Meeting Minutes\\ Date:2019/11/25 15:00-15:30 JST\\ Attendee: Oki-san (Mazda),Momiyama-san (AisinAW),Miki-san (Micware),Nishida-san (Micware),Hiramatsu-san (Micware),Fujiyoshi-san (Micware),Wakazono (AGL Navi-EG Chairman, Micware)\\ Discussions:\\ 1. Background\\ * The previous system configuration plan that we explained in the previous meeting wasn't good for security.\\ * So we reviewed the previous output and came up with an activities plan for this term. * The present Navi system configuration in Halibut version of the software have two problems. * a. No preparation for POI-APIService(Binding). * b. POI-Yelp and Ondemandavi don’t separate UI from Service.\\ * We reconsidered an activities plan to solve these problems. 2. Activity plan of this term.\\ * To develop the OSS-Navi POI Application Prototype. * We'll implement the following features based on the previous output. * a. Separate POI-UI from POI-Service. * b. Create POI-APIService(Binding). * The OSS-Navi POI Application prototype will be under a developmental plan until March 2020. * We have already agreed with SAT members about these contents.