* Audio Management
F2F report in Canada shall be published.
2nd of Oct: Fulup, Kusakabe, Isoga-san will report. We shall have additional meeting about this topic at 25th of Sep.
Re-alignment of Audio routing requirement
PulseAudio upstream: Audio manager plugin
Most volume control
this email
* Wayland/Weston
CES 2018
Home Screen proposal at F2F
To support more smooth layout change, transition animation to be supported.
The feature has been supported by ivi-shell:
To deeply discuss this topic, please join the F2F meeting:
Weston backend for surface sharing: gerrit by Renesas Kurokawa-san
dependent on R-car. To be compatible on several SoC.
Reviewed by Maintainer for AGL UI and Graphics EG
Waltham protocol: ADIT will upload the first version of Waltham protocol to github. to be shared by 22nd of Sep, Wayland/Weston 2.0.
Backend implemention for surface sharing: Weston 2.0. Gstreamer recode is read for Weston 2.0.
To be discussed Wayland/Weston 1.11 or 2.0 in F2F meeting → We shall go with Wayland/Weston2.0
Cluster UI update
Code maintainer and upstream to Wayland/Weston
Recommended company: Collabora, Codethink, Cogent, igalia, and Igel
Strong relationship with Wayland/Weston
Window management knowledge and experience
xdg-protocol, ivi-application-protocol are supported in parallel
Michael from ADIT
Presentation about changes:
The PoC would finished in this week.
Announced as
in AGL mailing list.
This expects weston version 2.0.
To be discussed at SAT.
ADIT micheal will present and demonstrate xdg-protocol in AGL AMM Germany.