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eg-ivi:meetings [2024/11/15 01:00]
eg-ivi:meetings [2024/11/21 17:48] (current)
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 ===== Meeting Notes for AGL IVI Expert Group ===== ===== Meeting Notes for AGL IVI Expert Group =====
 +==== November 14, 2024 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Scott, Joel, Marius, Jan-Simon
 +Joel plans to roll an update to meta-flutter (3.24.4) to us for master to include in Salmon - will get to today
 +Discussed [[https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl/​+/​30509 | Gerrit 30509]]. Joel agreed to accept the patch as a workaround until his team has time to root cause the issue. Matt on Joel's team will start looking at this week. 
 +App Store POC
 +   * Joel has been experimenting with Flatpak in his spare time. 
 +   * Very Good Ventures will be working on a desktop software catalog that talks to Flatpak and showcases the app store
 +   * Toyota cannot host an app store open to the public. Need to confer with Jan-Simon about the requirements for hosting to see if we can use our AWS credits to host this. 
 +cgroupsv2 usage by IC EG
 +   * discussed IC EG issue with using cgroupsv2 or sticking with v1 [[https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl/​+/​30506 | gerrit 30506]]. ​
 +   * Joel and Scott recommend looking at [[https://​​containers/​bubblewrap | Bubblewrap]] as a replacement for LXC. 
 +     * More links
 +     * https://​​projectatomic/​bwrap-oci
 +     * https://​​coreos/​rpm-ostree
 +   * Another option is to carry a distro feature for the IC builds ​
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      * https://​​coreos/​rpm-ostree      * https://​​coreos/​rpm-ostree
    * Another option is to carry a distro feature for the IC builds ​    * Another option is to carry a distro feature for the IC builds ​
eg-ivi/meetings.1731632452.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/11/15 01:00 by wminer