Meeting notes for December 25, 2018
Meeting notes for December 18, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Romain, Loic, Scott, Michael, Chris, George, Kurokawa, Jonathan, Jose, Lorenzo, Stephane, Thierry, Kusakabe, Jose, Leon, Dennis, Johann, Raquel, Ronan
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
DD 4.0.3 release with YP 2.2.3 version that went into QA.
DD 4.0.4 not planned. Will be on an as-needed basis. YP has started a 2.2.4.
Update 8/14 : YP 2.2.4 has been released (SPEC-1662). Will put a Dab update on the schedule.
Update 10/9 - Jan-Simon did the uprev to YP 2.2.4. Will make the release on a time available basis.
* Stoyan and Leon test RC2 pre-release
* Auto mount now works
* Media player works but no Bluetooth audio
* Bluetooth now working with one issue -buttons connect/pair/disconnect and bluetooth icon in media player
are not responsive (no visual signature that they are clicked/touched) - Same as RC1
* Wifi is working on M3, Minnow, and Upsquare.
* Audio
* 4a-play command works on all board except Raspberry Pi
* No Bluetooth audio on any platform (SPEC-1986) Matt R working on for end of this week.
New Business:
Meeting notes for December 11, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stoyan, Stephane, Sebastien, Chris, Tom, Raquel, Thierry, Loic, Romain, Abhijeet, Lorenzo, Dominig, Matt, Fred, Jonanthan, Leon, George, Ronan, Michael
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
DD 4.0.3 release with YP 2.2.3 version that went into QA.
DD 4.0.4 not planned. Will be on an as-needed basis. YP has started a 2.2.4.
Update 8/14 : YP 2.2.4 has been released (SPEC-1662). Will put a Dab update on the schedule.
Update 10/9 - Jan-Simon did the uprev to YP 2.2.4. Will make the release on a time available basis.
Grumpy Guppy
RC2 released
Bluetooth fixes
Fiberdyne Amp added
are not responsive (no visual signature that they are clicked/touched) - Same as RC1
Wifi is working on M3, Minnow, and Upsquare.
No HMI on RPI (model B version 1.2 has no HMI. Not 100% reproducible. For example, Leon does not see the issue. Seems to be a race condition possibly related to SD card speed.). Window manager failing to start. Weston service is up and command line is available.
QEMU is booting.
New Business:
Meeting notes for December 4, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Sebastien, Thierry, Michael, Chris, George, Scott, Tom, Stoyan, Leon, Clement, Kurokawa, Kusakabe, Raquel, Ronan, Fred, Johann, Romain, Matt R, Stephane, Loic
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
DD 4.0.3 release with YP 2.2.3 version that went into QA.
DD 4.0.4 not planned. Will be on an as-needed basis. YP has started a 2.2.4.
Update 8/14 : YP 2.2.4 has been released (SPEC-1662). Will put a Dab update on the schedule.
Update 10/9 - Jan-Simon did the uprev to YP 2.2.4. Will make the release on a time available basis.
are not responsive (no visual signature that they are clicked/touched) - Same as RC1
Wifi is working on M3, Minnow, and Upsquare.
No HMI on RPI (model B version 1.2 has no HMI. Not 100% reproducible. For example, Leon does not see the issue. Seems to be a race condition possibly related to SD card speed.). Window manager failing to start. Weston service is up and command line is available.
QEMU is booting.
New Business:
Meeting notes for November 27, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Matt R, Scott, Dominig, Fred, George, Johann, Jonathan, Leon, Loic, Raquel, Romain, Ronan, Sebastien, Stephane, Stoyan, Tom
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
DD 4.0.3 release with YP 2.2.3 version that went into QA.
DD 4.0.4 not planned. Will be on an as-needed basis. YP has started a 2.2.4.
Update 8/14 : YP 2.2.4 has been released (SPEC-1662). Will put a Dab update on the schedule.
Update 10/9 - Jan-Simon did the uprev to YP 2.2.4. Will make the release on a time available basis.
are not responsive (no visual signature that they are clicked/touched)
Wifi is working on M3, Minnow, and Upsquare.
4a-play command works on M3 and Upsqare. Not in Minnow
Audio in media player working only with USB media
No Bluetooth audio on any platform
No HMI on RPI (model B version 1.2 has no HMI. Not 100% reproducible. For example, Leon does not see the issue. Seems to be a race condition possibly related to SD card speed.). Window manager failing to start. Weston service is up and command line is available.
QEMU is booting.
New Business:
Meeting notes for November 20, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Michael, Christian, Scott, Stephane, Romain, Jose, George, Tanikawa, Kurokawa, Stoyan, Fred, Thierry, Loic, Raquel, Matt, Ronan, Johann, Tom, Clement, Jonathan
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
DD 4.0.3 release with YP 2.2.3 version that went into QA.
DD 4.0.4 not planned. Will be on an as-needed basis. YP has started a 2.2.4.
Update 8/14 : YP 2.2.4 has been released (SPEC-1662). Will put a Dab update on the schedule.
Update 10/9 - Jan-Simon did the uprev to YP 2.2.4. Will make the release on a time available basis.
New Business:
Meeting notes for November 13, 2018
Attendees: Abhijeet, Clement, Dennis, George, Christian, Tobias, Michael, Kurokawa-san, Jose, Loic, Matt R, Romain, Ronan, Scott, Sebastien, Stephane, Thierry, Tom, Kusakabe-san
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
DD 4.0.3 release with YP 2.2.3 version that went into QA.
DD 4.0.4 not planned. Will be on an as-needed basis. YP has started a 2.2.4.
Update 8/14 : YP 2.2.4 has been released (SPEC-1662). Will put a Dab update on the schedule.
Update 10/9 - Jan-Simon did the uprev to YP 2.2.4. Will make the release on a time available basis.
New Business:
SPEC-1829 - Create ces2019 demo application repository (staging/new-apps)
SPEC-1932 - Status of #3 demo unit (challenging demo)
SPEC-1775 - update and discussion → will use custom/freestanding recipe for dtcXYZ-native and recipe to do the combination of dtb/dtbo.
Space for demo unit #3 - WIP
Meeting notes for November 6, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Tom, Thierry, George, Sebastien, Stephane, Leon, Jose, Loic, Romain, Michael , Chris, Stoyan, Ronan, Raquel, Johann, Guy, Fred, Dominig, Dennis, Clement
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
9/18 -Sebastien developed a mock-up binding to demo HVAC as an HTML5. Working on cleaning up some things so they can push the code to Flounder and we can then reproduce their demo.
9/25 - WAM not included in Flounder at this time. Sebastien working with Igalia on getting WAM issues resolved on FF.
10/9 - Pull request was approved by Igalia, but has not been merged.
11/6 - Pull request was merged.
New Business:
Meeting notes for October 30, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Frederic, Johann, Jonathan, Michael, Tobias, Dennis, Dominig, Clement, Jose, Leon, Yamaguchi, Raquel, Romain, Ronan, Stoyan, Tanikawa, Tom
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
9/18 -Sebastien developed a mock-up binding to demo HVAC as an HTML5. Working on cleaning up some things so they can push the code to Flounder and we can then reproduce their demo.
9/25 - WAM not included in Flounder at this time. Sebastien working with Igalia on getting WAM issues resolved on FF.
10/9 - Pull request was approved by Igalia, but has not been merged.
New Business:
Meeting notes for October 23, 2018
Meeting notes for October 16, 2018
Meeting notes for October 9, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Scott, Stephane, Sebastien, Thierry, Jonathan, Romain, Dominig, Stoyan, Leon, Kusakabe, Loic, Nokamura, Dennis, Ronan, Frederic, Tom, Raquel, Matt R
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
9/18 -Sebastien developed a mock-up binding to demo HVAC as an HTML5. Working on cleaning up some things so they can push the code to Flounder and we can then reproduce their demo.
9/25 - WAM not included in Flounder at this time. Sebastien working with Igalia on getting WAM issues resolved on FF.
10/9 - Pull request was approved by Igalia, but has not been merged.
New Business:
Meeting notes for October 2, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Dennis, Sebastien, Michael, Chris, Thierry, Scott, Tom, Clement, Dominig, Frederic, Stephane, Ronan Leon, George, Guy, Kurokawa, Mitsunari, Kusakabe, Jonathan, Johann, Romain, Stoyan, Jose, Raquel
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Everybody: check the README's and documentations (
URL, instructions and so on up-to-date)
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
9/18 -Sebastien developed a mock-up binding to demo HVAC as an HTML5. Working on cleaning up some things so they can push the code to Flounder and we can then reproduce their demo.
9/25 - WAM not included in Flounder at this time. Sebastien working with Igalia on getting WAM issues resolved on FF.
New Business:
SPEC-1747 - Add to SAT agenda.
SPEC-1601 - Pulseaudio should be optional for AGL
SPEC-1743 - Create agl-service-bluetooth-legacy repo
Meeting notes for September 25, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jose, Thierry, Sebastien, Romain, Stoyan, Chris, Fred, Jonathan, Mitsunari, Loic, Leon, Matt P., Matt R., Yamaguchi, Nick, Ronan, Scott, Kurokawa, Tom, Stephane, Dominig, Johann, Dennis,
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
New Issue (9/18)
SPEC-1737 and SPEC-1739 both affect tuner app. One is HAL role missing and one is tuner hardware related.
9/25 - SPEC-1737 closed. SPEC-1739 will be fixed with Jonathan's 4a HAL patch being pushed today.
9/11 - Michael Fabry: Top bar on home screen is missing from every second boot. Also dies if media player is launched.
9/18 - May be resolved based on Tanikawa's latest update in Jira. Will give it another day or two to decide if this can be resolved.
9/25 - Will be closed.
Everybody: check the README's and documentations (
URL, instructions and so on up-to-date)
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
9/18 -Sebastien developed a mock-up binding to demo HVAC as an HTML5. Working on cleaning up some things so they can push the code to Flounder and we can then reproduce their demo.
9/25 - WAM not included in Flounder at this time. Sebastien working with Igalia on getting WAM issues resolved on FF.
New Business:
SPEC-1754 - Modify Application code for divide homescreen label with windowmanager role - Proposed by Mitsunari. Will need to review with Graphics and UI EG. Mistsunari will push sample code to review in gerrit prior to the review by the EG.
SPEC-1747 - Add to SAT agenda.
Meeting notes for September 18, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Thierry, Kurokawa, Jonathan, Jose, Stephane, Tom, Chris, Tobias, Sebastien, Stoyan, Leon, Georges, Guy, Johann, Fred, Ronan, Raquel, Tanikawa, Mitsunari, Loic, Dominig, Jose, Clement, Nakamura
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
9/11 - Michael Fabry: Top bar on home screen is missing from every second boot. Also dies if media player is launched.
9/18 - May be resolved based on Tanikawa's latest update in Jira. Will give it another day or two to decide if this can be resolved.
Jan-Simon did not have a chance to run CIAT tests on RC7.
Matt P reports Vayu boots up and runs, but no audio. Will create Jira and note as known issue for release.
Everybody: check the README's and documentations (
URL, instructions and so on up-to-date)
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
8/7 - No update
8/14 - No update
8/24 - No update, Jose will try rpi build to help student from MCHP
8/24 - Sebastian working on meta-agl-lg on master, firstboot issues (homescreen), demo runs on Eel, not yet on master due to homescreen changes
9/18 -Sebastien developed a mock-up binding to demo HVAC as an HTML5. Working on cleaning up some things so they can push the code to Flounder and we can then reproduce their demo.
New Business:
Meeting notes for September 11, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Stoyan, Tom, Clement, Dominig, Fred, Johann, Jose, Leon, Xiaoming Li, Romain, Roman, Stephane, Pushpavati
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Everybody: check the README's and documentations (
URL, instructions and so on up-to-date)
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
8/7 - No update
8/14 - No update
8/24 - No update, Jose will try rpi build to help student from MCHP
8/24 - Sebastian working on meta-agl-lg on master, firstboot issues (homescreen), demo runs on Eel, not yet on master due to homescreen changes
Meeting notes for September 4, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Leon, Michael, Christian, Sebastien, Jose, Loic, Thierry, Kurokawa, Scott, Matt P, Romain, Ronan, Dennis, Stephane, Tom, Kusakabe, Nakamura, Clement, Frederic, Jonathan
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
SPEC-1692 - Audio on Intel Minnowboard Turbot not working. Max is ok. Scott posted logs.
Jan-Simon ran CIAT tests on Vayu, Raspberry PI, and QEMU and those booted up. Some systemd failures still seen: NFC and Weston.
Tanikawa - AGL demo home screen crashing on M3 board, but stable on QEMU - No report from Tanikawa this week.
SPEC-1655 - No homescreen Minnowboard Turbot
reported by qt
reproduces on 2nd boot
SPEC-1717 - No home screen with SOTA enabled. Defer Anton's fix to point release. Will include in known issues in release notes.
Thierry and others having problems with getting BT connected on KF board. Might be related to version M03 of the KF. Kurokawa not seeing on M04. He will check with Goda-san on M03. Thierry still working on his changes.
Everybody: check the README's and documentations (
URL, instructions and so on up-to-date)
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
8/7 - No update
8/14 - No update
8/24 - No update, Jose will try rpi build to help student from MCHP
8/24 - Sebastian working on meta-agl-lg on master, firstboot issues (homescreen), demo runs on Eel, not yet on master due to homescreen changes
Meeting notes for August 28, 2018
Walt, Jan-Simon, Clement, Frederic, George, Guy, Jonathan, Jose, Mitsunari-san, Leon, Loic, Matt P., Michael, Yamaguchi-san, Nick, Romain, Ronan, Scott, Stephane, Sebastien, Stoyan, Tanikawa-san, Tom, Kusakabe-san
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
RC4 issues:
SPEC-1685 (null ptr - resolved)
reported by qt
reproduces on 2nd boot
Stoyan: rpi, minnow, qemu, m3:
no audio in mediaplayer
only board with 4a-test running is m3
bt connecting but no audio
Stoyan to provide full logs to Loic
bluetooth use-case
media use-case
No songs in playlist for mediaplayer (minnow, qemu, rpi3) only visible on m3
SPEC-1653 - Mixer can only be opened once. Further attempts to open the mixer will not do anything, but the system does not crash. Michael writing Jira. Loic working on.
Update 8/14 - Loic will investigate this week.
Update 8/21 - Loic working on it
Update 8/28 - Fixed in gerrit.
Everybody: check the README's and documentations (
URL, instructions and so on up-to-date)
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
8/7 - No update
8/14 - No update
8/24 - No update, Jose will try rpi build to help student from MCHP
8/24 - Sebastian working on meta-agl-lg on master, firstboot issues (homescreen), demo runs on Eel, not yet on master due to homescreen changes
Scaling fix was reverted by Tanikawa. How do we get it back in. See SPEC-1611 - Defer to next week
Gerrit 14977 needs to be refreshed - Defer to next week. Will email Mizuno, Daniel Stone will take a look
Gerrit 16083 - Do we need this in FF? Defer to next week when Japan vacations are over.
Michael reporting that shut down is taking 1 - 2 minutes sometimes (about 50% of the time) when performing a reboot. Will create a Jira.
New Business:
SPEC-1360 - Confirm we are using BSP 3.7.0 or later for M3.
Michael: Question on AMM: will we bring the green box - integration session in Karlsruhe (lin+hvac still needs to be duplicated) - plan for week 40
Meeting notes for August 21, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Thierry, Sebastien, Loic, Romain, Ronan, Frederic, Jonathan, Jose, Matt, Yamaguchi, Stoyan, Tanikawa,
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Internal audio jack on RPI not working with 4a. May be the RPI BSP. (SPEC-1610)
Update 8/14 - Leon will test this week and provide some feedback.
Update 8/21 - Leon on vacation this week. Will resume next week.
Phone app not working. Needs Bluez to be integrated with 4a.
Update 8/14 - No update. Jonathan on vacation.
Update 8/21 - Jonathan working on it. Two weeks to fix. Will not make it into FF. Bluez 5 does not support HFP. Need to fix in ophoneo. PulseAudio required.
SPEC-1653 - Mixer can only be opened once. Further attempts to open the mixer will not do anything, but the system does not crash. Michael writing Jira. Loic working on.
Update 8/14 - Loic will investigate this week.
Update 8/21 - Loic working on it
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
8/7 - No update
8/14 - No update
Gerrit 16083 - Do we need this in FF? Defer to next week when Japan vacations are over.
Michael reporting that shut down is taking 1 - 2 minutes sometimes (about 50% of the time) when performing a reboot. Will create a Jira.
Meeting notes for August 14, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Christian, Tobias, Romain, Scott, Leon, Dennis, Stoyan, Matt, Emmanuel, Loic
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Mixer can only be opened once. Further attempts to open the mixer will not do anything, but the system does not crash. Michael writing Jira. Loic working on.
Update 8/14 - Loic will investigate this week.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
8/7 - No update
8/14 - No update
Scaling fix was reverted by Tanikawa. How do we get it back in. See SPEC-1611 - Defer to next week
Gerrit 14977 needs to be refreshed - Defer to next week. Will email Mizuno
Gerrit 15985 hold off for GG? - Scott to review today.
SPEC-1645 and the patches submitted by Zhang. - Scott reviewed. One outstanding issue. Zheng on vacation this week. Scott will take a crack at fixing the issue.
Gerrit 16083 - Do we need this in FF? Defer to next week when Japan vacations are over.
Michael reporting that shut down is taking 1 - 2 minutes sometimes (about 50% of the time) when performing a reboot. Will create a Jira.
Meeting notes for August 7, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Scott, Tom, Romain, Ronan, Kurokawa, Michael, Chris, Stoyan, Jordan, Kusakabe, Leon, Dennis
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
8/7 - No update
New Business:
Jira questions
SPEC-1260 - Agree with closure? Refer to SAT? - Revisit next week
SPEC-1611 - Can close? - Check with Tanikawa and Jan-Simon
SPEC-1220 - How does Collabora Pulse plugin fit into this? - CLOSED
Move soft mixer and HAL generic from github to gerrit for Flounder - Defer to next week.
Scaling fix was reverted by Tanikawa. How do we get it back in. See SPEC-1611 - Defer to next week
Gerrit 14977 needs to be refreshed - Defer to next week. Will email Mizuno
Gerrit 15985 hold off for GG? - Defer to next week
SPEC-1645 and the patches submitted by Zhang. - Scott will review
Meeting notes for July 31, 2018
Attendees: Jan-Simon, Nakamura-san, Clement, Dennis, Emmanuel, Frederic, Friedrich, George, Kurokawa-san, ichael, Christian, Jonathan, loic, Romain, Ronan, Stephane, Tanikawa-san, Tiejun Chen, Momiyama-san, Kusakabe-san
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Funky Flounder (master)
FF master:
7/31: Michael reports build error on master (1am CEST today) for m3 - optee-of, will file jira
7/31: mixer bug, 2nd invocation does not show mixer (similar to dashboard bug), Loic is investigating, Mitsunari-san: likely not similar to dashboard.
Merge window / deadline for rc3 is: 14-Aug-2018
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
7/31 - Stephane tried meta-agl-lg, still needs adjustments for master
Meeting notes for July 24, 2018
Attendees: Jan-Simon, Stephane, Frederic, Tom, Michael, Christian, Hema, Sebastian, Matt, Romain, Yordan, Mitsunari-san, Momiyama-san, Kurokawa-san, Jose, Scott, Leon, Clement Loic, Tanikawa-san, Yamaguchi-san, Stoyan, Jonathan, Kusakabe-san, Nakamura-san
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Funky Flounder (master)
RC1 released
RC2 in progress
RC2 pre-version was sent out by Jan-Simon. Vayu and Raspberry Pi come up with a blank screen.
No audio using default sound card M3.
M3: Media player no audio and no media scanning (SPEC-1587)
Intel Minnowboard: no media player
Loic working on getting media player to work with 4a.
QEMU no media player
Other Known Issues
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
7/24 - No update
Meeting notes for July 17, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Clement, Frederic, Jonathan, Michael, Chris, Sebastien, Romain, Matt, Loic, Nick, Scott, Stephane, Stoyan, Tanikawa, Jordan, Dennis, Mitsunari, Kusakabe, Momiyama, Thierry, Ronan
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Funky Flounder (master)
RC1 released
RC2 in progress
RC2 pre-version was sent out by Jan-Simon. Vayu and Raspberry Pi come up with a blank screen.
No audio using default sound card M3.
M3: Media player no audio and no media scanning (SPEC-1587)
Intel Minnowboard: no media player
Loic working on getting media player to work with 4a.
QEMU no media player
Other Known Issues
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
Meeting notes for July 10, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Jonathan, Loic, Romain, Clement, Frederic, George, Jonathan, Michael, Chris, Mitsunari, Scott, Sebastien, Stoyan, Tanikawa, Tiejun, Thierry, Tom, Leon, Nick, Stephane, Momiyama
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Funky Flounder (master)
RC1 released
RC2 in progress
QEMU problem found (SPEC-1552) and fixed by Tom. Tom and Stoyen testing QEMU further now that the display comes up.
Display scaling on Vayu and Raspberry Pi are not working (SPEC-1568 and SPEC-1569) - Mitsunari looking at.
Media player ok for local files (SPEC-1556). Bluetooth no audio (without 4a). Regression from eel since this did work on eel.
Raspberry Pi3 64 bit does not boot. Jan-Simon noted that 64 bit has not really been tested. For now 64 bit is not required for AGL given the memory size of the Raspberry
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
Meeting notes for July 3, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Tom, Chris, Tobias, Frederic, Kurokawa, Jonathan, Romain, Scott, Sebastien, Stephane, Tanikawa, Thierry, Leon, George, Loic, Mitsunari, Stoyan, Matt P, Clement, Jordan
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
Meeting notes for June 26, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Chris, Frederic, Jonathan, Mitsunari, Leon, Matt P, Jan-Simon, Romain, Ronan, Sebatien, Stephane, Tanikawa, Tom, Kusakabe, Thierry,
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Kurokawa - it was very helpful to have the team in Karlsruhe having the same set up and testing the demo in real time along with the guys in Yokohama. Spare hardware was an issue. LED, USB hub, display all broke during the integration and moves in Yokohama. Nice to have a console PC dedicated to demo unit as well as an iPhone for demonstrating the Bluetooth features. Need to schedule demo presenters so we have coverage.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
6/26 - LG to add a new layer as an external repo to enable their HTML5 work. This will allow their web app manager (WAM) to be built on top of AGL. Still will need to enable individual services to be available. Will have a workshop at LG Sep 11 - 13.
Meeting notes for June 19, 2018
Meeting canceled due to Automotive Linux Summit
Meeting notes for June 15, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Thierry, Kurokawa, Loic, Jonathan, Stephane, Christian, Michael, Tobias, Frederic, Kusakabe
4a working with latest eel snapshot for M3 internal audio with Kingfisher(see 14465). Not ok for Unicens (Jonathan working on). Not ok for using KF sound card.
Note that we need a different HAL for M3 versus M3+KF
Loic “very close” to having a working version of the mixer. Should be ready later today. Has some questions about QML usage. Will push code later to get some more people to look at it.
Meeting notes for June 14, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Thierry, Kurokawa, Loic, Tanikawa, Jonathan, Sebastien, Christian, Michael, Tobias,, Albert, Frederic, Momiyama
Special ALS Demo Integration Meeting
Meeting notes for June 13, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Thierry, Kurokawa, Loic, Tanikawa, Jonathan, Jose, Sebastien, Tiejun, Christian, Michael, Tanikawa
Special ALS Demo Integration Meeting
POI, Navi, Dashboard, Phone, Browser, Cluster map display all ok.
Media player not ok.
Audio not ok
Mixer nothing displayed
HVAC to be tried tomorrow with Kusakabe's changes and Jordan's changes.
Fiberdyne amp to be tried tomorrow
Meeting notes for June 12, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Romain, Ronan, Leon, Nakamura, Jonathan, Daniel, Frederic, Kusakabe, Scott, Matt P, Tanikawa, Joran, Tom, Kusakabe, Stoyan, Stephane, Sebastien, Mitsunari, Jose, George, Clement, Thierry, Michael
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Eel 5.0.4 - Merge window closes 05 July. Will decide next week in Lorient if we should cut a 5.0.4 prior to ALS with Loic and Jonathan's audio changes. There are also 8 or 9 issues queued up for eel for multimedia, Bluetooth, and POI app.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
Meeting notes for June 5, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Chris, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Sebastien, Loic, Jonathan, Jose, Leon, Matt P, Scott, Ronan, Stephane, Tom, Jordan
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Eel 5.0.4 - Merge window closes 05 July. Will decide next week in Lorient if we should cut a 5.0.4 prior to ALS with Loic and Jonathan's audio changes. There are also 8 or 9 issues queued up for eel for multimedia, Bluetooth, and POI app.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
Discuss Fulup's
soft mixer proposal - Jan-Simon brought up configuration issues that should be addressed.
Meeting notes for May 29, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Christian, Loic, Jonathan, Sebastien, Nakamura, Clement, Dennis, Dominig, Frederic, Jose, Mitsunari, Kurokawa, Matt P., Yamaguchi, Ronan, Scott, Stephane, Tanikawa, Thierry, Tom, Jordan, Guy, Leon, George
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
Eel 5.0.4 - Merge window closes 05 July. Will decide next week in Lorient if we should cut a 5.0.4 prior to ALS with Loic and Jonathan's audio changes. There are also 8 or 9 issues queued up for eel for multimedia, Bluetooth, and POI app.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
5/29 - No update
Discuss Fulup's
soft mixer proposal - Jan-Simon brought up configuration issues that should be addressed.
New Business:
Meeting notes for May 22, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Chris, Matt P., Matt R, Loic, Leon, Clement, Dennis, Dominig, Frederic, George, Kurokawa, Jonathan, Jose, Mitsunari, Yamaguchi, Scott, Sebastien, Stephane, Tanikawa, Matsuzawa, Thierry, Jordan, Momiyama. Kusakabe
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
EE Issues
Eel 5.0.1 released
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
5/22 - No update
IRC discussion about UI scaling with Virtual Box and VMWare. - This an issue with Eel 5.0.2 window manager not scaling and being only available at full resolution. Virtual Box and VM Ware do not support the full resolution. Tanikawa to try to hack in a fix this week for Eel.
New Business:
Discuss Fulup's
soft mixer proposal - Jan-Simon brought up configuration issues that should be addressed.
Meeting notes for May 15, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Matt R, Matt P, Tom, Frederic, George, Scott, Sebastien, Stephane, Michael, Chris, Romain, Leon, Jordan
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
EE Issues
Eel 5.0.1 released
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
5/15 - No update
New Business:
IRC discussion about UI scaling with Virtual Box and VMWare. - This an issue with Eel 5.0.2 window manager not scaling and being only available at full resolution. Virtual Box and VM Ware do not support the full resolution. Tanikawa to try to hack in a fix this week for Eel.
Meeting notes for May 8, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Tiejun, Matt R, Michael, Chris, Scott, Tom, Tanikawa, Mitsunari, Matt P, Jordan, Momiyama-san, Leon, Dennis
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
EE Issues
Eel 5.0.1 released
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
4/10 - Juna Sanchez from Igalia will provide an update during the F2F meeting remotely.
4/24 - Igalia and LG having a workshop this week to work on web app framework.
5/8 - Workshop went well. Patches to be submitted by ALS?
New Business:
Meeting notes for May 1, 2018
Meeting canceled due holidays in Europe and Japan
Meeting notes for April 23, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Dennis, Frederic, Kurokawa, Tanikawa, Michael, Chris, Tiejun, Tom, Yordan, Dominig, Jose, Loic, Matt, Yamaguchi, Romain, Sebastien,
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
EE Issues
Eel 5.0.1 released
Gstreamer Wayland sink issue from Matt R. See also
SPEC-1260 - No progress. Matt switched to focusing on the Bluetooth app refactoring.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
New Business:
Meeting notes for April 17, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Dennis, Sebastien, Michael, Chris, Jose, Loic, Ronan, Romain, Scott, Tom, Tanibata, Emre, Daniel Stone, Frederic, Jonathan, Leon, Ito
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
EE Issues
Eel 5.0.1 released
Gstreamer Wayland sink issue from Matt R. See also
SPEC-1260 - No progress. Matt switched to focusing on the Bluetooth app refactoring.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
New Business:
Meeting notes for April 10, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Christian, Leon, Romain, Ronan, Scott, Sebastien, Stephane, Jose, Jonathan, Frederic, Dominig, Tom
* DD Must-Fix Issues.
EE Issues
Eel 5.0.1 released
Gstreamer Wayland sink issue from Matt R. See also
SPEC-1260 - No progress. Matt switched to focusing on the Bluetooth app refactoring.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
New Business
Meeting notes for April 3, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Dennis, Frederic, Kurokawa, Jonathan, Jose, Loic, Romain, Scott, Sebastien, Stephane, Tanikawa, Kusakabe, Leon, Dominig, Matt, Michael, Ronan, Tom
Gstreamer Wayland sink issue from Matt R. See also
SPEC-1260 - No progress
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
New Business
Meeting notes for March 27, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Sebastien, Dominig, Dennis, Frederic, Kurokawa, Loic, Leon, Jonathan, Matt, Ronan, Romain, Stephane, Tadao, Kusakabe
New Business
Gstreamer Wayland sink issue from Matt R. See also
SPEC-1260 - No feedback received.
SPEC-1346 - HTML5 app launcher issue. Dominig and Jose will have a joint integration session next week. Walt to send an email asking about anyone having a good demo app for HTML5 that can be donated to AGL. Maybe Igalia can provide something?
Meeting notes for March 20, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Leon, Dominig, Dennis, Sebastien, Frederic, Kurokawa, Jose, Michael, Ronan, Scott, Tanikawa, Tom, Kusakabe
New Business:
Who should be assigned
SPEC-1318 - Assigned to Tom. Probable duplicate of SPEC-1300
Matt R. looking for replies to his gstreamer question on mail list. See also
Meeting notes for March 13, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Romain, Loic, Frederic, Kurokawa, Sebastien, Ronan, Oshri, Jonathan, Stephane, Michael, Christian
New Business:
Meeting notes for March 6, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Frederic, Romain, Kurokawa, Michael, Christian, Oshri, Kusakabe, Loic, Sebastien, Ronan, Dominig,
Renesas Gen3 BSP update
Next BSP (need version number from Kurokawa-san) will be based on rocko due at end of the month.
Kingfisher fixes not included (will at least one more month)
Will probably not included this BSP in eel. Will evaluate the cost and benefits once the BSP is released.
1/30 - Renesas released the BSP, waiting for multimedia package on Renesas web site. Stephane says they will be ready by AMM to release for master.
2/6 - No update.
2/13 - BSP is ready for the update to rocko.
3/6 - Up to date in master. Can close.
New Business:
Meeting notes for February 27, 2018
Canceled due to Embedded World.
Meeting notes for February 20, 2018
Meeting notes for February 13, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Stephane, Scott, Michael, Christian, Ronan, Romain, Scott, Tanikawa, Dominig
EE Issues
YP 2.3.3 released.
Eel 5.0.1 merge window closed with YP 2.3.3 update included. Build is ready to start to release process.
1/30 - Should see 5.0.1 in Jenkins tomorrow.
2/6 - Build is done. RPI build fails.
2/13 - Test results posted. Available now.
AMM, and EW
Need schedule for shipping from Yokohama to AMM site - Issei to take care on Monday morning.
What time is set up on Monday? - After noon.
Issei to purchase hardware for LF unit - Ordered. Arriving this week. to provide provisioned tags and card reader for English, Japanese, and French. - Loic to prepare everything and Frederic will carry it Japan.
Audio environment - Will be 4a. Need mixer, phone, navi, fixed.
Speakers and Fiberdyne amp. Fiberdyne amp arrived in Japan. All speakers ordered.
Renesas Gen3 BSP update
Next BSP (need version number from Kurokawa-san) will be based on rocko due at end of the month.
Kingfisher fixes not included (will at least one more month)
Will probably not included this BSP in eel. Will evaluate the cost and benefits once the BSP is released.
1/30 - Renesas released the BSP, waiting for multimedia package on Renesas web site. Stephane says they will be ready by AMM to release for master.
2/6 - No update.
2/13 - BSP is ready for the update to rocko.
New Business:
SPEC-713 status - Need to check eel version.
Meeting notes for February 6, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Dominig, Michael, Christian, Romain, Ronan, Scott, Evgeniy, Frederic, Kurokawa, Jose, Mitsunari, Leon, Loic, Sebastien, Tom, Kusakabe
EE Issues
YP 2.3.3 released.
Eel 5.0.1 merge window closed with YP 2.3.3 update included. Build is ready to start to release process.
1/30 - Should see 5.0.1 in Jenkins tomorrow.
2/6 - Build is done. RPI build fails.
AMM, and EW
Need schedule for shipping from Yokohama to AMM site - Issei to take care on Monday morning.
What time is set up on Monday? - After noon.
Issei to purchase hardware for LF unit - Ordered. Arriving this week. to provide provisioned tags and card reader for English, Japanese, and French. - Loic to prepare everything and Frederic will carry it Japan.
Audio environment - Will be 4a. Need mixer, phone, navi, fixed.
Speakers and Fiberdyne amp. Fiberdyne amp on its way from Germany to Japan. Need to purchase speakers in Japan. Ordered, except subwoofer.
Will Fiberdyne be available to configure the amp? - Soya-san will be able to reprogram using the Fiberdyne tool.
Renesas Gen3 BSP update
Next BSP (need version number from Kurokawa-san) will be based on rocko due at end of the month.
Kingfisher fixes not included (will at least one more month)
Will probably not included this BSP in eel. Will evaluate the cost and benefits once the BSP is released.
1/30 - Renesas released the BSP, waiting for multimedia package on Renesas web site. Stephane says they will be ready by AMM to release for master.
2/6 - No update.
Qt Version for FF
Need to determine which version of meta-qt we should use for rocko. Jose found that home screen does not work with the version of meta-qt in rocko. Tanikawa-san will take a look at Ronan's sandbox.
2/6 - Qt version now works thanks to Mitsunari-san.
New Business:
Meeting notes for January 30, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Christian, Scott, Sebastien, Tanikawa, Matsuzawa, Tom, Ronan, Jose, Frederic, Dennis, Dominig, Kurokawa,
Need schedule for shipping from Yokohama to AMM site.
What time is set up on Monday?
Issei to purchase hardware for LF unit to provide provisioned tags for English, Japanese, and French
Audio environment
Speakers and Fiberdyne amp. Need to purchase speakers in Japan.
Will Fiberdyne be available to configure the amp? - Soya-san will be able to reprogram using the Fiberdyne tool.
Renesas Gen3 BSP update
Next BSP (need version number from Kurokawa-san) will be based on rocko due at end of the month.
Kingfisher fixes not included (will at least one more month)
Will probably not included this BSP in eel. Will evaluate the cost and benefits once the BSP is released.
1/30 - Renesas released the BSP, waiting for multimedia package on Renesas web site. Stephane says they will be ready by AMM to release for master.
New Business:
Meeting notes for January 30, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Christian, Scott, Sebastien, Tanikawa, Matsuzawa, Tom, Ronan, Jose, Frederic, Dennis, Dominig, Kurokawa,
Need schedule for shipping from Yokohama to AMM site.
What time is set up on Monday?
Issei to purchase hardware for LF unit to provide provisioned tags for English, Japanese, and French
Audio environment
Speakers and Fiberdyne amp. Need to purchase speakers in Japan.
Will Fiberdyne be available to configure the amp?
FOSDEM: Sebastien offered to book restaurant for Saturday event. Leon to set up a google form to gather the number of attendees.
Renesas Gen3 BSP update
Next BSP (need version number from Kurokawa-san) will be based on rocko due at end of the month.
Kingfisher fixes not included (will at least one more month)
Will probably not included this BSP in eel. Will evaluate the cost and benefits once the BSP is released.
1/30 - Renesas released the BSP, waiting for multimedia package on Renesas web site. Stephane says they will be ready by AMM to release for master.
New Business:
Meeting notes for January 23, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Stephane, Sebastien, Leon, Scott, Tanikawa, Tsubone, Matsuzawa, Dominig, Dennis, Kusakabe, Ronan, Evgeniy, Frederic
Renesas Gen3 BSP update
Next BSP (need version number from Kurokawa-san) will be based on rocko due at end of the month.
Kingfisher fixes not included (will at least one more month)
Will probably not included this BSP in eel. Will evaluate the cost and benefits once the BSP is released.
New Business:
Meeting notes for January 16, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Stephane, Romain, Roman, Leon, Matt, Kurokawa, Dominig,
Renesas Gen3 BSP update
Next BSP (need version number from Kurokawa-san) will be based on rocko due at end of the month.
Kingfisher fixes not included (will at least one more month)
Will probably not included this BSP in eel. Will evaluate the cost and benefits once the BSP is released.
New Business:
Meeting notes for January 9, 2018
Meeting notes for January 4, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Frederic, Scott
EE Issues
RC5 released Dec 22. .
Kingfisher status
New BSP from Renesas 2.23.1 was released
Cogent released a BSP for the Kingfisher. Stephane figuring out how to bring this in.
Ito-san - Renesas will release new BSP with Cogent changes end of January with 4.14 kernel and YP 2.4. This will be back ported to Eel for a patch release in February.
New Business:
Meeting notes for January 2, 2018
Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Leon, Frederic, Sebastien, Romain, Ronan
EE Issues
RC5 released Dec 22. .
Kingfisher status
New BSP from Renesas 2.23.1 was released
Cogent released a BSP for the Kingfisher. Stephane figuring out how to bring this in.
Ito-san - Renesas will release new BSP with Cogent changes end of January with 4.14 kernel and YP 2.4. This will be back ported to Eel for a patch release in February.
New Business: