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eg-requirements-specification:meetings [2019/03/12 04:40]
eg-requirements-specification:meetings [2019/04/11 13:23] (current)
ToshikazuOhiwa [April 11, 2019]
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-Requirements Specification Expert Group Meetings+===== Requirements Specification Expert Group Meetings ​=====
-== March.12 2019 == +==== April 23, 2019 ==== 
-bi-weekly meeting+bi-weekly meeting(with Instrument Cluster EG) 
 +==== April 11, 2019 ==== 
 +bi-weekly meeting(with Instrument Cluster EG) 
 +Attendees:​Walt,​ Haraki, Kusakabe, Michele, Kurokawa, Tanibata, Oki ,Salma, Ohiwa, Johann, Stephane, Jan-Simon,​ 
 +   * Shared the status{{:​eg-requirements-specification:​status_report_of_rs-eg_20190411.pdf|}} 
 +   * Regarding changing process 
 +       * Please refer to page 2 of the status report of re-eg 20190411(the above document) 
 +   * Regarding confirmation of changed content 
 +       * List the changed content and share it at this EG time. 
 +==== March 26, 2019 ==== 
 +bi-weekly meeting(with Instrument Cluster EG) 
 +Attendees:​Walt,​ Haraki, Kusakabe, Oki, Tanibata, Scott, Ohiwa, Mitsunari, Stephane,  
 +   * Shared the status{{:​eg-requirements-specification:​status_report_of_rs-eg_20190326.pdf|}} 
 +   * Plan of Draft(V0.5:​the end of June){{:​eg-requirements-specification:​plan_checking_each_eg_20190326.pdf|}} 
 +   * Regarding changing process 
 +       * Prepare for process, method by ohiwa. 
 +==== March 122019 ==== 
 +bi-weekly meeting(with Instrument Cluster EG) 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Haraki, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Scott, Fulup, Stephane, Mitsunari, Ohiwa
    * Shared the status{{:​eg-requirements-specification:​status_report_of_rs-eg_20190312.pdf|}}    * Shared the status{{:​eg-requirements-specification:​status_report_of_rs-eg_20190312.pdf|}}
-== March.7, 2019 ==+   * Investigation result of implemented requirements 
 +      * {{:​eg-requirements-specification:​investigation_of_implemented_requirements_rough_.xlsx|}} 
 +   * Requirements for each component in past F2F and SAT / EG meeting(want to import as much as possible) 
 +      * [[agl-distro:​past-f2f-mtgs|List of Past Face To Face Events]] 
 +==== March 7, 2019 ====
 F2F meeting at AMM Tokyo F2F meeting at AMM Tokyo
eg-requirements-specification/meetings.1552365638.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/12 04:40 (external edit)