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eg-ciat:meetings [2019/07/23 11:49]
eg-ciat:meetings [2019/09/17 13:12]
Line 42: Line 42:
     * Support to run tests as lava jobs (from within Fuego)     * Support to run tests as lava jobs (from within Fuego)
     * BSP integration     * BSP integration
 -------- --------
 +==== Meeting 2019/09/17 ====
 +=== Attendees ===
 +Jan-Simon, Fred, Corentin, Ronan, Li, Walt, Zhou, Kusakabe-san
 +  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
 +    * Update 09/17:
 +      * No new regressions
 +      * mediaplayer addressed by 22428, 22409
 +        * note upsquare behaves differently,​ might have other issue
 +      * radio -> 22382, 22383
 +      * filed can speed: https://​​browse/​SPEC-2811
 +      * 8.0.1 Fujitsu Report links:
 +        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_m3ulcb_kingfisher_m06_20190912.xls|m3+kf}}
 +        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_intel_up2_20190910.xls|up2}}
 +        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_rpi3b_20190911.xls|rpi3}}
 +        * {{:​eg-ciat:​agl_regression_test_hh8.0.1_dragonboard_410c_20190910.xls|db-410c}}
 +  * Fuego / Lava support
 +    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc' ​
 +    * Update 09/17:
 +      * Volunteers to add to ftc AGL CI ?
 +        * qa-testdefinitions are here: https://​​src/​qa-testdefinitions/​
 +  * Lava lab @ / Frederic:
 +    * Update 09/17:
 +      * On hold 1m
 +  * Application lifecycle test (Corentin)
 +    * Todo: pass/fail criteria for jenkins and/or +/-1 to gerrit.
 +    * Update 09/17:
 +      * Patch in, follow-up in gerrit
 +      * Todo: put link to machine specific jenkins log in
 +        * https://​​ci-management/​tree/​jjb/​common/​​n139
 +        * https://​​ci-management/​tree/​jjb/​common/​​n142
 +        * e.g. link to https://​​job/​ci-platform-meta-agl-demo-verify-CIBT-raspberrypi3/​627/​console ​
 +        * https://​​job/​ci-platform-meta-agl-demo-verify-CIBT-raspberrypi3/​627/​console
 +        * "​${BUILD_URL}/​console"​ ??
 +        * https://​​job/​ci-platform-meta-agl-demo-verify-CIBT-raspberrypi3/​627/​injectedEnvVars/​
 +  * Application tests 
 +    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt'​s ​
 +    * Test wgt's for apps submitted
 +    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon)
 +    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
 +    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * no update on build side of wgt
 +    * Update 09/17:
 +      * no update
 +  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology)
 +    * Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology):​ we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead of scraping the web-page)
 +    * Follow-up discussions on these alternatives
 +      * https://​​heremaps/​oss-review-toolkit
 +      * https://​​endocode
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * To execute only spdx tasks (and its dependencies like unpack/​patch) execute:
 +        * bitbake --runall=spdx agl-demo-platform
 +      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ (default credentials)
 +      * AI: Kusakabe-san and team to go through it
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * Docker container was down - re-populate (Jan-Simon)
 +    * Update 09/17:
 +      * Trouble re-creating working environment (fossology 3.3.0 + meta-spdxscanner
 +  * Li: rpi4 support -> with gfx planned for Icefish (patches welcome)
 +  * Stephane: 64bit kernel on pi's ? No, due to gfx stack status and memory footprint
 +  * Zhou: apps-agl-cluster-demo-gauges-owners - done.
 +  * Li: wgt tests only work in guppy and not in halibut
 +    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2795
 +    * Will do app tests on guppy until this is fixed
 +  * HTML5 apps, CI integration with ./​autobuild/​autobuild script
 +    * https://​​browse/​SPEC-2773
 +==== Meeting 2019/09/03 ====
 +=== Attendees ===
 +Jan-Simon, Frederic, Li, Zhou, Kurokawa-san
 +  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * No update
 +  * Fuego / Lava support
 +    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc' ​
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * No update
 +  * Lava lab @ / Frederic:
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * No update
 +      * qemu worker if possible
 +  * Application lifecycle test (Corentin)
 +    * Todo: pass/fail criteria for jenkins and/or +/-1 to gerrit.
 +      * Working out pass/​fail/​skip for CIB / CIBT
 +        * how can app developers define pass/​fail/​skip
 +        * how can testdefinitions interpret
 +      * jenkins needs possibility to skip certain cases (and not fail)
 +      * <​app>​-test wgt's can have multiple invocations (e.g. representing different test plans) ​
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * Discussed https://​​browse/​SPEC-2703?​focusedCommentId=21708&​page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#​comment-21708 ​
 +      * Will go with qa-testdefinition or app repo
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * Patch in gerrit for review
 +        * go with "'​ci-platform'​ in the JOB_NAME or JOB_BASE_NAME"​
 +  * Application tests 
 +    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt'​s ​
 +    * Test wgt's for apps submitted
 +    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon)
 +    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
 +    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * no update on build side of wgt
 +  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology)
 +    * Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology):​ we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead of scraping the web-page)
 +    * Follow-up discussions on these alternatives
 +      * https://​​heremaps/​oss-review-toolkit
 +      * https://​​endocode
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * To execute only spdx tasks (and its dependencies like unpack/​patch) execute:
 +        * bitbake --runall=spdx agl-demo-platform
 +      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ (default credentials)
 +      * AI: Kusakabe-san and team to go through it
 +    * Update 09/03:
 +      * Docker container was down - re-populate (Jan-Simon)
 +On hold:
 +  * SPEC-920
 +    * Fix in gerrit 16867
 +    * further discussion
 +      * AIs:
 +      * Scott: take a look at the prserv if we can solve above issue on rpm feeds
 +      * AI (jsm/ryan): forbid revert button (?edit button?)
 +      * Tom: may need policy around reverts and bumping PR value (at least for meta-layers)
 +      * In the end have a multi-config build with "​bitbake agl-world"​
 +        * atm share sstate-cache but separate TMPDIR
 +        * https://​​docs/​2.4.3/​mega-manual/​mega-manual.html#​platdev-building-targets-with-multiple-configurations
 +          * bitbake multiconfig:​m3conf multiconfig:​h3conf multiconfig:​intelcorei7conf dummy-image
 +            * conf/​m3conf.conf ​  
 +            * conf/​h3conf.conf
 +            * conf/​intelcorei7conf.conf
 +          * start with core ... once done ... lock the SIGNATURES ?
 +        * Initial step, use agl-demo-platform-crosssdk as target (only active profile atm)
 +          * AI (Ryan): activate PRSERV for snapshot builds
 +            * Update 11/12: Jobs rework to use PRSERV (but will invalidate sstate-cache)
 +            * Update 14/05: PRSERV use reverted as it caused issues
 +          * AI (jsm): bitbake package-index
 +          * AI (jsm): sync-out the rpm feeds for the snapshot builds
 +          * AI (Ronan): can we prepopulate the rpm feed info in the target ? (add to sandbox builds ... e.g. user '​lastest'​ )   ​https://​​AGL/​snapshot/​master/​latest/<​machine>/​
 +          * AI (Tom): is there a prserv (ro) version? - Likely no.
 +  * 
 +==== Meeting 2019/08/20 ====
 +=== Attendees ===
 +Jan-Simon, Kurokawa-san,​ Frederic, Corentin, Li Xiaoming, Stephane,
 +  * Fujitsu test report update (Fujitsu)
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * No update.
 +  * Fuego / Lava support
 +    * 06/25 : No update
 +    * 07/09 : No update
 +    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc' ​
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * No update
 +  * Lava lab @ / Frederic:
 +    * lava-docker version of master: 19fe02f7a341e302e3ad560fcb4cc872f2201a5c
 +    * 07/23 : Still in a box
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * No update
 +  * Application lifecycle test (Corentin)
 +    * Todo: pass/fail criteria for jenkins and/or +/-1 to gerrit.
 +      * Working out pass/​fail/​skip for CIB / CIBT
 +        * how can app developers define pass/​fail/​skip
 +        * how can testdefinitions interpret
 +      * jenkins needs possibility to skip certain cases (and not fail)
 +      * <​app>​-test wgt's can have multiple invocations (e.g. representing different test plans) ​
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * Discussed https://​​browse/​SPEC-2703?​focusedCommentId=21708&​page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels%3Acomment-tabpanel#​comment-21708 ​
 +      * Will go with qa-testdefinition or app repo
 +  * Application tests 
 +    * Edi has problems reproducing the test wgt'​s ​
 +    * Test wgt's for apps submitted
 +    * Todo: build test wgt in ci  (Jan-Simon)
 +    * Todo: extend releng/​qa-testdefinitions to be able to download a 2nd wgt file (e.g. homescreen-test.wgt)
 +    * Todo: run on qemu targets (new qa-testdefinition)
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * no update on build side of wgt
 +  * AGL license scanning (SPDX/​fossology)
 +    * Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology):​ we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead of scraping the web-page)
 +    * Follow-up discussions on these alternatives
 +      * https://​​heremaps/​oss-review-toolkit
 +      * https://​​endocode
 +    * Update 08/20:
 +      * To execute only spdx tasks (and its dependencies like unpack/​patch) execute:
 +        * bitbake --runall=spdx agl-demo-platform
 +      * http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse ​ (default credentials)
 +      * AI: Kusakabe-san and team to go through it
 +On hold:
 +  * SPEC-920
 +    * Fix in gerrit 16867
 +    * further discussion
 +      * AIs:
 +      * Scott: take a look at the prserv if we can solve above issue on rpm feeds
 +      * AI (jsm/ryan): forbid revert button (?edit button?)
 +      * Tom: may need policy around reverts and bumping PR value (at least for meta-layers)
 +      * In the end have a multi-config build with "​bitbake agl-world"​
 +        * atm share sstate-cache but separate TMPDIR
 +        * https://​​docs/​2.4.3/​mega-manual/​mega-manual.html#​platdev-building-targets-with-multiple-configurations
 +          * bitbake multiconfig:​m3conf multiconfig:​h3conf multiconfig:​intelcorei7conf dummy-image
 +            * conf/​m3conf.conf ​  
 +            * conf/​h3conf.conf
 +            * conf/​intelcorei7conf.conf
 +          * start with core ... once done ... lock the SIGNATURES ?
 +        * Initial step, use agl-demo-platform-crosssdk as target (only active profile atm)
 +          * AI (Ryan): activate PRSERV for snapshot builds
 +            * Update 11/12: Jobs rework to use PRSERV (but will invalidate sstate-cache)
 +            * Update 14/05: PRSERV use reverted as it caused issues
 +          * AI (jsm): bitbake package-index
 +          * AI (jsm): sync-out the rpm feeds for the snapshot builds
 +          * AI (Ronan): can we prepopulate the rpm feed info in the target ? (add to sandbox builds ... e.g. user '​lastest'​ )   ​https://​​AGL/​snapshot/​master/​latest/<​machine>/​
 +          * AI (Tom): is there a prserv (ro) version? - Likely no.
 +  * 
 ==== Meeting 2019/07/09 ==== ==== Meeting 2019/07/09 ====
 === Attendees === === Attendees ===
-Jan-Simon, Frederic, ​Stephane, Li Xiaoming, Zhou Mingying, Ronan, Kusakabe-san+Jan-Simon, Frederic, ​Ronan, Kurokawa-san,​ Abe-san, Li-Xiaoming, Kusakabe-san, Stephane
 ===Topics=== ===Topics===
Line 62: Line 324:
       * m3 testing WIP       * m3 testing WIP
     * RC3 -     * RC3 -
-      * tbd+      * Starting tomorrow. ​
   * Fuego / Lava support   * Fuego / Lava support
     * 06/25 : No update     * 06/25 : No update
     * 07/09 : No update     * 07/09 : No update
 +    * Trend to execute tests on target by cmdline '​ftc' ​
   * Lava lab @ / Frederic:   * Lava lab @ / Frederic:
Line 72: Line 335:
     * 06/25 : No update     * 06/25 : No update
     * 07/09 : Still in a box     * 07/09 : Still in a box
 +    * 07/23 : Still in a box
   * Application lifecycle test (Corentin)   * Application lifecycle test (Corentin)
Line 105: Line 369:
         * if possible sample run for ALS to compare with existing SPDXLite data (for Kusakabe-san)         * if possible sample run for ALS to compare with existing SPDXLite data (for Kusakabe-san)
      * Update 07/​23: ​      * Update 07/​23: ​
-       * -+       * - POC using https://​​dl9pf/​meta-spdxscanner/​tree/​jsm-thud ​ and fossology container version 3.3 
 +         * Quick resetup: 
 +           * a) server host with: docker run -d -p 8081:80 fossology/​fossology:​3.3.0 ​   #Needs to be 3.3!!! 
 +           * b) compile host with: 
 +             * b1) fossdriver installed on build host https://​​fossology/​fossdriver 
 +             * b2) ~/​.fossdriverrc 
 +             * b3) conf/​local.conf:​ 
 +               * INHERIT += "​fossdriver-host"​ 
 +               * SPDX_DEPLOY_DIR = "​${TOPDIR}/​spdx/" ​   
 +       * - POC up here: http://​​8081/​repo/?​mod=browse 
 +         * Discussed during F2F in Yokohama 
 +         * TLDR: We will run it for the HH 8.0.0 release 
 +           * will merely record the parsed data and write the manifest as-is 
 +           * clearing/​postprocessing done by Fujitsu 
 +       * Meeting with Michael Jäger (fossology):​ we need to start using the rest api in fossdriver (instead of scraping the web-page) 
 +       * Follow-up discussions on these alternatives 
 +         * https://​​heremaps/​oss-review-toolkit 
 +         * https://​​endocode
 On hold: On hold:
   * SPEC-920   * SPEC-920
eg-ciat/meetings.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/24 12:39 by jsmoeller