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AGL Schedule and Milestones

Release Schedule Overview

AGL follows a twice per year release cadence. This is split in 3-4 month of feature development plus a freezing process in stages.

New Feature Development

Once a new release is started the initial work will be to update meta-agl master to the planned Yocto branch for the release. Once this is complete for then new feature branches will be accepted on master. Each of these subphases will be announced on the automotive-discussions.

Release Candidates

The first stage is the core feature freeze, followed by RC1. Next is then the 2nd stage which is the platform freeze which feeds into RC2. Finally there is a apps/docs/tests freeze right before RC3. After final stabilization, the release will be cut.

Example release schedule

The next pictures explain the workflow in detail:

Latest Schedule

Daring Dab

4.0.3 Release

Complete - Release Notes

Update to Yocto 2.2.3 - YP 2.2.3 delayed. Used the code sent to YP QA instead of waiting for final release.

Planned Actual
Merge Window Opens 15-Oct-2017 13-Oct-2017
Merge Window Closes 18-Dec-2017 18-Jan-2018
Release Candidate 20-Dec-2107 08-Feb-2018
Final Release 23-Dec-2017 15-Feb-2018

4.0.4 Release

Not Started - No plan for a 4.0.4 release unless a security or fix makes it necessary.

Planned Actual
Merge Window Opens 02-Jan-2018 15-Feb-2018
Merge Window Closes TBD
Release Candidate TBD
Final Release TBD

Electric Eel

5.0.0 Release

Complete - Release Notes

5.0.1 Release

Complete - Release Notes

Includes update to Yocto 2.3.3

Planned Actual
Merge Window Opens 09-Jan-2018 09-Jan-2018
Merge Window Closes 22-Jan-2018 01-Feb-2018
Release Candidate 24-Jan-2018 08-Feb-2018
Final Release 29-Jan-2018 15-Feb-2018

5.0.2 Release

Complete - Release Notes

Planned Actual
Merge Window Opens 30-Jan-2018 16-Feb-2018
Merge Window Closes 28-Mar-2018 28-Mar-2018
Release Candidate 01-Apr-2018 01-Apr-2018
Final Release 04-Apr-2018 05-Apr-2018

5.0.3 Release

Complete - Release Notes

Planned Actual
Merge Window Opens 05-Apr-2018 05-Apr-2018
Merge Window Closes 12-May-2018 19-May-2018
Release Candidate 15-May-2018 22-May-2018
Final Release 22-May-2018 29-May-2018

5.1.0 Release

In-Progress Minor revision changed from 5.0 to 5.1 due to Audio API changes

Planned Actual
Merge Window Opens 22-May-2018 29-May-2018
Merge Window Closes 05-Jul-2018 02-Jul-2018
Release Candidate 08-Jul-2018 13-Jul-2018
Final Release 15-Jul-2018

5.1.1 Release

Not Planned yet

Planned Actual
Merge Window Opens 15-July-2018 13-Jul-2018
Merge Window Closes 14-Aug-2018
Release Candidate 17-Aug-2018
Final Release 20-Aug-2018

Funky Flounder

6.0.0 Release

Introducing the all-new Four-Wheel-Drive “Funky Flounder”

Planned Actual Comment
Merge Window Opens 15-Jan-2018 11-Jan-2018 Update to YP 2.4 (Rocko), new features, new and updated BSPs
Merge Window Closes 12 Jun-2018 01-Jul-2018 Core Freeze
6.0.0.RC1 19-Jun-2108 06-Jul-2018 App Development Environment Ready
Merge Window Closes 24-Jul-2018
6.0.0.RC2 27-Jul-2018 Platform Frozen
Merge Window Closes 14-Aug-2018 RC2 Fixes, Doc updates, final release preparation
6.0.0.RC3 17-Aug-2018 Final Release Candidate
6.0.0 Final Release 31-Aug-2018 Final Release - Flounder release branch created

Grumpy Guppy

7.0.0 Release

Planned Actual Comment
Merge Window Opens 10-Aug-2018 10-Sep-2018 Stay with YP 2.4 (Rocko), new features, new and updated BSPs. Flounder branch created and master becomes Grumpy Guppy
Merge Window Closes 15-Nov-2018 Feature Freeze - APIs Frozen. Any new BSPs available.
7.0.0.RC1 22-Nov-2018 App Development Environment Ready
Merge Window Closes 30-Nov-2018 RC1 Fixes
7.0.0.RC2 06-Dec-2108
Merge Window Closes 13-Dec-2018 RC2 Fixes
7.0.0.RC3 20-Dec-2018 RC3 - CES Preview Release
Merge Window Closes
7.0.0.RC4 17-Jan-2019 Guppy Release Branch created - Doc updates, final release preparation
7.0.0 Final Release 31-Jan-2019 Final Release


2017 Schedule

schedule.1538002074.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/09/26 22:47 by waltminer