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This is an old revision of the document!

Review target:

* Nobuhiko Tanibata
  * When layout change is triggered by Homescreen, efficient transition animation of surfaces shall be supported.
  • Takashi Matsuzawa
    • The document should describe which part of it is mandatory and which parts are optional/selectable (e.g. I understand that 2 windows up/down layout is just one example of OEM profile). (It is very good that we have one example OEM profile and demo homescreen/window manager is written for it anyway.)
    • Regarding the API calls apps make, the document (or manual document) should clarify them into the following two categolies, so that audience can know which part is AGL specific.
      • API calls/actions that ordinal wayand-ivi apps will do (not specific to AGL)
      • API calls/actinos that are specific to AGL
    • Graphics toolkits (e.g. Qt or others) here are expected to hide such API details from application developers or not, including AGL additions?
20170612_ui_gra_telco_mm_review.1497853149.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/19 06:19 by tmatsuzawa