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eg-virt-meetings [2020/04/01 13:48]
eg-virt-meetings [2020/05/14 06:45]
jerry.zhaojc [13/05/2020, 2PM CEST Meeting]
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 ===== Meetings Agenda and Report ===== ===== Meetings Agenda and Report =====
 +==== 13/05/2020, 2PM CEST Meeting ====
 +   * Jerry Zhao - Panasonic
 +   * Mitsuya - Panasonic
 +   * Tadao Tanikawa - Panasonic
 +   * Tamura - Panasonic
 +   * Jan-Simon Moeller - Linux Foundation
 +   * Walt Miner - Linux Foundation
 +   * Matt Spencer - ARM
 +   * Laurent Cremmer -Carmeq
 +   * Mark Silberberger - Carmeq
 +   * Nicolas Blazevic - Carmeq
 +   * Joel Catala - Tuxera
 +   * <​del>​Eva Rio - Tuxera</​del>​
 +   * <​del>​Francois Ozog - Linaro</​del>​
 +   * <​del>​Victor Duan - Linaro</​del>​
 +   * Mikhail Golubev - Open Synergy ​
 +   * Mikhail Zaytsev - MERA
 +   * Leonid Lazerev - MERA
 +   * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +   * <​del>​Kenji Hosokawa - ADIT</​del>​
 +   * <​del>​Yuki Tsunashima - ADIT</​del>​
 +   * <​del>​Teddy Zhai - Green Hills Software</​del>​
 +   * <​del>​Michele Paolino - Virtual Open Systems</​del>​
 +   * Jerry showed a {{:​pana_opsy_virtio_status.pdf|presentation}} about Panasonic’s work on VirtIO and a possible plan for moving forward.
 +   * Mikhail G. presented Open Synergy’s progress on VirtIO and their areas of contribution to AGL (audio, video, scmi, and GPI (3D)) - Included in Jerry’s presentation
 +   * Joel {{:​tuxera-agl-virt-eg-virtio-fs-20200513.pdf|presented a review}} of the GENIVI AVPS filesystems requirements. ​
 +   * Matt thinks that Collabora may be working on VirtIO for some of their customers. He will reach out to Daniel Stone about about giving a presentation on their status. ​
 +    * Daniel will organize a presentation from Collabora at an upcoming meeting ​
 +Other Open Action Items
 +   * Francois will ask if Qualcomm can present their research in this area. 
 +Next meeting is scheduled for May 27 at the same time, 
 +==== 22/04/2020, 2PM CEST Meeting ====
 +   * Jerry Zhao - Panasonic
 +   * Mitsuya - Panasonic
 +   * Jan-Simon Moeller - Linux Foundation
 +   * Walt Miner - Linux Foundation
 +   * Matt Spencer - ARM
 +   * Laurent Cremmer -Carmeq
 +   * Mark Silberberger - Carmeq
 +   * Nicolas Blazevic - Carmeq
 +   * Joel Catala - Tuxera
 +   * Eva Rio - Tuxera
 +   * Francois Ozog - Linaro
 +   * Victor Duan - Linaro
 +   * Mikhail Golubev - Open Synergy ​
 +   * Mikhail Zaytsev - MERA
 +   * Leonid Lazerev - MERA
 +   * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +   * Kenji Hosokawa - ADIT
 +   * Yuki Tsunashima - ADIT
 +   * Teddy Zhai - Green Hills Software
 +   * Michele Paolino - Virtual Open Systems
 +   * Introductions - new EG leader Jerry Zhao of Panasonic ​
 +   * Jerry showed a presentation about Panasonic’s work on VirtIO
 +   * [[ https://​​wpcontent/​uploads/​sites/​4/​2018/​06/​agl_software_defined_car_jun18.pdf | AGL Virtualization White Paper]]
 +   * [[https://​​wiki/​download/​attachments/​28412682/​AVPS%20-%20Automotive%20Virtual%20Platform%20Specification%20-%20version%201-01.pdf?​version=1&​modificationDate=1578292478000&​api=v2 | GENIVI “Automotive Virtual Platform” spec (AVPS)]] was discussed. Carmeq feels this is a good set of requirements we can start from. 
 +   * Jerry proposed that someone make a presentation on what the GENIVI spec includes and what might be missing, ​
 +      * Joel can look into file systems sections and give us a read out on those sections
 +      * Matt thinks that Collabora may be working on VirtIO for some of their customers. He will reach out to Daniel Stone about about giving a presentation on their status. ​
 +      * Francois will ask if Qualcomm can present their research in this area. 
 +   * ARM and Linaro - upstream XEN work incorporating VirtIO is on-going
 +   * Oasis open to outside suggestions on use cases for VirtIO
 +   * Carmeq - need to think about the requirements for telematics, IC, and IVI since each will have very different requirements for VirtIO
 +   * Audio noted as a very challenging topic for VirtIO due to sensitivity to latency.
 +   * Joel noted that Panasonic and Open Synergy have done some work in this area. Has any of that work been shared or upstreamed to AGL?
 +      * Jerry will share some details at the next meeting
 +   * ISO 24089 - Road Vehicle Software Update Engineering
 +   * Next meeting May 13 at this same time. 
 +==== 01/04/2020, 4PM CEST Meeting ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Li, Mikhail, Scott
 +  * Plan is to work on Virt-IO
 +  * Next meetings
 +    * Next meeting based on poll on mailinglist
 ==== 18/03/2020, 4PM CEST Meeting ==== ==== 18/03/2020, 4PM CEST Meeting ====
eg-virt-meetings.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/12 11:38 by sbonazzo