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Requirements Specification Expert Group

The Requirements Specification Expert Group(RS-EG) is responsible for defining and maintaining requirements specifications targeted for implementation in the AGL UCB.

The contents of the requirements specifications should include:

  • Guidelines for deciding design policy for developers
  • Priorities and criteria of developing AGL UCB which OEMs can judge whether their in-vehicle software meet the specifications or not.

This expert group has been created from meeting held in the Dresden AMM 2018 (slides available here).


The Requirements Specification EG Roadmap is part of the overall AGL Roadmap and can be found on this page.

Activities of 2019

Draft v0.1 until the end of March

→ Expectation : Extraction of lack of use case or requirement

  1. Check V1.0 use cases and requirements
  2. Investigation of implemented requirements(rough)
Draft v0.5 until the end of June

→ Expectation : Use case and requirement update(Including additional from implementation)

  1. Improvement of shortage of V1.0-based use case or requirement
  2. Check the use cases and requirements defined in each EG
  3. Investigation of implemented requirements(details)
  4. Check performance requirements
Draft v0.9 until the end of September
  1. Setting Priority
  2. Added test code information (reference)


The Requirements Specification Expert Group meetings are biweekly meeting. Meeting schedule, agenda, and minutes can be found here.

EG Members

It is expected that the team consists of AGL OEM members at least.

  • Toshikazu Oiwa - Toyota
  • Toshihisa Haraki - Suzuki
  • Seiji Goto - Mazda
  • Yasuyuki Komatsu - Honda


Version 1 of the requirements specification can be downloaded from the AGL Documentation site.

The EG will create version 2 using the AGL Confluence site. The first step is to get the document into Confluence to begin editing. From Confluence Requirement Specification Site

eg-requirements-specification.1551927798.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/07 03:03 by ToshikazuOhiwa