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newsletter:archive [2019/04/03 23:48]
waltminer [March 22, 2019] Fix meeting links
newsletter:archive [2019/04/12 17:06]
waltminer Archive Apr 5 newsletter
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 ==== Archived newsletters ==== ==== Archived newsletters ====
 +==== April 5, 2019 ====
 +Welcome to issue number twenty-four of the weekly AGL newsletter highlighting work going on around the AGL Community. The newsletter is now being posted to the wiki page. Check it out at https://​​newsletter Feedback and comments are welcome.
 +Walt \\
 +Twitter: [[https://​​VStarWalt | @VStarWalt]]
 +=== Highlights ===
 +1) Jan-Simon and I are traveling this week so the developer call will be two hours later than usual on Tuesday and the Instrument Cluster and System Spec EG call has been moved to Thursday.
 +2) This is your last chance to propose a talk for the for Automotive Linux Summit in July. The deadline to submit a CFP for ALS is Sunday, April 7. https://​​events/​automotive-linux-summit-2019/​program/​cfp/​ When you make your travel plans to attend Automotive Linux Summit in July, remember that we will hold a F2F SAT and Expert Group meeting the day before ALS begins. Sign up at https://​​agl-distro/​jul2019-f2f ​
 +3) Our next F2F meeting will be held at Igalia’s office in Coruna, Spain on May 7 – 9.  Sign up on the wiki if you plan to make it. A lot of important topics are on the agenda. https://​​agl-distro/​may2019-f2f
 +4) The guppy patch release (7.0.1) was held up by some regressions found in our pre-release testing so expect to be released after Tuesday’s developer call. We will also be making a decision on merging the uprev to Yocto 2.6 (thud branch) onto master during Tuesday’s call. 
 +=== This week’s meetings:​===
 +=== Monday === 
 +13:00 UTC – [[:​eg-v2c#​meetings|Vehicle to Cloud Expert Group]]
 +=== Tuesday ===
 +15:00 UTC - [[:​dev-call-info|Weekly developer call]] ​ **Note the time change for this week!**\\ ​
 +Open to anyone with questions about AGL code or issues they may be having. ​
 +=== Wednesday ===
 +13:00 UTC - [[eg-app-fw:​meetings|App Framework and Security Expert Group]]
 +12:00 pm UTC – Joint meeting of [[eg-ic:​meetings|Instrument Cluster]] and [[eg-requirements-specification:​meetings|System Spec Expert Groups]] **Note the day change for this week!**\\
 +13:00 UTC - [[:​agl-sat-meetings|System Architecture Team]]
 +==== March 29, 2019 ====
 +Europe is changing to summer time this weekend so all meetings in Europe will be one hour later starting Monday. Welcome to issue number twenty-three of the weekly AGL newsletter highlighting work going on around the AGL Community. Feedback and comments are welcome.
 +Walt \\
 +Twitter: [[https://​​VStarWalt | @VStarWalt]]
 +1) Funky Flounder patch release 6.0.5 was released this week. Release notes can be found here. https://​​agl-distro/​release-notes#​flounder_605 ​
 +2) The Instrument Cluster Expert Group needs OEM and Tier One members to join the group so we can gather requirements for this project. Contact me or join the next expert group meeting if you want to contribute. https://​​eg-ic
 +3) Monday’s Graphics and UI Expert Group call will review this update (https://​​_media/​2019-03-28_-_agl_sat_-_window_manager_replacement.pdf) from Daniel Stone on the window manager and compositor re-architecture. Please take a moment to review it before hand and come ready with questions and comments. There are a number of open requirements and timeline questions starting on slide 20 that need to be resolved. ​
 +4) The deadline to submit a CFP for Automotive Linux summit is now Sunday, April 7. https://​​events/​automotive-linux-summit-2019/​program/​cfp/​ When you make your travel plans to attend Automotive Linux Summit in July, remember that we will hold a F2F SAT and Expert Group meeting the day before ALS begins. Sign up at https://​​agl-distro/​jul2019-f2f ​
 +5) Our next F2F meeting will be held at Igalia’s office in Coruna, Spain on May 7 – 9.  Sign up on the wiki if you plan to make it. A lot of important topics are on the agenda. https://​​agl-distro/​may2019-f2f
 +6) The patch release for guppy (7.0.1) should be released after Tuesday’s developer call. We will also be making a decision on merging the uprev to Yocto 2.6 (thud branch) onto master during Tuesday’s call. 
 +**This week’s meetings:**
 +13:00 UTC – [[:​eg-ui-graphics#​weekly_call|Graphics and UI Expert Group]]
 +12:00 pm UTC – [[eg-ciat:​meetings|Continuous Integration and Automated Test Expert Group]]
 +13:00 UTC - [[:​dev-call-info|Weekly developer call]]\\
 +Open to anyone with questions about AGL code or issues they may be having. ​
 +13:00 UTC - [[:​eg-speech#​meetings|Speech Expert Group]]
 +14:00 UTC - [[:​eg-virt#​meetings|Virtualization Expert Group]]
 +13:00 UTC - [[eg-connectivity:​meetings|Connectivity Expert Group]]
 ==== March 22, 2019 ==== ==== March 22, 2019 ====
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 **This week’s meetings:** **This week’s meetings:**
 13:00 UTC – [[:​eg-ui-graphics#​weekly_call|Graphics and UI Expert Group]] 13:00 UTC – [[:​eg-ui-graphics#​weekly_call|Graphics and UI Expert Group]]
 12:00 pm UTC – Joint meeting of [[eg-ic:​meetings|Instrument Cluster]] and [[eg-requirements-specification:​meetings|System Spec Expert Groups]]\\ 12:00 pm UTC – Joint meeting of [[eg-ic:​meetings|Instrument Cluster]] and [[eg-requirements-specification:​meetings|System Spec Expert Groups]]\\
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 Open to anyone with questions about AGL code or issues they may be having. ​ Open to anyone with questions about AGL code or issues they may be having. ​
 13:00 UTC - [[eg-app-fw:​meetings|App Framework and Security Expert Group]] 13:00 UTC - [[eg-app-fw:​meetings|App Framework and Security Expert Group]]
 13:00 UTC - [[:​agl-sat-meetings|System Architecture Team]] 13:00 UTC - [[:​agl-sat-meetings|System Architecture Team]]
newsletter/archive.txt · Last modified: 2019/06/10 00:17 by waltminer