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agl-distro:sep2019-f2f [2019/09/26 13:11]
ToshikazuOhiwa [Thursday]
agl-distro:sep2019-f2f [2019/10/07 06:51] (current)
ToshikazuOhiwa [Thursday]
Line 38: Line 38:
 11:00 - 12:30 - Window Manager and Compositor 11:00 - 12:30 - Window Manager and Compositor
    * {{:​agl-distro:​2019-09-24_-_agl_compositor_update.pdf|Slides from Daniel}}    * {{:​agl-distro:​2019-09-24_-_agl_compositor_update.pdf|Slides from Daniel}}
 +   * https://​​agl/​weston/​tree/​scott-ivi-compositor announced from George in UI&G EG call.
 12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch 12:30 - 13:30 - Lunch
Line 61: Line 62:
 9:30 - 10:30 - Audio and PipeWire Architecture Review 9:30 - 10:30 - Audio and PipeWire Architecture Review
-   * {{:​agl-distro:​pipewire-f2f-sep2019.odp|}} +  * Question: why pipewire, history 
-   ​* {{:​agl-distro:​tokyo-als-pipewire-july-2019.pdf|}}+  * George gives overview on pipewire 
 +    * {{:​agl-distro:​pipewire-f2f-sep2019.odp|}} 
 +    * {{:​agl-distro:​tokyo-als-pipewire-july-2019.pdf|}} 
 +  * George presents the current status and work being done. 
 +  * Discussion about how to add hw->hw stream representation in PW 
 +  * uprev until mid-october on master, fixing issues there 
 +  * consolidated update of halibut before integration session in nov 
 +TODO's and timeline 
 +  * Mid October 
 +    * pw uprev 
 +    * Bluetooth 
 +    * audiomixer API changes 
 +  * before mid November (Integration Sessions) 
 +    * configuration files 
 +    * policies 
 +**Integration sessions** 
 +   * September 
 +     * Karlsruhe 30 +1 
 +   * November  
 +     * Karlsruhe 11 - 13 
 +     * Yokohama ​ 12 - 14 
 +   * December 
 +     * LF HQ (SFO) 10-12
 10:30 - 11:00 - Break 10:30 - 11:00 - Break
Line 136: Line 163:
 13:00 - 15:00 - API Gap Analysis and Tuner API updates ​ 13:00 - 15:00 - API Gap Analysis and Tuner API updates ​
 +**Radio API review **
 +  * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/​documents
 +  * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above
 +    * focus on generic calls over hw specifics
 +  * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api 
 +    * for review in the connectivity call and during AMM
 +  * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done
 15:00 - 16:00 - Open 15:00 - 16:00 - Open
Line 169: Line 204:
 16:00 - 16:30 Break 16:00 - 16:30 Break
-16:30 - 17:30 - Toyota Code drop {{:​eg-requirements-specification:​agl_f2f_20190926.pdf|}}{{:​eg-requirements-specification:​basesystem_features_20190926_draft_.pdf|}}+16:30 - 17:30 - Toyota Code drop  
 +  * about toyota code{{:​eg-requirements-specification:​agl_f2f_20190926_r2.pdf|}} 
 +  * feature overview(draft){{:​eg-requirements-specification:​basesystem_features_20190926_draft_.pdf|}}
 17:30 - 18:30 - System Spec 2.0 (will start immediately after code drop discussion) 17:30 - 18:30 - System Spec 2.0 (will start immediately after code drop discussion)
Line 179: Line 216:
 9:00 - 10:30 - LTS for AGL 9:00 - 10:30 - LTS for AGL
 +  * AI: identify base services
 +  * lifecycle
 +    * apps vs platform
 +    * 
 +  * API definition & documentation & Schema
 +    * AI: will follow-up on https://​​browse/​SPEC-1903
 +    * e.g. what about new things like: https://​​docs/​+/​ea2fce2874556205204d3ef70c60e25074dc7ffd/​development/​languages/​fidl/​
 +    * Follow-up on SAT
 +  * API versions
 +    * -> APPFW / Jose
 +  * '​core'​ LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS
 +    * depends on changes required e.g. by IC 
 10:30 - 11:00 - Break 10:30 - 11:00 - Break
Line 229: Line 282:
    * API Gap analysis discussion    * API Gap analysis discussion
      * Further gap analyses performed?      * Further gap analyses performed?
-     * Tuner and radio API+     * 
 + Tuner and radio API
    * NAVI-EG update and plans     * NAVI-EG update and plans 
Line 276: Line 330:
 Find your local number: https://​​u/​adIxBQMUc2 Find your local number: https://​​u/​adIxBQMUc2
-===== Minutes ===== 
-==== Room 1  ==== 
-==== Room 2 ==== 
 ===== Attendees ===== ===== Attendees =====
agl-distro/sep2019-f2f.1569503481.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/26 13:11 by ToshikazuOhiwa