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eg-app-fw:meetings [2019/10/09 14:03]
eg-app-fw:meetings [2019/11/20 14:30]
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 ===== Meetings Notes for AGL Application Framework and Security Team ===== ===== Meetings Notes for AGL Application Framework and Security Team =====
-Meetings of the App Framework and Security EG are held every other Wednesday. Meeting time is 13:00 UTC. The upcoming schedule can be found below. ​+Meetings of the App Framework and Security EG are held every other Wednesday. Meeting time is 14:00 UTC. The upcoming schedule can be found below. ​
 Conference Information:​ Conference Information:​
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 ------ ------
 +==== November 20, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jose, Vincent, Loic, Kurokawa, Jan-Simon, Laurent
 +Priorities for 2019
 + * Window Manager and Compositor consolidation
 +  * Activity Manager
 +    * 5/22 - Need to identify the lead person for this and update documentation in [[https://​​x/​PQAq | Confluence]]. ​
 +  * Input manager
 +    * 5/22 - Daniel - Scott (NZ) working on getting homescreen to come up with the new compositor.
 +  * 6/19 - Daniel - No sure on homescreen progress. Weston 6 merged to master for HH. May bump up to 6.0.1 by the end of the month in time for HH release. ​
 +  * 7/3 - No update
 +  * 7/31 - Daniel not on call. At the F2F meeting in Tokyo the latest architecture and design were presented and documented on [[https://​​x/​foSP | Confluence]]. ​
 +  * 8/28 - No update
 +  * 9/11 - Daniel attending plumbers this week in Lisbon. ​
 +  * 11/6 - Daniel not attending ​
 + * AppFW
 +  * Enable Token logic required for HTML5 apps and remote clients/​apps
 +    * 7/31 - Loic and Jose working on this for Icefish
 +    * 8/28 
 +      * No update
 +      * Laurent mentioned https://​​Submission/​viwi-protocol/​ specifically chapter 7 https://​​Submission/​viwi-protocol/#​userauth
 +    * 9/11 
 +      * Jose added topic to meeting in Berlin. Jose will present what is left to be implemented on the App FW side and get advice on what needs to be done for apps and app developers. ​
 +    * 10/9 
 +      * A lot of good discussion about token logic at the Berlin F2F.  Things are almost clear to Jose about what needs to be done. Will be able to get this into Icefish with a draft available in November.  ​
 +    * 11/6 - Loic on vacation last week. Will probably wait until Jose merges to merge Loic'​s. ​
 +    * 11/20 - Jose will have a draft next week and a WIP the week after. Collaborating with Lorenzo on the work in progress as risk mitigation. Target is first integration to master for RC2. Some archtecture and design documentation is in progress and will be placed in Confluence. ​
 +  * Enable multi-user across the reference platform. - ** Icefish availability depends on priorities **
 +    * Widget installation per user - When a given application is installed on the system it can be made available to all or to specific users. ​
 +    * Teen driver or senior citizen use cases for example
 +    * Only one version of a given app or service will be installed on the system. Note that a service widget itself may choose to internally support multiple versions of its own API within a single widget, but that is up to the service provide to maintain.  ​
 +    * 8/28 - Most parts fixed, services and apps work, few messages in the audit log left to do
 +      * For existing testplans, grep the systemd log at the end for "​kernel:​ audit:"​ SPEC-2777
 +    * 9/11 - Lower priority than token logic. Added topic to Berlin meeting since we will have many of the OEMs present to ask about requirements. ​
 +    * 10/9 - User creation and management needs to be developed. Lower priority than token logic. Will probably be next year. 
 +  * Security workflow for Device and App developers
 +    * 8/28 - Documentation todo 
 +  * Cyanara replacement (Cynanagora) ​ ** Icefish **
 +    * 8/28 - Jose has a ready sandbox for this, but not JIRA, yet. 
 +      * https://​​AGL/​meta-agl/​log/?​h=sandbox/​jobol/​cynara
 +      * Token logic will land in there, then we can switch
 +      * found issue w/ dbus integration
 +      * plan sept timeframe
 +    * 9/11 
 +      * Still in development,​ but Jose thinks it can be pushed for review and merge to master. ​ Will add topic to SAT call for tomorrow to make a decision. ​ He has been using the sandbox in his workflow. ​
 +    * 10/9
 +      * Repo created. Jose still preparing the Gerrit reviews and documentation. Will be tested along with the token logic change so the initial push to Gerrit will be in November. ​
 +    * 11/6 - Jose will finish the reviews and merge the changes to master this week so Edi can test in next week's master test cycle. ​
 +    * 11/20 - Cyanagora now merged and included in the latest test cycle that Edi performed. Looks good.
 +  * Replace obsolete Tizen Security Manager **Icefish **
 +    * Requirements for sharing files between applications will updates to security manager. ​
 +    * Not a large component. No candidate replacement in mind. Need to search for a candidate replacement with current AGL requirements in mind. 
 +    * Work with Jose and Sebastien on priority and estimates. ​
 +    * 8/28 - Can keep going for now.
 +    * 9/11 - Will not replace for now. Keep using the Tizen Security manager for Icefish. ​
 +    * 10/3 - On hold until after Icefish
 +  * Consent manager and user interface for consent of app installation. ** Need to discuss whether this is a priority for Icefish. **
 +    * 8/28 - waiting for WM refactoring
 +  * Activity Manager for Icefish and who will do the work? [[https://​​x/​PQAq | Confluence link]]. ​
 +    * 8/28 - no update
 +    * 9/11 - no update
 +    * 10/9 - on hold until after Icefish. Looking for volunteers to take this on as well. 
 +  * Web App Manager and Migration of Qt Apps to HTML5 
 +    * Working with Igalia on a plan to do this throughout the year. 
 +  * 8/28
 +    * Fixing issues with GPU on m3 (youtube)
 +    * single brower process issues on m3
 +    * keyboard / focus issues fixed
 +    * created jira for SDK integration for webapps
 +    * integration of sockets w/ new user model
 +    * work on homescreen
 +    * Chromium 72 not yet released
 +  * 9/11 
 +    * Web apps performance issues are being investigated. ​
 +    * Meeting between Igalia and LG to discuss additional app porting work.
 +  * 10/9
 +    * Working continuing. Igalia now has an H3 board to test on. 
 +  * 11/6 - See dev call notes from yesterday. ​
 +  * AGL appstore discussion
 +    * necessary infra needs to be added in appfw (signatures)
 +    * 8/28
 +      * No update
 +    * 9/11 
 +      * No Update
 +    * 10/9 
 +      * In Berlin we talked about how to use a widget directory. Jan-Simon will start a Jira Epic to document requirements. ​
 +    * 11/6 
 +      * SPEC-2938 - Widget directory - need comments
 +  * SPEC-2538 - Jose brought up question about versioning the binders and keeping the version number in the name. 
 +    * Multiple API versions vs multiple versions of a wgt
 +    * 8/28 - No update
 +    * 9/3 - Briefly discussed and added to Berlin agenda. ​ Please comment on ticket in the meanwhile. ​
 +    * 10/9 - No real update in Berlin, Was briefly discussed, but there was no progress. ​
 +    * 11/6 - No update
 +    * Need draft code of new homescreen (e.g. work on landscape mode / igalia )
 +    * https://​​pages/​viewpage.action?​pageId=9406954&​preview=%2F9406954%2F13239788%2Fproposal_container_concept_190808.pptx
 +    * https://​​display/​IC/​Graphics?​preview=/​13239781/​13239799/​AGL_Container_Graphics_rev1.pptx
 +   * Scott asked if we will have to carry the Cynara DBus patches when we do the upgrade to zeus. Jose to clarify. ​
 +     * 11/20 - Some adaptation will be necessary. Jose will take a look at it. 
 +  * New topics:
 +   * SPEC-2972 - Container issues uncovered in the course of Kurokawa-san'​s work. He is now unblocked, but Jose can fix these issues pretty quickly as well. 
 +==== November 6, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Hosokawa, Stephane
 +Priorities for 2019
 + * Window Manager and Compositor consolidation
 +  * Activity Manager
 +    * 5/22 - Need to identify the lead person for this and update documentation in [[https://​​x/​PQAq | Confluence]]. ​
 +  * Input manager
 +    * 5/22 - Daniel - Scott (NZ) working on getting homescreen to come up with the new compositor.
 +  * 6/19 - Daniel - No sure on homescreen progress. Weston 6 merged to master for HH. May bump up to 6.0.1 by the end of the month in time for HH release. ​
 +  * 7/3 - No update
 +  * 7/31 - Daniel not on call. At the F2F meeting in Tokyo the latest architecture and design were presented and documented on [[https://​​x/​foSP | Confluence]]. ​
 +  * 8/28 - No update
 +  * 9/11 - Daniel attending plumbers this week in Lisbon. ​
 +  * 11/6 - Daniel not attending ​
 + * AppFW
 +  * Enable Token logic required for HTML5 apps and remote clients/​apps
 +    * 7/31 - Loic and Jose working on this for Icefish
 +    * 8/28 
 +      * No update
 +      * Laurent mentioned https://​​Submission/​viwi-protocol/​ specifically chapter 7 https://​​Submission/​viwi-protocol/#​userauth
 +    * 9/11 
 +      * Jose added topic to meeting in Berlin. Jose will present what is left to be implemented on the App FW side and get advice on what needs to be done for apps and app developers. ​
 +    * 10/9 
 +      * A lot of good discussion about token logic at the Berlin F2F.  Things are almost clear to Jose about what needs to be done. Will be able to get this into Icefish with a draft available in November.  ​
 +    * 11/6 - Loic on vacation last week. Will probably wait until Jose merges to merge Loic'​s. ​
 +  * Enable multi-user across the reference platform. - ** Icefish availability depends on priorities **
 +    * Widget installation per user - When a given application is installed on the system it can be made available to all or to specific users. ​
 +    * Teen driver or senior citizen use cases for example
 +    * Only one version of a given app or service will be installed on the system. Note that a service widget itself may choose to internally support multiple versions of its own API within a single widget, but that is up to the service provide to maintain.  ​
 +    * 8/28 - Most parts fixed, services and apps work, few messages in the audit log left to do
 +      * For existing testplans, grep the systemd log at the end for "​kernel:​ audit:"​ SPEC-2777
 +    * 9/11 - Lower priority than token logic. Added topic to Berlin meeting since we will have many of the OEMs present to ask about requirements. ​
 +    * 10/9 - User creation and management needs to be developed. Lower priority than token logic. Will probably be next year. 
 +  * Security workflow for Device and App developers
 +    * 8/28 - Documentation todo 
 +  * Cyanara replacement (Cynanagora) ​ ** Icefish **
 +    * 8/28 - Jose has a ready sandbox for this, but not JIRA, yet. 
 +      * https://​​AGL/​meta-agl/​log/?​h=sandbox/​jobol/​cynara
 +      * Token logic will land in there, then we can switch
 +      * found issue w/ dbus integration
 +      * plan sept timeframe
 +    * 9/11 
 +      * Still in development,​ but Jose thinks it can be pushed for review and merge to master. ​ Will add topic to SAT call for tomorrow to make a decision. ​ He has been using the sandbox in his workflow. ​
 +    * 10/9
 +      * Repo created. Jose still preparing the Gerrit reviews and documentation. Will be tested along with the token logic change so the initial push to Gerrit will be in November. ​
 +    * 11/6 - Jose will finish the reviews and merge the changes to master this week so Edi can test in next week's master test cycle. ​
 +  * Replace obsolete Tizen Security Manager **Icefish **
 +    * Requirements for sharing files between applications will updates to security manager. ​
 +    * Not a large component. No candidate replacement in mind. Need to search for a candidate replacement with current AGL requirements in mind. 
 +    * Work with Jose and Sebastien on priority and estimates. ​
 +    * 8/28 - Can keep going for now.
 +    * 9/11 - Will not replace for now. Keep using the Tizen Security manager for Icefish. ​
 +    * 10/3 - On hold until after Icefish
 +  * Consent manager and user interface for consent of app installation. ** Need to discuss whether this is a priority for Icefish. **
 +    * 8/28 - waiting for WM refactoring
 +  * Activity Manager for Icefish and who will do the work? [[https://​​x/​PQAq | Confluence link]]. ​
 +    * 8/28 - no update
 +    * 9/11 - no update
 +    * 10/9 - on hold until after Icefish. Looking for volunteers to take this on as well. 
 +  * Web App Manager and Migration of Qt Apps to HTML5 
 +    * Working with Igalia on a plan to do this throughout the year. 
 +  * 8/28
 +    * Fixing issues with GPU on m3 (youtube)
 +    * single brower process issues on m3
 +    * keyboard / focus issues fixed
 +    * created jira for SDK integration for webapps
 +    * integration of sockets w/ new user model
 +    * work on homescreen
 +    * Chromium 72 not yet released
 +  * 9/11 
 +    * Web apps performance issues are being investigated. ​
 +    * Meeting between Igalia and LG to discuss additional app porting work.
 +  * 10/9
 +    * Working continuing. Igalia now has an H3 board to test on. 
 +  * 11/6 - See dev call notes from yesterday. ​
 +  * AGL appstore discussion
 +    * necessary infra needs to be added in appfw (signatures)
 +    * 8/28
 +      * No update
 +    * 9/11 
 +      * No Update
 +    * 10/9 
 +      * In Berlin we talked about how to use a widget directory. Jan-Simon will start a Jira Epic to document requirements. ​
 +    * 11/6 
 +      * SPEC-2938 - Widget directory - need comments
 +  * SPEC-2538 - Jose brought up question about versioning the binders and keeping the version number in the name. 
 +    * Multiple API versions vs multiple versions of a wgt
 +    * 8/28 - No update
 +    * 9/3 - Briefly discussed and added to Berlin agenda. ​ Please comment on ticket in the meanwhile. ​
 +    * 10/9 - No real update in Berlin, Was briefly discussed, but there was no progress. ​
 +    * 11/6 - No update
 +    * Need draft code of new homescreen (e.g. work on landscape mode / igalia )
 +    * https://​​pages/​viewpage.action?​pageId=9406954&​preview=%2F9406954%2F13239788%2Fproposal_container_concept_190808.pptx
 +    * https://​​display/​IC/​Graphics?​preview=/​13239781/​13239799/​AGL_Container_Graphics_rev1.pptx
 +  * New topics:
 +   * Scott asked if we will have to carry the Cynara patches when we do the upgrade to zeus. Jose to clarify. ​
 ==== October 23, 2019 ==== ==== October 23, 2019 ====
-Attendees: //​Upcoming ​Meeting//+Meeting ​canceled.  
 ==== October 9, 2019 ==== ==== October 9, 2019 ====
eg-app-fw/meetings.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/04 13:23 by wminer