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eg-ciat [2017/07/12 22:29]
khilman [Members]
eg-ciat [2024/05/29 11:03] (current)
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 ==== Meetings ==== ==== Meetings ====
-The Continuous Integration and Test (CIAT) Expert Group meets every other Wednesday. Meeting schedule, dial-in information,​ agenda, and minutes for the CIAT EG is available [[eg-ciat:​meetings|here]]. ​+The Continuous Integration and Test (CIAT) Expert Group meets every other Tuesday. Meeting schedule, dial-in information,​ agenda, and minutes for the CIAT EG is available [[eg-ciat:​meetings|here]]. ​
 ==== Charter ==== ==== Charter ====
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    * Daily snapshot build and testing    * Daily snapshot build and testing
    * Device tests on real hardware    * Device tests on real hardware
-   * Test environments such as JTA and Lava+   * Test environments such as Lava
    * Test suites such as LTP    * Test suites such as LTP
-   * UI testing (OpenQA) 
 ==== Members ==== ==== Members ====
-  * Agustin Bethencourt - Codethink 
-  * Yuichi Kusakabe - Fujitsu Ten  
   * Jan-Simon Moeller - Linux Foundation ​ (Team Lead - jsmoeller(at)   * Jan-Simon Moeller - Linux Foundation ​ (Team Lead - jsmoeller(at)
-  * Mikhail Durnev - Mentor 
-  * Kotaro Hashimoto - Mitsubishi Electric 
-  * Kenji Tadano - Mitsubishi Electric 
-  * Yannick Gicquel - Renesas / 
-  * Stephane Desneux - Renesas / 
-  * Kevin Hilman - BayLibre 
 ==== Current Status ==== ==== Current Status ====
-  * AGL currently uses Jenkins for CI and Lava + Fuego for running test. +  * AGL currently uses Jenkins for CI and Lava 
   * Jenkins builds for QEMU tied into Gerrit for patch submissions  ​   * Jenkins builds for QEMU tied into Gerrit for patch submissions  ​
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   * Integrate test environments such as JTA and Lava   * Integrate test environments such as JTA and Lava
   * Investigate UI testing (OpenQA)   * Investigate UI testing (OpenQA)
-==== AGL Testframework and AGL-JTA ==== 
-AGL's testframework is a combined toolset. You can find more information here: 
-[[agl-testframework|AGL Testframework]] 
 ==== Activities ===== ==== Activities =====
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 [[eg-ciat:​meetings|eg-ciat:​meetings]] [[eg-ciat:​meetings|eg-ciat:​meetings]]
-==== Roadmap ==== 
-  * '​CC'​ release 
-    * Goal is to have all reference boards tested for each CI build. 
-      * This includes: 
-        * Boot 
-        * Short load (CPU/IO/MEM - e.g. stress) 
-        * Some Functional tests 
-      * Daily snapshots get a medium test run appended 
-      * Long test series on rc and release builds 
eg-ciat.1499898583.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2017/07/12 22:29 by khilman