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Home Screen


The Home screen is the default screen presented once the application is launched. The screen provides access to system settings and to all standard installed applications.


What the app does

The home screen presents these options:

  1. Icon list which provides access to the main applications installed.
  2. Settings menu for system-level options.
  3. Date and Time information.
  4. The DNA Helix can be stop or rotated to the app of choice, which will open any of the applications installed on the platform with a single touch.
  5. Icon to list all installed applications.

In all application instances, a simple touch is all that is required to launch a given application.

Known Bugs

The following issues and limitations can be anticipated on the HomeScreen:

  • From HomeScreen, tap the three lines in center to show list of all applications. Tap AMB SIMULATOR to load amb simulator application. BEFORE TOUCHING ANYWHERE ELSE tap LOAD SCRIPT, and then tap randomizerDemo. After script loads, tap anywhere in the textArea. Application crashes. If textArea is tapped prior to tapping LOAD SCRIPT button, application does not crash when subsequent instructions are followed.
  • The HomeScreen application does not actually connect with the CAN (or VCAN) bus, so the data fields of the application (MPH, % Charge, Miles Range, Interior Temperature, Exterior Temperature) are not updated at this time.
  • Automotive Message Broker support for a CAN simulation is provided, but the simulation tool to simulate data is not provided at this time.
  • Currently applications (in particular HomeScreen) cannot terminate other applications because of W3C widget sandboxing. This is why applications launched from HomeScreen, and then exited (via the white ‘back’ arrow in the lower left-hand corner) cannot be re-launched from HomeScreen (HomeScreen thinks they are still running and essentially attempts to switch to a non-running application).

Release History


  • Icon list which provides access to the main applications installed.
  • Settings menu for system-level options.
  • Date and Time information.
  • The DNA Helix can be stop or rotated to the app of choice, which will open any of the applications installed on the platform with a single touch.

Bug Fixes

  • INTIVIPOCII-21 Added Text to speech functionality in to HomeScreen
  • INTIVIPOCII-20 Create build script to deploy and package applications from original Intel PoC (HomeScreen, Music player, Phone application, Store application, Settings, Dashboard, Google Navigation and Intel Navigation)
  • INTIVIPOCII-64 Create common AMB plugin for Dashboard and HomeScreen
  • INTIVIPOCII-176 HVAC application cannot be opened from HomeScreen.
  • INTIVIPOCII-184 HomeScreen icon - brightness and size not matching the rest of icons
  • INTIVIPOCII-255 Memory leak
  • INTIVIPOCII-64 Change IviPoC_ properties to existing AMB properties
    • Example: IviPoC_Speed =⇒ Vehicle Speed
  • INTIVIPOCII-20 Switch day (blue) and night (green) theme based on AMB signal from Automotive Web API
  • INTIVIPOCII-22 Rework car indicators to listen to AMB signals (Java script/HTML5)
  • INTIVIPOCII-35 Add stop script functionality to AMB Simulator
  • INTIVIPOCII-371 With steering wheel plugin loaded exterior brightness is not changed
  • INTIVIPOCII-30 Refactor template file to use amb pluginimpl base class, create signal classes
  • INTIVIPOCII-35 Add amb console output
  • INTIVIPOCII-35 Add documentation comments to AMB simulator
  • INTIVIPOCII-35 Rework UI for signal generator in AMBSimulator
    • Change zones input grid and allow adding all zones for all signals and change text inputs visuals into theme inputs
  • INTIVIPOCII-35 Create randomize demo script for AMBSimulator
  • Randomizer does not work
  • INTIVIPOCII-169 Create AMB cans implugin
  • Generate mapping table for all AMB properties
    • Receives CAN frames from CANGen Plugin and translates them into AMB properties and update them in AMB
  • Fit AMB simulator UI to overall theme
  • Create AMB cangenplugin
    • AMB sink plugin similar to websocketsink. Based on websocket requests will generate CAN frames for CANSimPlugin
  • INTIVIPOCII-169 Generate mapping table for AMB properties
  • INTIVIPOCII-30 Refactor template file to use AmbPluginImpl as base class
  • INTIVIPOCII-310 Property library view is not refreshed after return from Search view
  • INTIVIPOCII-30 Provide optional toggle to anonymize AMB property names
xw_home_screen.1658877340.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/26 23:15 by waltminer