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eg-virt-meetings [2018/10/03 14:32]
m.paolino [Oct. 3rd 2018, 3PM CEST Meeting]
eg-virt-meetings [2019/04/03 23:23]
waltminer Updating meeting information
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 ====== AGL Virtualization Expert Group (EG-VIRT) Meetings ====== ====== AGL Virtualization Expert Group (EG-VIRT) Meetings ======
-EG-VIRT Meetings are held every other Friday ​at 13:00 UTC. The upcoming schedule can be found below. ​+EG-VIRT Meetings are held every other Wednesday ​at 14:00 UTC. The upcoming schedule can be found below. ​
 Conference Information:​ Conference Information:​
 EG-VIRT Biweekly Meeting ​ EG-VIRT Biweekly Meeting ​
-Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. ​ +Join Zoom Meeting\\ 
-You can also dial in using your phone +Meeting ID: 855 006 400 
-United States (Toll-free) 1 877 309 2070  +Find your local number: https://​​u/​ameRude4a
-United States +1 (312) 757-3119 ​+
-Access Code: 728-365-005+-----
-More phone numbers  +===== Meetings Agenda and Report =====
-| Australia +61 2 8355 1034            | Austria +43 7 2088 0716                   | +
-| Belgium +32 (0) 28 93 7002           | Canada (Toll-free) 1 877 777 3281         | +
-| Canada +1 (647) 497-9372 ​            | Denmark +45 69 91 84 58                   | +
-| Finland +358 (0) 923 17 0556         | France +33 (0) 170 950 590                | +
-| Germany +49 (0) 692 5736 7206        | India (Toll-free) 000 800 100 8227        | +
-| Ireland +353 (0) 19 030 053          | Italy +39 0 699 26 68 65                  | +
-| Japan (Toll-free) 0 120 242 200      | Korea, Republic of (Toll-free) 0806180880 | +
-| Netherlands +31 (0) 208 080 759      | New Zealand +64 9 974 9579                | +
-| Norway +47 21 04 30 59               | Spain +34 931 76 1534                     | +
-| Sweden +46 (0) 852 500 691           | Switzerland +41 (0) 435 0026 89           | +
-| United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 3713 5011  |                                           |+
-First GoToMeeting?​ Try a test session: ​​getready  ​+==== 03/04/2019, 4PM CET Meeting ==== 
 +Attendees: Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems), Walt Miner (Linux Foundation),​ Eric Shufro, Taylor Travis (Panasonic),​ Daniel Bernal (Arm), Artem Myagev (EPAM)
------+  * Virtualization in the AGL demo requirements.  
 +    * Panasonic shared some requirements:​ 
 +      * Non Linux OS is a requirement,​ together with a Checker-RTOS/Safe RTOS, e.g., FreeRTOS 
 +      * Android is also requested 
 +      * Only small pieces of clusters are safety related 
 +      * Orchestrated power-off of the VMs needs to be supported 
 +  * AGL ALS virtualization talks 
 +    * BoF proposal submitted by EG-VIRT 
 +  * Next call in two weeks from now 
 +  * Action points 
 +    * Michele: attend next IC-EG 
 +    * Eric: provide a set of requirements 
 +==== 20/03/2019, 4PM CET Meeting ==== 
 +Attendees: Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems), Walt Miner and Jan-Simon Moeller (Linux Foundation),​ Taylor Travis (Panasonic),​ Daniel Bernal (Arm) 
 +  * Virtualization in the AGL demo 
 +    * Arm, EPAM are available to support. 
 +    * general requirements needs to be defined (safety, other functions, etc.) 
 +    * The Cluster WG is an interesting opportunity in the AGL community. It could be used for one of the use cases 
 +    * It is possible to think of a 2 steps approach: at the beginning we go for a separate RTOS, then we rely on ELISA 
 +  * AGL AMM virtualization talks 
 +    * Instrument cluster WG announced:  
 +      * There is an initial implementation of instrument cluster from CES.  
 +      * Suzuki motors proposed the instrument cluster.  
 +    * ELISA announced 
 +    * ADAS applications from AGL announced (important dependencies on ELISA and virtualization) 
 +  * Next call in two weeks from now 
 +    * Action point Michele, he will get in touch with Instrument Cluster WG and come back 
 +==== 06/02/2019, 4PM CET Meeting ==== 
 +Attendees: Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems), Walt Miner, Jan-Simon Moeller (Linux Foundation),​ Johann Cahier (, Daniel Bernal (ARM) 
 +  * Michele sent an email to the ML with a call for participation to define next steps to integrate virtualization in the AGL demo 
 +    * Daniel is available to support. 
 +    * Daniel suggests to define safety use case requirements with a list of use cases  
 +  * AGL AMM virtualization talks 
 +    * Johann is working on a demo to have 2 linux instances running on L4. A BoF and a regular presentation are scheduled 
 +  * Next call in two weeks from now 
 +    * Michele will prepare an initial proposal to be discussed during the next call 
 +==== 23/01/2019, 4PM CET Meeting ==== 
 +Attendees: Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems), Walt Miner, Jan-Simon Moeller (Linux Foundation),​ Artem Mygaiev (EPAM) 
 +  * Michele did follow up Walt's email to the AGL members mailing list: no answer 
 +  * Next steps of the EG needs to be defined: the definition of a use case for demonstration can be the next step 
 +  * AP Michele: Check in the ML if there is any interest in supporting this direction 
 +    * EPAM is available to support 
 +  * Next call scheduled on 2019/​02/​06 
 +==== Nov. 14th 2018, 3PM CET Meeting ==== 
 +Attendees: Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems), Walt Miner, Jan-Simon Moeller (Linux Foundation),​ Umair Hashim, Daniel Bernal (Arm), Tiejun Chen (VMware), Alexander Damisch 
 +  * AP Michele: Follow up the email from Walt to the AGL members mailing list 
 +  * Umair will evaluate the possibility to add support for KVM on the Salvator-XS 
 +==== Oct. 31st 2018, 3PM CET Meeting ==== 
 +Attendees: Michele Paolino (Virtual Open Systems), Walt Miner (Linux Foundation),​ Daniel Bernal (Arm) 
 +  * On Oct. 10th, an official request for feedback has been issued by Walt 
 +    * no feedbacks 
 +  * During the AGL AMM, the EG-VIRT speech has been held 
 +    * Slides available at [[http://​​en/​research/​scientific-contributions/​egvirt-aglamm2018/​|this address]]. Comments are welcome. 
 +    * good presence during the presentation,​ no specific comments or questions
-===== Meetings Agenda and Report ===== 
 ==== Oct. 3rd 2018, 4PM CEST Meeting ==== ==== Oct. 3rd 2018, 4PM CEST Meeting ====
eg-virt-meetings.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/12 11:38 by sbonazzo