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agl-distro:past-f2f-mtgs [2020/01/17 16:27]
waltminer Archived two F2F meetings from end of 2019
agl-distro:past-f2f-mtgs [2024/02/08 21:40]
wminer Archive rest of 2023
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 ===== List of Past Face To Face Events ===== ===== List of Past Face To Face Events =====
 +==== 2023 ====
 +Mar 10 - [[agl-distro:​mar2023 | F2F SAT and EG Meetings]] in Berlin after the [[ https://​​agl-amm/​ | AGL All-Member Meeting]].  ​
 +July 14 - [[agl-distro:​jul2023-f2f | F2F SAT and EG Meetings]] in Tokyo after the [[ https://​​agl-amm-summer/​ | AGL All-Member Meeting]].  ​
 +Nov 13-17 - [[agl-distro:​nov2023-f2f | CES Integration workshop]] in Asheville, NC. 
 +Dec 7-8 - [[agl-distro:​dec2023-f2f | CES integration and F2F SAT and EG Meetings]] in Tokyo after the [[ https://​​open-source-summit-japan/​about/​automotive-linux-summit/​ | Automotive Linux Summit]]. ​
 +==== 2022 ====
 +Apr 5-6  - [[agl-distro:​apr2022-f2f | Virtual F2F Meeting]] to discuss App Framework, VirtIO, IVI and IC EGs. 
 +May 17-19  - [[agl-distro:​may2022-f2f | Hybrid F2F Meeting]] in Berlin to discuss App Framework, VirtIO, IVI and IC EGs. 
 +Sep 12 - [[agl-distro:​sep2022-dublin | F2F Meeting]] in Dublin prior to OSS and ELC Europe to discuss various topics. ​
 +Oct 18-20  - [[agl-distro:​sep2022-f2f | Hybrid F2F Meeting]] in Japan to discuss App Framework, VirtIO, IVI and IC EGs along with AGL training for new members. ​
 +Nov 29 - Dec 2 - [[[agl-distro:​nov2022-f2f | Hackathon]] in Tokyo to prepare for ALS and CES demos.
 +Dec 7 - 8 - [[agl-distro:​dec2022-f2f | SAT and EG meetings]] after Automotive Linux Summit in Yokohama. ​
 +==== 2021 ====
 +Feb 6-7 FOSDEM [[https://​​2021/​schedule/​track/​embedded_mobile_and_automotive/​ | Embedded, Mobile and Automotive devroom]]
 +March 19 - [[agl-distro:​mar2021-f2f | Virtual SAT/EG F2F Meeting]] held the day after the [[https://​​agl-amm/​ | Virtual AMM]]. ​
 +June 15-16 - [[agl-distro:​jun2021-f2f | Virtual F2F Meeting]] to discuss App Framework, IVI and IC EGs. 
 +Oct 19-20 - [[agl-distro:​oct2021-f2f | Virtual F2F Meeting]] to discuss App Framework, IVI and IC EGs. 
 +==== 2020 ====
 +Mar 20 - F2F meeting in Honolulu canceled due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.  ​
 +May 12-14 - [[agl-distro:​may2020-f2f|Face-to-Face Meeting]] canceled due to COVID-19.
 +July 17 - [[agl-distro:​jul2020-f2f | Virtual SAT/EG F2F Meeting]] held the day after the Virtual AMM. 
 +Oct 6 - 8 - [[agl-distro:​sep2020-f2f|Virtual Face to Face Technical Workshop]] to discuss IVI Production Readiness ​
 +Dec 8 - 9 - [[agl-distro:​dec2020-f2f|Virtual Face to Face Technical Workshop]] to discuss IVI Production Readiness and IC EG topics.
 ==== 2019 ==== ==== 2019 ====
agl-distro/past-f2f-mtgs.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/10/10 12:51 by wminer