====== Open Source Program Office (OSPO) Expert Group ====== ** All content for the OSPO EG is maintained in [[https://lf-automotivelinux.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/OSPO/overview |Confluence]] ** This Wiki page is intended for fallback usage for the above OSPO-EG confluence space with minimum/necessary information. ** Goal ** Making it easier for engineers in automotive industry to contribute to Open Source Software ** Proposed Charter ** The AGL AB approved the proposed charter draft below on Oct. 30, 2024 with acomment to include the EG goal in the discussion. The Open Source Program Office (OSPO) Expert Group's purpose is to help spread open-source best practices throughout the automotive industry. OSPO-EG activity covers the following: * Encourage open discussion for: * Challenging upstream-first development model in Automotive environment * Dealing with business environmental restrictions when using open source (like export control and anti-trust) * Encourage and help companies to launch their OSPO * Offer a place to share pain points and best practices to resolve them * Publish documents of the best practices for common pain points * Reach out companies outside AGL community and invite them * Encourage member companies to contribute code to AGL-UCB (and related projects) ** Communication ** * Mailing List * Please join ospo-eg mailing list(agl-ospo-eg@lists.automotivelinux.org) at: * https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-ospo-eg * Discord * We have ospo-eg channel at AGL Discord Server * Invitation URL: https://discord.gg/ZztCaVeQVG ** Meeting ** OSPO-EG will have bi-weekly meeting calls regularly. The Kick-off Meeting will be: Nov. 12, 2024, 1:00pm (UTC) / 10:00pm(JST) AGL Meeting Calendar : https://lists.automotivelinux.org/g/agl-dev-community/calendar