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eg-ivi:meetings [2021/03/04 12:20]
Riku.Nomoto [March 4th, 2021]
eg-ivi:meetings [2024/08/09 00:43] (current)
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-==== IVI Expert Group Meeting Info ==== +===== Meeting Notes for AGL IVI Expert Group =====
-The IVI Expert Groups meets every other Thursday at xx:00 UTC. Meeting minutes the upcoming scheduled meeting dates are listed below. ​+
-Join Zoom Meeting +==== August 8, 2024 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Itoh, Yamaguchi, Yoshida
-Meeting ID98420206742+   * Joel gave an update on the Flatpak and app store work. See the [[https://​​channels/​1259897607531003945/​1266051373984911473 | Flutter embedded discord server]] for details.
-Meeting Passcode: 121632 
-Find your local number: https://​​u/​ameRude4a+==== August 1, 2024 ====
-Confluence ​page https://​​display/IVIPR/IVI+Production+Readiness+Activity+Home+Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Joel, Jake, Justin, Lisandro, Daniel Stone 
 +   * Daniel gave a presentation about Flatpak and lessons learned. Presentation to be posted to Confluence 
 +   * Meta-flutter updated to Flutter version 3.22.3 
 +   * Lots of apps updated due to the Flutter update 
 +   * Looking to get this update into next Ricefish release in mid-September 
 +   * Updated meeting to be at noon EDT every other week and 8 pm EDT every other week. 
 +   * App Store POC [[  ​https://​​x/FwDlBg | confluence doc]] was created using Joel's Google as the starting point. ​  
 +==== July 11, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Marius, Joel, Jake, Vishwanath (Vish) 
 +   * Meta-flutter updated to Flutter version 3.22.2 
 +   * Joel working on a big documentation update  
 +   * App Store POC [[  https://​​x/​FwDlBg | confluence doc]] was created using Joel's Google as the starting point. Held a kick-off meeting on Tuesday.  
 +   * Joel gave  [[https://​​jwinarske/​waypp | waypp]] update. ​  
 +   * Joel made updates to use the Godot engines 
 +   * Aligned schedules for a Ricefish release from Toyota - need anything to be included in the initial Ricefish release to be in gerrit by June 28. Can do another release after summer vacations in August. 
 +   * Justin gave an update of this work. Pubspec fetcher will be completed next week and/or handed off to Lisandro.  
 +==== June 20, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Joel, Jonathan, Lisandro, Jake  
 +   ​* ​ App Store POC [[  https://​​x/​FwDlBg | confluence doc]] was created using Joel's Google as the starting point.  
 +     * Walt to set up a public meeting including PVG before the AMM.  
 +   * Scott working on moving meta-flutter to meta-agl instead of meta-agl-devel. ​ The age-image-flutter is broken. Joel commented that he is not longer using it. Scott will work on making this a demo of how to build and add Flutter apps to an AGL image.  
 +   * Ricefish release being prepped by Joel and his team.   Will test RPi4, Renesas Car3, and QEMUx86-64 as the primary targets 
 +   * Joel gave  [[https://​​jwinarske/​waypp | waypp]] update. ​  
 +   * Joel made updates to use the Godot engines 
 +   * Aligned schedules for a Ricefish release from Toyota - need anything to be included in the initial Ricefish release to be in gerrit by June 28. Can do another release after summer vacations in August. 
 +   * Justin gave an update of this work. Pubspec fetcher will be completed next week and/or handed off to Lisandro.  
 +==== June 13, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Joel, Justin, Jonathan, Lisandro, Jake  
 +   ​* ​ App Store POC [[  https://​​x/​FwDlBg | confluence doc]] was created using Joel's Google as the starting point.  
 +   * Joel gave  [[https://​​jwinarske/​waypp | waypp]] update. ​  
 +   * Joel made updates to use the Godot engines 
 +   * Aligned schedules for a Ricefish release from Toyota - need anything to be included in the initial Ricefish release to be in gerrit by June 28. Can do another release after summer vacations in August. 
 +   * Justin gave an update of this work. Pubspec fetcher will be completed next week and/or handed off to Lisandro.  
 +==== May 23, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Joel, Justin, Jonathan, Lisandro, Jake  
 +   ​* ​ App Store POC  
 +     * Project charter. Create an overall Epic for the project and a subproject for the App Store POC. Joel has a Google doc that we can transfer to Confluence as a place to manage the project requirements and architecture,​  
 +     * Walt will set up a meeting between Toyota and Honda after Joel's vacation to discuss collaboration  
 +   * Joel gave  [[https://​​jwinarske/​waypp | waypp]] update. ​  
 +   * Joel made updates to use the Godot engines 
 +   * Aligned schedules for a Ricefish release from Toyota. ​  
 +   * Justin gave an update of this work.  
 +==== May 16, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Justin, Jonathan, Lisandro, Jake  
 +   ​* ​ App Store POC  
 +     * Project charter. Create an overall Epic for the project and a subproject for the App Store POC. Joel has a Google doc that we can transfer to Confluence as a place to manage the project requirements and architecture,​  
 +     * Walt will set up a meeting between Toyota and Honda after next week to discuss collaboration  
 +   * Joel gave  [[https://​​jwinarske/​waypp | waypp]] update. Vulcan shader toy now working.  
 +   * Joel looking at Unreal, Unity, and Godot engines 
 +   * Aligned schedules for a Ricefish release from Toyota. ​  
 +==== May 9, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Marius, Justin, Jonathan  
 +   ​* ​ App Store POC  
 +     * Project charter. Create an overall Epic for the project and a subproject for the App Store POC. Joel has a Google doc that we can transfer to Confluence as a place to manage the project requirements and architecture,​  
 +     * Walt will set up a meeting between Toyota and Honda after next week to discuss collaboration  
 +   * Joel gave  [[https://​​jwinarske/​waypp | waypp]] update 
 +   * Aligned schedules for a Ricefish release from Toyota. ​  
 +==== May 2, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Jake, Justin, Lisandro, Jonathan, Matt  
 +   ​* ​ App Store POC  
 +     * Project charter. Create an overall Epic for the project and a subproject for the App Store POC. Joel has a Google doc that we can transfer to Confluence as a place to manage the project requirements and architecture,​  
 +     * Walt will set up a meeting between Toyota and Honda after next week to discuss collaboration  
 +   * Discussed [[https://​​benefits/​ | Open Mobile Hub]] and their current status and roadmap. Questions about how large a team will be required to achieve their goals and what their business plan is to get there. They stopped by the CES booth and talked to Joel and Lorenzo. They are at least two years away from Flutter/​Dart support. We are open to supporting them but not sure how at this time.  
 +==== Apr 25, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Jake, Justin, Lisandro, Jonathan Munro (ICS), Matt Rentz (ICS) 
 +   * Toyota App Store POC is a go from the Toyota side. Joel will get some code for store management going for launching Dart apps and we will figure out how to expand from there.  
 +   * Walt will set up a meeting between Toyota and Honda after next week to discuss collaboration  
 +   * Joel discussed his Wayland C++ library, [[https://​​jwinarske/​waypp | waypp]] 
 +   *  
 +==== Mar 28, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Jake, Marvin 
 +   * Joel pushed a bunch of updates that get us to Flutter 3.19.3 which were merged onto master and will be ported to Quillback for 17.0.2 
 +   * Discussed plan for maintaining Flutter on kirkstone vs. scarthgap. Will plan for Toyota to move on to Scarthgap and we will stick to 3.19.3 for our LTS 
 +==== Mar 21, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Marius, Jake 
 +   * Joel pushed a bunch of updates that get us to Flutter 3.19.3  
 +   * Updates to workspace automation  
 +   * Did some layer mods to rename the layers to flutter-layer and flutter-apps-layer (gerrit 29752)  
 +   * No updates the embedder itself these patches 
 +==== Feb 15, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Marius, Scott, Jake 
 +   * AGL release plans  
 +     * Quillback/ Kirkstone will live on for next two years 
 +     * Master will up rev to scarthgap in early March after AMM for Ricefish release in July 
 +     * Joel will target an update targeted to master/​Quillback/​kirstone before we merge Scarthgap 
 +   * Meta-Flutter updates in progress 
 +     * Depot tools tip of tree 
 +     * Flutter engine 3.16.9  
 +     * Workspace automation - Flutter app autoroller.  
 +   * 2024 Planning  
 +     * Discussed SPEC-5072 - Further improvements and functionality for the AGL compositor. Marius will document discussion in the jira ticket 
 +     * Will need some level of support from Scott, Jan-Simon, and Marius for meta-flutter updates 
 +     * Would like guidance for porting from ivi shell to AGL compositor expedite internal changeover to AGL compositor. Marius needs some direction on what is missing in AGL compositor to meet Toyota'​s needs.  
 +       * Dual output to HUD display (SPEC-4910)  
 +       * Consolidation of layers as they are being used by Toyota in ivi-shell.  
 +       * Gesture detection improvements - improvements to libinput 
 +       * Input muxing with multiple layers 
 +       * Animations 
 +       * App store proposal 
 +==== Feb 8, 2024 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Marius, Scott, Jake 
 +   * Meta-Flutter updates in progress 
 +     * Depot tools tip of tree 
 +     * Flutter engine 3.16.9  
 +     * Workspace automation - Flutter app autoroller.  
 +   * 2024 Planning  
 +     * Will need some level of support from Scott, Jan-Simon, and Marius for meta-flutter updates 
 +     * Would like guidance for porting from ivi shell to AGL compositor expedite internal changeover to AGL compositor. Marius needs some direction on what is missing in AGL compositor to meet Toyota'​s needs.  
 +       * Dual output to HUD display (SPEC-4910)  
 +       * Consolidation of layers as they are being used by Toyota in ivi-shell.  
 +       * Gesture detection improvements - improvements to libinput 
 +       * Input muxing with multiple layers 
 +       * Animations 
 +==== Dec 21, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Scott, Jake 
 +   * Joel working hard on getting Filament working as an alternative to Impeller.  
 +   * Camera integration is on hold until next year - we need a description of  what Joel will be demonstrating at CES. 
 +==== Dec 14, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Keith, Lisandro, Jan-Simon, Scott, Dorothy, Jeff, Marius, Scott, Jake, Justin, Lynn, Terry Staycer 
 +Questions for discussion:​ 
 +  - What can we do to improve developer on-boarding for AGL? 
 +    - Lisandro: Platform team had difficulty with the set up scripts that we provided. Need to be improved.  
 +    - Found it easy to wire up the back end with KUKSA running in a container.  
 +    - Justin: Found it difficult to make changes in Flutter and deploy them. Had to use the Yocto build system rather than an IDE that they run on their desktop. 
 +    - Scott: the initial pieces are in place, but work needs to be done.  
 +    - Joel: Are there Jira tickets or other communication around the issue? Could be fixed in an hour or so. 
 +    - Walt; Have we documented the requirements and what the expectations are?   
 +    - Dorothy: hardware access  
 +  - What did you find easy or difficult to use in the Flutter embedder? ​ What improvements can we make in the experience?​ 
 +    - Lisandro: Issues were resolved quickly by the AGL dev team as ICS found them  
 +  - What additional services would be helpful to add to the AGL interface?  
 +   - Finally I would like your thoughts on what improvements or expansions we can make to the Flutter apps and how easy or difficult it would be to reuse the code for a landscape version of the apps using the same display.  
 +     - David: This would not be too difficult to do, I would estimate about a day or two of effort depending on the competence of the developer. There are libraries that can be used for this and many of the components will scale.  
 +     - Getting video working would be big win. Is there a way to get upstream video plug-ins running? ​  
 +   * Camera integration is on hold until next year - we need a description of  what Joel will be demonstrating at CES. 
 +   * Joel now using TI EVK instead of Beaglebone AI-64? 
 +   * Joel started working on BeagleBone AI 
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Space secured in the CES Booth for the demo.  
 +==== Nov 30, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Marius, Jan-Simon, Jake 
 +   * Flutter 3.13.9 integrated  
 +   * ICS integration is basically complete. Will set up a session with ICS for the next call to have a project wrap-up with lessons learned. ​  
 +   * Joel shared his Pigeon sandbox work https://​​toyota-connected/​linux-pigeon-sandbox/ ​ sounds like we can pick up some cool off the shelf apps in the media and casual gaming space.  
 +   * Camera integration is on hold until next year - we need a description of Joel will be demonstrating at CES. 
 +   * Joel now using TI EVK instead of Beaglebone AI-64? 
 +   * Joel started working on BeagleBone AI 
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Space secured in the CES Booth for the demo.  
 +==== Nov 9, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Marius, Scott, Jan-Simon, Lisandro, Jake 
 +   * Flutter 3.13.2 integrated last week.  
 +   * SPEC-4938 - visual artifacts problems. Marius submitted a fix to Joel's repo.  
 +   * Need update to 3.13.9? 
 +   * Joel now using TI EVK instead of Beaglebone AI-64? 
 +   * Joel started working on BeagleBone AI 
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Space secured in the CES Booth for the demo.  
 +==== Nov 2, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Marius, Scott, Jan-Simon, Lisandro, Jake, Yassine 
 +   * Flutter 3.13.2 integrated last week.  
 +   * SPEC-4938 - visual artifacts problems. Marius submitted a fix to Joel's repo.  
 +   * Need update to 3.13.9? 
 +   * Joel now using TI EVK instead of Beaglebone AI-64? 
 +   * Joel started working on BeagleBone AI 
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Space secured in the CES Booth for the demo.  
 +==== Oct 12, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Marius, Scott, Jan-Simon 
 +   * ICS engagement moving along nicely. Reviewed first screen designs and wireframes with their design team and their devs are spinning up as well.  
 +   * Flutter 3.13.2 being worked on. Should be ready for us end of day Friday  
 +   * Joel started working on BeagleBone AI 
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Space secured in the CES Booth for the demo.  
 +==== Oct 5, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Joel, Jake, Marius, Scott 
 +   * ICS kickoff took place this week. Meeting with developers later today and designers tomorrow morning.  
 +   * Joel started working on BeagleBone AI 
 +   * Flutter 3.13.2 planned second week of October (on track for next week). 
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Space secured in the CES Booth for the demo.  
 +   *  
 +==== Sep 28, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Joel, Jake, Marius, Anthony Barrera 
 +   * ICS will start working next week.  
 +   * Marius reported on the issues found on AGL's -next branch around weston/​mesa:​  
 +     * SPEC-4911 
 +     * SPEC-4913 
 +     * SPEC-4915 
 +   * Flutter 3.13.2 planned second week of October. 
 +   * Scott buying a BeagleBone AI-64 - Joel reports issues getting the stack to work with prebuilt images. 
 +   * pi5 out, likely available around the workshop 
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Walt to make sure we have a space for this in the booth layout.  
 +==== Sep 21, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Joel, Scott, Marius 
 +   * Had a few meetings with ICS with a business discussion planned for this afternoon. [[https://​​x/​aoEYBQ | Confluence page for CES 2024 demo]] and ICS engagement. ​  
 +   * Flutter 3.13.2 planned second week of October. 
 +   * Scott buying a BeagleBone AI-64  
 +   * Joel talked about putting together a camera demo with LLM integration for a standalone CES demo. Would also include Impeller (3D engine) with Navi.  Walt to make sure we have a space for this in the booth layout.  
 +==== Sep 14, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Joel, Scott, Jake, Marius 
 +   * Walt meeting with ICS this afternoon.  
 +   * Joel has been busy with internal work, delaying the up rev to 3.13.2 to second week of October. 
 +==== Sep 7, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Joel, Scott, Jake 
 +   * Joel suggested to ICS that they should talk to us about a Figma integration for Flutter apps. Walt arranging a meeting with them. 
 +   * Joel working up rev to 3.13.2. Was hoping to get into AGL this week. Includes a new upgrade to Dart VM major.  
 +==== Aug 31, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Joel, Scott, Jake 
 +==== Aug 10, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Joel, Scott, Jake 
 +  * no updates this week 
 +  * Scott looking into flutter apps wrt grpc support 
 +  * meta-flutter can be compiled w/o meta-clang soon 
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Joel may have fix for the i.Mx8 issue he was seeing.  
 +  * Joel's OSS update has been pushed back a little.  
 +    * OSS update includes Impeller.  
 +    * Internally moving to 3.10.6 (latest stable) for Flutter 
 +==== Aug 10, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Joel, Scott, Jake, Marius 
 +  * updates for meta-flutter (dunfell) upstream 
 +  * Uprev planned for master by next week. 
 +  * Pike 16.0.0 will be released asap  
 +    * agl-ivi-demo-platform-flutter build so we can reference it in the workspace 
 +  * Scott looking into flutter apps wrt grpc support 
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Joel may have fix for the i.Mx8 issue he was seeing.  
 +  * Joel's OSS update has been pushed back a little.  
 +    * OSS update includes Impeller.  
 +    * Internally moving to 3.10.6 (latest stable) for Flutter 
 +==== Aug 3, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Joel, Jake, Joel, Marius 
 +  * Uprev planned for master by EOW next week. 
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Joel may have fix for the i.Mx8 issue he was seeing.  
 +  * Joel's OSS update has been pushed back a little.  
 +    * OSS update includes Impeller.  
 +    * Internally moving to 3.10.6 (latest stable) for Flutter 
 +==== July 20, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jake, Joel, Marius 
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Joel may have fix for the i.Mx8 issue he was seeing.  
 +  * Joel's OSS update has been pushed back a little.  
 +    * OSS update includes Impeller.  
 +    * Internally moving to 3.10.6 (latest stable) for Flutter 
 +==== July 6, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jake, Joel 
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Joel seeing regressions on i.Mx8. He bought a board to try to debug it.  
 +  * Will be pushing an OSS update end of the week including Impeller.  
 +  * Internally moving to 3.10.5 (latest stable) for Flutter 
 +  * Set up meeting time with Joel at the F2F next Friday.  
 +==== June 1, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Jake, Joel, Marius 
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Workspace automation  
 +    * Git repo https://​​meta-flutter/​workspace-automation 
 +    * Discussed Joel's patches that were posted last night so we can get them into Pike M1.  
 +      * https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl-demo/​+/28973 
 +      * https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl-devel/​+/28972 
 +      * https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​AGL-repo/​+/​28971 
 +==== May 18, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Jake, Joel 
 +  * Joel swamped with internal work so has not any time for AGL work.  
 +  * Will make an effort to get the workspace automation into Pike M1 (planned for June 9)  
 +  * Would like to use it as the basis for some automation of Qt and Webapp workflows 
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Workspace automation  
 +    * Git repo https://​​meta-flutter/​workspace-automation 
 +    * Discussed how to integrate into AGL  
 +==== May 11, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Jake 
 +  * Joel cannot attend ALS Europe in Prague due to internal commitments.  
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Workspace automation  
 +    * Git repo https://​​meta-flutter/​workspace-automation 
 +    * Discussed how to integrate into AGL  
 +==== May 4, 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Jake, Marius, Joel 
 +  * Joel will work to get approval to present and attend ALS Europe in Prague. Focus will be how to get started with Flutter and AGL and workflow.  
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Workspace automation  
 +    * Git repo https://​​meta-flutter/​workspace-automation 
 +    * Discussed how to integrate into AGL  
 +==== April 20 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Jake, Marius, Joel 
 +  * Joel back from two weeks in Japan.  
 +  * Joel will work to get approval to present and attend ALS Europe in Prague. Focus will be how to get started with Flutter and AGL and workflow.  
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward - still TBD 
 +  * Workspace automation  
 +    * Git repo https://​​meta-flutter/​workspace-automation 
 +    * Discussed how to integrate into AGL  
 +==== Mar 30 2023 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Scott, Max, Jake, Marius, Joel, Date 
 +  * Jake is taking over from Max going forward.  
 +  * Joel will work to get approval to present and attend ALS Europe in Prague. Focus will be how to get started with Flutter and AGL and workflow.  
 +  * Walt will add Joel's roadmap info from his email to Confluence and we can use the Confluence page for discussions going forward.  
 +  * Joel's patches are going to be accepted upstream by the Flutter team so we can carry fewer (none?) patches at some time in the near future 
 +  * Joel walked us through https://​​meta-flutter/​workspace-automation and the work he has done there particularly the files in https://​​meta-flutter/​workspace-automation/​tree/​main/​configs 
 +==== September 22nd, 2022 ==== 
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Max, Marius, Joel 
 +  * Joel looking at Kuksa and gRPC. 
 +  * Joel working on training slides 
 +  * Scott looks at flutter-homescreen for the ivi-demo 
 +  * No update wrt basesystem planned atm. 
 +Next call on 29th September. 
 +==== April 15th, 2021 ==== 
 +Attendees:​Walt Bernard Jerry Mikhail Scott Kurokawa Kobayashi Hosokawa Kato Nakao 
 +Nishiguchi Nomoto Date Takeuchi 
 +  *IVI-EG Schedule Update 
 +  *Production Readiness Requirement Specification 
 +  *Virt-IO device support priority 
 +  *IVI-EG Schedule Update 
 +      *21:00, Thursday on the same day which SAT meeting is held. 
 +      *Next IVI-EG on May13th 
 +==== April 1st, 2021 ==== 
 +Attendees:​Walt,​ Jan-Simon, Bernard, Daniel, Kobyashi, Jerry, Kato, Date, Nakao, Scott, Takeuchi 
 +The following is the material I explained.  
 +  * Explain PowerManagement feature in Basesystem(↑material) 
 +  * Feature Plan with Virt-EG 
 +    * Process Overall discussion in SAT -> each EG 
 +    * At next SAT, Jerry-san explains the each needs the prioritization 
 +    * At 22 SAT, collect the prioritized list and make prioritization. ​
 ==== March 4th, 2021 ==== ==== March 4th, 2021 ====
Line 22: Line 554:
   * 2021 Feature Planning by IVI-EG.   * 2021 Feature Planning by IVI-EG.
     * Add tasks in this sheet IVI-EG by March 10th     * Add tasks in this sheet IVI-EG by March 10th
-    ​* Prioritize by March 17th +      * https://​​spreadsheets/​d/​1WsFPh_-2wAYE8NvKlBGywYixhhJz9EBlbUR02r0UWF8/​edit#​gid=428149407 
-    * approve ​from SAT or other EGs+    ​* Prioritize by March 18th 
 +    * Be approved ​from SAT or other meeting
     * Set schedule     * Set schedule
-    ​* Nomoto will send the email how to proceed this feature list action ​+      ​* Nomoto(★) will send the email how to proceed this feature list action.
 ==== February 18th, 2021 ==== ==== February 18th, 2021 ====
eg-ivi/meetings.1614860401.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/03/04 12:20 by Riku.Nomoto