New patches in gerrit topic:SPEC-2049 * * Update 03/03: * Need to deinig submodule and rebase * AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology) * Update 02/18: * Debugging python error * Uploading a build of icefish 9.0.0 to fossology (qemux86-64) * AI: create user for Li * AI: check if m3/h3-nogfx can be uploaded * Update 03/03: * Still stuck on python error see: * * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script * * Update 03/03: * postponed after test wgt * Discussion on email reports * example: * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) * Add link for failures back to jenkins job * tldr: find right section of log with one click * Update 12/10: * Please comment on * Update 01/21: * New fields being added for the links back ( * Update 03/03: * No update * CI Setup document needed - * Update 12/10: * Files collected. Markdown changes pending. * Update 03/03: * Tbd (AMM cancelled) * Li: how to test binding manually (post/token) * afaik afm-util show id will tell port * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl * Update 03/03: * do we have enough documentation? * from irc * 11:14

<LiXiaoming> jobol: Hello, I have a question about the appfw token. In a binding, the server claims a token. If the client do not provide the same token, the connection can not be established. Right ? 11:16 <LiXiaoming> , example tuto-1.c 11:17 <jobol> LiXiaoming, the connection can be established but it lakes something 11:17 <jobol> This is true for HTTP requests 11:19 <jobol> When switching to websockets, the token is required or not depending on the version 11:19 <jobol> management of tokens changed from HALIBUT to ICEFISH 11:20 <LiXiaoming> Now I am testing on native Ubuntu 18.04. Both http and websocket. I found token is meaningless here. 11:21 <jobol> On latest versions yes 11:21 <jobol> But it depends if you have the cynagora backend 11:22 <LiXiaoming> yeah, I skip the cynagora install. 11:22 <jobol> Normally on AGL the binder contacts the permission database to validate the token 11:23 <jobol> Cynagora can be installed on UBUNTU 11:23 <LiXiaoming> SPEC-3212. Because I met issue when install Cynagora 11:23 <jobol> I know you had issue in installing cynara but that is not the same 11:24 <jobol> cynara isn't cynagora 11:24 <jobol> Are you compiling the binder? 11:24 <jobol> on ubuntu? 11:24 <LiXiaoming> '=( . Ubuntu 18.0.4 11:24 <LiXiaoming> yes . I am compiling and install binder on Ubuntu 11:25 <jobol> if cynagora ( doesn't compile on ubuntu, let me know. 11:26 <jobol> But for samsung's cynara i'm not going to help 11:26 <jobol> cynagora provide a compatibility library for cynara 11:27 <jobol> I'm working on a binder 100% cynagora. 11:28 <jobol> I can push a pre-release branch if you want to check it and help to make it work 11:29 <LiXiaoming> just compile and install cynagora is enough ? Do I any need other steps to set cynagora as backend ? 11:30 <jobol> this is enough to active permission check. Then when active, the service should run (cynagorad) 11:31 <jobol> on my computer I'm using the prefix ~/.local for my installations but the default is to use the prefix /usr/local 11:38 <LiXiaoming> Good to know that. I will try it with cynagora's latest branch again. Thank you.''

  • Kusakabe-san:
    • Will send dockerfile for sw360 container
    • Update 03/03:
      • eta in 2 weeks


Next call: Tuesday Mar 31st - same timeslot.

Meeting 2020/02/18


Jan-Simon, Ronan, Li, Frederic, Kusakabe-san


  • Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
    • 02/18:
      • 8.99.5 to be sent.
  • Corentin:
    • Update 02/06:
      • Pi4 does not boot with booti (64bit) on u-boot with initrd. Alternative boot with efi does not take initrd.
    • Update 02/18:
      • Corentin nbd/netbooted the rpi4 via using the CONFIG_ARCH_FIXUP_FDT_MEMORY of uboot.
      • Good news, we do not need bootefi, so the boot process is classic.
      • Board to be added to lab asap
  • AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology)
    • Update 02/06:
    • Update 02/18:
      • Debugging python error
      • Uploading a build of icefish 9.0.0 to fossology (qemux86-64)
      • AI: create user for Li
      • AI: check if m3/h3-nogfx can be uploaded


  • Li: how to test binding manually (post/token)
    • afaik afm-util show id will tell port
    • if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl
  • Kusakabe-san:
    • Will send dockerfile for sw360 container

Next call: Tuesday Mar 3rd - same timeslot.

Meeting 2020/02/06


Jan-Simon, Kusakabe-san


  • Roadmap items and review for 2020
    • Improved publishing of test results
      • Email Reports
        • improve format and feedback to gerrit
    • Additional tests
      • Applications
        • build and test different wgt types (normal, debug, test, coverage)
      • BSPs
        • KSelfTest
    • Fuego integration
      • Support to run tests as lava jobs (from within Fuego)
    • Images in build matrix
      • more variants ? qemu only ?
        • e.g. sota enabled
        • cluster profile/image
  • Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
    • 8.0.5
      • Update 02/06: Fujitsu-CN closed this week
  • Corentin:
    • Update 01/21
      • Working on Pi4 and lab integration (network support in u-boot tested w/ upstream patch)
      • Fixing lab and adding lava-bot
      • Fixes for the vayu
    • Update 02/06:
      • Pi4 does not boot with booti (64bit) on u-boot with initrd. Alternative boot with efi does not take initrd.


Next call: Tuesday Feb 18th - same timeslot.

Meeting 2019/12/10


Jan-Simon, Fred, Li, Takada-san, Stephane, Walt


  • Corentin:
    • Update 11/26:
      • h3+kf deployed, m3 standalone deployed
      • Fix for busybox ip & can
      • check bluetooth m3 board (with usb adaptor)
      • check kvm for qemu jobs
    • Update 12/10
      • bluetooth is now conditional to the 'bluetooth' device tag in lava
      • fixed can test
      • work rpi4 for ci lab: problem is that there is not network support in u-boot for the pi4 atm.
        • no netboot right now (trying option with kexec)
  • Application tests , build multiple wgts
    • Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's
    • Test wgt's for apps submitted
    • Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon)
    • Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
    • Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
    • Update 08/20:
    • Update 09/03:
      • no update on build side of wgt
    • Update 09/17:
      • no update
    • Update 10/15:
      • Waiting for SPEC-2049
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • will go for multiple build targets
    • Update 11/14:
      • No update
    • Update 11/26:
    • Update 12/10:
      • migration of apps ?
      • no update


Next call:

  • Jan 21st 2020 (due to CES) - a good time to everyone through the end of the year !!

Meeting 2019/11/26


Jan-Simon, Corentin, Li, Takada-san, Zhou, Ronan, Fred, Kusakabe-san, Juhun


  • Corentin:
    • Update 11/14:
      • lava-docker 2019-09 deployed
      • changes for h3 in gerrit
      • replace qemux86-64 with combined intel-corei7-64 (with qemu output) and move intel build up
      • insert pi4
    • Update 11/26:
      • h3+kf deployed, m3 standalone deployed
      • Fix for busybox ip & can
      • check bluetooth m3 board (with usb adaptor)
      • check kvm for qemu jobs
  • Application tests , build multiple wgts
    • Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's
    • Test wgt's for apps submitted
    • Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon)
    • Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
    • Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
    • Update 08/20:
    • Update 09/03:
      • no update on build side of wgt
    • Update 09/17:
      • no update
    • Update 10/15:
      • Waiting for SPEC-2049
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • will go for multiple build targets
    • Update 11/14:
      • No update
    • Update 11/26:
  • Discussion on email reports
    • add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980
    • Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email
      • Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test)
      • Add link for failures back to jenkins job
      • tldr: find right section of log with one click


Next call:

  • Tuesday Dec 10th ?? (time might change due to F2F !!)

Meeting 2019/11/14


Jan-Simon, Li, Stephane, Corentin


  • Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
    • Update 11/14:
      • No new release. Will test 8.0.3/Icefish rc1
  • Corentin:
    • Update 11/14:
      • lava-docker 2019-09 deployed
      • changes for h3 in gerrit
      • replace qemux86-64 with combined intel-corei7-64 (with qemu output) and move intel build up
      • insert pi4
  • Application tests , build multiple wgts
    • Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's
    • Test wgt's for apps submitted
    • Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon)
    • Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
    • Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
    • Update 08/20:
    • Update 09/03:
      • no update on build side of wgt
    • Update 09/17:
      • no update
    • Update 10/15:
      • Waiting for SPEC-2049
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • will go for multiple build targets
    • Update 11/14:
      • No update


Next call:

  • Tuesday Nov 26th

Meeting 2019/10/15


Jan-Simon, Frederic, Ronan, Stephane


  • Application tests
    • Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's
    • Test wgt's for apps submitted
    • Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon)
    • Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
    • Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
    • Update 08/20:
    • Update 09/03:
      • no update on build side of wgt
    • Update 09/17:
      • no update
    • Update 10/15:
      • Waiting for SPEC-2049
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
        • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
  • autobuild/linux/autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/
  • will go for multiple build targets
  • pi4 works with gfx


Meeting 2019/09/17


Jan-Simon, Fred, Corentin, Ronan, Li, Walt, Zhou, Kusakabe-san


  • Lava lab @ / Frederic:
    • Update 09/17:
      • On hold 1m
  • Application tests
    • Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's
    • Test wgt's for apps submitted
    • Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon)
    • Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
    • Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
    • Update 08/20:
    • Update 09/03:
      • no update on build side of wgt
    • Update 09/17:
      • no update
  • AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology)
    • Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology): we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead of scraping the web-page)
    • Follow-up discussions on these alternatives
    • Update 08/20:
      • To execute only spdx tasks (and its dependencies like unpack/patch) execute:
        • bitbake –runall=spdx agl-demo-platform
      • AI: Kusakabe-san and team to go through it
    • Update 09/03:
      • Docker container was down - re-populate (Jan-Simon)
    • Update 09/17:
      • Trouble re-creating working environment (fossology 3.3.0 + meta-spdxscanner


Meeting 2019/09/03


Jan-Simon, Frederic, Li, Zhou, Kurokawa-san


  • Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
    • Update 09/03:
      • No update
  • Fuego / Lava support
    • Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline 'ftc'
    • Update 09/03:
      • No update
  • Lava lab @ / Frederic:
    • Update 09/03:
      • No update
      • qemu worker if possible
  • Application tests
    • Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's
    • Test wgt's for apps submitted
    • Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon)
    • Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
    • Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
    • Update 08/20:
    • Update 09/03:
      • no update on build side of wgt
  • AGL license scanning (SPDX/fossology)

On hold:

  • SPEC-920
    • Fix in gerrit 16867
    • further discussion
      • AIs:
      • Scott: take a look at the prserv if we can solve above issue on rpm feeds
      • AI (jsm/ryan): forbid revert button (?edit button?)
      • Tom: may need policy around reverts and bumping PR value (at least for meta-layers)
      • In the end have a multi-config build with “bitbake agl-world”
        • atm share sstate-cache but separate TMPDIR
          • bitbake multiconfig:m3conf multiconfig:h3conf multiconfig:intelcorei7conf dummy-image
            • conf/m3conf.conf
            • conf/h3conf.conf
            • conf/intelcorei7conf.conf
          • start with core … once done … lock the SIGNATURES ?
        • Initial step, use agl-demo-platform-crosssdk as target (only active profile atm)
          • AI (Ryan): activate PRSERV for snapshot builds
            • Update 11/12: Jobs rework to use PRSERV (but will invalidate sstate-cache)
            • Update 14/05: PRSERV use reverted as it caused issues
          • AI (jsm): bitbake package-index
          • AI (jsm): sync-out the rpm feeds for the snapshot builds
          • AI (Ronan): can we prepopulate the rpm feed info in the target ? (add to sandbox builds … e.g. user 'lastest' )<machine>/
          • AI (Tom): is there a prserv (ro) version? - Likely no.


Meeting 2019/08/20


Jan-Simon, Kurokawa-san, Frederic, Corentin, Li Xiaoming, Stephane,


  • Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
    • Update 08/20:
      • No update.
  • Fuego / Lava support
    • 06/25 : No update
    • 07/09 : No update
    • Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline 'ftc'
    • Update 08/20:
      • No update
  • Lava lab @ / Frederic:
    • lava-docker version of master: 19fe02f7a341e302e3ad560fcb4cc872f2201a5c
    • 07/23 : Still in a box
    • Update 08/20:
      • No update
  • Application tests
    • Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's
    • Test wgt's for apps submitted
    • Todo: build test wgt in ci (Jan-Simon)
    • Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
    • Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
    • Update 08/20:
      • no update on build side of wgt

On hold:

  • SPEC-920
    • Fix in gerrit 16867
    • further discussion
      • AIs:
      • Scott: take a look at the prserv if we can solve above issue on rpm feeds
      • AI (jsm/ryan): forbid revert button (?edit button?)
      • Tom: may need policy around reverts and bumping PR value (at least for meta-layers)
      • In the end have a multi-config build with “bitbake agl-world”
        • atm share sstate-cache but separate TMPDIR
          • bitbake multiconfig:m3conf multiconfig:h3conf multiconfig:intelcorei7conf dummy-image
            • conf/m3conf.conf
            • conf/h3conf.conf
            • conf/intelcorei7conf.conf
          • start with core … once done … lock the SIGNATURES ?
        • Initial step, use agl-demo-platform-crosssdk as target (only active profile atm)
          • AI (Ryan): activate PRSERV for snapshot builds
            • Update 11/12: Jobs rework to use PRSERV (but will invalidate sstate-cache)
            • Update 14/05: PRSERV use reverted as it caused issues
          • AI (jsm): bitbake package-index
          • AI (jsm): sync-out the rpm feeds for the snapshot builds
          • AI (Ronan): can we prepopulate the rpm feed info in the target ? (add to sandbox builds … e.g. user 'lastest' )<machine>/
          • AI (Tom): is there a prserv (ro) version? - Likely no.



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eg-ciat/meetings.1661863290.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/30 12:41 by jsmoeller