Table of Contents

AGL Schedule and Milestones

Release Schedule Overview

AGL follows a twice per year release cadence. This is split in 4-5 month of feature development plus a freezing process in stages.

New Feature Development

Once a new release is started the initial work will be to update meta-agl master to the planned Yocto branch for the release. Once this is complete for then new feature branches will be accepted on master. Each of these subphases will be announced on the automotive-discussions.

Release Candidates

The first stage is the core feature freeze, followed by Milestone One (M1). Next is then the 2nd stage which is the platform freeze which feeds into M2. Finally there is a apps/docs/tests freeze right before M3. Between each of these milestones there may be bug fix “point milestones” that will utilize a second digit (e,g. M1.1). After final stabilization, the release will be cut.

Example release schedule

The next pictures explain the workflow in detail:

The naming conventions in git for the Milestones and Point Milestones are as follows:

Latest Schedule

Quirky Quillback

Royal Ricefish

Super Salmon

Terrific Trout

Ulimate Unagi


2024 Schedule

Archived schedule 2024 AGL Schedule and Milestones

2023 Schedule

Archived schedule 2023 AGL Schedule and Milestones

2022 Schedule

Archived schedule 2022 AGL Schedule and Milestones

2021 Schedule

Archived schedule 2021 AGL Schedule and Milestones

2020 Schedule

Archived schedule 2020 AGL Schedule and Milestones

2019 Schedule

Archived schedule 2019 AGL Schedule and Milestones

2018 Schedule

Archived schedule 2018 AGL Schedule and Milestones

2017 Schedule

Archived schedule 2017 AGL Schedule and Milestones