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project-security-fw [2015/09/22 00:24]
wminer [Scope]
project-security-fw [2015/09/22 00:26]
Line 14: Line 14:
 ==== Resources Committed (developers committed to working) ​ ==== ==== Resources Committed (developers committed to working) ​ ====
-For new project proposals please identify the project proposer and organization. ​+None
-Formatted as Real Name (email address). For example:+==== Project Status Reports ====
-John Doe ( +9.25.2015 ​Project kicked off with email to AGL discussions list.
- +
-Need to answer: +
-Number of people required ​to start the project? +
-- How many resources does the proposer have to dedicate to the project? +
-- How many total resources will be required for the project? ​  +
-- How may AGL dedicated FTE's are requested for the project? +
-==== Initial Committers ​ ==== +
- +
-Formatted as Real Name (email address)For example: +
- +
-John Doe ( +
- +
-==== Vendor Neutral ​ ==== +
- +
-If this proposal is coming from an existing proprietary codebase, have you +
-ensured that all proprietary trademarks, logos, product names, etc. have +
-been removed? ​ Please specify. +
- +
-==== Meets Board Policy (including IPR)  ==== +
-Yes/No +
- +
-==== Project Status Reports ====+
project-security-fw.txt · Last modified: 2015/10/13 12:54 by jose