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agl-sat-meetings [2019/07/05 10:08]
kusakabe [July 4, 2019]
agl-sat-meetings [2019/12/19 16:06]
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 ====== AGL System Architecture Team (SAT) Meetings ====== ====== AGL System Architecture Team (SAT) Meetings ======
-Meetings of the System Architecture Team are held every other Thursday at 13:00 UTC. The upcoming schedule can be found below. ​+Meetings of the System Architecture Team are held every other Thursday at 14:00 UTC. The upcoming schedule can be found below. ​
 Conference Information:​ Conference Information:​
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 ----- -----
 +==== January 16, 2020 ====
 +Attendees: //Upcoming Meeting// ​
 +==== January 2, 2020 ====
 +Meeting Cancelled
 +==== December 19, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Ohiwa, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Fulup, Guy, Li, Sekine, Takada, Nishiguchi, Haraki, Juhyun Doh, Cristoph Stoidner, Fulup, Vincent, George, Sebastien
 +   * Window manager update from Daniel
 +   * Icefish RC3 decisions
 +     * Will release this week. 
 +     * Waiting on the last changes from Daniel and Scott for window manager. Window manager is being rescheduled for January and will have to be in a point release of Itchy Icefish. ​
 +   * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +     * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. ​
 +     * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. 
 +     * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. 
 +     * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. 
 +     * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP.  Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko.  ​
 +     * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ https://​​_media/​eg-rhsa/​r-car_h3_reference_hardware_blockdiagram_20191126.pdf | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/​Tuesday. ​
 +     * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. 
 +     * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. ​
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +     * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. 
 +     * 9/26 
 +       ​* ​ **Radio API review **
 +       * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/​documents
 +       * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above
 +       * focus on generic calls over hw specifics
 +       * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM
 +       * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done
 +     * 10/10
 +       * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit https://​​staging/​documents/​log/?​h=sandbox/​kusakabe/​radio-api
 +       * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month
 +       * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. ​
 +     * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. 
 +     * 11/21 - No update. ​
 +     * 12/4 - No update. Further translations from Denso Ten may be available at the end of December. ​
 +     * 12/19 - No update
 +   * LTS  ​
 +     * 9/26 (Berlin F2F)
 + * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. ​
 +  * lifecycle
 +    * apps vs platform (which applications ​
 +    * 
 +  * API definition & documentation & Schema
 +    * AI: will follow-up on https://​​browse/​SPEC-1903
 +    * e.g. what about new things like: https://​​docs/​+/​ea2fce2874556205204d3ef70c60e25074dc7ffd/​development/​languages/​fidl/​
 +    * Follow-up on SAT
 +  * API versions
 +    * -> APPFW / Jose
 +  * '​core'​ LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS
 +    * depends on changes required e.g. by IC 
 +  * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us.  ​
 +    * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/​Fedora/​CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. ​
 +      * Stephane posted link for [[https://​​Manuals/​ReleaseNotes/​CentOSStream CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. ​
 +      * Will add to SC agenda for next week. 
 +    * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. ​
 +    * 12/5 - Following up next week. 
 +   * Toyota Code Drop
 +     * 10/10 
 +       * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. ​
 +       * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community,
 +     * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. ​ Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. 
 +     * 11/21 - 
 +     * Notes from SC meeting ​
 +     * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/​ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. ​
 +     * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[https://​​display/​TC/​Documents | Confluence]] for more on the documents. ​
 +     * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas.  ​
 +       * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ https://​​apps/​agl-service-data-persistence/​tree/​src/​persistence-binding.c |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended.
 +       * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). ​
 +       * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting.  ​
 +     * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. https://​​display/​TC/​Documents
 +   * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. 
 +     * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. ​
 +     * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. ​
 +   * FOSDEM
 +     * FOSDEM stand accepted. Embedded devroom talk schedule is now available. ​
 +     * Sign up for staffing the stand at FOSDEM at https://​​poll/​z5wzgdpnsv3xgbkp

 +     * Deadline for AMM CFP is now Jan 17
 +   * ELISA updates
 +     * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[https://​​announcement/​2019/​10/​17/​elisa-brussels-workshop-january30-31-2020/​ | here]] ​
 +     * ELISA page can be found [[https://​​g/​devel | here ]]
 +     * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[ https://​​g/​devel/​topic/​please_join/​61718502?​p=,,,​20,​0,​0,​0::​recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,​20,​2,​0,​61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. 
 +New Business:
 +FOSSology/ License Review
 +   * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work.  Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting.  ​
 +   * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. ​ How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain?
 +   * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. 
 +   * Future meeting scheduling ​
 +     * Block scheduling of meetings to consolidate the schedule
 +     * Japanese members attending the call are ok with this meetings at this time. 
 +     * Might be better one or two hours earlier than currently (Hosokawa) ​
 +     * Will bring up at the SC meeting next week. Also post a question on the mail list (maybe create a poll)
 +Tanibata: Merge Graphics and UI with Instrument Cluster EG starting next year. Schedule for a more EU/Japan joint friendly time.  Would like feedback from Haraki-san on this proposal. Tanibata-san will meet with Haraki-san today to discuss. One idea is for meetings to be held at 5:00 pm JST (which is 9 am CET, 2 am Chicago time)
 +Developer call. Can try to hold two sessions per week.  One at the current time on Tuesday and a second session at 6 pm Chicago time/ 9 am JST. 
 +==== December 5, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Edi, Stephane, Sebastian, George, Nick, Jasim Quazi, Jeremy Puhlman, Guy, Julian, Ohiwa, Dr. Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Kusakabe, Nishiguchi, Scott, Sekine
 +   * Window manager update from Daniel
 +   * Icefish RC2 decisions
 +     * Token logic. Edi tested and no regressions noted. WE will include the token logic in the RC2
 +     * Waiting on one last patch from George. Will take Jacobo'​s changes and one liner from Scott for low CAN. 
 +     * Waiting on the last changes from Daniel and Scott for window manager. Really need to get this into RC2 today. Guy will check with Daniel. ​
 +   * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +     * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. ​
 +     * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. 
 +     * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. 
 +     * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. 
 +     * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP.  Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko.  ​
 +     * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ https://​​_media/​eg-rhsa/​r-car_h3_reference_hardware_blockdiagram_20191126.pdf | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/​Tuesday. ​
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +     * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. 
 +     * 9/26 
 +       ​* ​ **Radio API review **
 +       * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/​documents
 +       * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above
 +       * focus on generic calls over hw specifics
 +       * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM
 +       * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done
 +     * 10/10
 +       * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit https://​​staging/​documents/​log/?​h=sandbox/​kusakabe/​radio-api
 +       * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month
 +       * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. ​
 +     * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. 
 +     * 11/21 - No update. ​
 +     * 12/4 - No update. Further translations from Denso Ten may be available at the end of December. ​
 +   * LTS  ​
 +     * 9/26 (Berlin F2F)
 + * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. ​
 +  * lifecycle
 +    * apps vs platform (which applications ​
 +    * 
 +  * API definition & documentation & Schema
 +    * AI: will follow-up on https://​​browse/​SPEC-1903
 +    * e.g. what about new things like: https://​​docs/​+/​ea2fce2874556205204d3ef70c60e25074dc7ffd/​development/​languages/​fidl/​
 +    * Follow-up on SAT
 +  * API versions
 +    * -> APPFW / Jose
 +  * '​core'​ LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS
 +    * depends on changes required e.g. by IC 
 +  * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us.  ​
 +    * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/​Fedora/​CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. ​
 +      * Stephane posted link for [[https://​​Manuals/​ReleaseNotes/​CentOSStream CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. ​
 +      * Will add to SC agenda for next week. 
 +    * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. ​
 +    * 12/5 - Following up next week. 
 +   * Toyota Code Drop
 +     * 10/10 
 +       * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. ​
 +       * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community,
 +     * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. ​ Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. 
 +     * 11/21 - 
 +     * Notes from SC meeting ​
 +     * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/​ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. ​
 +     * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[https://​​display/​TC/​Documents | Confluence]] for more on the documents. ​
 +     * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas.  ​
 +       * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ https://​​apps/​agl-service-data-persistence/​tree/​src/​persistence-binding.c |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended.
 +       * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). ​
 +       * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting.  ​
 +   * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. 
 +     * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. ​
 +     * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. ​
 +   * FOSDEM
 +     * FOSDEM stand accepted. Deadline for embedded devroom talk submissions is Dec 6. 
 +     * Will put together a sign up for staffing the stand at FOSDEM
 +     * Deadline for AMM CFP is Dec 6
 +   * ELISA updates
 +     * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[https://​​announcement/​2019/​10/​17/​elisa-brussels-workshop-january30-31-2020/​ | here]] ​
 +     * ELISA page can be found [[https://​​g/​devel | here ]]
 +     * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[ https://​​g/​devel/​topic/​please_join/​61718502?​p=,,,​20,​0,​0,​0::​recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,​20,​2,​0,​61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. 
 +New Business:
 +   * Future meeting scheduling ​
 +     * Block scheduling of meetings to consolidate the schedule
 +     * Japanese members attending the call are ok with this meetings at this time. 
 +     * Might be better one or two hours earlier than currently (Hosokawa) ​
 +     * Will bring up at the SC meeting next week. Also post a question on the mail list (maybe create a poll)
 +==== November 21, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Sebastien, Guy, Michael, Stephane, Nick, Hosokawa, Haraki, Kurokawa, Sekine, Ohiwa, Kusakabe, Nishiguchi, Dr. Yamaguchi, ​
 +   * Daniel getting window manager into Gerrit for Karlsruhe next week. 
 +   * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +     * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. ​
 +     * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. 
 +     * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. 
 +     * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. 
 +     * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP.  Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko.  ​
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +     * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. 
 +     * 9/26 
 +       ​* ​ **Radio API review **
 +       * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/​documents
 +       * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above
 +       * focus on generic calls over hw specifics
 +       * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM
 +       * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done
 +     * 10/10
 +       * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit https://​​staging/​documents/​log/?​h=sandbox/​kusakabe/​radio-api
 +       * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month
 +       * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. ​
 +     * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. 
 +     * 11/21 - No update. ​
 +   * LTS  ​
 +     * 9/26 (Berlin F2F)
 + * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. ​
 +  * lifecycle
 +    * apps vs platform (which applications ​
 +    * 
 +  * API definition & documentation & Schema
 +    * AI: will follow-up on https://​​browse/​SPEC-1903
 +    * e.g. what about new things like: https://​​docs/​+/​ea2fce2874556205204d3ef70c60e25074dc7ffd/​development/​languages/​fidl/​
 +    * Follow-up on SAT
 +  * API versions
 +    * -> APPFW / Jose
 +  * '​core'​ LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS
 +    * depends on changes required e.g. by IC 
 +  * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us.  ​
 +    * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/​Fedora/​CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. ​
 +      * Stephane posted link for [[https://​​Manuals/​ReleaseNotes/​CentOSStream CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. ​
 +      * Will add to SC agenda for next week. 
 +    * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. ​
 +   * Toyota Code Drop
 +     * 10/10 
 +       * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. ​
 +       * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community,
 +     * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. ​ Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. 
 +     * 11/21 - 
 +     * Notes from SC meeting ​
 +     * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/​ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. ​
 +     * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[https://​​display/​TC/​Documents | Confluence]] for more on the documents. ​
 +   * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. 
 +     * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. ​
 +     * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. ​
 +New Business:
 +   * FOSDEM stand accepted. Deadline for embedded devroom talk submissions is Dec 6. 
 +   * Kernelci board meeting held and a set of aggressive goals were set for next year. 
 +   * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[https://​​announcement/​2019/​10/​17/​elisa-brussels-workshop-january30-31-2020/​ | here]] ​
 +     * ELISA page can be found [[https://​​g/​devel | here ]]
 +==== November 7, 2019 ====
 +   * Daniel getting window manager into Gerrit for Karlsruhe next week. 
 +   * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +     * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. ​
 +     * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. 
 +     * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. 
 +     * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. 
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +     * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. 
 +     * 9/26 
 +       ​* ​ **Radio API review **
 +       * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/​documents
 +       * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above
 +       * focus on generic calls over hw specifics
 +       * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM
 +       * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done
 +     * 10/10
 +       * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit https://​​staging/​documents/​log/?​h=sandbox/​kusakabe/​radio-api
 +       * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month
 +       * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. ​
 +     * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. 
 +   * LTS  ​
 +     * 9/26 (Berlin F2F)
 + * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. ​
 +  * lifecycle
 +    * apps vs platform (which applications ​
 +    * 
 +  * API definition & documentation & Schema
 +    * AI: will follow-up on https://​​browse/​SPEC-1903
 +    * e.g. what about new things like: https://​​docs/​+/​ea2fce2874556205204d3ef70c60e25074dc7ffd/​development/​languages/​fidl/​
 +    * Follow-up on SAT
 +  * API versions
 +    * -> APPFW / Jose
 +  * '​core'​ LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS
 +    * depends on changes required e.g. by IC 
 +  * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us.  ​
 +    * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/​Fedora/​CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. ​
 +      * Stephane posted link for [[https://​​Manuals/​ReleaseNotes/​CentOSStream CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. ​
 +      * Will add to SC agenda for next week. 
 +   * Toyota Code Drop
 +     * 10/10 
 +       * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. ​
 +       * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community,
 +     * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. ​ Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. 
 +   * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. 
 +     * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. ​
 +New Business:
 +- SPEC-720 - Run-time hardware detection - Stephane discussed the current status of the work has done. No objections to what they have done so far. 
 +==== October 10, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Nick, Scott, Haraki, Sekine
 +  * HH 8.0.2 Pre-release sent out. Edi is currently testing and should be done tomorrow. ​
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +     * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. ​
 +     * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. 
 +     * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. 
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +     * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. 
 +     * 9/26 
 +       ​* ​ **Radio API review **
 +       * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/​documents
 +       * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above
 +       * focus on generic calls over hw specifics
 +       * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM
 +       * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done
 +     * 10/10
 +       * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit https://​​staging/​documents/​log/?​h=sandbox/​kusakabe/​radio-api
 +       * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month
 +       * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. ​
 +   * LTS  ​
 +     * 9/26 (Berlin F2F)
 + * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. ​
 +  * lifecycle
 +    * apps vs platform (which applications ​
 +    * 
 +  * API definition & documentation & Schema
 +    * AI: will follow-up on https://​​browse/​SPEC-1903
 +    * e.g. what about new things like: https://​​docs/​+/​ea2fce2874556205204d3ef70c60e25074dc7ffd/​development/​languages/​fidl/​
 +    * Follow-up on SAT
 +  * API versions
 +    * -> APPFW / Jose
 +  * '​core'​ LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS
 +    * depends on changes required e.g. by IC 
 +   * Toyota Code Drop
 +     * 10/10 
 +       * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. ​
 +       * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, ​
 +   * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. 
 +New Business:
 +==== September 26, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Michael, Ohiwa, Sekine, other attendees at Berlin F2F Meeting
 +  * HH 8.0.1 released.
 +   * GG 7.0.4 almost ready. Edi almost done with testing and so far it is positive.  ​
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +     * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. ​
 +     * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. 
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +     * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. 
 +     * 9/26 - See Berlin F2F meeting minutes. ​
 +New Business:
 +     * Michael reported that the steering wheel LIN controller is now working. ​
 +==== September 12, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Haraki, Yamaguchi, Scott, Stephane, Fulup. Stephane, Michael, Sekine, Sebastien
 +   * HH 8.0.1 released.
 +   * GG 7.0.4 almost ready. Edi almost done with testing and so far it is positive.  ​
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +     * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. ​
 +     * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. 
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +     * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. 
 +   * Discuss LF Edge and EdgeX and how much interest is working with those groups. Should this be included in an existing EG or new EG? - Push topic to V2C EG to see if there is interest there. Too many other higher priorities and not enough interest in this topic to create a new EG
 +     * 8/29 No update
 +New Business:
 +  * Agenda for Berlin
 +  * Merging of Jose's sandbox for cyanara replacement? ​
 +    * API + Implementation. ​
 +    * Not really cyanara anymore. What do we call this?  Marketing decision. Will talk to Dan offline about that. 
 +    * Will be hosted at AGL
 +==== August 29, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Ashvinid, Daniel, George, Haraki-san, Hosokawa-san,​ Kurokawa-san,​ Yamaguchi-san,​ Scott, Stephane, Sebastien
 +   * HH 8.0.0
 +     * Edi needs to test on Halibut branch
 +     * Scott
 +       * SPEC-2687 - Audio not working for tuner app. George looking at. 
 +       * Kingfisher tuner not working with non-root user space rules (platform scope processes cannot access audio). Can make it work with a one-line change. Would cause a respin of 8.0.0.  ​
 +       * SPEC-2707 - POI app "quite broken"​. App starts but searching for anything causes it to crash. ​
 +     * 8/29 8.0.0 is out.
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}.
 +     * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing ​
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +   * Discuss LF Edge and EdgeX and how much interest is working with those groups. Should this be included in an existing EG or new EG? - Push topic to V2C EG to see if there is interest there. Too many other higher priorities and not enough interest in this topic to create a new EG
 +     * 8/29 No update
 +New Business:
 +  * Summary of IC F2F results
 +    * Documents in https://​​display/​IC
 +  * from appfw eg: igalia working on landscape -> need draft (new) homescreen/​wm code
 +    * Daniel will get back to Igalia ​
 +  * Agenda for Berlin will be prepared next week
 +Next deadlines:
 +  * 8.0.1 planned for 9/7, submit code by 8/30 !
 +  * 7.0.4 planned for 9/13, submit code by 9/6 !
 +==== August 15, 2019 ====
 +Meeting cancelled due to holidays/​vacations.
 +==== August 1, 2019 ====
 +Attendees: Walt, Sebastien, Michael, Guy, Fulup, Nakadachi, Hosokawa, Kurokawa, Kusakabe, Yamaguchi, Ohiwa, George, Scott
 +   * HH 8.0.0
 +     * Edi needs to test on Halibut branch
 +     * Scott
 +       * SPEC-2687 - Audio not working for tuner app. George looking at. 
 +       * Kingfisher tuner not working with non-root user space rules (platform scope processes cannot access audio). Can make it work with a one-line change. Would cause a respin of 8.0.0.  ​
 +       * SPEC-2707 - POI app "quite broken"​. App starts but searching for anything causes it to crash. ​
 +     ​* ​
 +   * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:​eg-rhsa:​agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. ​
 +   * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. ​
 +   * Discuss LF Edge and EdgeX and how much interest is working with those groups. Should this be included in an existing EG or new EG? - Push topic to V2C EG to see if there is interest there. Too many other higher priorities and not enough interest in this topic to create a new EG
 +==== July 18, 2019 ====
 +Meeting held in Tokyo as part of the F2F meeting prior to ALS. See notes here. 
 ==== July 4, 2019 ==== ==== July 4, 2019 ====
agl-sat-meetings.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/03 13:39 by wminer