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schedule [2019/07/30 22:01]
waltminer [Happy Halibut]
schedule [2019/10/17 23:39]
waltminer [Latest Schedule]
Line 22: Line 22:
 ===== Latest Schedule ===== ===== Latest Schedule =====
-{{ :agl_schedule_2019_0730_overall.jpg |}}+{{:agl_schedule_2019_1016_overall.jpg|}}
 ---------- ----------
 ===== Grumpy Guppy ===== ===== Grumpy Guppy =====
 +{{ :​agl_schedule_2019_0916_gg_patch.jpg |}}
-{{ ::​agl_schedule_2019_0730_gg_patch.jpg |}}+----------
 +===== Happy Halibut =====
-==== 7.0.4 Release ==== +{{ :​agl_schedule_2019_0821_hh_dev.jpg |}}
-In-Progress +
-  +
-^                      ^ Planned ​      ^ Actual ​      ^ +
-| Merge Window Closes ​ | 06-Sep-2019 ​  ​| ​             | +
-| Release Candidate ​   | 09-Sep-2019 ​  ​| ​             | +
-| Final Release ​       | 13-Sep-2019 ​  ​| ​             ​|+
-===== Happy Halibut ===== 
-{{ :agl_schedule_2019_0730_hh_dev.jpg |}}+{{ :agl_schedule_2019_0916_hh_patch.jpg |}}
-{{ :​agl_schedule_2019_0730_hh_patch.jpg |}} 
 ---------- ----------
 ===== Itchy Icefish ===== ===== Itchy Icefish =====
-{{ :agl_schedule_2019_0220_ii_dev.jpg |}}+{{ :agl_schedule_2019_0730_ii_dev.jpg |}}
 ===== Archive ===== ===== Archive =====
schedule.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/03 23:00 by wminer