Table of Contents

SAT Meeting Minutes Archive

November 26, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Itoh, Marius, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

November 12, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius, Itoh, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

October 15, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Itoh, Ishii, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

October 1, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Itoh, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

September 3, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Itoh, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

August 20, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Ishii, Itoh, Marius, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

August 6, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Itoh, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

July 23, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ludwig, Kurokawa

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

July 9, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Marius, Victor. Vishwamath Jakate, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

June 25, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Yamaguchi, Marius, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

June 11, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Marius, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

May 28, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Kazu, Yamaguchi, Victor, Marius, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

May 14, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Yamaguchi, Marius, Kurokawa

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

April 30, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Victor, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

April 2, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Kuzu, Nagayama, George

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

March 19, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Matti, Kuzu

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

March 5, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

February 20, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, George

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

February 6, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Marius

No one really joined. Talked about FOSDEM and OE/ Yocto activities last week.

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

January 16, 2024

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott. Yamaguchi, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

December 12, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

November 28, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Kazuki

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

November 14, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Justin, George, Date, Kazuki

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

October 31, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Jerry, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

October 17, 2023

Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Kazuki-san

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

October 3, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

September 19, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Richard. Date, Marius, Kuzuki

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

September 5, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Richard, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Kuzu, Jerry, Date, Kurokawa

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

August 08, 2023

Attendees: Jan-Simon, Richard, Ishii-san, Kurokawa-san, Scott, Date-san, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

Next call in 4 weeks!

July 25, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Richard, Ishii, Kurokawa, Date, Kuzu, Marius, Bernard

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

July 5, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Paul M,, Vladimir (Panasonic), Senthil Subramanian (Panasonic), Ishii, Jerry, Marius

June 20, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Richard, Paul M, Marius, Ned

June 13, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Richard, Ishii, Paul M, Kurokawa, Marius, Date, Stephane, Jerry, Prasad

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

May 30, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Date, Ishii, Richard, Date, Marius, Paul M, Kurokawa, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

May 16, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Paul M, Date, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

April 18, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Richard, Date, Kurokawa, Ishii, Paul Mundt, Jerry, Bernard, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

April 4, 2023

Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Ishii, Date, Kurokawa, George, Jerry, Stephane

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

March 28, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Date, Kurokawa, Stephane

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business

March 2, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Date, Kurokawa, Stephane, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

February 16, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Date, Kurokawa, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

January 19, 2023

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Date, Bernard

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

December 22, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

November 24, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Denys, Marius, Bernard

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

November 10, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott,Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius, Kurokawa

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

October 27, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott,Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

October 13, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Ishii, Bernard, Raouf, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Stephane, Jerry

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

September 15, 2022

Attendees: Walt,Jan-Simon, Date, Ishii, Marius, Bernard

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

September 1, 2022

Attendees: Walt,Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii-san, Stephane, Marius, Jerry, Bernard, Yamaguchi

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

August 4, 2022

Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi-san, Kurokawa-san, Marius, Jerry, Ishii-san, Bernard

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

July 21, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Date, Marius, Jerry, Stephane

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

July 7, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Jerry, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Stephane, Vinod, Ishii, Marius

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

June 23, 2022

Meeting Canceled

June 9, 2022

Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Jerry, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Stephane

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

May 26, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Bernard

Profiles document can be found here.

New Business:

May 12, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry, Bernard, Yamaguchi,

New Business:

April 28, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry, Bernard, Stephane

New Business:

April 14, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Scott, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry

New Business:

March 31, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Marius, Ilya Guterman, Date

New Business:

March 17, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Jerry, Ishii, Bernard, Marius, Date, Takeuchi, Nomoto,

New Business:

March 3, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Ishii, Marius, Bernard, Kurokawa, Stephane, Takeuchi, Jerry

New Business:

February 17, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Kurokawa, Stephane. HeeWon, Ishii, Marius, Yamaguchi, Takeuchi

New Business:

February 3, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Yamaguchi, Jerry, Takeuchi, Marius

New Business:

January 20, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Kurokawa, Mikhail, Yamaguchi, Marius, Jerry, Stephane

New Business

December 9, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Daniel, Marius, Jerry

 * Virt EG
   * 5/13 
     * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. 
     * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. 
   * 5/27
     * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday
   * 7/8 
     * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day!
   * 8/5
     * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. 
   * 8/19
     * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed.  
   * 9/16 
     * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. 
   * 9/30 
     * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October
     * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO
   * 10/28 
     * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. 
   * 11/11
     * Final review of [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] 
   * 11/25
     * Busy preparing ALS slides and getting demo videos from EG members. 
     * RFQ in progress.
     * Linaro and Open Synergy are both considering bringing their demo to the AGL booth at Embedded World Conference in March. 
   * 12/9
     * RFQ evaluation matrix is in progress. Walt will send to Jerry to today. 
     * VirtIO features are in review in gerrit. 

New Business

November 25, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Jerry, Kurokawa, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Sachin

 * Virt EG
   * 5/13 
     * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. 
     * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. 
   * 5/27
     * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday
   * 7/8 
     * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day!
   * 8/5
     * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. 
   * 8/19
     * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed.  
   * 9/16 
     * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. 
   * 9/30 
     * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October
     * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO
   * 10/28 
     * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. 
   * 11/11
     * Final review of [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] 
   * 11/25
     * Busy preparing ALS slides and getting demo videos from EG members. 
     * RFQ in progress.
     * Linaro and Open Synergy are both considering bringing their demo to the AGL booth at Embedded World Conference in March. 

New Business

November 11, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Jerry, Ishii, Date, Nomoto, Kurokawa, Bernard

 * Virt EG
   * 5/13 
     * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. 
     * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. 
   * 5/27
     * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday
   * 7/8 
     * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day!
   * 8/5
     * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. 
   * 8/19
     * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed.  
   * 9/16 
     * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. 
   * 9/30 
     * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October
     * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO
   * 10/28 
     * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. 
   * 11/11
     * Final review of [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] 

New Business:

October 28, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Hosokawa, Ishii, Date, Yamaguchi Nomoto, Mikhail, Takeuchi, Jerry

 * Virt EG
   * 5/13 
     * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. 
     * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. 
   * 5/27
     * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday
   * 7/8 
     * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day!
   * 8/5
     * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. 
   * 8/19
     * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed.  
   * 9/16 
     * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. 
   * 9/30 
     * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October
     * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO
   * 10/28 
     * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. 

New Business:

September 30, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Hosokawa, Ishii, Stephane, Date, Yamaguchi, Guy, Ned, Jerry, Kurokawa, Mikhail, Takeuchi

 * Virt EG
   * 5/13 
     * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. 
     * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. 
   * 5/27
     * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday
   * 7/8 
     * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day!
   * 8/5
     * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. 
   * 8/19
     * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed.  
   * 9/16 
     * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. 
   * 9/30 
     * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October
     * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO

New Business:

September 16, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Hosokawa, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Sekine, Takeuchi, Jerry, Date, Nomoto, Kurokawa, Marius

New Business:

September 2, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Nomoto, Takeuchi, Jerry, Daniel, Richard, Date, Kurokawa, Ishii, Hosokawa, Yamaguchi, Stephane

New Business:

August 19, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Nomoto, Takeuchi, Daniel, Ishii, Stephane, Bernard, Kurokawa, George, Jerry

New Business:

August 5, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Richard, Bernard, Ishii, Hosokawa, Date, Yamaguchi

New Business:

July 22, 2021

Attendees: Jan-Simon, Sekine-san, Scott, Nishiguchi-san

New Business:

July 8, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott,, Jerry, George, Hosokawa, Nomoto, Nishiguchi, Bernard, Kurokawa, Date, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Takeuchi

 * Virt EG
   * 5/13 
     * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. 
     * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. 
   * 5/27
     * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday
   * 7/8 
     * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day!

New Business:

June 24, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Jerry, Kurokawa, George, Hosokawa, Nomoto,

New Business:

June 10, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jerry, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Sekine, Date, Marius, Hosokawa, Bernard, George, Nishiguchi, Stephane, Kurokawa

New Business:

May 27, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jerry, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Hosokawa, Sekine, Date, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Mikhail, Richard, Takeuchi

New Business:

May 13, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jerry, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Hosokawa, Sekine, Date, Takeuchi, Marius. Anmol, Nishiguchi

New Business:

April 22, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jerry, Scott, Richard. Ishii, Data, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Takeuchi, Mikhail, Nishiguchi

New Business:

April 8, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Nomoto, Marius, Stephane, Takeuchi, Fujiwara, Jerry, Sekine, Date, Nishiguchi

New Business:

March 25, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Date, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Nomoto, George, Marius, Stephane, Nishiguchi

New Business:

March 23, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon

Special SAT Meeting to review the 2021 Planning Feature List before the SC starts reviewing it.

March 11, 2022

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguch, Kurokawa, Nomoto, Sekine, Stephane, Haraki, Marius, Richard ,

Nishiguchi,, Date,,, Takeuchi, Farshid, Hosokawa,

New Business:

February 25, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Date, Richard, Sekine, Takeuchi, Farshid, Hosokawa, Marius

New Business:

February 11, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, George, Nishiguchi

New Business:

January 28, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Tanikawa, Nomoto, Hosokawa, Date, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Marius, Paul, Shuhei, Takeuchi, Nishiguchi

New Business:

January 14, 2021

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Marius, Date, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Scott, Sekine, Tanikawa, Oki, Nishiguchi, George, Stephane

New Business:

December 17, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Tanikawa, Sekine, Oki, Nomoto, Scott, Nishiguchi, Haraki, Takeuchi, Changhyeok, Marius

New Business:

December 3, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Micheal, Scott, Marius, Oki, Sekine, Nomoto, George, Tanikawa, Yamaguchi, Nishiguchi, Hosokawa, Takeuchi, Haraki

New Business:

November 19, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Changhyeok, Oki, Sekine, Nomoto, Tanikawa, Kurokawa, Nishiguchi, Yamaguchi, Takeuchi, Marius, George, Stephane

November 5, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Oki, Sekine, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Tanikawa, Date, Takeuchi, Kimura, Marius

October 22 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Anusha, Kurokawa, Marius, Oki, Sekine, Nomoto, Scott, Stephane, Veeresh, Tanikawa, Yamaguchi, Kimura, Tanibata, Takeuchi, Kusakabe

September 24 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Nomoto (Toyota), Scott, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Imamura, Hosokawa, Marius, Yamaguchi, Sekine, Tanikawa, Takemoto, Haraki

September 17 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Nomoto (Toyota), Scott, Changhyeok(Daimler), Kimura (Denso-Ten), Furtua (Denso-Ten), Kurokawa, Imamura (NTT Data MSE), Date (Toyota), Momiyama (Aisin AW), Nakadachi (Mazda), Nishiguchi, Oki (Mazda) Takeuchi (Toyota), Tanikawa (Panasonic), Takemoto (NTT Data MSE), Hoshina (Toyota)

Special SAT Meeting #4

September 10 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Dr. Yamaguchi.

New Topics:

August 27 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Tanikawa, Kimura, Kurokawa, Sekine, Takemoto, Scott, Nomoto, Lokesh Gugale,

New Topics:

August 20, 2020

Attendees: Need to update attendee list

August 6, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Haraki, Munakata, Tanikawa, Nishiguchi, e, Kusakabe, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Fulup, Daniel Need to update attendee list

July 30, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Yamaguchi, Haraki, Munakata, Tanikawa, Nishiguchi, Olivier Delbeke, Kusakabe, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Fulup, Daniel

July 30, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Haraki, Jose, Takemoto (NTT Data MSE), Takeuchi (Toyota), Kimura, Dr. Y, Scott, Nomoto, Kurokawa, George, Guy, Nishiguchi, Hosakawa, Tanikawa, Marius, Jose, Kusakabe (late),

New Business:

July 17, 2020

Virtual F2F meeting after the Virtual AMM, Meeting minutes are here.

July 2, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Haraki, Tanikawa, Kusakabe, Sekine, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Nishiguchi, Hosokawa, Kurokawa, Li,

New Business:

June 18, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon

New Business:

June 4, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Yamaguchi, Michael, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Nomoto, Scott, Hanaoka, Sekine, Tanikawa, Haraki,

May 28, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Daniel, Hosokawa, Joel Catala, Jesus Cabrera, Nishiguchi, Haraki, Bernd Niedermeier, Anusha,

Special meeting to review IC EG RFQs

May 21, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Haraki, Scott, Sekine, Kurokawa, Nomoto, Tanikawa

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

FOSSology/ License Review

New Business:

May 7, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Li, Michael, Andrey, Mikhail, Leonid, Sebastien, Hosokawa, Ohiwa, Nishiguchi, Dr, Yamaguchi, Mr, K, Haraki,

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

FOSSology/ License Review

New Business:

April 23, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Abe, Tanikawa, Haraki, Ohiwa

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

FOSSology/ License Review

New Business:

April 9, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Stephane, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Haraki, Hosokawa, Tanikawa, Nomoto, Abe, Ohiwa, Scott,

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

FOSSology/ License Review

New Business:

March 26, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Dr. Yamaguchi, Ohiwa, Nomoto, Abe, Kusakabe, Haraki, Hosokawa, Stephane, Parth, Nishiguchi, Tanikawa

SPEC-2538 - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously.

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

FOSSology/ License Review

New Business:

March 12, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Li, Ohiwa, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Tanikawa, Haraki, Abe, Hosokawa, Dr. Yamaguchi, Nomoto

SPEC-2538 - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously.

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

FOSSology/ License Review

New Business:

February 13, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Li, Scott, Jose, Sebastien, Kusakabe, Dr. Yamaguchi, Hosokawa, Michael, Jeremy, Kurokawa, Ronan, Sekine, Ohiwa, Guy

SPEC-2538 - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously.

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

FOSSology/ License Review

New Business:

January 16, 2020

Attendees: Walt, Dr. Yamaguchi, Kusakabe, Scott, Stephane, Michael

SPEC-2538 - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously.

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

New Business:

FOSSology/ License Review

Tanibata: Merge Graphics and UI with Instrument Cluster EG starting next year. Schedule for a more EU/Japan joint friendly time. Would like feedback from Haraki-san on this proposal. Tanibata-san will meet with Haraki-san today to discuss. One idea is for meetings to be held at 5:00 pm JST (which is 9 am CET, 2 am Chicago time) Developer call. Can try to hold two sessions per week. One at the current time on Tuesday and a second session at 6 pm Chicago time/ 9 am JST.

January 2, 2020

Meeting Cancelled

December 19, 2019

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Ohiwa, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Fulup, Guy, Li, Sekine, Takada, Nishiguchi, Haraki, Juhyun Doh, Cristoph Stoidner, Fulup, Vincent, George, Sebastien

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

New Business:

FOSSology/ License Review

Tanibata: Merge Graphics and UI with Instrument Cluster EG starting next year. Schedule for a more EU/Japan joint friendly time. Would like feedback from Haraki-san on this proposal. Tanibata-san will meet with Haraki-san today to discuss. One idea is for meetings to be held at 5:00 pm JST (which is 9 am CET, 2 am Chicago time) Developer call. Can try to hold two sessions per week. One at the current time on Tuesday and a second session at 6 pm Chicago time/ 9 am JST.

December 5, 2019

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Edi, Stephane, Sebastian, George, Nick, Jasim Quazi, Jeremy Puhlman, Guy, Julian, Ohiwa, Dr. Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Kusakabe, Nishiguchi, Scott, Sekine

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

New Business:

November 21, 2019

Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Sebastien, Guy, Michael, Stephane, Nick, Hosokawa, Haraki, Kurokawa, Sekine, Ohiwa, Kusakabe, Nishiguchi, Dr. Yamaguchi,

* AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles.

New Business: