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agl-distro:oct2016-f2f [2016/10/03 09:00]
kusakabe [Attendees]
agl-distro:oct2016-f2f [2016/10/25 12:47]
waltminer [System Architecture Team]
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 ===== Attendees ===== ===== Attendees =====
 +**In Person**\\
   * Walt Miner - Linux Foundation ​   * Walt Miner - Linux Foundation ​
   * Jan-Simon Moeller - Linux Foundation   * Jan-Simon Moeller - Linux Foundation
Line 32: Line 34:
   * Jens Bocklage - Mentor Graphics   * Jens Bocklage - Mentor Graphics
   * Yuichi Kusakabe - Fujitsu TEN   * Yuichi Kusakabe - Fujitsu TEN
 +  * Dominig ar Foll - Intel Open Source
 +  * Hisao Munakata - Renesas
 +  * Fulup ar Foll -
 Off site participants can join us at:  Off site participants can join us at: 
-[[https://​​hangouts/​_/​​agl-apps-f2f | Google Hangout for the event]]+[[https://​​hangouts/​_/​​agl-f2f | Google Hangout for the event]]
 ===== Agenda ===== ===== Agenda =====
-   * System Architecture Team +Times in CEST (UTC).\\ 
-   * Application Framework and Security EG - Security Blueprint document +09:00 - 10:00  (07:00 - 08:00 UTC) - Vehicle messaging \\ 
-   * CIAT EG+10:00 - 11:00  (08:00 - 09:00 UTC) - System Architecture Team \\ 
 +11:00 - 11:30  (09:00 - 09:30 UTC) - Weekly Developer Call \\ 
 +11:30 - 12:45  (09:30 - 10:45 UTC) - Application Framework and Security EG - Security Blueprint document \\ 
 +12:45 - 14:15  (10:45 - 12:15 UTC) - Lunch [[http://​ | Kabir Indian Restaurant]] \\ 
 +14:15 - 15:45  (12:15 - 13:45 UTC) - CIAT EG \\ 
 +15:45 - 16:15  (13:45 - 14:15 UTC) - SOTA Demo \\ 
 +16:15 - 17:00  (14:15 - 15:00 UTC) - Wrap Up 
 +===== Meeting Notes ===== 
 +==== Vehicle messaging ====  
 +   Stephane and Dominig gave an update of the status of messaging framework. (Get slide from Dominig) 
 +   * Is there a proposal we can send out for review? 
 +   * Issues to be considered:​ 
 +     * Application isolation from knowledge of the CAN / MOST message structure 
 +     * Transport independence 
 +     * Message throughput requirements and usage of DBUS 
 +==== System Architecture Team ==== 
 +   ​* ​Full meeting notes are [[https://​​agl-sat-meetings#​october_14_2016 | here]].  
 +   * Yocto 2.1 Update - Discussion of whether we should move to Yocto 2.2 (not released yet but is on the master branch of Yocto). SAT was split on whether this is a good idea. Walt will check with CES vendors to see if the switch to Yocto 2.2 will break compatibility in the short term (pre-CES).  
 +     * Pros 
 +       * Support for shared graphics (Intel) 
 +       * According Doming the Intel boards build. says the Renesas boards build, but not much testing has been done.  
 +     * Cons 
 +       * Expect a number of BSPs to break and recovery may not be possible for CES 
 +       * The general strategy for AGL has been to wait for Yocto to settle down after their release and make our release with a nine month lag. Going to a three month lag with no notice will jeopardize the schedule. 
 +       * RFPs for board vendors and app suppliers referenced Yocto 2.1.  
 +   * Qt 5.7 for CC 
 +     * Tanikawa explained that ivi shell changes that we need were merged for qt-wayland in Qt 5.7. Backporting may be technically possible to 5.6 but that may not be legally possible due to lgpl licence change in Qt 5.7. Recommendation from SAT is to change to Qt 5.7. See [[https://​​browse/​SPEC-265 | Jira SPEC-265]] Walt to push question to Steering Committee.  
 +==== Weekly Developer Call ==== 
 +   * Full meeting notes are [[:​dev-call-info|Weekly Developer Call | here ]] 
 +==== Application Framework and Security EG - Security Blueprint document ​====  
 +   ​* ​Full meeting notes are [[https://​​eg-app-fw/​meetings?&#​october_14_2016 | here]]  
 +   * Security Blueprint(Github https://​​automotive-grade-linux/​docs-agl/​tree/​master/​sec-blueprint) 
 +     * Identify what is in scope for AGL recognizing that AGL cannot solve all security issues. John will write the initial version for review at the next meeting. ** Due for this meeting. Not complete ** 
 +     * Target first draft for steering committee by Nov 15. ** At risk ** 
 +   * Application Framework discussion 
 +     * Agreed to use some of Dominig'​s slides from ELCE on the Wiki to describe the App FW at a high level and to use some of Michael'​s slides to describe how a service can be implemented to interact with the app framework.  
 +     * Window Manager interface for App Framework Discussion 
 +       * Action for Jens to provide documentation of what services were written as part of the home screen implementation so we can use that as a starting point 
 +     * Munakata-san asked about hiring people to get Window Manager and AMB replacement complete. Walt will start the process to get some help. Need to define the AMB requirements some more in order to specify.  
 +     * Framework Updates 
 +       * Looking for feedback from the community on the presentation from Jose on signaling in the App FW. ** Discussed earlier today during the vehicle signaling discussion. Summarized in the F2F meeting notes. ** 
 +       * Feedback at AMM from Murata-san about resource management in the App FW. Jose is starting to look at how this can be accomplished and try to get a demo together by the end of the year. ** Jose is looking at implementing cgroups for restrictions on resource usage. Will be ready in time for CC release. Namespace usage is also being looked at. ** 
 +       * working with Forgerock on identity and user management ** Moving forward. Fulup will meeting with them next week at the GENIVI AMM and should more to report at the next meeting ** 
 +   * SOTA Update 
 +     * Leon has ported SOTA to Raspberry PI 2/3 with some open issues in the GUI 
 +     * Leon now has a Porter board so he can start testing SOTA on the Porter. 
 +==== CIAT EG ====  
 +Meeting minutes are [[https://​​eg-ciat/​meetings | here]] 
agl-distro/oct2016-f2f.txt · Last modified: 2016/10/25 12:47 by waltminer