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agl-distro:message-signaling [2016/11/02 17:51]
agl-distro:message-signaling [2016/11/24 12:24] (current)
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-===== AGL Message Signaling (proposal) ===== +This article ​has moved to the Developer site:
- +
-==== Architecture Proposal ==== +
- +
-This [[http://​​download/​public/​2016/​signaling/​AGL-Message-Signaling-Architecture.pdf|PDF Document]] presents a proposal of architecture for message signaling in AGL. +
- +
-==== Documentation ==== +
- +
-Developer Guidelines are available as a [[http://​​download/​public/​2016/​signaling/​AGL-Message-Signaling-Developer-Guidelines.pdf|PDF Document]] +
- +
-GPS Binding example is available on Github: [[https://​​iotbzh/​af-gps-binding|github:​iotbzh/​af-gps-binding]] +
- +
-==== OpenXC Demo ==== +
- +
-A reference HTML5 application ​has been developed: see [[https://​​iotbzh/​txc-demo|github:​iotbzh/​txc-demo]]. +
- +
-This application uses a [[http://​​resources/​traces.html|OpenXC trace file]] ​to display 4 different panels representing live vehicle data. +
- +
-It's available as an [[http://​​download/​public/​2016/​afb-demos/​txc-demo_0.1.wgt|AGL Application paclage]] installable through AGL Application Framework. +
- +
-==== Benchmarks ==== +
- +
-Some tests to evaluate ​the performances of the framework have been done by simulating CAN Data: [[http://​​download/​public/​2016/​signaling/​AGL-AppFW-CAN-Signaling-Benchmark.pdf|AGL-AppFW-CAN-Signaling-Benchmark.pdf]] +
- +
-==== AMM Munich'​16 Presentation ==== +
- +
-[[http://​​download/​public/​2016/​build-agl-application-AMM-Munich-2016/​|Jose'​s presentation at AGL AMM Munich'​16]] +
agl-distro/message-signaling.1478109076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/02 17:51 by sdesneux