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eg-v2c [2021/10/18 14:37]
eg-v2c [2022/07/22 16:01]
waltminer [Meetings] change meeting time to link to project calendar
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 ==== Meetings ==== ==== Meetings ====
-Bi-weekly on Monday'​s @ 10:30 U.SEastern, resuming 25 January 2021+Bi-weekly on Mondays. ​ The upcoming schedule can be found on the [[https://​​g/​agl-dev-community/​calendar | project calendar]] 
 Join Zoom Meeting Join Zoom Meeting
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 ===== Meeting Notes ===== ===== Meeting Notes =====
 +==== July 11, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * <​del>​Paul Barker - SanCloud</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Damiano Senese - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * Nenad Ilic - AWS
 +  * <​del>​Chih-Ming - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Bernard Craddock - Pumped Fuel</​del>​
 +   * Amazon - AWS demo at Embedded World looked good. Nenad reported that they got good feedback on their demo which will continue to evolve.
 +   * Will work with NXP  to get the Goldbox BSP into AGL CI. Nenad will send the current layer they are using to NXP. 
 +==== April 4, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * Damiano Senese - AICAS
 +  * Richard Elberger - AWS
 +  * <​del>​Chih-Ming - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +  * Bernard Craddock - Pumped Fuel
 +   * Amazon - Amazon switched to the Gold Box for the demo. Scott pointed out that there is a Yocto layer at Code Aurora (meta-alb) that might be usable. Richard has someone taking over this meeting for him starting week 19. 
 +   * Cancel the next meeting due to Easter Monday
 +   * Richard worked through the "​Identity Management for V2C" feature with one of his engineers who has experience with OEMs in delivering payloads from server to the ECUs via the TCU. They will be writing up the requirements from their white boarding and add them to the confluence page. 
 +     * On-track for the EW demo 
 +     * Haydn will add Containers features to the feature list. V2C features are good as-is. ​
 +   * AICAS - urgent customer programs taking priority over the demo work lately. ​
 +   * Scott got the Telematics image building and booting for the Marlin release. The recorder application does not work. Plans to get the working with kuksa.val. ​
 +==== March 21, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * <​del>​Paul Barker - SanCloud</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Damiano Senese - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * Richard Elberger - AWS
 +  * Chih-Ming - AICAS
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +   * Amazon - Richard worked through the "​Identity Management for V2C" feature with one of his engineers who has experience with OEMs in delivering payloads from server to the ECUs via the TCU. They will be writing up the requirements from their white boarding and add them to the confluence page. 
 +     * On-track for the EW demo 
 +     * Haydn will add Containers features to the feature list. V2C features are good as-is. ​
 +   * AICAS - urgent customer programs taking priority over the demo work lately. ​
 +   * Scott indicated that is likely he will get the existing Telematics working this week on Marlin. ​
 +==== March 7, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * Damiano Senese - AICAS
 +  * Richard Elberger - AWS
 +  * <​del>​Chih-Ming - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +   * Richard will be meeting with Haydn this week about the roadmap for V2C and Containers and Mesh EGs and will be in Germany in two weeks to work on the demo for Embedded World. ​
 +   * Damiano - Aicas continues to work on integrating connection manager into the reference design. ​
 +   * Paul - SanCloud has decided on their architecture for the demo. They will use a local [[https://​ | Mosquitto]] broker. Will try to open source their app, but they are working with a partner that they need to clear this with, 
 +   * Scott working on getting telematics image building for Marlin M3. Will see for tomorrow. Got kuksa.val building and tested it with getting speed into the apps as a replacement for Signal Composer. Will try to get the recipe into M3 as well. 
 +   * [[https://​​Intelligent-Transport-Systems-Standards-Williams/​dp/​1596934387 | Link to Intelligent Transport Systems Standards]] book on Amazon
 +==== Feb 22, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * <​del>​Damiano Senese - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Richard Elberger - AWS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Chih-Ming - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +   * SanCloud making progress with the platform
 +     * thinking about a presentation in following weeks , possibly EW .
 +==== Feb 7, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * Damiano Senese - AICAS
 +  * Richard Elberger - AWS
 +  * <​del>​Chih-Ming - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +   * Aicas looking at connection manager and internally discussing the possibility of contributing a demo to AGL. 
 +==== January 24, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * Damiano Senese - AICAS
 +  * Richard Elberger - AWS
 +  * <​del>​Chih-Ming - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +  * AICAS - working on making their application into a service that their data center can use to make the best connection. ​
 +  * SanCloud - working on BSP updates for TI and BBE enhanced. Should be ready for Marlin. ​
 +  * Richard - AWS IoT Express Link and AWS IoT Fleetwise. These will be demoed in the Embedded World AGL booth running AGL on a couple of boards. ​ The cellular module is the [[https://​​detail/​a3G0h00000E2MC1EAN/​AWS-IoT-ExpressLink-SARA-R5-Starter-Kit | Sera R5 Starter kit]] 
 +==== January 10, 2022 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * <​del>​Damiano Senese - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Chih-Ming - AICAS</​del>​
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +   * Richard is traveling again this week. 
 +   * Paul's first day back so nothing to report. ​
 +   ​* ​
 +==== December 13, 2021 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * Damiano Senese - AICAS
 +  * Chih-Ming - AICAS
 +  * <​del>​Sachin Gole - FEV</​del>​
 +   * Paul - No major update. Looking to make an update after the new year. 
 +   * Damiano: Damiano and Chih-Ming gave a [[https://​​display/​VTCEG/​Telematics+Control+Unit+%28TCU%29+Reference+Design+2?​preview=%2F39256193%2F54100143%2Faicas_AGL_RF2_presentation_13-12-2021.pdf | presentation]] and demo. Damiano will upload the slides to confluence. ​
 +==== November 29, 2021 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * <​del>​Paul Barker - SanCloud</​del>​
 +  * Damiano Senese - AICAS
 +  * Sachin Gole - FEV
 +   * Damiano: Chi-Ming still working on connector, should be showing some progress to Damiano in the next few days.  Damiano will present what they have working at the next meeting.
 +==== November 15, 2021 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Jan-Simon Moeller - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * Damiano Senese - AICAS
 +   * Paul: SanCloud has been looking at the latest changes on master with App FW deprecated because they want to make sure that they are not doing  things that require a lot of rework later. Working on mosquito MQTT. Access to CAN is their biggest concern right now. 
 +   * Domiano: Chi-Ming working on connector.  ​
 +==== November 1, 2021 ====
 +Attendees: ​
 +  * Walt Miner - LF
 +  * Scott Murray - Konsulko
 +  * Paul Barker - SanCloud
 +  * Richard Elberger - AWS
 +   * Paul: Working on getting their device cert working to get their connection to the cloud. Progress being made toward their cloud platform side. 
 ==== October 18, 2021 ==== ==== October 18, 2021 ====
eg-v2c.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/15 15:26 by megankn