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agl-sat-meetings [2018/06/27 22:21]
agl-sat-meetings [2019/01/17 14:12]
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 You can also dial in using your phone. ​ You can also dial in using your phone. ​
-United States (Toll-free) 1 877 309 2070  +United States (Toll Free)1 877 309 2070  
-United States +1 (312) 757-3119 ​+United States+1 (312) 757-3119 ​
 Access Code: 796-425-741 ​ Access Code: 796-425-741 ​
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-| Australia +61 2 8355 1034            | Austria +43 7 2088 0716                   ​+  
-| Belgium +32 (0) 28 93 7002           ​| Canada (Toll-free) 1 877 777 3281         ​+| Australia+61 2 8355 1034                | Austria+43 7 2088 0716                    |  
-| Canada +1 (647) 497-9372 ​            ​| Denmark +45 69 91 84 58                   ​+| Belgium+32 28 93 7002                     ​| Canada (Toll Free)1 877 777 3281          |  
-| Finland +358 (0) 923 17 0556         ​| France +33 (0) 170 950 590                +| Canada+1 (647) 497-9372 ​                  ​| Denmark+45 69 91 84 58                    |  
-| Germany +49 (0) 692 5736 7206        | India (Toll-free000 800 100 8227        ​+| Finland+358 923 17 0556                   ​| France+33 170 950 590                     ​|  
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-| Japan (Toll-free) 0 120 242 200      | Korea, Republic of (Toll-free) 0806180880 | +| Ireland+353 19 030 053                    | Italy+39 0 699 26 68 65                   ​|  
-| Netherlands +31 (0) 208 080 759      | New Zealand +64 9 974 9579                +| Japan (Toll Free)0 120 242 200            | Korea, Republic of (Toll Free)0806180880 ​ |  
-| Norway +47 21 04 30 59               ​| Spain +34 931 76 1534                     ​+| Netherlands+31 208 080 759                | New Zealand+64 9 974 9579                 ​|  
-| Sweden +46 (0) 852 500 691           ​| Switzerland +41 (0) 435 0026 89           ​+| Norway+47 21 04 30 59                     ​| Spain+34 931 76 1534                      |  
-| United Kingdom +44 (0) 20 3713 5011                                            ​|+| Sweden+46 852 500 691                     ​| Switzerland+41 435 0026 89                |  
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 ----- -----
-==== July 192018 ====+==== January 172019 ==== 
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Kurokawa-san,​ Michael, Kusakabe-san,​ Dominig, Guy 
 +  * CES feedback 
 +    * {{img_1557.jpg?​200}} 
 +    * {{img_8440.jpg?​200}} 
 +  * Prepare YP '​Thud'​ uprev, -next branch (qemuarm, qemux86-64, qemuaarch64) 
 +  * GG rc4, FF 6.0.4 (code in gerrit today 1800 UTC) 
 +  * New topics ? 
 +    * None 
 +==== January 3, 2019 ====
 Attendees: //Upcoming Meeting// Attendees: //Upcoming Meeting//
 +==== December 20, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Michael, Kurokawa, Kusakabe, Lorenzo, Guy, Jan-Simon, Mitsunari
-==== July 5, 2018 ====+   * SPEC-1689 - Static library usage as a replacement for afb-helper submodules.  
 +   * Latest on window manager and home screen restructuring. 
 +     * [[ https://​​x/​PQAq ​ | Confluence page]] started to document future architecture,​ use cases, etc.   
 +   * FOSDEM - discussed what the plan is for AGL and embedded in general at FOSDEM.  
 +==== December 11, 2018 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt,  Kurokawa, Julie, Tanikawa, Scott, Fulup, Mitsunari 
 +   * Tanikawa presented a slide that shows the current status of the Qt/QML, XDG, Window Manager, Home Screen architecture 
 +   * Discussed current state of Julie'​s work on SPEC-1920 
 +   * Reviewed past presentations from the Window Manager/ Home Screen BoF from Dresden and Lorient.  
 +   * We agreed that we while we have a lot of information about the flaws in the current implementation and ideas about what and how things need to be fixed we do not have a final architecture diagram or plan for what we want AGL to look like.  
 +     * Mix of synchronous and asynchronous APIs in the implementation that lead to deadlocks 
 +     * No consistent Cplus plus API for interacting with Window Manager 
 +     * Surface management for Web Apps and native apps that require more than 1 surface 
 +     * and more....  
 +   * Agreed that the team in San Francisco will draft an architecture and present it in two days for review.  
 +==== December 6, 2018 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Thierry, Michael, Sebastien, Stephane, Kurokawa, Julie, Jose, Abhijeet, Kusakabe, George, Guy, Dominig, Jacobo 
 +   * WAM integration into gerrit. See [[https://​​issues/?​jql=status%20%3D%20Resolved%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20WebAppMgr | resolved Jira issues]]  
 +     * Reviewed SPEC-1885 - Moving WAM into AGL 
 +       * In-flight in gerrit for FF/ CES Demo. Jacobo agreed to cherry pick to master as soon  as Flounder is done so we can include it in GG release even if all testing is not completed on master. 
 +     * Review SPEC-1920 - Refactor libhomescreen and libwindowmanager 
 +       * Will hold special meeting next week once Tanikawa is availalbe .  Tuesday @ 17:00 PST. Wed @ 10 am JST 
 +   * George presented pipewire as a future multimedia framework. Presentation can be downloaded {{:​pipewire_agl_20181206.pdf|here}}.  
 +     * Dominig brought up non-technical issues that were [[ https://​​2018/​10/​update-from-the-pipewire-hackfest/​ | discussed in this article.]]  
 +     * Thierry brought up some technical concerns with using pipewire.  
 +   * SMACK usage and not running as root 
 +     * Jose agreed with George'​s email that there is a regression whereby removal of capabilities in SMACK does not work at this time. Jose to write a ticket in JIRA and fix for GG 
 +     * Not running as root is in Jose's sandbox and is targeted more HH release.  
 +   * SPEC-495 - app workflow changes. See https://​​gerrit/#/​q/​status:​open+SPEC-495 
 +   * API documentation proposals and update on documentation effort 
 +     * Jose has an example API specification that was used here https://​​src/​app-framework-binder/​tree/​src/​devtools/​idl-monitor.json?​h=sandbox/​jobol/​wip 
 +     * Step 1 - Have Jose complete his specification for describing AGL APIs.  
 +     * Step 2 - Get feedback from community to agree on the this description methodology by providing a presentation to each EG and SAT to gather feedback and gain consensus on the specification 
 +     * Step 3 - Write automatic code generator to provide content for web site and marshalling/​ un-marshalling of JSON 
 +     * Step 4 - Develop API tests based on the new API description 
 +  * Next meeting 
 +    * Another update from Igalia on libwindowmanger and libhomescreen 
 +    * application launcher updates 
 +==== November 22, 2018 ==== 
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Stephane, Tanikawa, Franz, Sebastien, George, Jacobo, Lorenzo, Michael, Dominig, Fulup, Abhijeet,  
 +   * WAM integration into gerrit. See [[https://​​issues/?​jql=status%20%3D%20Resolved%20AND%20labels%20%3D%20WebAppMgr | resolved Jira issues]]  
 +     * Reviewed SPEC-1885 - Moving WAM into AGL 
 +     * Review SPEC-1920 - Refactor libhomescreen and libwindowmanager 
 +   * SPEC-495 - app workflow changes. See https://​​gerrit/#/​q/​status:​open+SPEC-495 
 +   * API documentation proposals and update on documentation effort 
 +     * Jose has an example API specification that was used here https://​​src/​app-framework-binder/​tree/​src/​devtools/​idl-monitor.json?​h=sandbox/​jobol/​wip 
 +     * Step 1 - Have Jose complete his specification for describing AGL APIs.  
 +     * Step 2 - Get feedback from community to agree on the this description methodology by providing a presentation to each EG and SAT to gather feedback and gain consensus on the specification 
 +     * Step 3 - Write automatic code generator to provide content for web site and marshalling/​ un-marshalling of JSON 
 +     * Step 4 - Develop API tests based on the new API description 
 +  * Next meeting 
 +    * George to present pipewire as a future multimedia framework 
 +    * Another update from Igalia on libwindowmanger and libhomescreen 
 +    * application launcher updates 
 +==== November 8, 2018 ==== 
 +Meeting cancelled due to Yokohama F2F meeting 
 +==== October 28, 2018 ====
 Attendees: //Upcoming Meeting// Attendees: //Upcoming Meeting//
 +==== October 11, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Franz, Dominig, Kurokawa, Kusakabe, Momiyama, Yamaguchi
 +   * Email asking for feedback on Speech, Virtualization,​ and V2C topics
 +     * Major blocker to the system is seen as graphics area. 
 +     * Need an effort similar to 4a to tackle this problem long term.
 +     * Will bring up to AB next week. BoF session planned with Tanikawa to try to address. Also will add to Friday agenda. ​
 +     ​* ​
 +   * Agenda for F2F meeting next week
 +  ​
 +    * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018
 +      * Need additional SAT oversight and open up of the work. 
 +      * 3/29 - Tanikawa meeting with Toyota next week about their proposal. Tanikawa will present the Toyota plan at the F2F in Karlsruhe since Toyota cannot attend. ​
 +      * 4/26 - Tanikawa spoke to Hoshina-san about Toyota schedule for 2018 and CES demo.  Need to get something in writing from Toyota on their schedule of features for this year. 
 +      * 5/24 - Surface ID management proposal from Tanikawa-san is being updated for Monday'​s Graphics and UI EG call. Additional discussions on the plan for Window Manager and Homescreen will be discussed in Lorient in two weeks. Need to get ADIT's schedule for updating the ID agent to ensure that it will be available and working in FF. 
 +      * 6/7 - Tanikawa working on high level design for window manager and homescreen to be reviewed at the June 19 F2F SAT meeting in Tokyo. Will also need a plan for staffing and timing to be presented to the AB in Tokyo. ​ Plan from Toyota in SPEC-1467. ​ It looks like splitting App Launcher from Homescreen will happen by late June from Toyota. Rest of their work is planned for September or later, but they will not be working with us as a community. ​
 +      * 8/2 - Push to next SAT call
 +      * 9/13 - Toyota plan for GG features. ​
 +        * Toyota planning and software process is still very closed/ opaque. SAT relying on second hand information to determine what is going on. 
 +        * Change Home screen service to use application role instead of name for surface management. Unclear whether the Toyota design is sufficient for our needs. ​
 +        * Window Manager - plan to support multiple surfaces and grouping of surfaces for a single application. Requirements are being driven by navigation and map use cases. ​  
 +        * We have not had a chance to review these proposals with Toyota. No dates for getting this software either. ​
 +   * Review [[https://​​issues/?​filter=11710 | Jira tickets for SAT]] 
 +   * Web app framework - Updates from LG/Igalia?
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report.
 +     * 6/7 - Stephane will create a summary report of the findings from this weeks meetings including a list of action items to pursue.
 +     * 8/2 - Stephane reports:
 +       * Jose pushed example html5 apps and a few fixes
 +       * meta-agl-lge:​ Status is that it works with EE, the FF branch is still WIP with master. Sebastien will take over when back.
 +     * 9/13 - Santa Clara F2F
 +       * Sebastien has some services working on FF. Will add WebAppManager to main build as a patch release to Flounder and call it a "​preview"​ which main work continues on master/ GG.  ​
 +   * Possibility that Suzuki could contribute new design for CES 2019.  Tanikawa says they had proposal that was shown at local Japan meeting this week. 
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report. Next Japanese local meeting is next week. Will get an update for next SAT meeting. ​
 +     * 6/7 - Nothing to report. Need to figure out if this is real by ALS or pursue getting an updated design elsewhere. ​
 +     * 8/2 - Nothing new.
 +     * 9/13 - Tanikawa does not have any more details from Suzuki on their schedule or plans. ​
 +  * SPEC-1601 - discussion on Pulse Audio:
 +    * 4a pulse plugin makes pulse a client to 4a 
 +    * for FF: 
 +      * 4a plugin for PulseAudio now available for FF. 
 +      * Need to do some testing with audio roles for 4a and PA plugin. Navigation will be tested by team. 
 +    * for GG: 
 +      * AGL core image should not include PulseAudio, only by upper layer request
 +      * Binary feed should include PulseAudio so it is there if someone wants to use it and can be installed later on. 
 +      * pulse to have minimal config by default, and fragments add configuration bits in separate package
 +   * Instrument Cluster profile and demo
 +     * Konsulko taking lead in creating IC demo to replace existing CES IC using latest AGL App FW. 
 +     * Use current ethernet video feed for center display and move to Waltham receiver module later. ​
 +   * SPEC-633/​SPEC-639 - Make it easy to mount logs using a network file system.  ​
 +   * SPEC-1754 - Modify Application code for divide homescreen label with windowmanager role 
 +     * Proposed by Mitsunari. Will need to review with Graphics and UI EG.  Mistsunari will push sample code to review in gerrit prior to the review by the EG. 
 +   * SPEC-1747 - Add ability to chose image upgrade mechanism at build time (SOTA, dnf , ...)
 +     * Updated the description in the ticket based on discussion and sent an email to Anton to make sure he sees it. 
 +   * Walt to send email to LG about moving WAM repositories to gerrit. ​
 +==== September 27, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kusakabe, Stephane, Sebastien, Fulup, Kurokawa
 +   * Discussed Issues with Final FF release
 +     * Last audio issue in gerrit (16771) being tested. Stephane sees a problem on H3 board with Bluetooth device not ready when 4a asks for it. Seems like a race condition that only appears on H3. Stephane to a temp fix (delay in requesting BT) that write a ticket to analyze the root cause. ​
 +     * Need someone to test Minnowboard since Stoyan having an issue with build. Stephane to test after the call. 
 +     * Jan-Simon to merge the patch (16771) so Stoyan can download that build for Minnowboard. ​
 +   * Reviewed and edited [[agl-distro:​release-notes#​funky_flounder|Funky Flounder release notes]]
 +     * Decision taken that 4a will be the default build option for 6.0.0 (and 5.1.0 the next eel release).
 +     * Update 8/2 - was merged as https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​15499/​
 +     * 9/13 - Slights updates. Matt kicking off Vayu testing. Need to list known issues. ​
 +    * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018
 +      * Need additional SAT oversight and open up of the work. 
 +      * 3/29 - Tanikawa meeting with Toyota next week about their proposal. Tanikawa will present the Toyota plan at the F2F in Karlsruhe since Toyota cannot attend. ​
 +      * 4/26 - Tanikawa spoke to Hoshina-san about Toyota schedule for 2018 and CES demo.  Need to get something in writing from Toyota on their schedule of features for this year. 
 +      * 5/24 - Surface ID management proposal from Tanikawa-san is being updated for Monday'​s Graphics and UI EG call. Additional discussions on the plan for Window Manager and Homescreen will be discussed in Lorient in two weeks. Need to get ADIT's schedule for updating the ID agent to ensure that it will be available and working in FF. 
 +      * 6/7 - Tanikawa working on high level design for window manager and homescreen to be reviewed at the June 19 F2F SAT meeting in Tokyo. Will also need a plan for staffing and timing to be presented to the AB in Tokyo. ​ Plan from Toyota in SPEC-1467. ​ It looks like splitting App Launcher from Homescreen will happen by late June from Toyota. Rest of their work is planned for September or later, but they will not be working with us as a community. ​
 +      * 8/2 - Push to next SAT call
 +      * 9/13 - Toyota plan for GG features. ​
 +        * Toyota planning and software process is still very closed/ opaque. SAT relying on second hand information to determine what is going on. 
 +        * Change Home screen service to use application role instead of name for surface management. Unclear whether the Toyota design is sufficient for our needs. ​
 +        * Window Manager - plan to support multiple surfaces and grouping of surfaces for a single application. Requirements are being driven by navigation and map use cases. ​  
 +        * We have not had a chance to review these proposals with Toyota. No dates for getting this software either. ​
 +   * Review [[https://​​issues/?​filter=11710 | Jira tickets for SAT]] 
 +   * Web app framework - Updates from LG/Igalia?
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report.
 +     * 6/7 - Stephane will create a summary report of the findings from this weeks meetings including a list of action items to pursue.
 +     * 8/2 - Stephane reports:
 +       * Jose pushed example html5 apps and a few fixes
 +       * meta-agl-lge:​ Status is that it works with EE, the FF branch is still WIP with master. Sebastien will take over when back.
 +     * 9/13 - Santa Clara F2F
 +       * Sebastien has some services working on FF. Will add WebAppManager to main build as a patch release to Flounder and call it a "​preview"​ which main work continues on master/ GG.  ​
 +   * Possibility that Suzuki could contribute new design for CES 2019.  Tanikawa says they had proposal that was shown at local Japan meeting this week. 
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report. Next Japanese local meeting is next week. Will get an update for next SAT meeting. ​
 +     * 6/7 - Nothing to report. Need to figure out if this is real by ALS or pursue getting an updated design elsewhere. ​
 +     * 8/2 - Nothing new.
 +     * 9/13 - Tanikawa does not have any more details from Suzuki on their schedule or plans. ​
 +  * SPEC-1601 - discussion on Pulse Audio:
 +    * 4a pulse plugin makes pulse a client to 4a 
 +    * for FF: 
 +      * 4a plugin for PulseAudio now available for FF. 
 +      * Need to do some testing with audio roles for 4a and PA plugin. Navigation will be tested by team. 
 +    * for GG: 
 +      * AGL core image should not include PulseAudio, only by upper layer request
 +      * Binary feed should include PulseAudio so it is there if someone wants to use it and can be installed later on. 
 +      * pulse to have minimal config by default, and fragments add configuration bits in separate package
 +   * Instrument Cluster profile and demo
 +     * Konsulko taking lead in creating IC demo to replace existing CES IC using latest AGL App FW. 
 +     * Use current ethernet video feed for center display and move to Waltham receiver module later. ​
 +   * SPEC-1754 - Modify Application code for divide homescreen label with windowmanager role 
 +     * Proposed by Mitsunari. Will need to review with Graphics and UI EG.  Mistsunari will push sample code to review in gerrit prior to the review by the EG. 
 +   * SPEC-1747 - Add ability to chose image upgrade mechanism at build time (SOTA, dnf , ...)
 +     * Updated the description in the ticket based on discussion and sent an email to Anton to make sure he sees it. 
 +   * Walt to send email to LG about moving WAM repositories to gerrit. ​
 +==== September 13, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Kusakabe-san,​ Fulup, Sebastien, Stephane, Scott, ​
 +   * Discussed Issues with FF RC6
 +     * Identified a handful of patches to included in RC7. Jan-Simon will kick off RC7 build so people can start testing on Friday or later today in Santa Clara.
 +   * Reviewed and edited [[agl-distro:​release-notes#​funky_flounder|Funky Flounder release notes]]
 +     * Decision taken that 4a will be the default build option for 6.0.0 (and 5.1.0 the next eel release).
 +     * Update 8/2 - was merged as https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​15499/​
 +     * 9/13 - Slights updates. Matt kicking off Vayu testing. Need to list known issues. ​
 +    * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018
 +      * Need additional SAT oversight and open up of the work. 
 +      * 3/29 - Tanikawa meeting with Toyota next week about their proposal. Tanikawa will present the Toyota plan at the F2F in Karlsruhe since Toyota cannot attend. ​
 +      * 4/26 - Tanikawa spoke to Hoshina-san about Toyota schedule for 2018 and CES demo.  Need to get something in writing from Toyota on their schedule of features for this year. 
 +      * 5/24 - Surface ID management proposal from Tanikawa-san is being updated for Monday'​s Graphics and UI EG call. Additional discussions on the plan for Window Manager and Homescreen will be discussed in Lorient in two weeks. Need to get ADIT's schedule for updating the ID agent to ensure that it will be available and working in FF. 
 +      * 6/7 - Tanikawa working on high level design for window manager and homescreen to be reviewed at the June 19 F2F SAT meeting in Tokyo. Will also need a plan for staffing and timing to be presented to the AB in Tokyo. ​ Plan from Toyota in SPEC-1467. ​ It looks like splitting App Launcher from Homescreen will happen by late June from Toyota. Rest of their work is planned for September or later, but they will not be working with us as a community. ​
 +      * 8/2 - Push to next SAT call
 +      * 9/13 - Toyota plan for GG features. ​
 +        * Toyota planning and software process is still very closed/ opaque. SAT relying on second hand information to determine what is going on. 
 +        * Change Home screen service to use application role instead of name for surface management. Unclear whether the Toyota design is sufficient for our needs. ​
 +        * Window Manager - plan to support multiple surfaces and grouping of surfaces for a single application. Requirements are being driven by navigation and map use cases. ​  
 +        * We have not had a chance to review these proposals with Toyota. No dates for getting this software either. ​
 +   * Review [[https://​​issues/?​filter=11710 | Jira tickets for SAT]] 
 +   * Web app framework - Updates from LG/Igalia?
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report.
 +     * 6/7 - Stephane will create a summary report of the findings from this weeks meetings including a list of action items to pursue.
 +     * 8/2 - Stephane reports:
 +       * Jose pushed example html5 apps and a few fixes
 +       * meta-agl-lge:​ Status is that it works with EE, the FF branch is still WIP with master. Sebastien will take over when back.
 +     * 9/13 - Santa Clara F2F
 +       * Sebastien has some services working on FF. Will add WebAppManager to main build as a patch release to Flounder and call it a "​preview"​ which main work continues on master/ GG.  ​
 +   * Possibility that Suzuki could contribute new design for CES 2019.  Tanikawa says they had proposal that was shown at local Japan meeting this week. 
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report. Next Japanese local meeting is next week. Will get an update for next SAT meeting. ​
 +     * 6/7 - Nothing to report. Need to figure out if this is real by ALS or pursue getting an updated design elsewhere. ​
 +     * 8/2 - Nothing new.
 +     * 9/13 - Tanikawa does not have any more details from Suzuki on their schedule or plans. ​
 +  * SPEC-1601 - discussion on Pulse Audio:
 +    * 4a pulse plugin makes pulse a client to 4a 
 +    * for FF: 
 +      * 4a plugin for PulseAudio now available for FF. 
 +      * Need to do some testing with audio roles for 4a and PA plugin. Navigation will be tested by team. 
 +    * for GG: 
 +      * AGL core image should not include PulseAudio, only by upper layer request
 +      * Binary feed should include PulseAudio so it is there if someone wants to use it and can be installed later on. 
 +      * pulse to have minimal config by default, and fragments add configuration bits in separate package
 +   * Instrument Cluster profile and demo
 +     * Konsulko taking lead in creating IC demo to replace existing CES IC using latest AGL App FW. 
 +     * Use current ethernet video feed for center display and move to Waltham receiver module later. ​
 +==== August 30, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Kusakabe-san,​ Fulup, George, Sebastien, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Michael, Guy, Mitsunari, Momiyama
 +   * Discussed Issues with FF RC4
 +   * Reviewed and edited [[agl-distro:​release-notes#​funky_flounder|Funky Flounder release notes]]
 +     * Decision taken that 4a will be the default build option for 6.0.0 (and 5.1.0 the next eel release).
 +     * Update 8/2 - was merged as https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​15499/​
 +    * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018
 +      * Need additional SAT oversight and open up of the work. 
 +      * 3/29 - Tanikawa meeting with Toyota next week about their proposal. Tanikawa will present the Toyota plan at the F2F in Karlsruhe since Toyota cannot attend. ​
 +      * 4/26 - Tanikawa spoke to Hoshina-san about Toyota schedule for 2018 and CES demo.  Need to get something in writing from Toyota on their schedule of features for this year. 
 +      * 5/24 - Surface ID management proposal from Tanikawa-san is being updated for Monday'​s Graphics and UI EG call. Additional discussions on the plan for Window Manager and Homescreen will be discussed in Lorient in two weeks. Need to get ADIT's schedule for updating the ID agent to ensure that it will be available and working in FF. 
 +      * 6/7 - Tanikawa working on high level design for window manager and homescreen to be reviewed at the June 19 F2F SAT meeting in Tokyo. Will also need a plan for staffing and timing to be presented to the AB in Tokyo. ​ Plan from Toyota in SPEC-1467. ​ It looks like splitting App Launcher from Homescreen will happen by late June from Toyota. Rest of their work is planned for September or later, but they will not be working with us as a community. ​
 +      * 8/2 - Push to next SAT call
 +    * V2C EG
 +      * Kicks off July 16. Meetings planned every two weeks. ​
 +      * 2/8 - 2 meetings meanwhile,
 +        * Collecting use cases https://​​eg-v2c#​business_use_case_candidates
 +        * Feedback welcome
 +        * Overlap and differences to Connectivity EG 
 +   * Review [[https://​​issues/?​filter=11710 | Jira tickets for SAT]] 
 +   * Security Blueprint - SPEC-1454 ​
 +     * Security Expert Group discussed dropping the old blueprint from the doc site.
 +   * Web app framework - Updates from LG/Igalia?
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report.
 +     * 6/7 - Stephane will create a summary report of the findings from this weeks meetings including a list of action items to pursue.
 +     * 8/2 - Stephane reports:
 +       * Jose pushed example html5 apps and a few fixes
 +       * meta-agl-lge:​ Status is that it works with EE, the FF branch is still WIP with master. Sebastien will take over when back.
 +   * Possibility that Suzuki could contribute new design for CES 2019.  Tanikawa says they had proposal that was shown at local Japan meeting this week. 
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report. Next Japanese local meeting is next week. Will get an update for next SAT meeting. ​
 +     * 6/7 - Nothing to report. Need to figure out if this is real by ALS or pursue getting an updated design elsewhere. ​
 +     * 8/2 - Nothing new.
 +   * Dynamic library link usage. See SPEC-1454. Added a comment to it. Assigned to Jose. 
 +  * SPEC-1601 - discussion on pulse:
 +    * 4a pulse plugin makes pulse a client to 4a 
 +    * for FF: 
 +      * agl-demo be 4a+pulse (pulse active with plugin), option to build w/o pulse
 +        * additive agl-nopulse feature to aglsetup: removes the pulse DISTRO_FEATURE/​BACKFILL
 +      * we can merge george patches
 +    * for GG: 
 +      * core should not ship pulse , only by upper layer request
 +      * pulse to have minimal config by default, and fragments add configuration bits in separate package
 +      * binary image can install lateron
 +==== Aug 2, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Jan-Simon, Stephane, Kurokawa, Michael, Ronan, Tanikawa-san,​ Kusakabe-san,​ Nick, Fulup, George, Jose, Momiyama-san ​
 +   * Discussed Issues with FF RC2
 +     * Fixing the black display issue requires reverting policy manager change (Jan-Simon will use gerrit 15461) due to bit bake failures. Once the revesion is finished Jan-Simon will merge change from Tanikawa'​s display fix. 
 +     * Race condition between home screen and launcher. If launcher wins the home screen is useless. ​
 +     * Audio - discussed how to make 4a the default audio in so that pre-built binaries use 4a and users who do their own builds default to 4a unless they override the selection to use soundmanager or pulse. ​
 +     * Schedule - revised FF schedule for RC2, RC3, and final release  ​
 +     * RC2 finished, release email soon
 +     * Tanikawa'​s work: 
 +       * set of changes in gerrit to reduce memory used
 +       * navigation and poi do not support that mode
 +       * mixer needs to be checked (Tanikawa-san will push try to sandbox, Loic will check)
 +     ​* ​
 +   * Reviewed and edited [[agl-distro:​release-notes#​funky_flounder|Funky Flounder release notes]]
 +     * Decision taken that 4a will be the default build option for 6.0.0 (and 5.1.0 the next eel release).
 +     * Update 8/2 - was merged as https://​​gerrit/#/​c/​15499/​
 +    * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018
 +      * Need additional SAT oversight and open up of the work. 
 +      * 3/29 - Tanikawa meeting with Toyota next week about their proposal. Tanikawa will present the Toyota plan at the F2F in Karlsruhe since Toyota cannot attend. ​
 +      * 4/26 - Tanikawa spoke to Hoshina-san about Toyota schedule for 2018 and CES demo.  Need to get something in writing from Toyota on their schedule of features for this year. 
 +      * 5/24 - Surface ID management proposal from Tanikawa-san is being updated for Monday'​s Graphics and UI EG call. Additional discussions on the plan for Window Manager and Homescreen will be discussed in Lorient in two weeks. Need to get ADIT's schedule for updating the ID agent to ensure that it will be available and working in FF. 
 +      * 6/7 - Tanikawa working on high level design for window manager and homescreen to be reviewed at the June 19 F2F SAT meeting in Tokyo. Will also need a plan for staffing and timing to be presented to the AB in Tokyo. ​ Plan from Toyota in SPEC-1467. ​ It looks like splitting App Launcher from Homescreen will happen by late June from Toyota. Rest of their work is planned for September or later, but they will not be working with us as a community. ​
 +      * 8/2 - Push to next SAT call
 +    * V2C EG
 +      * Kicks off July 16. Meetings planned every two weeks. ​
 +      * 2/8 - 2 meetings meanwhile,
 +        * Collecting use cases https://​​eg-v2c#​business_use_case_candidates
 +        * Feedback welcome
 +        * Overlap and differences to Connectivity EG 
 +   * Review [[https://​​issues/?​filter=11710 | Jira tickets for SAT]] 
 +   * Security Blueprint - SPEC-1454 ​
 +     * Security Expert Group discussed dropping the old blueprint from the doc site.
 +   * Web app framework - Updates from LG/Igalia?
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report.
 +     * 6/7 - Stephane will create a summary report of the findings from this weeks meetings including a list of action items to pursue.
 +     * 8/2 - Stephane reports:
 +       * Jose pushed example html5 apps and a few fixes
 +       * meta-agl-lge:​ Status is that it works with EE, the FF branch is still WIP with master. Sebastien will take over when back.
 +   * Possibility that Suzuki could contribute new design for CES 2019.  Tanikawa says they had proposal that was shown at local Japan meeting this week. 
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report. Next Japanese local meeting is next week. Will get an update for next SAT meeting. ​
 +     * 6/7 - Nothing to report. Need to figure out if this is real by ALS or pursue getting an updated design elsewhere. ​
 +     * 8/2 - Nothing new.
 +   * Dynamic library link usage. See SPEC-1454. Added a comment to it. Assigned to Jose. 
 +  * SPEC-1601 - discussion on pulse:
 +    * 4a pulse plugin makes pulse a client to 4a 
 +    * for FF: 
 +      * agl-demo be 4a+pulse (pulse active with plugin), option to build w/o pulse
 +        * additive agl-nopulse feature to aglsetup: removes the pulse DISTRO_FEATURE/​BACKFILL
 +      * we can merge george patches
 +    * for GG: 
 +      * core should not ship pulse , only by upper layer request
 +      * pulse to have minimal config by default, and fragments add configuration bits in separate package
 +      * binary image can install lateron
 +  * 
 +==== July 19, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Stephane, Kurokawa, Mitsunari, Michael, Sebastien, Tanikawa, Kusakabe
 +   * Discussed Issues with FF RC2
 +     * Fixing the black display issue requires reverting policy manager change (Jan-Simon will use gerrit 15461) due to bit bake failures. Once the revesion is finished Jan-Simon will merge change from Tanikawa'​s display fix. 
 +     * Race condition between home screen and launcher. If launcher wins the home screen is useless. ​
 +     * Audio - discussed how to make 4a the default audio in so that pre-built binaries use 4a and users who do their own builds default to 4a unless they override the selection to use soundmanager or pulse. ​
 +     * Schedule - revised FF schedule for RC2, RC3, and final release  ​
 +   * Reviewed and edited [[agl-distro:​release-notes#​funky_flounder|Funky Flounder release notes]]
 +     * Decision taken that 4a will be the default build option for 6.0.0 (and 5.1.0 the next eel release).  ​
 +    * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018
 +      * Need additional SAT oversight and open up of the work. 
 +      * 3/29 - Tanikawa meeting with Toyota next week about their proposal. Tanikawa will present the Toyota plan at the F2F in Karlsruhe since Toyota cannot attend. ​
 +      * 4/26 - Tanikawa spoke to Hoshina-san about Toyota schedule for 2018 and CES demo.  Need to get something in writing from Toyota on their schedule of features for this year. 
 +      * 5/24 - Surface ID management proposal from Tanikawa-san is being updated for Monday'​s Graphics and UI EG call. Additional discussions on the plan for Window Manager and Homescreen will be discussed in Lorient in two weeks. Need to get ADIT's schedule for updating the ID agent to ensure that it will be available and working in FF. 
 +      * 6/7 - Tanikawa working on high level design for window manager and homescreen to be reviewed at the June 19 F2F SAT meeting in Tokyo. Will also need a plan for staffing and timing to be presented to the AB in Tokyo. ​ Plan from Toyota in SPEC-1467. ​ It looks like splitting App Launcher from Homescreen will happen by late June from Toyota. Rest of their work is planned for September or later, but they will not be working with us as a community. ​
 +    * V2C EG
 +      * Kicks off July 16. Meetings planned every two weeks. ​
 +   * Review [[https://​​issues/?​filter=11710 | Jira tickets for SAT]] 
 +   * Web app framework - Updates from LG/Igalia?
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report.
 +     * 6/7 - Stephane will create a summary report of the findings from this weeks meetings including a list of action items to pursue.  ​
 +   * Possibility that Suzuki could contribute new design for CES 2019.  Tanikawa says they had proposal that was shown at local Japan meeting this week. 
 +     * 5/24 - Nothing to report. Next Japanese local meeting is next week. Will get an update for next SAT meeting. ​
 +     * 6/7 - Nothing to report. Need to figure out if this is real by ALS or pursue getting an updated design elsewhere. ​
 +   * Dynamic library link usage. See SPEC-1454. Added a comment to it. Assigned to Jose. 
 +   * SPEC-1534 - In-tree builds fail with newer versions of app-templates
 +   * Feedback from ALS Demo
 +==== July 5, 2018 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Daniel, George, Kurokawa, Guy, Tanikawa, Michele, Momiyama, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Sebastien, Tiejun
 +   * Reviewed and edited [[agl-distro:​release-notes#​funky_flounder|Funky Flounder release notes]]
 +     * Decision taken that 4a will be the default build option for 6.0.0 (and 5.1.0 the next eel release).  ​
     * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018     * Window Manager and Homescreen Plan for 2018
Line 67: Line 540:
 New: New:
    * SPEC-1534 - In-tree builds fail with newer versions of app-templates    * SPEC-1534 - In-tree builds fail with newer versions of app-templates
 +   * Feedback from ALS Demo
agl-sat-meetings.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/03 13:39 by wminer