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eg-ciat:meetings [2020/04/14 10:50]
eg-ciat:meetings [2024/09/04 12:27] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 Topic: AGL EG-CIAT Meeting Topic: AGL EG-CIAT Meeting
-TimeThis is a recurring meeting Meet anytime+Join Zoom Meetinghttps://​​j/​295064716?​pwd=QlM1ZStZYVpJYVBsVkRlVXBnS0p1UT09
-Join Zoom Meeting : https://​​j/​295064716+Meeting-ID295 064 716\\ 
 One tap mobile One tap mobile
Line 27: Line 28:
 -------- --------
-==== Roadmap for 2020 ====+==== Roadmap for 2024 ====
-  * Improved publishing of test results +  * Extend image/​machine matrix 
-    Email Reports +  Extend testsuite - contribution from Fujitsu 
-      * improve format and feedback to gerrit +  * Uprev LAVA 
-  * Additional tests +  * Remote LAVA labs 
-    * Applications +  * Extend test matrix 
-      * build and test different wgt types (normal, debug, test, coverage) +  * Binary feed
-  * Fuego integration +
-    * Support to run tests as lava jobs (from within Fuego) +
-  * Images in build matrix +
-    * more variants! (plan is to use qemux86-64 for this) +
-      * e.g. sota enabled +
-      * agl-demo-platform-html5 (html5-only UI) +
-      * cluster profile/​image +
-      * telematic profile/​image +
-  * move from jenkins-job-builder to a .jenkinsci or yaml based description+
 -------- --------
-==== Meeting 2020/04/14 ==== 
-=== Attendees ​=== +==== Meeting 2024/09/04 ====
-Jan-Simon, Li +
 +=== Attendees ===
 +Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * 04/14: 
-      * 9.0.1 ? 
-  * Fuego / Lava support +Active topics:
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330 +
-      * waiting for upstream review +
-    * Update 03/31: +
-      * Corentin to push for a review upstream+
-  * Corentin: ​ +  * lava lab status 
-    * Update 03/31 +    * 06/26:  
-      * Past week: +      * baylibre: ​operational 
-        * Testing new lava version in baylibre ​lab +      * agl-coreoperational 
-        * allow multiple artifacts to be uploaded (combined qemu+intel case) +        * boards pendingpi5, bb-ai
-      * This week: +
-        * prepare lava uprev +
-        * pi4 in corelab  +
-    * Update 04/14 +
-      * Past week+
-        *  +
-      * This week: +
-        * +
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +    * 11/29 
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +      * Images merged ​​gerrit/c/AGL/meta-agl-devel/​+/​29355  
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +      * fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
-    * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +      * need to work out automated test 
-    * 03/31: +        * CI to build image 
-      * autobuild issue: ​​browse/SPEC-3300 +        * LAVA test description,​ shell script 
-    * 04/14: +    * 3/6 
-      * Scott is working on fix of the autobuild issue+      * Image is building, need test description
-  HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/​autobuild script +    6/26 
-    *​browse/SPEC-2773 +      * AI: build ic multicontainer image and turn back on in CI  <-- 
-    * Update 03/03: +    ​* 7/24 
-      * postponed after test wgt+      ​*​view/jjb-weekly-jobs/​job/​build-master-iceg-drmlease-weekly/​ 
 +    * 9/4 
 +      * can make progress on qemu possibly with 2 vnc screens and screenshooter in agl-compositor  
 +      * needs change in output folder
 +  * Boards in CI:
 +    * Add Pi5 - pending adding the board to LAVA, add board to jenkins (master only)
 +    * Weekly builds for community platforms?
 +      * BB-AI  beaglebone-ai64
 +      * aws-ec2-arm64 ​
 +      * imx8mq-evk
 +      * unmatched / qemuriscv
 +      * s4sk (gateway demo only)
 +     * on failure: ​
 +       * mail to mailinglist,​ at least to the group, ​
 +     * 7/24
 +       * Done
 +       * https://​​job/​build-master-community-boards-weekly/​
 +     * 9/04
 +       * unmatched: waiting for drop from Joel
 +       * aws: botocore -> possibly need update of meta-aws
 +         * https://​​aws4embeddedlinux/​meta-aws/​commit/​c3d72745b81d5df4861652114ab21d9cd5d0bd52 ​
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * Flutter image default in CI 
-    * Update 31/03+    * Open issues
-      * Jan-Simon: rewrote the fossology-rest class into a phased version to +      * migrate image display app for screenshot (currently qt app) 
-        allow upload ​analysis / spdx report to be separate steps +      * could re-use same env variable and display ​ 
-        this works with online servers in remote datacenters with limited CPU +    7/10 
-    * Update 04/14: +      Scott will look after AMM - Jira: SPEC-5203 
-      * 9.0.1 uploaded, ready for review ​who will do the review ?+    * 9/04 
 +      * change to script doneCan start to flip CI jobs. 
 +        * flip flutter image to be default (jenkins) 
 +        * flip CI to use flutter images (releng-scripts / qa-testdefinitions)
-   Discussion on email reports  +  ​h3ulcb ​kernel ​page oops 
-     * example: https://​​g/​agl-test-reports/​message/​258 +    compare kirkstone (quillback) ​with scarthgap ​(master
-     * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 +      9/04 no update
-     ​Follow-up ​with Khouloud on testreport email +
-       * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test+
-       ​Add link for failures back to jenkins job +
-       * tldr: find right section of log with one click +
-     * Update 03/31: +
-       * No update+
-  ​CI Setup document needed ​- https://​​browse/​SPEC-2980 +On Hold: 
-    * Update 12/10: +  ​Yocto-check-layer ​- https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
-      * Files collectedMarkdown changes pending+    * 11/29 
-    Update 03/03: +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependenciesThis is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime
-      * Tbd (AMM cancelled) +  uprevs-next branch
-    * Update 04/14: +
-      * preparing a presentation+
-  * Lihow to test binding manually (post/​token) +  * Binary Feed
-    * afaik afm-util show id  will tell port +    * 6/26 
-    if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl +      unmerged image uprev test https://​​g/​openembedded-core/​message/​198191 
-      * 03/31: no update+      * old: https://​​wiki/​Binary_Distro_Process 
 +      * newhttps://​​wiki/​Binary_Distro_Prototype 
 +      * -> agl-image-compositor + dnf install flutter-demo pkggroup -> demo image 
 +    * 7/24 
 +      * no update
-  * Kusakabe-san+Next meeting
-    * Will send dockerfile for sw360 container +Oct 2nd
-    * Update 03/03: +
-      * eta in 2 weeks +
-    * Update 03/31: +
-      * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm  +
-    * Update 04/13: +
-      * sw360 dockerfile and user guide:​{{:​eg-ciat:​sw360.7z|here}}.+
-Next call: 
-Tuesday Apr 28th - same timeslot. 
--------- +==== Meeting ​2024/07/24 ====
-==== Meeting ​2020/03/31 ====+
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, ​Li XiaomingWalt, Parth, Kusakabe-san,​ Corentin +Jan-Simon, ​ScottMarius
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * 03/30: 8.0.6 test report 
-      * https://​​g/​agl-dev-community/​message/​8185 
-      * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2551 and https://​​browse/​SPEC-2620 ​ reopen if it applies to master 
-  * Fuego / Lava support +Active topics:
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330 +
-      * waiting for upstream review +
-    * Update 03/03: +
-      * Who can drive this upstream? Corentin ? +
-    * Update 03/31: +
-      * Corentin to push for a review upstream+
-  * Corentin: ​ +  * lava lab status 
-    * Update 03/03+    * 06/26:  
-      * Past week: +      * baylibreoperational 
-        * Pi4 is now working https://​​scheduler/​job/​10209 +      * agl-coreoperational 
-      * This week+        * boards pendingpi5, bb-ai
-        * Deal with enabling in CI +
-        * Also fix board boot issues after zeus uprev  +
-          * https://​​browse/​SPEC-3221 +
-    * Update 03/31 +
-      * Past week: +
-        * Testing new lava version in baylibre lab +
-        * allow multiple artifacts to be uploaded (combined qemu+intel case) +
-      * This week: +
-        * prepare lava uprev +
-        * pi4 in corelab ​+
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt'​s ​ +    * 11/29 
-    Test wgt'​s ​for apps submitted +      Images merged https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl-devel/​+/​29355  
-    Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +      * fixme's: order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
-    * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download ​2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +      need to work out automated test 
-    * 03/31: +        * CI to build image 
-      * autobuild issue:​browse/SPEC-3300+        * LAVA test description,​ shell script 
 +    * 3/
 +      * Image is building, need a test description
 +    * 6/26 
 +      * AIbuild ic multicontainer image and turn back on in CI  <-- 
 +    * 7/24 
 +      *​view/jjb-weekly-jobs/​job/​build-master-iceg-drmlease-weekly/​
-  * AGL license scanning ​(SPDX/​fossology+  * Boards in CI: 
-    * Update 02/18: +    * Add Pi5 - pending adding the board to LAVA, add board to jenkins ​(master only
-      * Debugging python error +    * Weekly builds for community platforms? 
-      * Uploading a build of icefish 9.0.0 to fossology (qemux86-64) +      * BB-AI  beaglebone-ai64 
-      * AI: create user for Li +      * aws-ec2-arm64 ​ 
-      * AI: check if m3/h3-nogfx can be uploaded +      * imx8mq-evk 
-    Update 03/03: +      * unmatched ​qemuriscv 
-      Still stuck on python error see+      s4sk (gateway demo only) 
-        *​browse/SPEC-2960 +     ​* on failure:  
-    * Update 31/03: +       * mail to mailinglist,​ at least to the group,  
-      * Jan-Simon: rewrote the fossology-rest class into a phased version to +     * 7/24 
-        * allow upload ​analysis / spdx report to be separate steps +       * Done 
-        * this works with online servers in remote datacenters with limited CPU+       *​job/build-master-community-boards-weekly/
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./autobuild/autobuild script +  * Binary Feed: 
-    * +    * 6/26 
-    * Update 03/03: +      * unmerged image uprev test https://​​g/​openembedded-core/message/198191 
-      * postponed after test wgt+      old: 
 +      * new: https://​​wiki/​Binary_Distro_Prototype 
 +      * -> agl-image-compositor + dnf install flutter-demo pkggroup -> demo image 
 +    * 7/10 
 +      * no update 
 +    * 7/24 
 +      * no update
-   * Discussion on email reports ​ 
-     * example: https://​​g/​agl-test-reports/​message/​258 
-     * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 
-     * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email 
-       * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) 
-       * Add link for failures back to jenkins job 
-       * tldr: find right section of log with one click 
-     * Update 12/10: 
-       * Please comment on https://​​browse/​SPEC-3020 
-     * Update 01/21: 
-       * New fields being added for the links back (https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​AGL/​releng-scripts/​+/​23580) 
-     * Update 03/03: 
-       * No update 
-     * Update 03/31: 
-       * No update 
-  * CI Setup document needed - https://​​browse/​SPEC-2980 +  * Flutter image default in CI 
-    * Update 12/10+    * Open issues
-      * Files collected. Markdown changes pending. +      * migrate image display app for screenshot (currently qt app) 
-    * Update 03/03: +      * could re-use same env variable and display ​ 
-      * Tbd (AMM cancelled) +    * 7/10 
-    * Update 03/31+      * Scott will look after AMM - JiraSPEC-5203 
-      * tbd+      * 
-  * Li: how to test binding manually (post/​token) +  * h3ulcb ​kernel page oops 
-    * afaik afm-util show id  will tell port +    * compare kirkstone (quillback) with scarthgap (master)
-    * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl +
-      * 03/31: no update+
-  ​Kusakabe-san+On Hold: 
-    * Will send dockerfile for sw360 container +  ​Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
-    * Update 03/03: +    * 11/29 
-      * eta in 2 weeks +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content ​in the meantime. 
-    Update 03/31: +  uprevs-next branch 
-      * tests of sw360 in progress, working on 2 issues atm  +    * 
-    * Update 04/13: +
-      * sw360 dockerfile and user guide:​{{:​eg-ciat:​sw360.7z|here}}.+
 +Next meeting:
 +Sept 4th
-Next call: 
-Tuesday Apr 14th - same timeslot. 
--------- +==== Meeting ​2024/07/10 ====
-==== Meeting ​2020/03/03 ====+
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, Walt, Michail Zaytsev (Mera)Andrey Shamanin (Mera)Leonid Lazarev (Mera), Marat (Mera), Li, Ronan, Frederic, Corentin, Takada-san,​ +Jan-Simon, Walt, ScottMariusVictor
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * 02/18: 
-      * 9.0.0 report sent: https://​​g/​agl-dev-community/​message/​8120 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2305 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2811 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2666 ​ -> Known issue 
-  * Fuego / Lava support +Active topics:
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330 +
-      * waiting for upstream review +
-    * Update 02/18: +
-      * No update from upstream +
-    * Update 03/03: +
-      * Who can drive this upstream? Corentin ?+
-  * Corentin:  +  * lava lab status 
-    * Update 02/18: +    * 06/26:  
-      * Corentin nbd/​netbooted the rpi4 via using the CONFIG_ARCH_FIXUP_FDT_MEMORY of uboot. +      * baylibreoperational 
-      * Good news, we do not need bootefi, so the boot process is classic. +      * agl-coreoperational
-      * Board to be added to lab asap +
-    * Update 03/03+
-      * Past week: +
-        * Pi4 is now working https://​​scheduler/​job/​10209 +
-      * This week: +
-        * Deal with enabling in CI +
-        * Also fix board boot issues after zeus uprev  +
-          * https://​​browse/​SPEC-3221+
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +    * 11/29 
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +      * Images merged ​​gerrit/c/AGL/meta-agl-devel/+/29355  
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +      * fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
-    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +      * need to work out automated ​test 
-    * Update ​11/26: +        * CI to build image 
-      * Fred: working on cmake module update, mods in sandbox (​src/cmake-apps-module/commit/?​h=sandbox/​DDTLK/​autobuild&​id=0c42794f11bc2d6a0d2d14b3a57f5222a3418b6a) +        * LAVA test description,​ shell script 
-      * Move to master and test on app builds +    * 3/6 
-    * Update 02/18: +      * Image is building, need a test description
-      * New patches in gerrit topic:​SPEC-2049 +    * 6/26 
-        * https://​​gerrit/#/​q/​topic:​SPEC-2049 +      * AI: build ic multicontainer image and turn back on in CI  <--
-    * Update 03/03: +
-      * Need to deinig submodule ​and rebase https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​apps/​agl-service-can-high-level-viwi/​+/​24015/​+
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * Pi 5 
-    * Update 02/18: +    * 5/29 
-      * Debugging python error +      * Template there build working 
-      * Uploading a build of icefish 9.0.0 to fossology (qemux86-64) +      * Pinged Corentin to add pi5 to lab
-      AI: create user for Li +    6/26 
-      * AI: check if m3/​h3-nogfx ​can be uploaded +      * Jobs added to CI, watching for issues, ​can proceed with lava templates 
-    * Update 03/03: +    * 7/10 
-      * Still stuck on python error see: +      * Build working for patches, nightly and release
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2960+
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +  * Boards in CI: 
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773 +    * Add Pi5 pending adding the board to LAVA, add board to jenkins (master only) 
-    * Update 03/03: +    * Weekly builds for community platforms? 
-      * postponed after test wgt+      * BB-AI  beaglebone-ai64 
 +      * aws-ec2-arm64 ​
-   Discussion on email reports ​ +      ​imx8mq-evk 
-     ​example: https://​​g/​agl-test-reports/​message/​258 +      unmatched ​qemuriscv 
-     ​add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 +      s4sk (gateway demo only
-     * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email +     * on failure:  
-       * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) +       ​* ​mail to mailinglist,​ at least to the group, ​
-       * Add link for failures back to jenkins job +
-       * tldr: find right section of log with one click +
-     ​* ​Update 12/10: +
-       * Please comment ​on https://​​browse/​SPEC-3020 +
-     * Update 01/21+
-       ​* ​New fields being added for the links back (https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​AGL/​releng-scripts/​+/​23580) +
-     * Update 03/03: +
-       * No update+
-  * CI Setup document needed - https://​​browse/​SPEC-2980 +  * HashServ + Prserv
-    * Update 12/10+    * 6/26
-      * Files collected. Markdown changes ​pending. +      * Done 
-    * Update 03/03: +      * Doc site update ​pending ​  agl-prserv-public 
-      * Tbd (AMM cancelled)+    * 7/10 
 +      * Doc update done 
 +        * on frequent re-hashes from detected similarities,​ each time a scan of the sstate-mirror will slow down the build speed
-  * Lihow to test binding manually (post/​token) +  * Binary Feed
-    * afaik afm-util show id  will tell port +    * 6/26 
-    * if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl +      * unmerged image uprev test 
-    * Update 03/03: +      * old​wiki/​Binary_Distro_Process 
-      * do we have enough documentation?​ +      * new: 
-      * from irc +      * -agl-image-compositor + dnf install ​flutter-demo pkggroup -demo image 
-      * ''​11:​14  +    * 7/10 
-<​LiXiaoming>​ jobol: Hello, ​ I have a question about the appfw token. ​  In a binding, ​ the server claims a token. ​ If the client do not provide the same token, ​ the connection can not be established. Right ? +      * no update
-11:16  +
-<​LiXiaoming> ​​reference/​af-binder/​afb-binding-writing.html ​ ,  example tuto-1.c +
-11:17  +
-<​jobol>​ LiXiaoming, the connection can be established but it lakes something +
-11:17  +
-<​jobol>​ This is true for HTTP requests +
-11:19  +
-<​jobol>​ When switching to websockets, the token is required or not depending on the version +
-11:19  +
-<​jobol>​ management of tokens changed from HALIBUT to ICEFISH +
-11:20  +
-<​LiXiaoming>​ Now I am testing ​ on native Ubuntu 18.04.  Both http and websocket. ​ I found token is meaningless here+
-11:21  +
-<​jobol>​ On latest versions yes +
-11:21  +
-<​jobol>​ But it depends if you have the cynagora backend +
-11:22  +
-<​LiXiaoming>​ yeah,  I skip the  cynagora ​ install. +
-11:22  +
-<​jobol>​ Normally on AGL the binder contacts the permission database to validate the token +
-11:23  +
-<​jobol>​ Cynagora can be installed on UBUNTU +
-11:23  +
-<​LiXiaoming>​ SPEC-3212. ​ Because ​ I met issue when install Cynagora +
-11:23  +
-<​jobol>​ I know you had issue in installing cynara but that is not the same +
-11:24  +
-<​jobol>​ cynara isn't cynagora +
-11:24  +
-<​jobol>​ Are you compiling the binder? +
-11:24  +
-<​jobol>​ on ubuntu? +
-11:24  +
-<​LiXiaoming>​ '​=( ​ . Ubuntu 18.0.4 +
-11:24  +
-<​LiXiaoming>​ yes . I am compiling and install binder on Ubuntu +
-11:25  +
-<​jobol>​ if cynagora ( doesn'​t compile on ubuntu, let me know. +
-11:26  +
-<jobolBut for samsung'​s cynara i'm not going to help +
-11:26  +
-<​jobol>​ cynagora provide a compatibility library for cynara +
-11:27  +
-<​jobol>​ I'm working on a binder 100% cynagora. +
-11:28  +
-<​jobol>​ I can push a pre-release branch if you want to check it and help to make it work +
-11:29  +
-<​LiXiaoming>​ just compile and install ​cynagora is enough ?  Do I any need  other steps to set cynagora as backend ? +
-11:30  +
-<jobolthis is enough to active permission check. Then when active, the service should run (cynagorad) +
-11:31  +
-<​jobol>​ on my computer I'm using the prefix ~/.local for my installations but the default is to use the prefix /usr/local +
-11:38  +
-<​LiXiaoming>​ Good to know that.  I will try it with cynagora'​s latest branch again. ​ Thank you.''​+
-  * Kusakabe-san:​ +  * Flutter image default in CI 
-    * Will send dockerfile ​for sw360 container +    * Open issues: 
-    * Update 03/03+      * migrate image display app for screenshot (currently qt app) 
-      * eta in 2 weeks+      * could re-use same env variable and display ​ 
 +    * 7/10 
 +      * Scott will look after AMM - JiraSPEC-5203 
 +      * 
-  *  
-Next call: 
-Tuesday Mar 31st - same timeslot. 
-==== Meeting 2020/02/18 ====+On Hold: 
 +  * Yocto-check-layer -​browse/​SPEC-4680 
 +    * 11/29 
 +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime. 
 +  * uprevs/ -next branch 
 +    * 
-=== Attendees === +Next meeting: 
-Jan-Simon, Ronan, Li, Frederic, Kusakabe-san+Jul 10
-===Topics=== +==== Meeting 2024/06/26 ====
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) +
-    * 02/18: +
-      * 8.99.5 to be sent.+
-  * Fuego / Lava support +=== Attendees === 
-    * Update 12/10: +Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius, Victor
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330 +
-      * waiting for upstream review +
-    * Update 02/18: +
-      * No update from upstream ​+
-  * Corentin:  +===Topics===
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * Pi4 does not boot with booti (64bit) on u-boot with initrd. Alternative boot with efi does not take initrd. +
-    * Update 02/18: +
-      * Corentin nbd/​netbooted the rpi4 via using the CONFIG_ARCH_FIXUP_FDT_MEMORY of uboot. +
-      * Good news, we do not need bootefi, so the boot process is classic. +
-      * Board to be added to lab asap+
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +Active topics:
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +
-    * Todobuild test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +
-    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred: working on cmake module update, mods in sandbox (https://​​src/​cmake-apps-module/​commit/?​h=sandbox/​DDTLK/​autobuild&​id=0c42794f11bc2d6a0d2d14b3a57f5222a3418b6a) +
-      * Move to master and test on app builds +
-    * Update 01/21: +
-      * native build works, issues on the yocto build +
-        * reconfiguration issues +
-        * proposal use separate build folders for each variant (normal, debug, test, coverage) +
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * No update yet on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2049 ​ and application repo changes pending. +
-    * Update 02/18: +
-      * New patches in gerrit topic:​SPEC-2049 +
-        * https://​​gerrit/#/​q/​topic:​SPEC-2049+
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * lava lab status 
-    * Update 02/06+    * 06/26:  
-        * Updated meta layer in gerrit +      * baylibre: operational 
-        * Server ready https://​​repo/​ +      * agl-coreoperational
-        * Icefish to be build with upload to fossology (just qemux86-64) +
-    * Update 02/18+
-      * Debugging python error +
-      * Uploading a build of icefish 9.0.0 to fossology (qemux86-64) +
-      * AIcreate user for Li +
-      * AI: check if m3/h3-nogfx can be uploaded+
-  * Li: wgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut +  * uprevs/ -next branch 
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +    * 
-    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed +
-    * Update 11/14: +
-      * waiting for update from Fred on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred will cherry-pick the needed changes to  +
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * No update, added Jose. +
-    * Update 01/21: +
-      * SPEC-2795 - Stephane looking into it. +
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * No update +
-    * Update 02/18: +
-      * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 resolved+
 +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager
 +    * 11/29
 +      * Images merged https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl-devel/​+/​29355 ​
 +      * fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues
 +      * need to work out automated test
 +        * CI to build image
 +        * LAVA test description,​ shell script
 +    * 3/6
 +      * Image is building, need a test description.
 +    * 6/26
 +      * AI: build ic multicontainer image and turn back on in CI  <--
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +  * Pi 5 
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773 +    * 5/29 
-    Update 01/21: +      Template there build working 
-    Update 02/06: +      Pinged Corentin to add pi5 to lab. 
-    * Update 02/18: +    * 6/26 
-      * postponed after test wgt+      * Jobs added to CI, watching for issues, can proceed with lava templates
-   Discussion on email reports  +  ​Boards in CI
-     * examplehttps://​​g/​agl-test-reports/​message/​258 +    Add Pi5 pending adding the board to LAVA, add board to jenkins ​(master only
-     ​add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 +    Weekly builds ​for community platforms? 
-     * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email +      BB-AI  beaglebone-ai64 
-       * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test+      aws-ec2-arm64 ​
-       ​Add link for failures back to jenkins job +
-       ​tldr: find right section of log with one click +
-     * Update 12/10: +
-       * Please comment on https://​​browse/​SPEC-3020 +
-     ​Update 01/21: +
-       * New fields being added for the links back (https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​AGL/​releng-scripts/​+/​23580) +
-     * Update 02/18: +
-       * No update+
-  ​CI Setup document needed ​https://​​browse/​SPEC-2980 +      ​imx8mq-evk 
-    Update 12/10: +      unmatched ​qemuriscv 
-      * Files collected. Markdown changes pending. +      * s4sk (gateway demo only) 
-    Update 02/18+     ​on failure:  
-      Presentation during AMM to be added to doc site.+       ​mail to mailinglist,​ at least to the group, ​
-New+  * HashServ + Prserv
-  Lihow to test binding manually (post/​token) +    6/26
-    afaik afm-util show id  will tell port +      Done 
-    if agl-devel is on, then check journalctl +      Doc site update pending ​  agl-prserv-public
-  * Kusakabe-san: +
-    * Will send dockerfile for sw360 container+
-Next call+  * Binary Feed
-Tuesday Mar 3rd same timeslot+    * 6/26 
---------+      * unmerged image uprev test https://​​g/​openembedded-core/​message/​198191 
 +      * old: https://​​wiki/​Binary_Distro_Process 
 +      * new: https://​​wiki/​Binary_Distro_Prototype 
 +      * -> agl-image-compositor + dnf install flutter-demo pkggroup ​-> demo image
-==== Meeting 2020/02/06 ====+  * Flutter image default in CI 
 +    * Open issues: 
 +      * migrate image display app for screenshot (currently qt app) 
 +      * could re-use same env variable and display ​
-=== Attendees === 
-Jan-Simon, Kusakabe-san 
-===Topics=== +On Hold: 
-  * Roadmap items and review for 2020 +  * Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
-    * Improved publishing of test results +    * 11/29 
-      * Email Reports +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo ​and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers ​and only check meta-agl-demo content ​in the meantime.
-        * improve format ​and feedback ​to gerrit +
-    * Additional tests +
-      * Applications +
-        * build and test different wgt types (normal, debug, test, coverage) +
-      * BSPs +
-        * KSelfTest +
-    * Fuego integration +
-      * Support to run tests as lava jobs (from within Fuego) +
-    * Images ​in build matrix +
-      * more variants ? qemu only ? +
-        * e.g. sota enabled +
-        * cluster profile/​image+
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) +Next meeting: 
-    * 8.0.5 +Jul 10
-      * Update 02/06: Fujitsu-CN closed this week+
-  * Fuego / Lava support 
-    * Update 12/10: 
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330 
-      * waiting for upstream review 
-    * Update 01/21: 
-    * Update 02/06: 
-      * No update from upstream ​ 
- +==== Meeting 2024/06/12 ====
-  * Corentin:  +
-    * Update 01/21 +
-      * Working on Pi4 and lab integration (network support in u-boot tested w/ upstream patch) +
-      * Fixing lab and adding lava-bot +
-      * Fixes for the vayu +
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * Pi4 does not boot with booti (64bit) on u-boot with initrd. Alternative boot with efi does not take initrd. +
- +
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +
-    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred: working on cmake module update, mods in sandbox (https://​​src/​cmake-apps-module/​commit/?​h=sandbox/​DDTLK/​autobuild&​id=0c42794f11bc2d6a0d2d14b3a57f5222a3418b6a) +
-      * Move to master and test on app builds +
-    * Update 01/21: +
-      * native build works, issues on the yocto build +
-        * reconfiguration issues +
-        * proposal use separate build folders for each variant (normal, debug, test, coverage) +
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * No update yet on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2049 ​ and application repo changes pending. +
- +
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * no update +
-      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ is for qemux86-64 AGL HH v8.0.0 +
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * SC approved server. +
-      * setting up fossology 3.6 (from docker)  +
-    * Update 01/21: +
-      * IT brought up the instance in aws +
-      * Configuration start +
-      * https://​​dl9pf/​meta-spdxscanner/​commit/​08a1e49cb97aae1033c6bd06ce29caf6c1df67dd  +
-        * provides mechanism to do folder per release +
-        * Target: try with II rc5 +
-    * Update 02/06+
-        * Updated meta layer in gerrit +
-        * Server ready https://​​repo/​ +
-        * Icefish to be build with upload to fossology (just qemux86-64) +
- +
-  * Li: wgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut +
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +
-    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed +
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * will retest on master +
-    * Update 11/14: +
-      * waiting for update from Fred on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred will cherry-pick the needed changes to  +
-    * Update ​12/10: +
-      * No update, added Jose. +
-    * Update 01/21: +
-      * SPEC-2795 - Stephane looking into it. +
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * No update +
- +
- +
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773 +
-    * Update 01/21: +
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * postponed after test wgt +
- +
-   * Discussion on email reports  +
-     * example: https://​​g/​agl-test-reports/​message/​258 +
-     * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 +
-     * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email +
-       * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) +
-       * Add link for failures back to jenkins job +
-       * tldr: find right section of log with one click +
-     * Update 12/10: +
-       * Please comment on https://​​browse/​SPEC-3020 +
-     * Update 01/21: +
-       * New fields being added for the links back (https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​AGL/​releng-scripts/​+/​23580) +
- +
-  * CI Setup document needed - https://​​browse/​SPEC-2980 +
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * Files collected. Markdown changes pending. +
-    * Update 01/21: +
-    * Update 02/06: +
-      * No update +
- +
-New: +
-  *  +
- +
-Next call: +
-Tuesday Feb 18th - same timeslot. +
--------- +
- +
-==== Meeting 2019/​12/​10 ​====+
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, ​FredLiTakada-san, Stephane, Walt +Jan-Simon, ​WaltScottMarius
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * Update 11/26: 
-      * Bugs filed after testing 8.99.1 / RC1 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2986 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2987 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2712 (reopen) 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2630 (reopen) 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2629 (reopen) 
-      * 8.0.3 pending 
-    * Update 12/10: 
-      * 8.0.3 report: https://​​g/​agl-dev-community/​message/​7869 
-      * 8.99.2 aka RC2 is available at staging location 
-        * https://​​AGL/​upload/​ci/​icefish/​8.99.2/​ 
 +Active topics:
 +  * lava lab status
 +    * 02/​21: ​
 +      * baylibre: operational
 +      * agl-core: maint.
-  * Fuego Lava support +  * uprevs-next branch 
-    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc'​  +    * 05/29 
-    * Update 09/17: +      * Next branch merged ​to master 
-      * Volunteers ​to add to ftc AGL CI ? +      Next branch re-aligned to new YP master 
-        qa-testdefinitions are here: https://​​src/​qa-testdefinitions/​ +        Scott has patches to build the images as well on YP master 
-    Update 11/14: +      * Disable auto-rebase for meta-agl (next) 
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330 +      * "​Upstream-Status:" now required in patches
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * New revision submitted upstream, pending review +
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * waiting for upstream review+
-  * Corentin: ​ +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Update ​11/26: +    * 11/29 
-      * h3+kf deployed, m3 standalone deployed +      * Images merged https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl-devel/​+/​29355 ​ 
-      * Fix for busybox ip & can  +      * fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
-      * check bluetooth m3 board (with usb adaptor) +      * need to work out automated test 
-      check kvm for qemu jobs +        CI to build image 
-    * Update 12/10 +        * LAVA test description,​ shell script 
-      * bluetooth ​is now conditional to the '​bluetooth'​ device tag in lava +    * 3/6 
-      * fixed can test +      * Image is building, need a test description. 
-      work rpi4 for ci lab: problem is that there is not network support in u-boot for the pi4 atm. +    6/12 
-        no netboot right now (trying option with kexec)+      WIP
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +  * Pi 5 
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +    * 2/21 
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +      * 
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +    * 5/29 
-    * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +      * Template there build working 
-    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition) +      * Pinged Corentin to add pi5 to lab.
-    * Update 08/20: +
-    * Update 09/03: +
-      * no update on build side of wgt +
-    * Update 09/17: +
-      * no update +
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * Waiting for SPEC-2049 +
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * will go for multiple build targets +
-    * Update 11/14: +
-      * No update +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred: working on cmake module update, mods in sandbox (​h=sandbox/​DDTLK/​autobuild&​id=0c42794f11bc2d6a0d2d14b3a57f5222a3418b6a) +
-      * Move to master and test on app builds +
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * migration of apps ? +
-      * no update+
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * Boards in CI: 
-    * Update 10/15: +    * keep qemuarm as 32bit ARM target ​done 
-      * no update +    * remove BBE done 
-      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ is for qemux86-64 AGL HH v8.0.0 +    * Add Pi5 pending adding the board to LAVA, add board to jenkins (master only) 
-    * Update 11/14: +    * Add e.gBBAI 
-      * JIRA for fossology instance: https://​​browse/​SPEC-2957 +
-      * Need meta-spdxscanner to be able to create and upload to subfolder +
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2961 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Instance being setup +
-      * Waiting for feature in meta-spdxscanner ​to upload ​to subfolder +
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * SC approved server. +
-      * setting up fossology 3.6 (from docker) ​+
-  * Liwgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut +  * QT6
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +    * bring in layer done
-    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed +
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * will retest on master +
-    * Update 11/14: +
-      * waiting for update from Fred on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred will cherry-pick the needed changes to  +
-    * Update 12/10: +
-      * No update, added Jose.+
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +  * HashServ + Prserv
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773 +    * 6/12
-    * Update 10/15+      * Still fighting with firewalls
-      * WIP +
-    * Update 11/14: +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * postponed after test wgt+
-   Discussion on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2500+On Hold: 
 +  ​Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
 +    * 11/29 
 +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime.
-   * Discussion on email reports  +Next meeting
-     * examplehttps://​​g/​agl-test-reports/​message/​258 +Jun 12
-     * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 +
-     * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email +
-       * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) +
-       * Add link for failures back to jenkins job +
-       * tldr: find right section of log with one click +
-     * Update ​12/10: +
-       * Please comment on https://​​browse/​SPEC-3020+
-   * CI Setup document needed - https://​​browse/​SPEC-2980 
-     * Update 12/10: 
-       * Files collected. Markdown changes pending. 
-New: +==== Meeting ​2024/05/29 ====
-   *  +
- +
- +
-Next call: +
-  * Jan 21st 2020 (due to CES) - a good time to everyone through the end of the year !! +
- +
--------- +
-==== Meeting ​2019/11/26 ====+
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, ​CorentinLi, Takada-san, Zhou, Ronan, Fred, Kusakabe-san,​ Juhun +Jan-Simon, ​WaltScott
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * Update 11/26: 
-      * Bugs filed after testing 8.99.1 / RC1 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2986 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2987 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2712 (reopen) 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2630 (reopen) 
-        * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2629 (reopen) 
-      * 8.0.3 pending 
 +Active topics:
-  * Fuego / Lava support +  * lava lab status 
-    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc'​  +    * 02/21:  
-    * Update 09/17+      * baylibrehosts failing in tftp 
-      * Volunteers to add to ftc AGL CI ? +      * agl-coreoperational
-        * qa-testdefinitions are here: https://​​src/​qa-testdefinitions/​ +
-    * Update 11/14+
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * New revision submitted upstream, pending review+
-  * Corentin:  +  * uprevs/ -next branch 
-    * Update 11/14: +    * 05/29 
-      * lava-docker 2019-09 deployed +      * Next branch merged to master 
-      * changes for h3 in gerrit +      * Next branch re-aligned to new YP master 
-      * replace qemux86-64 with combined intel-corei7-64 (with qemu output) and move intel build up +        Scott has patches to build the images as well on YP master
-      * insert pi4 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * h3+kf deployed, m3 standalone deployed +
-      * Fix for busybox ip & can  +
-      check bluetooth m3 board (with usb adaptor) +
-      * check kvm for qemu jobs+
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +    * 11/29 
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +      * Images merged  
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +      fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
-    * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +      need to work out automated test 
-    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition) +        * CI to build image 
-    * Update 08/20: +        LAVA test description,​ shell script 
-    * Update 09/03: +    * 3/6 
-      * no update on build side of wgt +      * Image is buildingneed a test description.
-    * Update 09/17: +
-      * no update +
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * Waiting for SPEC-2049 +
-        * autobuild/linux/autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/ +
-        * autobuild/linux/​autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT+
-        autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * will go for multiple ​build targets +
-    Update 11/14: +
-      * No update +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred: working on cmake module updatemods in sandbox (https://​​src/​cmake-apps-module/​commit/?​h=sandbox/​DDTLK/​autobuild&​id=0c42794f11bc2d6a0d2d14b3a57f5222a3418b6a) +
-      * Move to master and test on app builds +
-      * +
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * Pi 5 
-    * Update 10/15: +    * 2/21 
-      * no update +      * 
-      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ is for qemux86-64 AGL HH v8.0.0 +    * 5/29 
-    * Update 11/14: +      * Template there build working 
-      * JIRA for fossology instance: ​ +      * Pinged Corentin ​to add pi5 to lab.
-      * Need meta-spdxscanner to be able to create and upload to subfolder +
-        *​browse/​SPEC-2961 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Instance being setup +
-      * Waiting for feature in meta-spdxscanner ​to upload ​to subfolder+
-  * Liwgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut +  * Boards in CI
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +    * keep qemuarm as 32bit ARM target 
-    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed +    * remove BBE 
-    * Update 10/15: +    * Add Pi5 
-      * will retest on master +    * Add e.gBBAI 
-    * Update 11/14: +
-      * waiting for update from Fred on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * Fred will cherry-pick the needed changes to +
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +  * QT6
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773 +    * bring in layer
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * WIP +
-    * Update 11/14: +
-    * Update 11/26: +
-      * postponed after test wgt+
-   Discussion on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2500+On Hold: 
 +  ​Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
 +    * 11/29 
 +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime.
-   * Discussion on email reports  +Next meeting
-     * examplehttps://​​g/​agl-test-reports/​message/​258 +Jun 12
-     * add doc page summarizing existing presentations SPEC-2980 +
-     * Follow-up with Khouloud on testreport email +
-       * Add link for failures back to lava (best: line of test) +
-       * Add link for failures back to jenkins job +
-       * tldr: find right section of log with one click+
-  * Kusakabe-san: ​ 
-    * Request for container setup for lava  -> https://​​kernelci/​lava-docker/​commit/​4e07f8361ddc5677b35b94170b6b1e61b2543b01 
-    * Request for container setup for fuego -> container exists 
-    * Setup document needed (re https://​​browse/​SPEC-2980) ​ 
-Next call: +==== Meeting ​2024/03/20 ====
-  * Tuesday Dec 10th ?? (time might change due to F2F !!) +
- +
- +
- +
--------- +
-==== Meeting ​2019/11/14 ====+
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, ​LiStephane, Corentin +Jan-Simon, ​WaltVictor ​
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * Update 11/14: 
-      * No new release. Will test 8.0.3/​Icefish rc1 
 +Active topics:
-  * Fuego / Lava support +  * lava lab status 
-    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc'​  +    * 02/21:  
-    * Update 09/17+      * baylibreoperational 
-      * Volunteers to add to ftc AGL CI ? +      * agl-coreoperational
-        * qa-testdefinitions are here: https://​​src/​qa-testdefinitions/​ +
-    * Update 11/14+
-      * Reworking https://​​lava/​lava/​merge_requests/​330+
-  * Corentin: ​ +  * uprevs/ -next branch / Denys 
-    * Update 11/14: +    * 02/07 
-      * lava-docker 2019-09 deployed +      * 4 patches for next branch in gerrit 
-      * changes ​for h3 in gerrit +      * need to check out weston 13 (Marius) 
-      * replace qemux86-64 with combined intel-corei7-64 (with qemu outputand move intel build up +    * 2/21 
-      * insert pi4+      * Working on scarthgap support for -next 
 +      * Still waiting ​for dependency layers to pick up scarthgap 
 +        * meta-selinux 
 +        * meta-openembedded 
 +        * meta-rcar-gen3 (has nanbield-dev branch) 
 +    * 3/20 
 +      * meta-selinux , meta-security do not have a scarthgap branch, but LAYER_COMPAT is at least queued 
 +      * meta-openembedded has now a scarthgap branch 
 +      * meta-rcar-gen3 ​(has nanbield-dev branch), s4 
 +      * meta-sancloud ?
-  * Application tests , build multiple wgts +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt'​s ​ +    * 11/2 
-    Test wgt'​s ​for apps submitted +      Scott has image locally ​for drm-lease, ​ 
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +        lxc network is broken for 
-    Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +        focus on agl-host-drm-lease-test image 
-    Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition) +    * 11/29 
-    * Update 08/20: +      * Images merged  
-    * Update 09/03: +      fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
-      * no update on build side of wgt +      need to work out automated test 
-    * Update 09/17: +        * CI to build image 
-      * no update +        * LAVA test description,​ shell script 
-    * Update 10/15: +    * 3/6 
-      * Waiting for SPEC-2049 +      * WIP
-        * autobuild/linux/autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/ +
-        * autobuild/linux/autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT+
-        autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ +
-        * will go for multiple build targets +
-    * Update 11/14: +
-      * No update+
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * Pi 5 
-    * Update 10/15: +    * 2/7 
-      * no update +      * No update ​(e.g meta-raspberrypi) 
-      *​8081/repo/?​mod=browse ​ is for qemux86-64 AGL HH v8.0.0 +      * meta-raspberrypi has pi5 in master branch now. (should be ready for scarthgap / next LTS) 
-    Update 11/14: +      *​pull/​1271 
-      * JIRA for fossology instance: ​ +        if it lands in kirkstone, we could add a template. 
-      Need meta-spdxscanner to be able to create and upload to subfolder +      * could do template ​for​blob/​master/​conf/​machine/​raspberrypi-armv8.conf in -next  
-        *    2/21 
 +      *​commit/​9dc6673d41044f1174551120ce63501421dbcd85 
 +    * 
-  * Li: wgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut 
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 
-    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed 
-    * Update 10/15: 
-      * will retest on master 
-    * Update 11/14: 
-      * waiting for update from Fred on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 
-  ​HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +New business: 
-    *​browse/​SPEC-2773 +  ​Edi got a Sifive unmatched (incl. gfx)one for dev, two in CI, one spare 
-    Update 10/15+    * Graphics Firmware added to template 
-      * WIP +    * input issue not resolved, yet 
-    Update 11/14:+    * Rust: 
 +      * databroker crash during FOSDEM, related to rust dependencies.  
 +        got workaround for risc board 
 +      * virtio-soundmight need uprev to rust >=1.71 
 +      * scarthgap uses rust 1.74.1 , so the uprev will help 
 +  agl-compositor as separate project/repo
-   * Update to lava-docker 2019-09 +On Hold:
-     * we'll use https://​​kernelci/​lava-docker/​commit/​4e07f8361ddc5677b35b94170b6b1e61b2543b01 as a base+
-   Discussion on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2500+  ​Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
 +    * 11/29 
 +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime.
-New: +  ​Extend Testing
-  ​+
-Next call+Next meeting
-  * Tuesday Nov 26th +Apr 3rd
--------- +==== Meeting ​2024/02/07 ====
-==== Meeting ​2019/10/15 ====+
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, ​FredericRonan, Stephane +Jan-Simon, ​WaltMarius
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * Update 09/17: 
-      * No new regressions 
-      * mediaplayer addressed by 22428, 22409 
-        * note upsquare behaves differently,​ might have other issue 
-      * radio -> 22382, 22383 
-      * filed can speed: https://​​browse/​SPEC-2811 
-      * 8.0.1 Fujitsu Report links: 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_m3ulcb_kingfisher_m06_20190912.xls|m3+kf}} 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_intel_up2_20190910.xls|up2}} 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_rpi3b_20190911.xls|rpi3}} 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_dragonboard_410c_20190910.xls|db-410c}} 
-    * Update 10/15: 
-      * no update 
 +Active topics:
-  * Fuego / Lava support +  * lava lab status 
-    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc'​  +    * 02/21:  
-    * Update 09/17+      * baylibre: operational 
-      * Volunteers to add to ftc AGL CI ? +      agl-coreoperational
-        qa-testdefinitions are herehttps://​​src/​qa-testdefinitions/​+
 +  * uprevs/ -next branch / Denys
 +    * 02/07
 +      * 4 patches for next branch in gerrit
 +      * need to check out weston 13 (Marius)
 +    * 2/21
 +      * Working on scarthgap support for -next
 +      * Still waiting for dependency layers to pick up scarthgap
 +        * meta-selinux
 +        * meta-openembedded
 +        * meta-rcar-gen3 (has nanbield-dev branch)
 +    * 3/6
 +      * 
-  * Lava lab @ / Frederic: +  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Update 09/17: +    * 11/2 
-      * On hold 1m +      * Scott has image locally for drm-lease, ​ 
-    Update 10/15: +        lxc network is broken for 
-      Use 2019-09 of lava-docker: ​ +        focus on agl-host-drm-lease-test image 
-        * +    * 11/29 
 +      ​Images merged ​  
 +      * fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
 +      * need to work out automated test 
 +        * CI to build image 
 +        * LAVA test description,​ shell script 
 +    * 3/6 
 +      * WIP
-  * Application lifecycle test (Corentin+  * Pi 5 
-    Todopass/fail criteria for jenkins and/or +/-1 to gerrit. +    * 2/7 
-    * Update 09/17: +      * No update ​(e.g meta-raspberrypi
-        * "​${BUILD_URL}/​console"​ ?? +      meta-raspberrypi has pi5 in master branch now. (should be ready for scarthgap / next LTS) 
-        *      *​meta-raspberrypi/pull/1271 
-    * Update 10/15:+        * if it lands in kirkstone, we could add a template. 
 +      could do template for​machine/​raspberrypi-armv8.conf in -next  
 +    * 2/21 
 +      * https://​​agherzan/​meta-raspberrypi/​commit/​9dc6673d41044f1174551120ce63501421dbcd85
       *        * 
-  * Application tests  
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt'​s ​ 
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted 
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) 
-    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) 
-    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition) 
-    * Update 08/20: 
-    * Update 09/03: 
-      * no update on build side of wgt 
-    * Update 09/17: 
-      * no update 
-    * Update 10/15: 
-      * Waiting for SPEC-2049 
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ 
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-test DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ 
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-debug DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ 
-        * autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-coverage DEST=$(pkg)/​OUTPUT/​ 
-        ​autobuild/​linux/​autobuild package-all DEST=$(pkg)/OUTPUT/ +New business: 
-        * will go for multiple build targets+  ​Edi got a Sifive unmatched ​(incl. gfx), one for dev, two in CI, one spare 
 +    * Graphics Firmware added to template 
 +    * input issue not resolved, yet 
 +    * Rust: 
 +      * databroker crash during FOSDEM, related to rust dependencies. ​ 
 +        * got workaround ​for risc board 
 +      * virtio-sound:​ might need uprev to rust >=1.71 
 +      * scarthgap uses rust 1.74.1 , so the uprev will help 
 +  * agl-compositor as separate project/​repo
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +On Hold:
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * no update +
-      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ is for qemux86-64 AGL HH v8.0.0+
-  * pi4 works with gfx +  * Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
 +    * 11/29 
 +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime.
-  * Li: wgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut +  * Extend Testing
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +
-    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed +
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * will retest on master +
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773 +
-    * Update 10/15: +
-      * WIP+
-   * Update to lava-docker 2019-09 
-     * we'll use https://​​kernelci/​lava-docker/​commit/​4e07f8361ddc5677b35b94170b6b1e61b2543b01 as a base 
-   * Discussion on https://​​browse/​SPEC-2500 
 +Next meeting:
 +Mar 20th
--------- + 
-==== Meeting ​2019/09/17 ====+==== Meeting ​2024/02/07 ====
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, ​FredCorentin, Ronan, Li, WaltZhouKusakabe-san+Jan-Simon, ​WaltScottMariusDenys
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) 
-    * Update 09/17: 
-      * No new regressions 
-      * mediaplayer addressed by 22428, 22409 
-        * note upsquare behaves differently,​ might have other issue 
-      * radio -> 22382, 22383 
-      * filed can speed: https://​​browse/​SPEC-2811 
-      * 8.0.1 Fujitsu Report links: 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_m3ulcb_kingfisher_m06_20190912.xls|m3+kf}} 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_intel_up2_20190910.xls|up2}} 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_rpi3b_20190911.xls|rpi3}} 
-        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_dragonboard_410c_20190910.xls|db-410c}} 
 +Active topics:
-  * Fuego / Lava support +  * lava lab status 
-    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc'​  +    * 02/21:  
-    * Update 09/17+      * baylibre: operational 
-      * Volunteers to add to ftc AGL CI ? +      agl-coreoperational
-        qa-testdefinitions are herehttps://​​src/​qa-testdefinitions/​+
 +  * uprevs/ -next branch / Denys
 +    * 02/07
 +      * 4 patches for next branch in gerrit
 +      * need to check out weston 13 (Marius)
 +    * 2/21
 +      * Working on scarthgap support for -next
 +      * Still waiting for dependency layers to pick up scarthgap
 +        * meta-selinux
 +        * meta-openembedded
 +        * meta-rcar-gen3 (has nanbield-dev branch)
-  * Lava lab @ Frederic+  * IC image and integration of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Update 09/17: +    * 11/2 
-      * On hold 1m+      * Scott has image locally for drm-lease,  
 +        * lxc network is broken for 
 +        * focus on agl-host-drm-lease-test image 
 +    * 11/29 
 +      * Images merged https://​​gerrit/​c/​AGL/​meta-agl-devel/​+/​29355  
 +      * fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
 +      * need to work out automated test 
 +        * CI to build image 
 +        * LAVA test description,​ shell script 
 +    * 02/07 
 +      * WIP
 +  * Pi 5
 +    * 2/7
 +      * No update (e.g meta-raspberrypi)
 +      * meta-raspberrypi has pi5 in master branch now. (should be ready for scarthgap / next LTS)
 +      * https://​​agherzan/​meta-raspberrypi/​pull/​1271
 +        * if it lands in kirkstone, we could add a template.
 +      * could do template for https://​​agherzan/​meta-raspberrypi/​blob/​master/​conf/​machine/​raspberrypi-armv8.conf in -next 
 +    * 2/21
 +      * https://​​agherzan/​meta-raspberrypi/​commit/​9dc6673d41044f1174551120ce63501421dbcd85
 +      * 
-  * Application lifecycle test (Corentin) 
-    * Todo: pass/fail criteria for jenkins and/or +/-1 to gerrit. 
-    * Update 09/17: 
-      * Patch in, follow-up in gerrit 
-      * Todo: put link to machine specific jenkins log in 
-        * https://​​ci-management/​tree/​jjb/​common/​​n139 
-        * https://​​ci-management/​tree/​jjb/​common/​​n142 
-        * e.g. link to https://​​job/​ci-platform-meta-agl-demo-verify-CIBT-raspberrypi3/​627/​console ​ 
-        * https://​​job/​ci-platform-meta-agl-demo-verify-CIBT-raspberrypi3/​627/​console 
-        * "​${BUILD_URL}/​console"​ ?? 
-        * https://​​job/​ci-platform-meta-agl-demo-verify-CIBT-raspberrypi3/​627/​injectedEnvVars/​ 
 +New business:
 +  * Edi got a Sifive unmatched (incl. gfx), one for dev, two in CI, one spare
 +    * Graphics Firmware added to template
 +    * input issue not resolved, yet
 +    * Rust:
 +      * databroker crash during FOSDEM, related to rust dependencies. ​
 +        * got workaround for risc board
 +      * virtio-sound:​ might need uprev to rust >=1.71
 +      * scarthgap uses rust 1.74.1 , so the uprev will help
 +  * agl-compositor as separate project/​repo
-  * Application tests  +On Hold:
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +
-    * Todobuild test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +
-    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +
-    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition) +
-    * Update 08/20: +
-    * Update 09/03: +
-      * no update on build side of wgt +
-    * Update 09/17: +
-      * no update+
 +  * Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680
 +    * 11/29
 +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime.
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * Extend Testing
-    * Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology):​ we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead of scraping the web-page) +
-    * Follow-up discussions on these alternatives +
-      * https://​​heremaps/​oss-review-toolkit +
-      * https://​​endocode +
-    * Update 08/20: +
-      * To execute only spdx tasks (and its dependencies like unpack/​patch) execute: +
-        * bitbake --runall=spdx agl-demo-platform +
-      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ (default credentials) +
-      * AI: Kusakabe-san and team to go through it +
-    * Update 09/03: +
-      * Docker container was down - re-populate (Jan-Simon) +
-    * Update 09/17: +
-      * Trouble re-creating working environment (fossology 3.3.0 + meta-spdxscanner +
-  +
-New: +
-  * Li: rpi4 support -> with gfx planned for Icefish (patches welcome) +
-  * Stephane: 64bit kernel on pi's ? No, due to gfx stack status and memory footprint +
-  * Zhou: apps-agl-cluster-demo-gauges-owners - done. +
-  * Li: wgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut +
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795 +
-    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed +
-  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script +
-    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773+
-==== Meeting 2019/09/03 ==== 
-=== Attendees === +Next meeting: 
-Jan-Simon, Frederic, Li, Zhou, Kurokawa-san+Mar 6th
-===Topics=== +==== Meeting 2024/02/07 ====
-  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) +
-    * Update 09/03: +
-      * No update+
-  * Fuego / Lava support +=== Attendees === 
-    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc'​  +Jan-Simon, Walt, Scott, Marius
-    * Update 09/03: +
-      * No update+
-  * Lava lab @ / Frederic: +===Topics===
-    * Update 09/03: +
-      * No update +
-      * qemu worker if possible+
-  * Application lifecycle test (Corentin) +Active topics:
-    * Todopass/fail criteria for jenkins and/or +/-1 to gerrit. +
-      * Working out pass/​fail/​skip for CIB / CIBT +
-        * how can app developers define pass/​fail/​skip +
-        * how can testdefinitions interpret +
-      * jenkins needs possibility to skip certain cases (and not fail) +
-      * <​app>​-test wgt's can have multiple invocations (e.g. representing different test plans)  +
-    * Update 08/20: +
-      * Discussed https://​​browse/​SPEC-2703?​focusedCommentId=21708&​page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#​comment-21708  +
-      * Will go with qa-testdefinition or app repo +
-    * Update 09/03: +
-      * Patch in gerrit for review +
-        * go with "'​ci-platform'​ in the JOB_NAME or JOB_BASE_NAME"​+
 +  * lava lab status
 +    * 02/​07: ​
 +      * baylibre: operational
 +      * agl-core: maintenance
-  * Application tests  +  * uprevs/ ​-next branch / Denys 
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt's  +    * 12/13 
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted +      Next look after CES 
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) +    * 02/07 
-    * Todo: extend releng/qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) +      4 patches for next branch in gerrit 
-    Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition) +      * need to check out weston 13 (Marius)
-    * Update 08/20: +
-    Update 09/03: +
-      * no update on build side of wgt+
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) +  * IC image and integration ​of drm-leasemanager 
-    * Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology):​ we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead ​of scraping the web-page) +    * 11/2 
-    * Follow-up discussions on these alternatives +      * Scott has image locally for drm-lease, ​ 
-      * https://​​heremaps/​oss-review-toolkit +        * lxc network is broken for 
-      * https://​​endocode +        focus on agl-host-drm-lease-test image 
-    * Update 08/20: +    * 11/29 
-      * To execute only spdx tasks (and its dependencies like unpack/​patch) execute: +      * Images merged ​  
-        * bitbake ​--runall=spdx agl-demo-platform +      fixme'​s:​ order of displays is not fixed, network issues 
-      *​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ (default credentials) +      need to work out automated test 
-      AI: Kusakabe-san and team to go through it +        * CI to build image 
-    * Update 09/03: +        LAVA test description,​ shell script 
-      * Docker container was down re-populate (Jan-Simon) +    02/07 
-  +      WIP
-On hold: +
-  * SPEC-920 +
-    * Fix in gerrit 16867 +
-    * further discussion +
-      * AIs: +
-      * Scott: take a look at the prserv if we can solve above issue on rpm feeds +
-      * AI (jsm/ryan): forbid revert button (?edit button?) +
-      * Tom: may need policy around reverts and bumping PR value (at least for meta-layers) +
-      * In the end have a multi-config build with "​bitbake agl-world"​ +
-        * atm share sstate-cache but separate TMPDIR +
-        *​platdev-building-targets-with-multiple-configurations +
-          * bitbake multiconfig:​m3conf multiconfig:​h3conf multiconfig:​intelcorei7conf dummy-image +
-            * conf/m3conf.conf ​   +
-            * conf/h3conf.conf +
-            conf/​intelcorei7conf.conf +
-          start with core ... once done ... lock the SIGNATURES ? +
-        * Initial step, use agl-demo-platform-crosssdk as target (only active profile atm) +
-          * AI (Ryan): activate PRSERV for snapshot builds +
-            * Update 11/12: Jobs rework ​to use PRSERV (but will invalidate sstate-cache) +
-            Update 14/05: PRSERV use reverted as it caused issues +
-          AI (jsm): bitbake package-index +
-          * AI (jsm): sync-out the rpm feeds for the snapshot builds +
-          * AI (Ronan): can we prepopulate the rpm feed info in the target ? (add to sandbox builds ... e.g. user '​lastest'​ )   ​https://​​AGL/​snapshot/​master/​latest/<​machine>​+
-          AI (Tom): is there a prserv (ro) version? - Likely no.+
-New+  * Pi 5 
-  +    * No update (e.g meta-raspberrypi) 
 +    * meta-raspberrypi has pi5 in master branch now. (should be ready for scarthgap / next LTS) 
 +    * https://​​agherzan/​meta-raspberrypi/​pull/​1271 
 +      if it lands in kirkstone, we could add a template. 
 +    * could do template for https://​​agherzan/​meta-raspberrypi/​blob/​master/​conf/​machine/​raspberrypi-armv8.conf in -next 
-----+New business: 
 +  * Edi got a Sifive unmatched (incl. gfx), one for dev, two in CI, one spare 
 +  * Layerindex: test is failing on meta-pipewire 
 +    * https://​​AGL/​meta-agl/​tree/​meta-pipewire/​recipes-multimedia/​wireplumber/​​n65  
 +    * can remove (only declared)
-==== Meeting 2019/08/20 ==== 
-=== Attendees === +On Hold:
-Jan-Simon, Kurokawa-san,​ Frederic, Corentin, Li Xiaoming, Stephane,+
-===Topics=== +  ​Yocto-check-layer - https://​​browse/​SPEC-4680 
-  ​Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu) +    * 11/29 
-    * Update 08/20: +      * Next step is then to deal with meta-agl-demo and all its dependencies. This is a larger operation and unsure we can actually deal with all dependency layers. We need to see if we can exempt external layers and only check meta-agl-demo content in the meantime.
-      * No update.+
-  * Fuego / Lava support +  * Extend Testing 
-    * 06/25 : No update +    * 11/29
-    * 07/09 : No update +
-    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc' ​ +
-    * Update 08/20:+
       * No update       * No update
-  * Lava lab @ / Frederic: 
-    * lava-docker version of master: 19fe02f7a341e302e3ad560fcb4cc872f2201a5c 
-    * 07/23 : Still in a box 
-    * Update 08/20: 
-      * No update 
-  * Application lifecycle test (Corentin) +Next meeting
-    * Todo: pass/fail criteria for jenkins and/or +/-1 to gerrit. +Feb 21st
-      * Working out pass/​fail/​skip for CIB / CIBT +
-        * how can app developers define pass/​fail/​skip +
-        * how can testdefinitions interpret +
-      * jenkins needs possibility to skip certain cases (and not fail) +
-      * <​app>​-test wgt's can have multiple invocations (e.g. representing different test plans)  +
-    * Update 08/20: +
-      * Discussed https://​​browse/​SPEC-2703?​focusedCommentId=21708&​page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#​comment-21708 ​ +
-      * Will go with qa-testdefinition or app repo+
-  * Application tests  
-    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt'​s ​ 
-    * Test wgt's for apps submitted 
-    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon) 
-    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt) 
-    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition) 
-    * Update 08/20: 
-      * no update on build side of wgt 
-  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology) 
-    * Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology):​ we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead of scraping the web-page) 
-    * Follow-up discussions on these alternatives 
-      * https://​​heremaps/​oss-review-toolkit 
-      * https://​​endocode 
-    * Update 08/20: 
-      * To execute only spdx tasks (and its dependencies like unpack/​patch) execute: 
-        * bitbake --runall=spdx agl-demo-platform 
-      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ (default credentials) 
-      * AI: Kusakabe-san and team to go through it 
-On hold: 
-  * SPEC-920 
-    * Fix in gerrit 16867 
-    * further discussion 
-      * AIs: 
-      * Scott: take a look at the prserv if we can solve above issue on rpm feeds 
-      * AI (jsm/ryan): forbid revert button (?edit button?) 
-      * Tom: may need policy around reverts and bumping PR value (at least for meta-layers) 
-      * In the end have a multi-config build with "​bitbake agl-world"​ 
-        * atm share sstate-cache but separate TMPDIR 
-        * https://​​docs/​2.4.3/​mega-manual/​mega-manual.html#​platdev-building-targets-with-multiple-configurations 
-          * bitbake multiconfig:​m3conf multiconfig:​h3conf multiconfig:​intelcorei7conf dummy-image 
-            * conf/​m3conf.conf ​   
-            * conf/​h3conf.conf 
-            * conf/​intelcorei7conf.conf 
-          * start with core ... once done ... lock the SIGNATURES ? 
-        * Initial step, use agl-demo-platform-crosssdk as target (only active profile atm) 
-          * AI (Ryan): activate PRSERV for snapshot builds 
-            * Update 11/12: Jobs rework to use PRSERV (but will invalidate sstate-cache) 
-            * Update 14/05: PRSERV use reverted as it caused issues 
-          * AI (jsm): bitbake package-index 
-          * AI (jsm): sync-out the rpm feeds for the snapshot builds 
-          * AI (Ronan): can we prepopulate the rpm feed info in the target ? (add to sandbox builds ... e.g. user '​lastest'​ )   ​https://​​AGL/​snapshot/​master/​latest/<​machine>/​ 
-          * AI (Tom): is there a prserv (ro) version? - Likely no. 
-  *  
Line 1354: Line 803:
 ----- -----
 +==== test ====
eg-ciat/meetings.1586861408.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/14 10:50 by jsmoeller