SAT Meeting Minutes Archive ==== November 26, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Itoh, Marius, Yamaguchi * OSPO EG * 11/12 * Kickoff meeting held this morning. About 25 attendees and a really good discussion. * 11/26 * Second meeting held. Notes are here will post the recording and transcript to the confluence page. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 11/12 * Japan friendly time meeting to be held this week. * 11/26 * No meeting this week due to US Holiday. Next Japan friendly time is December 10 meeting. * Would like to schedule a F2F meeting with Joel in Japan (maybe AMM? or another trip he makes to Japan) * Update of meta-flutter to 3.24.4 is expected from Toyota to be included with Salman M2 * App Store POC making progress * IC EG Updates * 10/15 * Qt6 migration complete waiting for last patches to get merged. * 11/12 * Qt6 migration is complete. * Reviewing updates to cgroupv1 * 11/26 * Should discuss alternatives to LXC and whether IC EG should use a different solution (see gerrit 30510 for complications related to keeping LXC with cgroupsv2). Should keep upstream first in mind vs. creating a bunch of one-off code we need to maintain. Ideally we would have a solution where someone can use a container (LXC or other) "out of the box" without the need to for the external container manager. * LXC support for two-layer isolation * Yamaguchi-san created container-manager on github. Question of whether this will remain on github or moved to gerrit and whether Yamaguchi-san will maintain the code long term. * SAT would like to see additional documentation so that we do not have a single point of knowledge. * Discussed gerrit 30504 particularly the need for * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/12 *Rockchip board being added for Salmon * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update * 8/20 * VOS gave an update on their latest work during the call this morning. * 10/1 * Update on next UHMI release , schedule is mid-october * VOS uploaded more virtio patches to gerrit for review. * 11/12 * Marius working on SPEC-5280 with Panasonic for adding a gRPC API and SPEC-5235 - for Pipewire gstreamer updates to the remoting plug-in. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. ==== November 12, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius, Itoh, Yamaguchi * OSPO EG * 11/12 * Kickoff meeting held this morning. About 25 attendees and a really good discussion. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 11/12 * Japan friendly time meeting to be held this week. * IC EG Updates * 10/15 * Qt6 migration complete waiting for last patches to get merged. * 11/12 * Qt6 migration is complete. * Reviewing updates to cgroupv1 * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/12 *Rockchip board being added for Salmon * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update * 8/20 * VOS gave an update on their latest work during the call this morning. * 10/1 * Update on next UHMI release , schedule is mid-october * VOS uploaded more virtio patches to gerrit for review. * 11/12 * Marius working on SPEC-5280 with Panasonic for adding a gRPC API and SPEC-5235 - for Pipewire gstreamer updates to the remoting plug-in. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. New Business ==== October 15, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Itoh, Ishii, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi * OSPO EG * 8/6 * Itoh-san presented an [[ | update}} * Will break out the charter and the task list as separate pages in Confluence and ask for comments via the mail list. Plan to review the charter during the SAT call on September 3. * Endo-san leading a [[ | panel discussion at OSS Europe]] on Tuesday * 8/20 * Itoh sent out an email requesting review comments on the [[ | OSPO EG project charter]] We will review during the next SAT call. * 9/3 * Received a few comments on the Confluence page. Walt will add comments later this week. * Regular communication via the developer email list. Added an ospo-eg channel to the Discord server. * Ishii-san and Endo-san will attend OSS-EU and have some discussions with European companies to further discuss OSPO EG. * Finalize OSPO EG charter during the October SC meeting. * Will have biweekly meetings on Tuesdays between the SDV and SAT calls starting in November (after ALS) * Itoh-ran will write an onboarding process and add it to confluence. * 10/1 * Finalize Charter * reach Walt by email * Discord channel invitation link expired . Need to create link w/o expiry date ?! * Announce timeslot for OSPE EG call (30tuesdays between SDV and SAT) * 10/15 * May set aside a time on October 30 during the SAT/EG workshop in Tokyo to discuss. * Walt will edit the charter and send to the AB for email approval this week so we can get it approved before ALS starts. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Rescheduled IVI to every other week in Japan friendly time and every other week during the current time 5 pm PDT/ 9 am JST (Friday mornings) * Joel has the Flutter stack building and running on riscv64! Building using Yocto scarthgap Vision5. Same binaries run on my new DC-ROMA Laptop II (Spacemit SoC - same as Banana Pi BPI-F3) * Presentation from Daniel Stone last week on Flatpak usage * 8/20 * No update * 9/3 * Toyota is scheduled to release new version of the flutter embedder this week. * 10/1 * Next updates are scheduled for end of October * 10/13 * Joel has been on vacation. * IC EG Updates * 7/23 * Cancel Aug 5 meeting. Japan vacations the week of Aug 12. * Yamaguchi-san working on a Rockchip sandbox branch. First commit will support only Flutter IVI. Will push to master first and back port to Ricefish * 8/6 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on Rockchip * 8/20 * Yamaguchi-san posted a bunch of updates in gerrit for Rockchip and documentation updates * 9/3 * Rockchip updates under review by Jan-Simon. Looking at "official" Yocto layer compared to the layer Dr. Y proposes to use. Official layer does not support the graphics (mesa in particular) because it is not based on the vendor kernel, but uses the Yocto kernel version. * 10/1 * Migrating apps to qt6 and enhancing board support. * Reported pipewire/wireplumber issue to George * 10/15 * Qt6 migration complete waiting for last patches to get merged. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 7/23 * Waiting on Kingfisher update from Renesas/ Cogent - no change * 9/3 * No update * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update * 8/20 * VOS gave an update on their latest work during the call this morning. * 10/1 * Update on next UHMI release , schedule is mid-october * VOS uploaded more virtio patches to gerrit for review. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. New Business * AGL Discord server now available. Join us at ==== October 1, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Itoh, Yamaguchi * OSPO EG * 8/6 * Itoh-san presented an [[ | update}} * Will break out the charter and the task list as separate pages in Confluence and ask for comments via the mail list. Plan to review the charter during the SAT call on September 3. * Endo-san leading a [[ | panel discussion at OSS Europe]] on Tuesday * 8/20 * Itoh sent out an email requesting review comments on the [[ | OSPO EG project charter]] We will review during the next SAT call. * 9/3 * Received a few comments on the Confluence page. Walt will add comments later this week. * Regular communication via the developer email list. Added an ospo-eg channel to the Discord server. * Ishii-san and Endo-san will attend OSS-EU and have some discussions with European companies to further discuss OSPO EG. * Finalize OSPO EG charter during the October SC meeting. * Will have biweekly meetings on Tuesdays between the SDV and SAT calls starting in November (after ALS) * Itoh-ran will write an onboarding process and add it to confluence. * 10/1 * Finalize Charter * reach Walt by email * Discord channel invitation link expired. Need to create link w/o expiry date ?! * Announce timeslot for OSPE EG call (tuesdays between SDV and SAT) * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Rescheduled IVI to every other week in Japan friendly time and every other week during the current time 5 pm PDT/ 9 am JST (Friday mornings) * Joel has the Flutter stack building and running on riscv64! Building using Yocto scarthgap Vision5. Same binaries run on my new DC-ROMA Laptop II (Spacemit SoC - same as Banana Pi BPI-F3) * Presentation from Daniel Stone last week on Flatpak usage * 8/20 * No update * 9/3 * Toyota is scheduled to release new version of the flutter embedder this week. * 10/1 * Next updates are scheduled for end of October * IC EG Updates * 7/23 * Cancel Aug 5 meeting. Japan vacations the week of Aug 12. * Yamaguchi-san working on a Rockchip sandbox branch. First commit will support only Flutter IVI. Will push to master first and back port to Ricefish * 8/6 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on Rockchip * 8/20 * Yamaguchi-san posted a bunch of updates in gerrit for Rockchip and documentation updates * 9/3 * Rockchip updates under review by Jan-Simon. Looking at "official" Yocto layer compared to the layer Dr. Y proposes to use. Official layer does not support the graphics (mesa in particular) because it is not based on the vendor kernel, but uses the Yocto kernel version. * 10/1 * Migrating apps to qt6 and enhancing board support. * Reported pipewire/wireplumber issue to George * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 7/23 * Waiting on Kingfisher update from Renesas/ Cogent - no change * 9/3 * No update * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update * 8/20 * VOS gave an update on their latest work during the call this morning. * 10/1 * Update on next UHMI release , schedule is mid-october * VOS uploaded more virtio patches to gerrit for review. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. New Business * AGL Discord server now available. Join us at * link expired ==== September 3, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Itoh, Yamaguchi * OSPO EG * 8/6 * Itoh-san presented an [[ | update}} * Will break out the charter and the task list as separate pages in Confluence and ask for comments via the mail list. Plan to review the charter during the SAT call on September 3. * Endo-san leading a [[ | panel discussion at OSS Europe]] on Tuesday * 8/20 * Itoh sent out an email requesting review comments on the [[ | OSPO EG project charter]] We will review during the next SAT call. * 9/3 * Received a few comments on the Confluence page. Walt will add comments later this week. * Regular communication via the developer email list. Added an ospo-eg channel to the Discord server. * Ishii-san and Endo-san will attend OSS-EU and have some discussions with European companies to further discuss OSPO EG. * Finalize OSPO EG charter during the October SC meeting. * Will have biweekly meetings on Tuesdays between the SDV and SAT calls starting in November (after ALS) * Itoh-ran will write an onboarding process and add it to confluence. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Rescheduled IVI to every other week in Japan friendly time and every other week during the current time 5 pm PDT/ 9 am JST (Friday mornings) * Joel has the Flutter stack building and running on riscv64! Building using Yocto scarthgap Vision5. Same binaries run on my new DC-ROMA Laptop II (Spacemit SoC - same as Banana Pi BPI-F3) * Presentation from Daniel Stone last week on Flatpak usage * 8/20 * No update * 9/3 * Toyota is scheduled to release new version of the flutter embedder this week. * IC EG Updates * 7/23 * Cancel Aug 5 meeting. Japan vacations the week of Aug 12. * Yamaguchi-san working on a Rockchip sandbox branch. First commit will support only Flutter IVI. Will push to master first and back port to Ricefish * 8/6 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on Rockchip * 8/20 * Yamaguchi-san posted a bunch of updates in gerrit for Rockchip and documentation updates * 9/3 * Rockchip updates under review by Jan-Simon. Looking at "official" Yocto layer compared to the layer Dr. Y proposes to use. Official layer does not support the graphics (mesa in particular) because it is not based on the vendor kernel, but uses the Yocto kernel version. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 7/23 * Waiting on Kingfisher update from Renesas/ Cogent - no change * 9/3 * No update * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update * 8/20 * VOS gave an update on their latest work during the call this morning. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. New Business * AGL Discord server now available. Join us at ==== August 20, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Ishii, Itoh, Marius, Yamaguchi * OSPO EG * 8/6 * Itoh-san presented an [[ | update}} * Will break out the charter and the task list as separate pages in Confluence and ask for comments via the mail list. Plan to review the charter during the SAT call on September 3. * Endo-san leading a [[ | panel discussion at OSS Europe]] on Tuesday * 8/20 * Itoh sent out an email requesting review comments on the [[ | OSPO EG project charter]] We will review during the next SAT call. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Rescheduled IVI to every other week in Japan friendly time and every other week during the current time 5 pm PDT/ 9 am JST (Friday mornings) * Joel has the Flutter stack building and running on riscv64! Building using Yocto scarthgap Vision5. Same binaries run on my new DC-ROMA Laptop II (Spacemit SoC - same as Banana Pi BPI-F3) * Presentation from Daniel Stone last week on Flatpak usage * 8/20 * No update * IC EG Updates * 7/23 * Cancel Aug 5 meeting. Japan vacations the week of Aug 12. * Yamaguchi-san working on a Rockchip sandbox branch. First commit will support only Flutter IVI. Will push to master first and back port to Ricefish * 8/6 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on Rockchip * 8/20 * Yamaguchi-san posted a bunch of updates in gerrit for Rockchip and documentation updates * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 7/23 * Waiting on Kingfisher update from Renesas/ Cogent - no change * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update * 8/20 * VOS gave an update on their latest work during the call this morning. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. New Business * Walt looked into Discord server set up in other LF projects. LF IT does not officially support. Will create an AGL server with and see how it goes. * ==== August 6, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Itoh, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius * OSPO EG * Itoh-san presented an [[ | update}} * Will break out the charter and the task list as separate pages in Confluence and ask for comments via the mail list. Plan to review the charter during the SAT call on September 3. * Endo-san leading a [[ | panel discussion at OSS Europe]] on Tuesday * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Rescheduled IVI to every other week in Japan friendly time and every other week during the current time 5 pm PDT/ 9 am JST (Friday mornings) * Joel has the Flutter stack building and running on riscv64! Building using Yocto scarthgap Vision5. Same binaries run on my new DC-ROMA Laptop II (Spacemit SoC - same as Banana Pi BPI-F3) * Presentation from Daniel Stone last week on Flatpak usage * IC EG Updates * 7/23 * Cancel Aug 5 meeting. Japan vacations the week of Aug 12. * Yamaguchi-san working on a Rockchip sandbox branch. First commit will support only Flutter IVI. Will push to master first and back port to Ricefish * 8/6 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on Rockchip * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 7/23 * Waiting on Kingfisher update from Renesas/ Cogent - no change * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. New Business ==== July 23, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ludwig, Kurokawa * UCB Updates * Ricefish 18.0.0 released * No releases planned until September 13 for Ricefish or Quillback * Jan-Simon on vacation Aug 2 - 23 * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Rescheduling IVI to every other week in Japan friendly time and every other week during the current time 5 pm PDT/ 9 am JST * IC EG Updates * 7/23 * Cancel Aug 5 meeting. Japan vacations the week of Aug 12. * Yamaguchi-san working on a Rockchip sandbox branch. First commit will support only Flutter IVI. Will push to master first and back port to Ricefish * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 7/23 * Waiting on Kingfisher update from Renesas/ Cogent - no change * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 7/23 * We have the firmware that connects the CAN bus to the Linux code. Jan-Simon and Scott will test it out. New Business * OSPO EG is forming. Presentations at AMM and OSS EU with announcement during ALS. ==== July 9, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Marius, Victor. Vishwamath Jakate, Marius * UCB Updates * RR M3 released last Friday on the Ricefish branch. * We received the Flutter update from Joel about 10 days ago. Jan-Simon and Scott did testing on the RPI 4 and 5 and it looks ready for prime time. Therefore in order to avoid confusion about there being different versions of Flutter on master and in the Ricefish release we made the decision to include the Flutter the update as a post-M3 update to Ricefish, We are also including some late additions from Scott fix KVM demo issues and other tidying up. * Jan-Simon tagging and building this as 18.0.0 for Edi and Alex to test this week with a plan to release 18.0.0 on Friday. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 4/30 * Toyota moving forward with an app store POC. * 5/28 * Toyota has one more drop to give us for the Ricefish release * App store POC will kick off in June * 6/11 * No update - Joel on vacation last two weeks. [[ | Confluence page started]] to discuss requirements and architecture. * 6/25 * Meeting to be set up to discuss the App Store POC. * Joel will be dropping an update to Flutter version for Ricefish. * 7/9 * App Store POC meeting in one hour * Joel's Flutter update will be included in Ricefish 18.0.0 (see above) * IC EG Updates * 5/14 * DRM Lease changes now integrated into master. * Looking at RTOS communication via external microcontroller. * 5/28 * Dr. Y will give a talk at the AMM in Berlin * 6/11 * Dr. Y posted a number of updates to gerrit. Working on Rockchip board to show to Japan local meeting. * 6/25 * Dr. Y investigating why the AGL Compositor is not working on guests with the Scarthgap update. * 7/9 * No update * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 7/9 * Waiting on Kingfisher update from Renesas/ Cogent * SDV EG * 7/9 * No update Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet * 4/2 * Renesas looking at the plan. Needs a few more weeks. * 5/28 * Kurokawa-san coming up with a plan New Business * OSPO EG is forming. Presentations at AMM and OSS EU with announcement during ALS. ==== June 25, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Yamaguchi, Marius, Jerry * UCB Updates * RR M2 tagged and building so Edi can test this week. * Will cut the Ricefish branch once the M2 is out. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 4/30 * Toyota moving forward with an app store POC. * 5/28 * Toyota has one more drop to give us for the Ricefish release * App store POC will kick off in June * 6/11 * No update - Joel on vacation last two weeks. [[ | Confluence page started]] to discuss requirements and architecture. * 6/25 * Meeting to be set up to discuss the App Store POC. * Joel will be dropping an update to Flutter version for Ricefish. * IC EG Updates * 5/14 * DRM Lease changes now integrated into master. * Looking at RTOS communication via external microcontroller. * 5/28 * Dr. Y will give a talk at the AMM in Berlin * 6/11 * Dr. Y posted a number of updates to gerrit. Working on Rockchip board to show to Japan local meeting. * 6/25 * Dr. Y investigating why the AGL Compositor is not working on guests with the Scarthgap update. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/2 * SiFive - new SiFive contact Ian Ferguson. * 5/28 * Walt getting no replies from Qualcomm about how to proceed with reference hardware. * 6/25 * Giving up on Qualcomm support for now. * SDV EG * 5/28 * Discussed proposal from Virtual Open Systems during the meeting earlier today. See the minutes of their meeting for the outcome. Will be taking three tasks to the SC for approval in their June meeting. * 6/11 * Reviewed the VOS proposal some more this morning. * Walt discussed Unified HMI apps with ICS last week. Will meet in Berlin to discuss the requirements. * Two or three displays. Two landscape + one portrait with an option to cut down to two displays. * Three display case is two boards * Two displays can be single AGL Ref HW or Ref HW + RPI * We will start a confluence page to start discussing the requirements * 6/25 * No real update Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet * 4/2 * Renesas looking at the plan. Needs a few more weeks. * 5/28 * Kurokawa-san coming up with a plan New Business * OSPO EG is forming. Presentations at AMM and OSS EU with announcement during ALS. ==== June 11, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Marius, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 4/30 * Toyota moving forward with an app store POC. * 5/28 * Toyota has one more drop to give us for the Ricefish release * App store POC will kick off in June * 6/11 * No update - Joel on vacation last two weeks. [[ | Confluence page started]] to discuss requirements and architecture. * IC EG Updates * 5/14 * DRM Lease changes now integrated into master. * Looking at RTOS communication via external microcontroller. * 5/28 * Dr. Y will give a talk at the AMM in Berlin * 6/11 * Dr. Y posted a number of updates to gerrit. Working on Rockchip board to show to Japan local meeting. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/2 * SiFive - new SiFive contact Ian Ferguson. * 5/28 * Walt getting no replies from Qualcomm about how to proceed with reference hardware. * SDV EG * 5/28 * Discussed proposal from Virtual Open Systems during the meeting earlier today. See the minutes of their meeting for the outcome. Will be taking three tasks to the SC for approval in their June meeting. * 6/11 * Reviewed the VOS proposal some more this morning. * Walt discussed Unified HMI apps with ICS last week. Will meet in Berlin to discuss the requirements. * Two or three displays. Two landscape + one portrait with an option to cut down to two displays. * Three display case is two boards * Two displays can be single AGL Ref HW or Ref HW + RPI * We will start a confluence page to start discussing the requirements Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet * 4/2 * Renesas looking at the plan. Needs a few more weeks. * 5/28 * Kurokawa-san coming up with a plan New Business * OSPO EG is forming. Presentations at AMM and OSS EU with announcement during ALS. ==== May 28, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Kazu, Yamaguchi, Victor, Marius, Jerry * Update to scarthgap * 5/14 * Renesas * S4SK - CAN driver via Linux will be provided as a first step then add RTOS later * KF not started yet. Will be at least a month * Plan is to keep using the 5.10 kernel for scarthgap for the RCAR 3 and S4 chips * Under discussion internally about switching to new kernel versions for later chips. * Scott will file an issue for the gstreamer issue to be looked at by Renesas * 5/28 * See latest on [[dev-call-info|dev call minutes]]. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 4/30 * Toyota moving forward with an app store POC. * 5/28 * Toyota has one more drop to give us for the Ricefish release * App store POC will kick off in June * IC EG Updates * 5/14 * DRM Lease changes now integrated into master. * Looking at RTOS communication via external microcontroller. * 5/28 * Dr. Y will give a talk at the AMM in Berlin * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/2 * SiFive - new SiFive contact Ian Ferguson. * 5/28 * Walt getting no replies from Qualcomm about how to proceed with reference hardware. * SDV EG * 5/28 * Discussed proposal from Virtual Open Systems during the meeting earlier today. See the minutes of their meeting for the outcome. Will be taking three tasks to the SC for approval in their June meeting. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet * 4/2 * Renesas looking at the plan. Needs a few more weeks. * 5/28 * Kurokawa-san coming up with a plan New Business * OSPO EG is forming. Presentations at AMM and OSS EU with announcement during ALS. ==== May 14, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Yamaguchi, Marius, Kurokawa * Update to scarthgap * 3/19 * Discussed testing of next branch and timing of merge to master. * 4/2 * Marius did some updates to next and is doing some testing, but it looks good. * Renesas seems to have a plan for Scarthgap to be completed based on Scarthgap M3. * Merge from next to master after Embedded World. Scott will work on it. * 4/30 * Scathgap released today! * next merged to master on master and we should already be at or very close to the release. * Email [[ | from Jan-Simon detailing what the current status of master is]]. * DRM Lease needs some work because the BBAppends do not apply. Will need to rename to BBAppends, but the DRM Lease patches need to be fixed to apply for Scarthgap. Marius can take a look. * 5/14 * Renesas * S4SK - CAN driver via Linux will be provided as a first step then add RTOS later * KF not started yet. Will be at least a month * Plan is to keep using the 5.10 kernel for scarthgap for the RCAR 3 and S4 chips * Under discussion internally about switching to new kernel versions for later chips. * Scott will file an issue for the gstreamer issue to be looked at by Renesas * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * 3/19 * Waiting for Joel to push his latest changes from upstream meta-flutter to us. * 4/2 * Joel pushed update to Flutter 3.19.3 to master and it builds and looks fine in Scott's QEMU testing. Will get pushed to Quillback for 17.0.2. We anticipate that 3.19.3 is then the LTS version that we support on QQ going forward. * 4/30 * Toyota moving forward with an app store POC. * IC EG Updates * 5/14 * DRM Lease changes now integrated into master. * Looking at RTOS communication via external microcontroller. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * 3/19 * SiFive - should be ready for Scarthgap based on what we see in their repo. * 4/2 * SiFive - new SiFive contact Ian Ferguson. * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, * 3/19 * Got lots of updates from VoS on their latest GPU sharing updates * 4/3 * Review the discussion from the call earlier today. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet * 4/2 * Renesas looking at the plan. Needs a few more weeks. New Business ==== April 30, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Victor, Yamaguchi * Update to scarthgap * 3/19 * Discussed testing of next branch and timing of merge to master. * 4/2 * Marius did some updates to next and is doing some testing, but it looks good. * Renesas seems to have a plan for Scarthgap to be completed based on Scarthgap M3. * Merge from next to master after Embedded World. Scott will work on it. * 4/30 * Scathgap released today! * next merged to master on master and we should already be at or very close to the release. * Email [[ | from Jan-Simon detailing what the current status of master is]]. * DRM Lease needs some work because the BBAppends do not apply. Will need to rename to BBAppends, but the DRM Lease patches need to be fixed to apply for Scarthgap. Marius can take a look. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * 3/19 * Waiting for Joel to push his latest changes from upstream meta-flutter to us. * 4/2 * Joel pushed update to Flutter 3.19.3 to master and it builds and looks fine in Scott's QEMU testing. Will get pushed to Quillback for 17.0.2. We anticipate that 3.19.3 is then the LTS version that we support on QQ going forward. * 4/30 * Toyota moving forward with an app store POC. * IC EG Updates * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * 1/16 * Demo was shown at CES. VirtIO audio was dropped from demo so a workaround was created. Workaround will not be upstreamed as the goal is still to get VirtIO loopback working. * 3/19 * No meeting this week. * 4/2 * Dr. Y has been out of town a lot. He abandoned the DRM lease changes that were in progress and will rebase as a new gerrit review. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * 3/19 * SiFive - should be ready for Scarthgap based on what we see in their repo. * 4/2 * SiFive - new SiFive contact Ian Ferguson. * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, * 3/19 * Got lots of updates from VoS on their latest GPU sharing updates * 4/3 * Review the discussion from the call earlier today. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet * 4/2 * Renesas looking at the plan. Needs a few more weeks. New Business ==== April 2, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Kuzu, Nagayama, George * Update to scarthgap * 3/19 * Discussed testing of next branch and timing of merge to master. * 4/2 * Marius did some updates to next and is doing some testing, but it looks good. * Renesas seems to have a plan for Scarthgap to be completed based on Scarthgap M3. * Merge from next to master after Embedded World. Scott will work on it. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * 3/19 * Waiting for Joel to push his latest changes from upstream meta-flutter to us. * 4/2 * Joel pushed update to Flutter 3.19.3 to master and it builds and looks fine in Scott's QEMU testing. Will get pushed to Quillback for 17.0.2. We anticipate that 3.19.3 is then the LTS version that we support on QQ going forward. * IC EG Updates * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * 1/16 * Demo was shown at CES. VirtIO audio was dropped from demo so a workaround was created. Workaround will not be upstreamed as the goal is still to get VirtIO loopback working. * 3/19 * No meeting this week. * 4/2 * Dr. Y has been out of town a lot. He abandoned the DRM lease changes that were in progress and will rebase as a new gerrit review. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * 3/19 * SiFive - should be ready for Scarthgap based on what we see in their repo. * 4/2 * SiFive - new SiFive contact Ian Ferguson. * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, * 3/19 * Got lots of updates from VoS on their latest GPU sharing updates * 4/3 * Review the discussion from the call earlier today. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet * 4/2 * Renesas looking at the plan. Needs a few more weeks. New Business ==== March 19, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Matti, Kuzu * Update to scarthgap * 3/19 * Discussed testing of next branch and timing of merge to master. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * 3/19 * Waiting for Joel to push his latest changes from upstream meta-flutter to us. * IC EG Updates * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * 1/16 * Demo was shown at CES. VirtIO audio was dropped from demo so a workaround was created. Workaround will not be upstreamed as the goal is still to get VirtIO loopback working. * 3/19 * No meeting this week. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * 3/19 * SiFive - should be ready for Scarthgap based on what we see in their repo. * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, * 3/19 * Got lots of updates from VoS on their latest GPU sharing updates Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. * 3/19 * No plan received from Renesas on the S4 BSP yet New Business ==== March 5, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * IC EG Updates * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * 1/16 * Demo was shown at CES. VirtIO audio was dropped from demo so a workaround was created. Workaround will not be upstreamed as the goal is still to get VirtIO loopback working. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP * 3/5 * Received 5 boards from Shimafuji, Jan-Simon got a build working that is console only. Need to get the binary (or source code) from Renesas to transfer the CAN to the A core. New Business ==== February 20, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, George * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * IC EG Updates * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * 1/16 * Demo was shown at CES. VirtIO audio was dropped from demo so a workaround was created. Workaround will not be upstreamed as the goal is still to get VirtIO loopback working. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP - ordered and received 5 boards from Shimafuji and will pick them up in Tokyo. . New Business * Spring AMM will be held [[ | Feb 27-28]] in Tokyo. We will have a F2F workshop on Feb 29. ==== February 6, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Marius No one really joined. Talked about FOSDEM and OE/ Yocto activities last week. * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * IC EG Updates * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * 1/16 * Demo was shown at CES. VirtIO audio was dropped from demo so a workaround was created. Workaround will not be upstreamed as the goal is still to get VirtIO loopback working. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP - still trying to purchase from Avnet. Got another link from Goda-san today. New Business * Spring AMM will be held [[ | Feb 27-28]] in Tokyo. We will have a F2F workshop on Feb 29. CFP closes on Sunday (January 21) ==== January 16, 2024 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott. Yamaguchi, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/16 * Joel showed a demo of forward looking features at CES. * IC EG Updates * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * 1/16 * Demo was shown at CES. VirtIO audio was dropped from demo so a workaround was created. Workaround will not be upstreamed as the goal is still to get VirtIO loopback working. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * 1/16 * SiFive - Walt gave 3 boards to Jan-Simon and 1 to Scott last week. 4 boards received in Japan. Issei purchased power supplies and graphics cards. Boards to an extras to be sent to IC team members. Jan-Simon putting together a package for Edi with the graphics * SDV EG * 1/16 * Call is tomorrow, Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP - still trying to purchase from Avnet. Got another link from Goda-san today. New Business * Spring AMM will be held [[ | Feb 27-28]] in Tokyo. We will have a F2F workshop on Feb 29. CFP closes on Sunday (January 21) ==== December 12, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 11/28 * No meetings the last two weeks. ICS integration nearly completed. * 12/12 * Not expecting any more changes from Joel prior to Quillback release. Definitely nothing would be accepted prior to CES. * IC EG Updates * 11/14 * Getting ready for Edge Tech last week and attended an open source conference in Hiroshima. * Rebuilt the demo containers for master. Working on audio * 11/28 * Working on CES demo. Flutter demo container now running, VirtIO loopback in progress. * [[ | Presentation]] from the IC EG call * 12/12 * CES demo continues. [[ | New confluence page]] created for CES 2024 demo. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * 12/12 * Walt should receive 4 SiFive Unmatched Rev B boards today. 4 are going to Issei, shipment status is unclear for those boards. * SDV EG * 11/28 * Call was canceled today. VOS working to finish up their work. * Unified HMI - Kohzu-san will commit Unified HMI not using AGL shell desktop this week and will update the documentation site by the end of December. * 12/12 * Call was held earlier today. Expecting demo videos from VOS for GPU sharing prior to CES. * AGL doc site to be updated Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP now available in gerrit. Avnet asking us to fill out an anti-corruption agreement. LF Legal approved signing the document. Need to figure out if Walt is allowed to sign the document or if LF Finance needs to sign. New Business * Spring AMM will be held [[ | Feb 27-28]] in Tokyo. We will have a F2F workshop on Feb 29. * Quilllback Milestone 2 to be released this week. ==== November 28, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Kazuki * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 11/28 * No meetings the last two weeks. ICS integration nearly completed. * IC EG Updates * 11/14 * Getting ready for Edge Tech last week and attended an open source conference in Hiroshima. * Rebuilt the demo containers for master. Working on audio * 11/28 * Woking on CES demo. Flutter demo container now running, VirtIO loopback in progress. * [[ | Presentation]] from the IC EG call * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 11/28 * SiFive has made more Unmatched boards [[ | available for sale]] for anyone who is interested. * Scott had to update KUKSA.val to 0.4.2 and will pull in a later RUST version to support RISC-V boards. These should both be included for QQ. * SDV EG * 11/28 * Call was canceled today. VOS working to finish up their work. * Unified HMI - Kohzu-san will commit Unified HMI not using AGL shell desktop this week and will update the documentation site by the end of December. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP now available in gerrit. Avnet asking us to fill out an anti-corruption agreement. LF Legal approved signing the document. Need to figure out if Walt is allowed to sign the document or if LF Finance needs to sign. New Business * Workshop to be held after ALS. Please sign up [[agl-distro:dec2023-f2f|here]]. * Spring AMM will be held [[ | Feb 27-28]] in Tokyo. We will have a F2F workshop on Feb 29. * Quilllback Milestone 1 ready * Audio * We should have bass, treble, balance and fader available in both WirePlumber and VSS for QQ. ==== November 14, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Justin, George, Date, Kazuki * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 9/19 * Flutter 3.13.2 is the next update for Flutter. 3,10,6 update was scrapped. * Meeting with ICS later today about creating new reference apps. * 10/3 * ICS kick-off meeting today for the new demo design. * Confluence page to manage the demo requirements and design is [[ | here]] * Joel is preparing the Flutter 3.13.2 update * 10/17 * uprev in the works in upstream repo. * 10/31 * Flutter 3.13.2 was merged (SPEC-4938). 3.13.9 is coming soon. There is a workaround in place for visual artifacts issue. * RCAR is crashing when building debug version. * ICS making very good progress. Design pretty much finished and devs have started. * 11/14 * Integration of ICS UI is in progress this week. * Flutter 3.13.9 was merged last week and we are integrating with it this week. * IC EG Updates * 9/5 * Working on improvements to the demo. Dr. Y had four patches merged in the last week. Another one is ready for review. * 9/19 * No update this week, Discussing how to show to demo to Edge Tech and local developers. * Discussed VirtIO loopback architecture during the IC EG call yesterday. Will be further documenting it the next few weeks. * 10/3 * No update * 10/17 * Discussion on setup of next demo's for ALS/CES/EW * 10/31 * Defining CES 2024 demo development. Discussed VirtIO audio set up with SDV EG earlier today. * 11/14 * Getting ready for Edge Tech last week and attended an open source conference in Hiroshima. * Rebuilt the demo containers for master. Working on audio * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 9/5 * SiFive BSP in the works (RISC-V) * Panasonic is organizing a meeting with Qualcomm and AGL to discuss the BSP for the Reference hardware. * 9/19 * SiFive Unmatched BSP is working and needs to be uploaded to gerrit. It should be possible to use an AMD Radion HD6450 for graphics, but it has not been tested. * No update on possible Qualcomm meeting. * 10/3 * No update * 10/17 * SiFive Unmatched board support is merged but right now only console images can be built due to issue with a crate (ring) in rust which affects the databroker. * 10/31 * Scott says there is be an upstream patch to KUKSA.val to make the databroker work for RISC-V. KUKSA s releasing 0.4.1 but the fix did not make it into the release. He will test with 0.4.1 plus the patch and get that into AGL. * SDV EG * 9/5 * Unified HMI - Jan-Simon has an open comment that needs to be addressed before merging. Basically will track the conversion the conversion to gRPC as a new Jira ticket and will merge once that is written and assigned. * VirtIO - Would like VOS to make some commits ASAP rather than waiting for one giant commit in October. Jerry will follow up with Michele. * 9/19 * Unified HMI * branch was merged to master. * gRPC update will be completed before the next up rev. * Will discuss internally at Panasonic the backport of the unified HMI to Pike * VirtIO * Virtual Open Systems first commits were made. Recipe currently points to VOS git repos. Need to host the code in AGL repositories before final sign-off. * 10/3 * Virtual Open Systems started the migration to AGL hosted repos. Should be completed later this week. * Unified HMI * Patches were cherry picked to Pike branch * 10/17 * Discussed TSN and hypervisor topics in todays call * 10/31 * Discussed latest developments from VOS in today's call especially in regards to audio. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP now available in gerrit. We have not been able to purchase the boards yet. New Business * Workshop to be held after ALS. Please sign up [[agl-distro:dec2023-f2f|here]]. * Audio * Discussed whether per role interfaces need to be exposed like in the original 4a based implementation and we will not make that available. * VSS does expose a navigation mute control in the latest VSS version so we will want to support that specific control. * Scott will be working on the gRPC mixer in the next few weeks. * George is working on bass, treble, fader, and balance controls in PipeWire. ==== October 31, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Jerry, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 9/19 * Flutter 3.13.2 is the next update for Flutter. 3,10,6 update was scrapped. * Meeting with ICS later today about creating new reference apps. * 10/3 * ICS kick-off meeting today for the new demo design. * Confluence page to manage the demo requirements and design is [[ | here]] * Joel is preparing the Flutter 3.13.2 update * 10/17 * uprev in the works in upstream repo. * 10/31 * Flutter 3.13.2 was merged (SPEC-4938). 3.13.9 is coming soon. There is a workaround in place for visual artifacts issue. * RCAR is crashing when building debug version. * ICS making very good progress. Design pretty much finished and devs have started. * IC EG Updates * 9/5 * Working on improvements to the demo. Dr. Y had four patches merged in the last week. Another one is ready for review. * 9/19 * No update this week, Discussing how to show to demo to Edge Tech and local developers. * Discussed VirtIO loopback architecture during the IC EG call yesterday. Will be further documenting it the next few weeks. * 10/3 * No update * 10/17 * Discussion on setup of next demo's for ALS/CES/EW * 10/31 * Defining CES 2024 demo development. Discussed VirtIO audio set up with SDV EG earlier today. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 9/5 * SiFive BSP in the works (RISC-V) * Panasonic is organizing a meeting with Qualcomm and AGL to discuss the BSP for the Reference hardware. * 9/19 * SiFive Unmatched BSP is working and needs to be uploaded to gerrit. It should be possible to use an AMD Radion HD6450 for graphics, but it has not been tested. * No update on possible Qualcomm meeting. * 10/3 * No update * 10/17 * SiFive Unmatched board support is merged but right now only console images can be built due to issue with a crate (ring) in rust which affects the databroker. * 10/31 * Scott says there is be an upstream patch to KUKSA.val to make the databroker work for RISC-V. KUKSA s releasing 0.4.1 but the fix did not make it into the release. He will test with 0.4.1 plus the patch and get that into AGL. * SDV EG * 9/5 * Unified HMI - Jan-Simon has an open comment that needs to be addressed before merging. Basically will track the conversion the conversion to gRPC as a new Jira ticket and will merge once that is written and assigned. * VirtIO - Would like VOS to make some commits ASAP rather than waiting for one giant commit in October. Jerry will follow up with Michele. * 9/19 * Unified HMI * branch was merged to master. * gRPC update will be completed before the next up rev. * Will discuss internally at Panasonic the backport of the unified HMI to Pike * VirtIO * Virtual Open Systems first commits were made. Recipe currently points to VOS git repos. Need to host the code in AGL repositories before final sign-off. * 10/3 * Virtual Open Systems started the migration to AGL hosted repos. Should be completed later this week. * Unified HMI * Patches were cherry picked to Pike branch * 10/17 * Discussed TSN and hypervisor topics in todays call * 10/31 * Discussed latest developments from VOS in today's call especially in regards to audio. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP now available in gerrit. We have not been able to purchase the boards yet. New Business * Kurokawa-san shared [[ | this document]] that describes the relationship between AGL and Yocto * Workshop to be held after ALS. Please sign up [[agl-distro:dec2023-f2f|here]]. ==== October 17, 2023 ==== Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Kazuki-san * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 9/19 * Flutter 3.13.2 is the next update for Flutter. 3,10,6 update was scrapped. * Meeting with ICS later today about creating new reference apps. * 10/3 * ICS kick-off meeting today for the new demo design. * Confluence page to manage the demo requirements and design is [[ | here]] * Joel is preparing the Flutter 3.13.2 update * 10/17 * uprev in the works in upstream repo. * IC EG Updates * 9/5 * Working on improvements to the demo. Dr. Y had four patches merged in the last week. Another one is ready for review. * 9/19 * No update this week, Discussing how to show to demo to Edge Tech and local developers. * Discussed VirtIO loopback architecture during the IC EG call yesterday. Will be further documenting it the next few weeks. * 10/3 * No update * 10/17 * Discussion on setup of next demo's for ALS/CES/EW * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 9/5 * SiFive BSP in the works (RISC-V) * Panasonic is organizing a meeting with Qualcomm and AGL to discuss the BSP for the Reference hardware. * 9/19 * SiFive Unmatched BSP is working and needs to be uploaded to gerrit. It should be possible to use an AMD Radion HD6450 for graphics, but it has not been tested. * No update on possible Qualcomm meeting. * 10/3 * No update * 10/17 * SiFive Unmatched board support is merged but right now only console images can be built due to issue with a crate (ring) in rust which affects the databroker. * SDV EG * 9/5 * Unified HMI - Jan-Simon has an open comment that needs to be addressed before merging. Basically will track the conversion the conversion to gRPC as a new Jira ticket and will merge once that is written and assigned. * VirtIO - Would like VOS to make some commits ASAP rather than waiting for one giant commit in October. Jerry will follow up with Michele. * 9/19 * Unified HMI * branch was merged to master. * gRPC update will be completed before the next up rev. * Will discuss internally at Panasonic the backport of the unified HMI to Pike * VirtIO * Virtual Open Systems first commits were made. Recipe currently points to VOS git repos. Need to host the code in AGL repositories before final sign-off. * 10/3 * Virtual Open Systems started the migration to AGL hosted repos. Should be completed later this week. * Unified HMI * Patches were cherry picked to Pike branch * 10/17 * Discussed TSN and hypervisor topics in todays call Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. * 10/17 * Updated . * S4SK BSP now available in gerrit. We have not been able to purchase the boards yet. New Business * Pipewire uprev discussed in jira. * discussed Balance (essentially available), * Treble, Bass (via a filter aka software-dsp in the pipeline) * ==== October 3, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 9/19 * Flutter 3.13.2 is the next update for Flutter. 3,10,6 update was scrapped. * Meeting with ICS later today about creating new reference apps. * 10/5 * ICS kick-off meeting today for the new demo design. * Confluence page to manage the demo requirements and design is [[ | here]] * Joel is preparing the Flutter 3.13.2 update * IC EG Updates * 9/5 * Working on improvements to the demo. Dr. Y had four patches merged in the last week. Another one is ready for review. * 9/19 * No update this week, Discussing how to show to demo to Edge Tech and local developers. * Discussed VirtIO loopback architecture during the IC EG call yesterday. Will be further documenting it the next few weeks. * 10/5 * No update * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 9/5 * SiFive BSP in the works (RISC-V) * Panasonic is organizing a meeting with Qualcomm and AGL to discuss the BSP for the Reference hardware. * 9/19 * SiFive Unmatched BSP is working and needs to be uploaded to gerrit. It should be possible to use an AMD Radion HD6450 for graphics, but it has not been tested. * No update on possible Qualcomm meeting. * 10/5 * No update * SDV EG * 9/5 * Unified HMI - Jan-Simon has an open comment that needs to be addressed before merging. Basically will track the conversion the conversion to gRPC as a new Jira ticket and will merge once that is written and assigned. * VirtIO - Would like VOS to make some commits ASAP rather than waiting for one giant commit in October. Jerry will follow up with Michele. * 9/19 * Unified HMI * branch was merged to master. * gRPC update will be completed before the next up rev. * Will discuss internally at Panasonic the backport of the unified HMI to Pike * VirtIO * Virtual Open Systems first commits were made. Recipe currently points to VOS git repos. Need to host the code in AGL repositories before final sign-off. * 10/5 * Virtual Open Systems started the migration to AGL hosted repos. Should be completed later this week. * Unified HMI * Patches were cherry picked to Pike branch Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. * 10/5 * Kazuki-san added the hypervisor cell topic in Confluence. We will review it at the next SAT. New Business * S4SK BSP now available in gerrit. We have not been able to purchase the boards yet. ==== September 19, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Richard. Date, Marius, Kuzuki * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 9/19 * Flutter 3.13.2 is the next update for Flutter. 3,10,6 update was scrapped. * Meeting with ICS later today about creating new reference apps. * IC EG Updates * 9/5 * Working on improvements to the demo. Dr. Y had four patches merged in the last week. Another one is ready for review. * 9/19 * No update this week, Discussing how to show to demo to Edge Tech and local developers. * Discussed VirtIO loopback architecture during the IC EG call yesterday. Will be further documenting it the next few weeks. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 9/5 * SiFive BSP in the works (RISC-V) * Panasonic is organizing a meeting with Qualcomm and AGL to discuss the BSP for the Reference hardware. * 9/19 * SiFive Unmatched BSP is working and needs to be uploaded to gerrit. It should be possible to use an AMD Radion HD6450 for graphics, but it has not been tested. * No update on possible Qualcomm meeting. * SDV EG * 9/5 * Unified HMI - Jan-Simon has an open comment that needs to be addressed before merging. Basically will track the conversion the conversion to gRPC as a new Jira ticket and will merge once that is written and assigned. * VirtIO - Would like VOS to make some commits ASAP rather than waiting for one giant commit in October. Jerry will follow up with Michele. * 9/19 * Unified HMI * branch was merged to master. * gRPC update will be completed before the next up rev. * Will discuss internally at Panasonic the backport of the unified HMI to Pike * VirtIO * Virtual Open Systems first commits were made. Recipe currently points to VOS git repos. Need to host the code in AGL repositories before final sign-off. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. * 9/19 * AWS code for heterogeneous multicore should ready to be published at the end of their current sprint. * Kazuki-san is working on the hypervisor cell topic. We would like to touch base with Paul M about these topics as well. New Business * S4SK BSP now available in gerrit. We have not been able to purchase the boards yet. ==== September 5, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Richard, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Kuzu, Jerry, Date, Kurokawa * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 7/25 * Joel has a Flutter embedder update to be pushed after Aug 1. An update to Flutter 3.10,6 and the workspace automation is included. Bernard has tested it out and it works well so far. * 8/8 * New flutter version scheduled for end of this week * 9/5 * Joel working on 3.10.6 update for the upcoming Pike patch release. * IC EG Updates * 5/16 * Team working on getting CES 2023 demo equivalence upstreamed to AGL. Lots of review comments. Targeting the Pike release with a back port to Octopus possible. * 5/30 * All patches reviewed and merged into gerrit for CES 2023 on master * SPEC-4005 - Data logging for IC is now complete * Next step is to back port the CES 2023 IVI demo container to Octopus * Dr Y to speak at EOSS. Will get approval for AMM * 6/13 * All patches merged to master for Pike M1. * 7/25 * No update * 8/8 * No update * 9/5 * Working on improvements to the demo. Dr. Y had four patches merged in the last week. Another one is ready for review. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/18 * No updates from Panasonic about Qualcomm BSP. * Walt meeting with NXP on Friday about possible i.mx9./i.mx10 SOM for reference hardware. * Renesas discussing internally about next generation eval board. * Will need to make a decision if AGL should create a different reference hardware specification and new board for ADAS and gateway use cases. The current ref hw design is IVI and IC focused. * Dr Y - looks into Rockchip boards as his hobby. Might be interesting to get them involved in AGL and provide a proper Yocto layer. * AGL should be able to run on Graviton in the next three weeks. AWS will provide documentation on how to enable that in the near future. We will be able to point their doc from our doc site. Will need to determine cost for running AGL CI because of the requirement to build and run the image in AWS cloud. * 5/16 * Follow up meeting with NXP scheduled for next week * 5/30 * Will be receiving some i,Mx8 EVK boards from NXP * 6/13 * Nothing more from NXP at this time. * Nothing more from Panasonic and Qualcomm * Jan-Simon received somme RISC-V boards from SiFive (HiFive Unmatched board) that may get added to CI. * 8/8 * No update for NXP and QCOM * Risc-V boards in the works * 9/5 * SiFive BSP in the works (RISC-V) * Panasonic is organizing a meeting with Qualcomm and AGL to discuss the BSP for the Reference hardware. * SDV EG * 5/30 * Google doc is [[ |here]] * Plan is to continue to iterate this document prior to the AMM and review with SC and AB during their meetings at the AMM. * Use the document as the basis for a forward looking AGL white paper. * 6/13 * SC approved funding for Virtual Open Systems to continue their work this year. * The Google doc was updated during today's call * Will clean up and review the document during the F2F EG call. * Unified HMI commit is expected from Panasonic in the next week. Will look to get into Pike if it can be reviewed and merged quickly. Otherwise will go into 16.0.1 * 7/25 * Unified HMI update gerrit update expected in mid-August * Virtual Open Systems SOW was reviewed and updated earlier today * 8/8 * Unified HMI update: v2 patches expected to land this week * 9/5 * Unified HMI - Jan-Simon has an open comment that needs to be addressed before merging. Basically will track the conversion the conversion to gRPC as a new Jira ticket and will merge once that is written and assigned. * VirtIO - Would like VOS to make some commits ASAP rather than waiting for one giant commit in October. Jerry will follow up with Michele. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS [[ | Confluence page]] * 9/5 * AWS completed some code and is awaiting verification of the distributed architecture for [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]]. Need to finish verification and determine where the code should be upstreamed to. * Richard and Jerry discussed having Jerry and SDV EG fill in the [[ | Hypervisor cell]] part of the architecture. New Business * Edge Tech event coverage in Yokohama. * 9/5 * Attendees from Japan: Yamaguchi, Kruokawa, Ishii, Haraki, Asaba * S4SK board: * * https://www * ==== August 08, 2023 ==== Attendees: Jan-Simon, Richard, Ishii-san, Kurokawa-san, Scott, Date-san, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 7/25 * Joel has a Flutter embedder update to be pushed after Aug 1. An update to Flutter 3.10,6 and the workspace automation is included. Bernard has tested it out and it works well so far. * 8/8 * New flutter version scheduled for end of this week * IC EG Updates * 5/16 * Team working on getting CES 2023 demo equivalence upstreamed to AGL. Lots of review comments. Targeting the Pike release with a back port to Octopus possible. * 5/30 * All patches reviewed and merged into gerrit for CES 2023 on master * SPEC-4005 - Data logging for IC is now complete * Next step is to back port the CES 2023 IVI demo container to Octopus * Dr Y to speak at EOSS. Will get approval for AMM * 6/13 * All patches merged to master for Pike M1. * 7/25 * No update * 8/8 * No update * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/18 * No updates from Panasonic about Qualcomm BSP. * Walt meeting with NXP on Friday about possible i.mx9./i.mx10 SOM for reference hardware. * Renesas discussing internally about next generation eval board. * Will need to make a decision if AGL should create a different reference hardware specification and new board for ADAS and gateway use cases. The current ref hw design is IVI and IC focused. * Dr Y - looks into Rockchip boards as his hobby. Might be interesting to get them involved in AGL and provide a proper Yocto layer. * AGL should be able to run on Graviton in the next three weeks. AWS will provide documentation on how to enable that in the near future. We will be able to point their doc from our doc site. Will need to determine cost for running AGL CI because of the requirement to build and run the image in AWS cloud. * 5/16 * Follow up meeting with NXP scheduled for next week * 5/30 * Will be receiving some i,Mx8 EVK boards from NXP * 6/13 * Nothing more from NXP at this time. * Nothing more from Panasonic and Qualcomm * Jan-Simon received somme RISC-V boards from SiFive (HiFive Unmatched board) that may get added to CI. * 8/8 * No update for NXP and QCOM * Risc-V boards in the works * SDV EG * 5/30 * Google doc is [[ |here]] * Plan is to continue to iterate this document prior to the AMM and review with SC and AB during their meetings at the AMM. * Use the document as the basis for a forward looking AGL white paper. * 6/13 * SC approved funding for Virtual Open Systems to continue their work this year. * The Google doc was updated during today's call * Will clean up and review the document during the F2F EG call. * Unified HMI commit is expected from Panasonic in the next week. Will look to get into Pike if it can be reviewed and merged quickly. Otherwise will go into 16.0.1 * 7/25 * Unified HMI update gerrit update expected in mid-August * Virtual Open Systems SOW was reviewed and updated earlier today * 8/8 * Unified HMI update: v2 patches expected to land this week * Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS * 5/30 * Created [[ | Confluence page]] * Agreed to a work split on creating the requirements. Richard will update the new page and create subpages for people to work on. * 6/13 * Richard created a new subpage to documents the use cases. Yamaguchi-san will create an initial version. Schedule a follow up meeting for June 21 to discuss to help Richard craft his presentation for the AMM. * Will create a subpage to discuss remote core frameworks and what is made available by various SOC vendors. * 7/25 * See notes from last two meetings. * Confluence page * Richard expects to have the [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]] finished by the end of August. * 8/8 * Heterogenious multicore project completed (POC on s32g). * New Business * Kurokawa asked about coordinating Edge Tech event coverage in Yokohama. * 8/8 * In discussion with members. * S4SK board: * * Next call in 4 weeks! ==== July 25, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Richard, Ishii, Kurokawa, Date, Kuzu, Marius, Bernard * Updates from AMM - See [[ | AMM presentations]] and the [[agl-distro:jul2023-f2f|Face to Face Technical Meeting in Tokyo]] meeting minutes for details * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 5/16 * Joel making progress. Nothing else to report. * 5/30 * Joel planning to get the workspace automation changes into Pike * Date-san will ask Joel about a presentation at the AMM. * 6/13 * Joel's changes all went in to Pike with accompanying changes from Scott and Marius. Ready for Pike M1. * Joel will give a pre-recorded talk at the AMM. * 7/25 * Joel has a Flutter embedder update to be pushed after Aug 1. An update to Flutter 3.10,6 and the workspace automation is included. Bernard has tested it out and it works well so far. * IC EG Updates * 5/16 * Team working on getting CES 2023 demo equivalence upstreamed to AGL. Lots of review comments. Targeting the Pike release with a back port to Octopus possible. * 5/30 * All patches reviewed and merged into gerrit for CES 2023 on master * SPEC-4005 - Data logging for IC is now complete * Next step is to back port the CES 2023 IVI demo container to Octopus * Dr Y to speak at EOSS. Will get approval for AMM * 6/13 * All patches merged to master for Pike M1. * 7/25 * No update * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/18 * No updates from Panasonic about Qualcomm BSP. * Walt meeting with NXP on Friday about possible i.mx9./i.mx10 SOM for reference hardware. * Renesas discussing internally about next generation eval board. * Will need to make a decision if AGL should create a different reference hardware specification and new board for ADAS and gateway use cases. The current ref hw design is IVI and IC focused. * Dr Y - looks into Rockchip boards as his hobby. Might be interesting to get them involved in AGL and provide a proper Yocto layer. * AGL should be able to run on Graviton in the next three weeks. AWS will provide documentation on how to enable that in the near future. We will be able to point their doc from our doc site. Will need to determine cost for running AGL CI because of the requirement to build and run the image in AWS cloud. * 5/16 * Follow up meeting with NXP scheduled for next week * 5/30 * Will be receiving some i,Mx8 EVK boards from NXP * 6/13 * Nothing more from NXP at this time. * Nothing more from Panasonic and Qualcomm * Jan-Simon received somme RISC-V boards from SiFive (HiFive Unmatched board) that may get added to CI. * SDV EG * 5/30 * Google doc is [[ |here]] * Plan is to continue to iterate this document prior to the AMM and review with SC and AB during their meetings at the AMM. * Use the document as the basis for a forward looking AGL white paper. * 6/13 * SC approved funding for Virtual Open Systems to continue their work this year. * The Google doc was updated during today's call * Will clean up and review the document during the F2F EG call. * Unified HMI commit is expected from Panasonic in the next week. Will look to get into Pike if it can be reviewed and merged quickly. Otherwise will go into 16.0.1 * 7/25 * Unified HMI update gerrit update expected in mid-August * Virtual Open Systems SOW was reviewed and updated earlier today Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS * 5/30 * Created [[ | Confluence page]] * Agreed to a work split on creating the requirements. Richard will update the new page and create subpages for people to work on. * 6/13 * Richard created a new subpage to documents the use cases. Yamaguchi-san will create an initial version. Schedule a follow up meeting for June 21 to discuss to help Richard craft his presentation for the AMM. * Will create a subpage to discuss remote core frameworks and what is made available by various SOC vendors. * 7/25 * See notes from last two meetings. * Confluence page * Richard expects to have the [[ |heterogeneous multicore architecture]] finished by the end of August. New Business * Kurokawa asked about coordinating Edge Tech event coverage in Yokohama. ==== July 5, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Paul M,, Vladimir (Panasonic), Senthil Subramanian (Panasonic), Ishii, Jerry, Marius * Special meeting to discuss RTOS [[ | use cases]] on [[ | Confluence page]] * Panasonic topics of interest: SOAFEE. container orchestration for criticality, RTOS interactions * Paul will update the [[ | architecture document]] to include heterogeneous multi-core use case so we have all of the probable example in one architecture diagram. ==== June 20, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Richard, Paul M, Marius, Ned * Special meeting to discuss RTOS [[ | use cases]] on [[ | Confluence page]] ==== June 13, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Richard, Ishii, Paul M, Kurokawa, Marius, Date, Stephane, Jerry, Prasad * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 5/16 * Joel making progress. Nothing else to report. * 5/30 * Joel planning to get the workspace automation changes into Pike * Date-san will ask Joel about a presentation at the AMM. * 6/13 * Joel's changes all went in to Pike with accompanying changes from Scott and Marius. Ready for Pike M1. * Joel will give a pre-recorded talk at the AMM. * IC EG Updates * 5/16 * Team working on getting CES 2023 demo equivalence upstreamed to AGL. Lots of review comments. Targeting the Pike release with a back port to Octopus possible. * 5/30 * All patches reviewed and merged into gerrit for CES 2023 on master * SPEC-4005 - Data logging for IC is now complete * Next step is to back port the CES 2023 IVI demo container to Octopus * Dr Y to speak at EOSS. Will get approval for AMM * 6/13 * All patches merged to master for Pike M1. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/18 * No updates from Panasonic about Qualcomm BSP. * Walt meeting with NXP on Friday about possible i.mx9./i.mx10 SOM for reference hardware. * Renesas discussing internally about next generation eval board. * Will need to make a decision if AGL should create a different reference hardware specification and new board for ADAS and gateway use cases. The current ref hw design is IVI and IC focused. * Dr Y - looks into Rockchip boards as his hobby. Might be interesting to get them involved in AGL and provide a proper Yocto layer. * AGL should be able to run on Graviton in the next three weeks. AWS will provide documentation on how to enable that in the near future. We will be able to point their doc from our doc site. Will need to determine cost for running AGL CI because of the requirement to build and run the image in AWS cloud. * 5/16 * Follow up meeting with NXP scheduled for next week * 5/30 * Will be receiving some i,Mx8 EVK boards from NXP * 6/13 * Nothing more from NXP at this time. * Nothing more from Panasonic and Qualcomm * Jan-Simon received somme RISC-V boards from SiFive (HiFive Unmatched board) that may get added to CI. * SDV EG * 5/30 * Google doc is [[ |here]] * Plan is to continue to iterate this document prior to the AMM and review with SC and AB during their meetings at the AMM. * Use the document as the basis for a forward looking AGL white paper. * 6/13 * SC approved funding for Virtual Open Systems to continue their work this year. * The Google doc was updated during today's call * Will clean up and review the document during the F2F EG call. * Unified HMI commit is expected from Panasonic in the next week. Will look to get into Pike if it can be reviewed and merged quickly. Otherwise will go into 16.0.1 Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS * 5/30 * Created [[ | Confluence page]] * Agreed to a work split on creating the requirements. Richard will update the new page and create subpages for people to work on. * 6/13 * Richard created a new subpage to documents the use cases. Yamaguchi-san will create an initial version. Schedule a follow up meeting for June 21 to discuss to help Richard craft his presentation for the AMM. * Will create a subpage to discuss remote core frameworks and what is made available by various SOC vendors. New Business * AMM workshop and plan for F2F workshop in Sep/Oct * Proposed Code of Conduct * gerrit 28652 * SPEC-4498 * CoC was reviewed during SC meeting. To be reviewed by SAT then approved by AB and SC before commit is approved. * Recommend forming a committee to handle CoC violations and reporting * Review CNCF/Kubernetes process in github and see what we can adapt for AGL * Add a link to the Anti-Trust policy to the docs repo * Add a link to the Code of Conduct to the AGL web site once it is finalized ==== May 30, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Date, Ishii, Richard, Date, Marius, Paul M, Kurokawa, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 5/16 * Joel making progress. Nothing else to report. * 5/30 * Joel planning to get the workspace automation changes into Pike * Date-san will ask Joel about a presentation at the AMM. * IC EG Updates * 5/16 * Team working on getting CES 2023 demo equivalence upstreamed to AGL. Lots of review comments. Targeting the Pike release with a back port to Octopus possible. * 5/30 * All patches reviewed and merged into gerrit for CES 2023 on master * SPEC-4005 - Data logging for IC is now complete * Next step is to back port the CES 2023 IVI demo container to Octopus * Dr Y to speak at EOSS. Will get approval for AMM * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/18 * No updates from Panasonic about Qualcomm BSP. * Walt meeting with NXP on Friday about possible i.mx9./i.mx10 SOM for reference hardware. * Renesas discussing internally about next generation eval board. * Will need to make a decision if AGL should create a different reference hardware specification and new board for ADAS and gateway use cases. The current ref hw design is IVI and IC focused. * Dr Y - looks into Rockchip boards as his hobby. Might be interesting to get them involved in AGL and provide a proper Yocto layer. * AGL should be able to run on Graviton in the next three weeks. AWS will provide documentation on how to enable that in the near future. We will be able to point their doc from our doc site. Will need to determine cost for running AGL CI because of the requirement to build and run the image in AWS cloud. * 5/16 * Follow up meeting with NXP scheduled for next week * 5/30 * Will be receiving some i,Mx8 EVK boards from NXP * SDV EG * 4/18 * Red Hat and Harman started attending SDV. Had a really good turnout in the last hour. * Started discussing architecture plans for 2023 and beyond. * Jerry concerned about SDV EG going outside of the scope of AGL and would like to escalate to AC and AB especially with respect to mixed criticality and usage of RTOSes. AGL could be an important place where work gets done to show how to build these systems and have them interact in a systemic way. * Walt to create a shared Google doc to write down these ideas. * 5/16 * Walt to create Google doc today and we will kick off the discussion. * 5/30 * Google doc is [[ |here]] * Plan is to continue to iterate this document prior to the AMM and review with SC and AB during their meetings at the AMM. * Use the document as the basis for a forward looking AGL white paper. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS * 5/30 * Created [[ | Confluence page]] * Agreed to a work split on creating the requirements. Richard will update the new page and create subpages for people to work on. * New Business * What makes AGL automotive grade? What do we add beyond standard Yocto/Pokey * Review SC Priority list * Proposed Code of Conduct * gerrit 28652 * SPEC-4498 * CoC was reviewed during SC meeting. To be reviewed by SAT then approved by AB and SC before commit is approved. * Recommend forming a committee to handle CoC violations and reporting * Review CNCF/Kubernetes process in github and see what we can adapt for AGL * Add a link to the Anti-Trust policy to the docs repo * Add a link to the Code of Conduct to the AGL web site once it is finalized ==== May 16, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Paul M, Date, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 5/16 * Joel making progress. Nothing else to report. * IC EG Updates * 5/16 * Team working on getting CES 2023 demo equivalence upstreamed to AGL. Lots of review comments. Targeting the Pike release with a back port to Octopus possible. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/18 * No updates from Panasonic about Qualcomm BSP. * Walt meeting with NXP on Friday about possible i.mx9./i.mx10 SOM for reference hardware. * Renesas discussing internally about next generation eval board. * Will need to make a decision if AGL should create a different reference hardware specification and new board for ADAS and gateway use cases. The current ref hw design is IVI and IC focused. * Dr Y - looks into Rockchip boards as his hobby. Might be interesting to get them involved in AGL and provide a proper Yocto layer. * AGL should be able to run on Graviton in the next three weeks. AWS will provide documentation on how to enable that in the near future. We will be able to point their doc from our doc site. Will need to determine cost for running AGL CI because of the requirement to build and run the image in AWS cloud. * 5/16 * Follow up meeting with NXP scheduled for next week * Virt and Containers EG * 4/18 * Red Hat and Harman started attending SDV. Had a really good turnout in the last hour. * Started discussing architecture plans for 2023 and beyond. * Jerry concerned about SDV EG going outside of the scope of AGL and would like to escalate to AC and AB especially with respect to mixed criticality and usage of RTOSes. AGL could be an important place where work gets done to show how to build these systems and have them interact in a systemic way. * Walt to create a shared Google doc to write down these ideas. * 5/16 * Walt to create Google doc today and we will kick off the discussion. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * RTOS * Will start discussion New Business * What makes AGL automotive grade? What do we add beyond standard Yocto/Pokey * Review SC Priority list * Proposed Code of Conduct * gerrit 28652 * SPEC-4498 * CoC was reviewed during SC meeting. To be reviewed by SAT then approved by AB and SC before commit is approved. * Recommend forming a committee to handle CoC violations and reporting * Review CNCF/Kubernetes process in github and see what we can adapt for AGL * Add a link to the Anti-Trust policy to the docs repo * Add a link to the Code of Conduct to the AGL web site once it is finalized ==== April 18, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Richard, Date, Kurokawa, Ishii, Paul Mundt, Jerry, Bernard, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/22 * Scott finishing up apps for CES. * 1/19 * Joel shared a potential roadmap during CES and sent and initial version to Walt. Need to check what can be shared publicly during the IVI PR meeting later today. Will post that list when we get the ok. * Bernard mentioned that the Flutter embedder is not working with GTK and asked if that is a possibility for this year. That topic is listed in Joel's list for this year, but there is no commitment or timeline for it yet. We will get more information in the coming weeks. * 2/16 * Joel still working on the Flutter priority list for Toyota * Date-san said that base system updates from Toyota are unlikely at for the first half of the year. Sounds likely that we will not see any updates this year, but Toyota continues to work on improvements internally. * 3/2 * Date-san will discuss feature list with Joel prior to the IVI PR call later. * 3/28 * Added the feature list that Joel sent to Walt to the Feature spreadsheet. Need to add more description to confluence so that people understand what it is that Toyota is delivering to AGL. * 4/4 * No update since last week. * 4/18 * Joel will provide an update on Thursday, He has been in Japan the last two weeks. * IC EG Updates * 12/22 * No update * 1/19 * CES demo went very well. * Yamaguchi-san showed a {{ ::how_to_upstream_ces2023demo.pdf |presentation}} about the IC EG plan for getting their work upstream to AGL. * Scott is in the midst of some work on multi-config based on the CES KVM demo that should also assist IC EG container work. Once Scott pushes that to gerrit, the IC EG will review and work out how to use multi-config in their work. * 2/16 * IC EG updated the feature list yesterday * 3/2 * Feature list completed. * 4/4 * ICEG Kurokawa-san and Yamaguchi-san presented at conference in JP * Updated List: * 4/18 * No update. * Scheduled an IC EG meeting for next Monday April 24. * Reference Hardware (and other hardware) * 4/4 * No update * Discussions about adaptor board for SOM modules during EW * 4/18 * No updates from Panasonic about Qualcomm BSP. * Walt meeting with NXP on Friday about possible i.mx9./i.mx10 SOM for reference hardware. * Renesas discussing internally about next generation eval board. * Will need to make a decision if AGL should create a different reference hardware specification and new board for ADAS and gateway use cases. The current ref hw design is IVI and IC focused. * Dr Y - looks into Rockchip boards as his hobby. Might be interesting to get them involved in AGL and provide a proper Yocto layer. * AGL should be able to run on Graviton in the next three weeks. AWS will provide documentation on how to enable that in the near future. We will be able to point their doc from our doc site. Will need to determine cost for running AGL CI because of the requirement to build and run the image in AWS cloud. * Virt and Containers EG * 2/16 * Merged Virt and Containers an Mesh EGs have started meeting. Possible rename to SDV expert Group is being considered. New AWS rep (Francisco) has started supporting. * EG is working on their feature list for March 1 meeting. See [[,2023 | Confluence]] for details. * 3/2 * Three talks are planned by the EG during the AMM * The EW demo will be an updated version of the CES demo showing Flutter based IVI. * 4/4 * Feature-List sorted and updated in jira. * * Discussion about container and orchestration -> discussion needed e.g. during AMM * IVI vs ADAS vs Connectivity use cases * OEM feedback * 4/18 * Red Hat and Harman started attending SDV. Had a really good turnout in the last hour. * Started discussing architecture plans for 2023 and beyond. * Jerry concerned about SDV EG going outside of the scope of AGL and would like to escalate to AC and AB especially with respect to mixed criticality and usage of RTOSes. AGL could be an important place where work gets done to show how to build these systems and have them interact in a systemic way. * Walt to create a shared Google doc to write down these ideas. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * Feature planning for 2023 started. Feature list can be found [[ | here]]. * Current timeline for Feature list review * Mar 28 – SC review and voting period starts * Apr 18 – SC voting ends - approve for AB review * SAT would like to combine features in the list that was sent to the SC to make it easier to understand what is being voted on. Also should indicate in each feature what is being done by member companies and what help is need by contractors or volunteers. Will do the feature combining in a worksheet of the EG spreadsheet. * Request each EG comes up with a list of no more than 10 features (prefereably 5) to be sent to SC with details in Jira or Confluence and only keywords should be included in the list. * Created SAT confluence page to keep track of SAT features in the list going forward. Will start to populate those feature for next week's SAT call. New Business * What makes AGL automotive grade? What do we add beyond standard Yocto/Pokey * Thoughts on YP LTS versions. Extend Kirkstone? Make 4 years the standard LTS? End of Dunfell April 2024. * Golden week schedule - cancel for May 2 * Japan local meetup scheduled for Apr 27 ==== April 4, 2023 ==== Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Ishii, Date, Kurokawa, George, Jerry, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/22 * Scott finishing up apps for CES. * 1/19 * Joel shared a potential roadmap during CES and sent and initial version to Walt. Need to check what can be shared publicly during the IVI PR meeting later today. Will post that list when we get the ok. * Bernard mentioned that the Flutter embedder is not working with GTK and asked if that is a possibility for this year. That topic is listed in Joel's list for this year, but there is no commitment or timeline for it yet. We will get more information in the coming weeks. * 2/16 * Joel still working on the Flutter priority list for Toyota * Date-san said that base system updates from Toyota are unlikely at for the first half of the year. Sounds likely that we will not see any updates this year, but Toyota continues to work on improvements internally. * 3/2 * Date-san will discuss feature list with Joel prior to the IVI PR call later. * 3/28 * Added the feature list that Joel sent to Walt to the Feature spreadsheet. Need to add more description to confluence so that people understand what it is that Toyota is delivering to AGL. * 4/4 * No update since last week. * IC EG Updates * 12/22 * No update * 1/19 * CES demo went very well. * Yamaguchi-san showed a {{ ::how_to_upstream_ces2023demo.pdf |presentation}} about the IC EG plan for getting their work upstream to AGL. * Scott is in the midst of some work on multi-config based on the CES KVM demo that should also assist IC EG container work. Once Scott pushes that to gerrit, the IC EG will review and work out how to use multi-config in their work. * 2/16 * IC EG updated the feature list yesterday * 3/2 * Feature list completed. * 4/4 * ICEG Kurokawa-san and Yamaguchi-san presented at conference in JP * Updated List: * * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * 4/4 * No update * Discussions about adaptor board for SOM modules during EW * Virt and Containers EG * 2/16 * Merged Virt and Containers an Mesh EGs have started meeting. Possible rename to SDV expert Group is being considered. New AWS rep (Francisco) has started supporting. * EG is working on their feature list for March 1 meeting. See [[,2023 | Confluence]] for details. * 3/2 * Three talks are planned by the EG during the AMM * The EW demo will be an updated version of the CES demo showing Flutter based IVI. * 4/4 * Feature-List sorted and updated in jira. * * Discussion about container and orchestration -> discussion needed e.g. during AMM * IVI vs ADAS vs Connectivity use cases * OEM feedback Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * Feature planning for 2023 started. Feature list can be found [[ | here]]. * Current timeline for Feature list review * Mar 28 – SC review and voting period starts * Apr 18 – SC voting ends - approve for AB review * SAT would like to combine features in the list that was sent to the SC to make it easier to understand what is being voted on. Also should indicate in each feature what is being done by member companies and what help is need by contractors or volunteers. Will do the feature combining in a worksheet of the EG spreadsheet. * Request each EG comes up with a list of no more than 10 features (prefereably 5) to be sent to SC with details in Jira or Confluence and only keywords should be included in the list. * Created SAT confluence page to keep track of SAT features in the list going forward. Will start to populate those feature for next week's SAT call. New Business * What makes AGL automotive grade? ==== March 28, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Date, Kurokawa, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/22 * Scott finishing up apps for CES. * 1/19 * Joel shared a potential roadmap during CES and sent and initial version to Walt. Need to check what can be shared publicly during the IVI PR meeting later today. Will post that list when we get the ok. * Bernard mentioned that the Flutter embedder is not working with GTK and asked if that is a possibility for this year. That topic is listed in Joel's list for this year, but there is no commitment or timeline for it yet. We will get more information in the coming weeks. * 2/16 * Joel still working on the Flutter priority list for Toyota * Date-san said that base system updates from Toyota are unlikely at for the first half of the year. Sounds likely that we will not see any updates this year, but Toyota continues to work on improvements internally. * 3/2 * Date-san will discuss feature list with Joel prior to the IVI PR call later. * 3/28 * Added the feature list that Joel sent to Walt to the Feature spreadsheet. Need to add more description to confluence so that people understand what it is that Toyota is delivering to AGL. * IC EG Updates * 12/22 * No update * 1/19 * CES demo went very well. * Yamaguchi-san showed a {{ ::how_to_upstream_ces2023demo.pdf |presentation}} about the IC EG plan for getting their work upstream to AGL. * Scott is in the midst of some work on multi-config based on the CES KVM demo that should also assist IC EG container work. Once Scott pushes that to gerrit, the IC EG will review and work out how to use multi-config in their work. * 2/16 * IC EG updated the feature list yesterday * 3/2 * Feature list completed. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * Virt and Containers EG * 2/16 * Merged Virt and Containers an Mesh EGs have started meeting. Possible rename to SDV expert Group is being considered. New AWS rep (Francisco) has started supporting. * EG is working on their feature list for March 1 meeting. See [[,2023 | Confluence]] for details. * 3/2 * Three talks are planned by the EG during the AMM * The EW demo will be an updated version of the CES demo showing Flutter based IVI. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * Feature planning for 2023 started. Feature list can be found [[ | here]]. * Current timeline for Feature list review * Mar 28 – SC review and voting period starts * Apr 18 – SC voting ends - approve for AB review * SAT would like to combine features in the list that was sent to the SC to make it easier to understand what is being voted on. Also should indicate in each feature what is being done by member companies and what help is need by contractors or volunteers. Will do the feature combining in a worksheet of the EG spreadsheet. * Request each EG comes up with a list of no more than 10 features (prefereably 5) to be sent to SC with details in Jira or Confluence and only keywords should be included in the list. * Created SAT confluence page to keep track of SAT features in the list going forward. Will start to populate those feature for next week's SAT call. New Business * What makes AGL automotive grade? ==== March 2, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Date, Kurokawa, Stephane, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/22 * Scott finishing up apps for CES. * 1/19 * Joel shared a potential roadmap during CES and sent and initial version to Walt. Need to check what can be shared publicly during the IVI PR meeting later today. Will post that list when we get the ok. * Bernard mentioned that the Flutter embedder is not working with GTK and asked if that is a possibility for this year. That topic is listed in Joel's list for this year, but there is no commitment or timeline for it yet. We will get more information in the coming weeks. * 2/16 * Joel still working on the Flutter priority list for Toyota * Date-san said that base system updates from Toyota are unlikely at for the first half of the year. Sounds likely that we will not see any updates this year, but Toyota continues to work on improvements internally. * 3/2 * Date-san will discuss feature list with Joel prior to the IVI PR call later. * IC EG Updates * 12/22 * No update * 1/19 * CES demo went very well. * Yamaguchi-san showed a {{ ::how_to_upstream_ces2023demo.pdf |presentation}} about the IC EG plan for getting their work upstream to AGL. * Scott is in the midst of some work on multi-config based on the CES KVM demo that should also assist IC EG container work. Once Scott pushes that to gerrit, the IC EG will review and work out how to use multi-config in their work. * 2/16 * IC EG updated the feature list yesterday * 3/2 * Feature list completed. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * Virt and Containers EG * 2/16 * Merged Virt and Containers an Mesh EGs have started meeting. Possible rename to SDV expert Group is being considered. New AWS rep (Francisco) has started supporting. * EG is working on their feature list for March 1 meeting. See [[,2023 | Confluence]] for details. * 3/2 * Three talks are planned by the EG during the AMM * The EW demo will be an updated version of the CES demo showing Flutter based IVI. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. * Feature planning for 2023 started. Feature list can be found [[ | here]]. * Current timeline for Feature list review * Feb 15 - EG complete adding new features * Feb 22 – EG ranking complete * Feb 23 – SAT review of feature list for SC * Feb 28 – SC review and voting period starts (delayed to Mar 7) * Mar 28 – SC voting ends - approve for AB review * Mar 10 F2F meeting planned in Berlin after the AMM New Business: ==== February 16, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Date, Kurokawa, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/22 * Scott finishing up apps for CES. * 1/19 * Joel shared a potential roadmap during CES and sent and initial version to Walt. Need to check what can be shared publicly during the IVI PR meeting later today. Will post that list when we get the ok. * Bernard mentioned that the Flutter embedder is not working with GTK and asked if that is a possibility for this year. That topic is listed in Joel's list for this year, but there is no commitment or timeline for it yet. We will get more information in the coming weeks. * 2/16 * Joel still working on the Flutter priority list for Toyota * Date-san said that base system updates from Toyota are unlikely at for the first half of the year. Sounds likely that we will not see any updates this year, but Toyota continues to work on improvements internally. * IC EG Updates * 12/22 * No update * 1/19 * CES demo went very well. * Yamaguchi-san showed a {{ ::how_to_upstream_ces2023demo.pdf |presentation}} about the IC EG plan for getting their work upstream to AGL. * Scott is in the midst of some work on multi-config based on the CES KVM demo that should also assist IC EG container work. Once Scott pushes that to gerrit, the IC EG will review and work out how to use multi-config in their work. * 2/16 * IC EG updated the feature list yesterday * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * Virt and Containers EG * 2/16 * Merged Virt and Containers an Mesh EGs have started meeting. Possible rename to SDV expert Group is being considered. New AWS rep (Francisco) has started supporting. * EG is working on their feature list for March 1 meeting. See [[,2023 | Confluence]] for details. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * Feature planning for 2023 started. Feature list can be found [[ | here]]. * Current timeline for Feature list review * Feb 15 - EG complete adding new features * Feb 22 – EG ranking complete * Feb 23 – SAT review of feature list for SC * Feb 28 – SC review and voting period starts * Mar 13 – SC voting ends - approve for AB review * Mar 10 F2F meeting planned in Berlin after the AMM ==== January 19, 2023 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Date, Bernard * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/22 * Scott finishing up apps for CES. * 1/19 * Joel shared a potential roadmap during CES and sent and initial version to Walt. Need to check what can be shared publicly during the IVI PR meeting later today. Will post that list when we get the ok. * Bernard mentioned that the Flutter embedder is not working with GTK and asked if that is a possibility for this year. That topic is listed in Joel's list for this year, but there is no commitment or timeline for it yet. We will get more information in the coming weeks. * IC EG Updates * 12/22 * No update * 1/19 * CES demo went very well. * Yamaguchi-san showed a {{ ::how_to_upstream_ces2023demo.pdf |presentation}} about the IC EG plan for getting their work upstream to AGL. * Scott is in the midst of some work on multi-config based on the CES KVM demo that should also assist IC EG container work. Once Scott pushes that to gerrit, the IC EG will review and work out how to use multi-config in their work. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. * 10/13 * See [[ | Confluence ]] for agenda and plan for next week's F2F meeting. * 11/10 * Jerry went over the plan for ALS demo. * 11/24 * ALS Demo is set for the AGL Booth and a number of Virtualization talks will be given at ALS. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * Feature planning for 2023 started. Feature list can be found [[ | here]]. * Merger of Virtualization EG with Containers and Mesh EG under Panasonic leadership. * New venue for the AGL AMM in Berlin has been announced on the [[ | event page]]. * Embedded World [[ | call for exhibitors]] has been extended until next week. ==== December 22, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/22 * Scott finishing up apps for CES. * IC EG Updates * 10/27 * Nori and Walt ordered hardware for the demo. Walt received the 3 displays. Will check for DOAs this week. * 11/10 * Walt did not check the boards, Need to find power adapters. * Dr. Y shared a debug log with a crash that we took a look at. Problem with ConnMan errors inside the IVI container. Marius will take a look at. * SPEC-4606 - Marius is looking for feedback on using the AGL Compositor in the IC container. * 11/24 * No update * 12/22 * No update * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. * 10/13 * See [[ | Confluence ]] for agenda and plan for next week's F2F meeting. * 11/10 * Jerry went over the plan for ALS demo. * 11/24 * ALS Demo is set for the AGL Booth and a number of Virtualization talks will be given at ALS. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * Feature planning for 2023 started. Feature list can be found [[ | here]]. ==== November 24, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Ishii, Denys, Marius, Bernard * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 8/4 * Basesystem update pushed to * Needs SRCREV bump in recipes - plan to include in M3 * 9/1 * Flutter build is broken on master, Needlefish and even the 14.0.0 release build is broken due to some changes made upstream by Google. * 9/15 * Flutter build issues were resolved with help from Joel. * Build fix for base system is now included in master and needlefish. No plan at the moment for a further update from Toyota. * GSoC students completed an Instrument Cluster app that uses kuksa.val for CAN connectivity. Hritik has two more weeks to go. He is working on IVI dashboard, HVAC, media player, and navigation. * For CES we still need settings and audio mixer flutter apps + integration work with the AGL backend. * Bernard had positive feedback for the python tooling that Joel has created for flutter development. He is also interested in picking up the apps that the GSoC students created for further development. * 10/13 * IVI PR call later today. * Need to discuss compositor and AGL Shell updates with Marius especially with respect to back porting some of the recent changes to Needlefish. * 10/27 * IVI PR called canceled for today * 11/10 * IVI PR call is on for later today * 11/24 * Discussed adding topics to F2F meeting for IVI PR EG. * IC EG Updates * 10/27 * Nori and Walt ordered hardware for the demo. Walt received the 3 displays. Will check for DOAs this week. * 11/10 * Walt did not check the boards, Need to find power adapters. * Dr. Y shared a debug log with a crash that we took a look at. Problem with ConnMan errors inside the IVI container. Marius will take a look at. * SPEC-4606 - Marius is looking for feedback on using the AGL Compositor in the IC container. * 11/24 * No update * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. * 10/13 * See [[ | Confluence ]] for agenda and plan for next week's F2F meeting. * 11/10 * Jerry went over the plan for ALS demo. * 11/24 * ALS Demo is set for the AGL Booth and a number of Virtualization talks will be given at ALS. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: ==== November 10, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott,Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius, Kurokawa * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 8/4 * Basesystem update pushed to * Needs SRCREV bump in recipes - plan to include in M3 * 9/1 * Flutter build is broken on master, Needlefish and even the 14.0.0 release build is broken due to some changes made upstream by Google. * 9/15 * Flutter build issues were resolved with help from Joel. * Build fix for base system is now included in master and needlefish. No plan at the moment for a further update from Toyota. * GSoC students completed an Instrument Cluster app that uses kuksa.val for CAN connectivity. Hritik has two more weeks to go. He is working on IVI dashboard, HVAC, media player, and navigation. * For CES we still need settings and audio mixer flutter apps + integration work with the AGL backend. * Bernard had positive feedback for the python tooling that Joel has created for flutter development. He is also interested in picking up the apps that the GSoC students created for further development. * 10/13 * IVI PR call later today. * Need to discuss compositor and AGL Shell updates with Marius especially with respect to back porting some of the recent changes to Needlefish. * 10/27 * IVI PR called canceled for today * 11/10 * IVI PR call is on for later today * IC EG Updates * 10/27 * Nori and Walt ordered hardware for the demo. Walt received the 3 displays. Will check for DOAs this week. * 11/10 * Walt did not check the boards, Need to find power adapters. * Dr. Y shared a debug log with a crash that we took a look at. Problem with ConnMan errors inside the IVI container. Marius will take a look at. * SPEC-4606 - Marius is looking for feedback on using the AGL Compositor in the IC container. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * 11/10 * No update * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. * 10/13 * See [[ | Confluence ]] for agenda and plan for next week's F2F meeting. * 11/10 * Jerry went over the plan for ALS demo. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * [[ | Yocto Project Summit]] to be held at the end of the month. * The LF announced that the [[ | Embedded Open Source Summit]] will be held in Prague in June 2023. ==== October 27, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott,Ishii, Yamaguchi, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 8/4 * Basesystem update pushed to * Needs SRCREV bump in recipes - plan to include in M3 * 9/1 * Flutter build is broken on master, Needlefish and even the 14.0.0 release build is broken due to some changes made upstream by Google. * 9/15 * Flutter build issues were resolved with help from Joel. * Build fix for base system is now included in master and needlefish. No plan at the moment for a further update from Toyota. * GSoC students completed an Instrument Cluster app that uses kuksa.val for CAN connectivity. Hritik has two more weeks to go. He is working on IVI dashboard, HVAC, media player, and navigation. * For CES we still need settings and audio mixer flutter apps + integration work with the AGL backend. * Bernard had positive feedback for the python tooling that Joel has created for flutter development. He is also interested in picking up the apps that the GSoC students created for further development. * 10/13 * IVI PR call later today. * Need to discuss compositor and AGL Shell updates with Marius especially with respect to back porting some of the recent changes to Needlefish. * 10/27 * IVI PR called canceled for today * IC EG Updates * 10/27 * Nori and Walt ordered hardware for the demo. Walt received the 3 displays. Will check for DOAs this week. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. * 10/13 * See [[ | Confluence ]] for agenda and plan for next week's F2F meeting. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: ==== October 13, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Ishii, Bernard, Raouf, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Stephane, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 8/4 * Basesystem update pushed to * Needs SRCREV bump in recipes - plan to include in M3 * 9/1 * Flutter build is broken on master, Needlefish and even the 14.0.0 release build is broken due to some changes made upstream by Google. * 9/15 * Flutter build issues were resolved with help from Joel. * Build fix for base system is now included in master and needlefish. No plan at the moment for a further update from Toyota. * GSoC students completed an Instrument Cluster app that uses kuksa.val for CAN connectivity. Hritik has two more weeks to go. He is working on IVI dashboard, HVAC, media player, and navigation. * For CES we still need settings and audio mixer flutter apps + integration work with the AGL backend. * Bernard had positive feedback for the python tooling that Joel has created for flutter development. He is also interested in picking up the apps that the GSoC students created for further development. * 10/13 * IVI PR call later today. * Need to discuss compositor and AGL Shell updates with Marius especially with respect to back porting some of the recent changes to Needlefish. * IC EG Updates * 6/9 * IC development: * fixes merged in gerrit * race-condition issue reported by ishii-san, patch in gerrit * IC documentation * Need meeting minutes from last F2F in Berlin * --> need template created * 7/7 * Kurokawa-san reviewed these documents * * * * Created SPEC-4461 to remove older versions (pre-koi) from documentation site. * Vinod will be reviewing the documentation to determine if the steps still work. * 7/21 * Yamaguchi-san working on SPEC-4464 for M2 and SPEC-4465 for M3 * After talking to Damian they are moving DRM lease from core image to demo image. * 8/4 * Reviewing librefop , adding recipe when sources merged. Plan is inclusion in Milestone3. * package manifest for comparison after Milestone3 (rcar3 platform - qemux86-64 later) * 9/1 * Documentation updates are being worked on by Kurokawa-san. * CEs 2023 * Green Machine demo 1 - main demo on one board. IC and IVI running on reference hardware with KVM. * Green Machine demo 2 - IC EG experimental demo. Need to get Dr Y and Kurokawa-san reference hardware. Will contact Nori and Issei to get them reference hardware out of storage in Japan. * 10/13 * Main topic for next week is 2023 demo. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. * 10/13 * See [[ | Confluence ]] for agenda and plan for next week's F2F meeting. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: ==== September 15, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt,Jan-Simon, Date, Ishii, Marius, Bernard * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 8/4 * Basesystem update pushed to * Needs SRCREV bump in recipes - plan to include in M3 * 9/1 * Flutter build is broken on master, Needlefish and even the 14.0.0 release build is broken due to some changes made upstream by Google. * 9/15 * Flutter build issues were resolved with help from Joel. * Build fix for base system is now included in master and needlefish. No plan at the moment for a further update from Toyota. * GSoC students completed an Instrument Cluster app that uses kuksa.val for CAN connectivity. Hritik has two more weeks to go. He is working on IVI dashboard, HVAC, media player, and navigation. * For CES we still need settings and audio mixer flutter apps + integration work with the AGL backend. * Bernard had positive feedback for the python tooling that Joel has created for flutter development. He is also interested in picking up the apps that the GSoC students created for further development. * IC EG Updates * 6/9 * IC development: * fixes merged in gerrit * race-condition issue reported by ishii-san, patch in gerrit * IC documentation * Need meeting minutes from last F2F in Berlin * --> need template created * 7/7 * Kurokawa-san reviewed these documents * * * * Created SPEC-4461 to remove older versions (pre-koi) from documentation site. * Vinod will be reviewing the documentation to determine if the steps still work. * 7/21 * Yamaguchi-san working on SPEC-4464 for M2 and SPEC-4465 for M3 * After talking to Damian they are moving DRM lease from core image to demo image. * 8/4 * Reviewing librefop , adding recipe when sources merged. Plan is inclusion in Milestone3. * package manifest for comparison after Milestone3 (rcar3 platform - qemux86-64 later) * 9/1 * Documentation updates are being worked on by Kurokawa-san. * CEs 2023 * Green Machine demo 1 - main demo on one board. IC and IVI running on reference hardware with KVM. * Green Machine demo 2 - IC EG experimental demo. Need to get Dr Y and Kurokawa-san reference hardware. Will contact Nori and Issei to get them reference hardware out of storage in Japan. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: ----- ==== September 1, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt,Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii-san, Stephane, Marius, Jerry, Bernard, Yamaguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 8/4 * Basesystem update pushed to * Needs SRCREV bump in recipes - plan to include in M3 * 9/1 * Flutter build is broken on master, Needlefish and even the 14.0.0 release build is broken due to some changes made upstream by Google. * IC EG Updates * 6/9 * IC development: * fixes merged in gerrit * race-condition issue reported by ishii-san, patch in gerrit * IC documentation * Need meeting minutes from last F2F in Berlin * --> need template created * 7/7 * Kurokawa-san reviewed these documents * * * * Created SPEC-4461 to remove older versions (pre-koi) from documentation site. * Vinod will be reviewing the documentation to determine if the steps still work. * 7/21 * Yamaguchi-san working on SPEC-4464 for M2 and SPEC-4465 for M3 * After talking to Damian they are moving DRM lease from core image to demo image. * 8/4 * Reviewing librefop , adding recipe when sources merged. Plan is inclusion in Milestone3. * package manifest for comparison after Milestone3 (rcar3 platform - qemux86-64 later) * 9/1 * Documentation updates are being worked on by Kurokawa-san. * CEs 2023 * Green Machine demo 1 - main demo on one board. IC and IVI running on reference hardware with KVM. * Green Machine demo 2 - IC EG experimental demo. Need to get Dr Y and Kurokawa-san reference hardware. Will contact Nori and Issei to get them reference hardware out of storage in Japan. * Reference Hardware * 9/1 * No update on QC BSP. * Virt EG * 9/1 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. * Unified HMI to be open sourced and then integrated to AGL USB later this year. Panasonic will present a plan for this during the F2F Workshop. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * Plan for Dublin F2F - change to office hours/ hackathon rather than a traditional F2F * Training schedule for Japan F2F ==== August 4, 2022 ==== Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi-san, Kurokawa-san, Marius, Jerry, Ishii-san, Bernard * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 7/7 * Using SPEC-4326 (Investigate multi-application support for the flutter toolkit/embedded backend) to keep track of open issues in multiple application support. * Base system updates from Takeuchi-san are planned shortly. The compilation issues have resolved locally and will be pushed to AGL gerrit. * Asked Date-san to have Joel push final updates for Needlefish M1 milestone this week. * GSoC students working on some flutter apps that will be integrated with AGL backend once M1 is ready. * Will try to re-use the Igalia home screen that they worked on. * 7/21 * Flutter changes from Joel are being tested. Patches from Marius and Jan-Simon will enable a single app to be started. Working on changes to make this more general for M2. Will be discussed during the IVI PR call later. * Waiting for base system updates from Takeuchi-san * 8/4 * Basesystem update pushed to * Needs SRCREV bump in recipes - plan to include in M3 * IC EG Updates * 6/9 * IC development: * fixes merged in gerrit * race-condition issue reported by ishii-san, patch in gerrit * IC documentation * Need meeting minutes from last F2F in Berlin * --> need template created * 7/7 * Kurokawa-san reviewed these documents * * * * Created SPEC-4461 to remove older versions (pre-koi) from documentation site. * Vinod will be reviewing the documentation to determine if the steps still work. * 7/21 * Yamaguchi-san working on SPEC-4464 for M2 and SPEC-4465 for M3 * After talking to Damian they are moving DRM lease from core image to demo image. * 8/4 * Reviewing librefop , adding recipe when sources merged. Plan is inclusion in Milestone3. * package manifest for comparison after Milestone3 (rcar3 platform - qemux86-64 later) * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * 4/28 * Panasonic let us know that they have built sample boards with the SA8155P and are currently in discussion with Qualcomm about BSP distribution. They hope to have an agreement with QC by the end of June. There is then a 5 month lead time to build the new boards for the reference hardware once that agreement is reached. * Walt to set up a call with QC now that we have all of the information from Panasonic to see what we can do push this forward. * 5/12 * No update * 5/26 * No update * 6/9 * Fix for mmc alias pushed (detection order) - SPEC-4432 * 7/7 * Panasonic still working on agreement with Qualcomm on BSP. One to two more months before agreement is reached. * 7/21 * No update on QC BSP. ELISA will be contacting Fujiwara-san about buying some reference. * 8/4 * Need forward contact info for ELISA or ELISA to reach out. (Probably vacation) * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. * 4/28 * Will schedule 3 hours for VirtIO and Container discussion on Wednesday morning during the Berlin workshop. * 5/12 * Virt EG call canceled this week, but Jerry had an off-line meeting with Virtual Open Systems and Open Synergy. They will be ready with presentations next week in Berlin. * 5/26 * Virt EG is looking for comments on by the next EG meeting (June 8) * 6/9 * Virtio-BT uploaded * Issue with pairing reported * 7/7 * No major update. See last Virt EG meeting minutes for more details. * 7/21 * Jerry sent email about SOAFEE/ARM collaboration with AGL * Working on plan for a training class at the September F2F meeting * 8/4 * Worked on training class plan. Entry level training how to build/use virtual AGL w/ virtio. Hands-on included. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * F2F workshop announced for Japan Sep 27-29 * ==== July 21, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Date, Marius, Jerry, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 7/7 * Using SPEC-4326 (Investigate multi-application support for the flutter toolkit/embedded backend) to keep track of open issues in multiple application support. * Base system updates from Takeuchi-san are planned shortly. The compilation issues have resolved locally and will be pushed to AGL gerrit. * Asked Date-san to have Joel push final updates for Needlefish M1 milestone this week. * GSoC students working on some flutter apps that will be integrated with AGL backend once M1 is ready. * Will try to re-use the Igalia home screen that they worked on. * 7/21 * Flutter changes from Joel are being tested. Patches from Marius and Jan-Simon will enable a single app to be started. Working on changes to make this more general for M2. Will be discussed during the IVI PR call later. * Waiting for base system updates from Takeuchi-san * IC EG Updates * 6/9 * IC development: * fixes merged in gerrit * race-condition issue reported by ishii-san, patch in gerrit * IC documentation * Need meeting minutes from last F2F in Berlin * --> need template created * 7/7 * Kurokawa-san reviewed these documents * * * * Created SPEC-4461 to remove older versions (pre-koi) from documentation site. * Vinod will be reviewing the documentation to determine if the steps still work. * 7/21 * Yamaguchi-san working on SPEC-4464 for M2 and SPEC-4465 for M3 * After talking to Damian they are moving DRM lease from core image to demo image. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * 4/28 * Panasonic let us know that they have built sample boards with the SA8155P and are currently in discussion with Qualcomm about BSP distribution. They hope to have an agreement with QC by the end of June. There is then a 5 month lead time to build the new boards for the reference hardware once that agreement is reached. * Walt to set up a call with QC now that we have all of the information from Panasonic to see what we can do push this forward. * 5/12 * No update * 5/26 * No update * 6/9 * Fix for mmc alias pushed (detection order) - SPEC-4432 * 7/7 * Panasonic still working on agreement with Qualcomm on BSP. One to two more months before agreement is reached. * 7/21 * No update on QC BSP. ELISA will be contacting Fujiwara-san about buying some reference. * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. * 4/28 * Will schedule 3 hours for VirtIO and Container discussion on Wednesday morning during the Berlin workshop. * 5/12 * Virt EG call canceled this week, but Jerry had an off-line meeting with Virtual Open Systems and Open Synergy. They will be ready with presentations next week in Berlin. * 5/26 * Virt EG is looking for comments on by the next EG meeting (June 8) * 6/9 * Virtio-BT uploaded * Issue with pairing reported * 7/7 * No major update. See last Virt EG meeting minutes for more details. * 7/21 * Jerry sent email about SOAFEE/ARM collaboration with AGL * Working on plan for a training class at the September F2F meeting Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * F2F workshop announced for Japan Sep 27-29 ==== July 7, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Jerry, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Stephane, Vinod, Ishii, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 7/7 * Using SPEC-4326 (Investigate multi-application support for the flutter toolkit/embedded backend) to keep track of open issues in multiple application support. * Base system updates from Takeuchi-san are planned shortly. The compilation issues have resolved locally and will be pushed to AGL gerrit. * Asked Date-san to have Joel push final updates for Needlefish M1 milestone this week. * GSoC students working on some flutter apps that will be integrated with AGL backend once M1 is ready. * Will try to re-use the Igalia home screen that they worked on. * IC EG Updates * 6/9 * IC development: * fixes merged in gerrit * race-condition issue reported by ishii-san, patch in gerrit * IC documentation * Need meeting minutes from last F2F in Berlin * --> need template created * 7/7 * Kurokawa-san reviewed these documents * * * * Created SPEC-4461 to remove older versions (pre-koi) from documentation site. * Vinod will be reviewing the documentation to determine if the steps still work. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * 4/28 * Panasonic let us know that they have built sample boards with the SA8155P and are currently in discussion with Qualcomm about BSP distribution. They hope to have an agreement with QC by the end of June. There is then a 5 month lead time to build the new boards for the reference hardware once that agreement is reached. * Walt to set up a call with QC now that we have all of the information from Panasonic to see what we can do push this forward. * 5/12 * No update * 5/26 * No update * 6/9 * Fix for mmc alias pushed (detection order) - SPEC-4432 * 7/7 * Panasonic still working on agreement with Qualcomm on BSP. One to two more months before agreement is reached. * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. * 4/28 * Will schedule 3 hours for VirtIO and Container discussion on Wednesday morning during the Berlin workshop. * 5/12 * Virt EG call canceled this week, but Jerry had an off-line meeting with Virtual Open Systems and Open Synergy. They will be ready with presentations next week in Berlin. * 5/26 * Virt EG is looking for comments on by the next EG meeting (June 8) * 6/9 * Virtio-BT uploaded * Issue with pairing reported * 7/7 * No major update. See last Vier EG meeting minutes for more details. Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * F2F workshop announced for Japan Sep 27-29 ==== June 23, 2022 ==== Meeting Canceled ==== June 9, 2022 ==== Attendees: Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Jerry, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * 3/17 * Toyota has run multiple apps using XDG shell, They are running multiple embedder instances rather than multiple apps within a single embedder. Question is does it need to use AGL shell and compositor and what changes to them might be required to support this use case? Toyota will try using the AGL compositor and get back to us with any issues that might need to be fixed. * 3/31 * No updates other than plan is to be ready for end of July * 4/14 * No updates * 4/28 * SPEC-4326 is being used to discuss updates to support multi-applications using Flutter. We will try to update the IVI PR EG meeting time to morning in Japan and afternoon PDT so we can include Joel and Chris in the ongoing discussions. * 5/12 * No updates. Still arranging the new IVI EG meeting time. Patch to fix base system (building evklib) with latest kernel version was proposed by Scott and merged yesterday. Date-san said that this will be deprecated once the base system updates are pushed by Toyota later in the year, * 5/26 * Date-san reported that July 5 drop is feasible. Still working with the team to arrange new time for IVI EG meeting. * SPEC-4376 - blocking CI because base system does not build. Date-san will work on assigning someone to fix it. * 7/9 * Working on call * updates in gerrit for master * * * Working on compilation issues wrt basesystem * IC EG Updates * 3/17 * Initial iGel commits have been merged for DRM lease update. Initial review of final code planned for dev call next week. Final review at workshop in April. * Documentation for Marlin is in progress and will be ready for the first patch release. * Final version of IC EG priorities on [[ | Confluence]]. Merged to spreadsheet by Dr. Y is complete. * 3/31 * DRM lease review started in gerrit. * 4/14 * Damian has posted some patches for DRM Lease that need to be reviewed in gerrit. * 4/28 * Damian's patches for DRM lease are ready to be merged into both Marlin and master. * 5/12 * DRM Lease merged into master and Marlin. Will discuss CES and EW plans next week during F2F. * 5/26 * No update. Canceled IC EG for next week. * 6/9 * IC development: * fixes merged in gerrit * race-condition issue reported by ishii-san, patch in gerrit * IC documentation * Need meeting minutes from last F2F in Berlin * --> need template created * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * 4/28 * Panasonic let us know that they have built sample boards with the SA8155P and are currently in discussion with Qualcomm about BSP distribution. They hope to have an agreement with QC by the end of June. There is then a 5 month lead time to build the new boards for the reference hardware once that agreement is reached. * Walt to set up a call with QC now that we have all of the information from Panasonic to see what we can do push this forward. * 5/12 * No update * 5/26 * No update * 6/9 * Fix for mmc alias pushed (detection order) - SPEC-4432 * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. * 4/28 * Will schedule 3 hours for VirtIO and Container discussion on Wednesday morning during the Berlin workshop. * 5/12 * Virt EG call canceled this week, but Jerry had an off-line meeting with Virtual Open Systems and Open Synergy. They will be ready with presentations next week in Berlin. * 5/26 * Virt EG is looking for comments on by the next EG meeting (June 8) * 6/9 * Virtio-BT uploaded * Issue with pairing reported * Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: * Will skip call in 2 weeks due to Embedded World ==== May 26, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Bernard * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * 3/17 * Toyota has run multiple apps using XDG shell, They are running multiple embedder instances rather than multiple apps within a single embedder. Question is does it need to use AGL shell and compositor and what changes to them might be required to support this use case? Toyota will try using the AGL compositor and get back to us with any issues that might need to be fixed. * 3/31 * No updates other than plan is to be ready for end of July * 4/14 * No updates * 4/28 * SPEC-4326 is being used to discuss updates to support multi-applications using Flutter. We will try to update the IVI PR EG meeting time to morning in Japan and afternoon PDT so we can include Joel and Chris in the ongoing discussions. * 5/12 * No updates. Still arranging the new IVI EG meeting time. Patch to fix base system (building evklib) with latest kernel version was proposed by Scott and merged yesterday. Date-san said that this will be deprecated once the base system updates are pushed by Toyota later in the year, * 5/26 * Date-san reported that July 5 drop is feasible. Still working with the team to arrange new time for IVI EG meeting. * SPEC-4376 - blocking CI because base system does not build. Date-san will work on assigning someone to fix it. * IC EG Updates * 3/17 * Initial iGel commits have been merged for DRM lease update. Initial review of final code planned for dev call next week. Final review at workshop in April. * Documentation for Marlin is in progress and will be ready for the first patch release. * Final version of IC EG priorities on [[ | Confluence]]. Merged to spreadsheet by Dr. Y is complete. * 3/31 * DRM lease review started in gerrit. * 4/14 * Damian has posted some patches for DRM Lease that need to be reviewed in gerrit. * 4/28 * Damian's patches for DRM lease are ready to be merged into both Marlin and master. * 5/12 * DRM Lease merged into master and Marlin. Will discuss CES and EW plans next week during F2F. * 5/26 * No update. Canceled IC EG for next week. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * 4/28 * Panasonic let us know that they have built sample boards with the SA8155P and are currently in discussion with Qualcomm about BSP distribution. They hope to have an agreement with QC by the end of June. There is then a 5 month lead time to build the new boards for the reference hardware once that agreement is reached. * Walt to set up a call with QC now that we have all of the information from Panasonic to see what we can do push this forward. * 5/12 * No update * 5/26 * No update * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. * 4/28 * Will schedule 3 hours for VirtIO and Container discussion on Wednesday morning during the Berlin workshop. * 5/12 * Virt EG call canceled this week, but Jerry had an off-line meeting with Virtual Open Systems and Open Synergy. They will be ready with presentations next week in Berlin. * 5/26 * Virt EG is looking for comments on by the next EG meeting (June 8) Profiles document can be found [[ | here]]. * 5/26 * Document was started last week in Berlin. No updates since then. Will review next SAT call. New Business: ==== May 12, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry, Bernard, Yamaguchi, * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * 3/17 * Toyota has run multiple apps using XDG shell, They are running multiple embedder instances rather than multiple apps within a single embedder. Question is does it need to use AGL shell and compositor and what changes to them might be required to support this use case? Toyota will try using the AGL compositor and get back to us with any issues that might need to be fixed. * 3/31 * No updates other than plan is to be ready for end of July * 4/14 * No updates * 4/28 * SPEC-4326 is being used to discuss updates to support multi-applications using Flutter. We will try to update the IVI PR EG meeting time to morning in Japan and afternoon PDT so we can include Joel and Chris in the ongoing discussions. * 5/12 * No updates. Still arranging the new IVI EG meeting time. Patch to fix base system (building evklib) with latest kernel version was proposed by Scott and merged yesterday. Date-san said that this will be deprecated once the base system updates are pushed by Toyota later in the year, * IC EG Updates * 3/17 * Initial iGel commits have been merged for DRM lease update. Initial review of final code planned for dev call next week. Final review at workshop in April. * Documentation for Marlin is in progress and will be ready for the first patch release. * Final version of IC EG priorities on [[ | Confluence]]. Merged to spreadsheet by Dr. Y is complete. * 3/31 * DRM lease review started in gerrit. * 4/14 * Damian has posted some patches for DRM Lease that need to be reviewed in gerrit. * 4/28 * Damian's patches for DRM lease are ready to be merged into both Marlin and master. * 5/12 * DRM Lease merged into master and Marlin. Will discuss CES and EW plans next week during F2F. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * 4/28 * Panasonic let us know that they have built sample boards with the SA8155P and are currently in discussion with Qualcomm about BSP distribution. They hope to have an agreement with QC by the end of June. There is then a 5 month lead time to build the new boards for the reference hardware once that agreement is reached. * Walt to set up a call with QC now that we have all of the information from Panasonic to see what we can do push this forward. * 5/12 * No update * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. * 4/28 * Will schedule 3 hours for VirtIO and Container discussion on Wednesday morning during the Berlin workshop. * 5/12 * Virt EG call canceled this week, but Jerry had an off-line meeting with Virtual Open Systems and Open Synergy. They will be ready with presentations next week in Berlin. New Business: * Walt and Jan-Simon will create a new Github repo for the new spec that was discussed during the Workshop last week FIXME to include link. At the next SAT call we will have a template for each of the images and profiles to be reviewed by the SAT. Will use the IVI demo image as the test case for the template. ==== April 28, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry, Bernard, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * 3/17 * Toyota has run multiple apps using XDG shell, They are running multiple embedder instances rather than multiple apps within a single embedder. Question is does it need to use AGL shell and compositor and what changes to them might be required to support this use case? Toyota will try using the AGL compositor and get back to us with any issues that might need to be fixed. * 3/31 * No updates other than plan is to be ready for end of July * 4/14 * No updates * 4/28 * SPEC-4326 is being used to discuss updates to support multi-applications using Flutter. We will try to update the IVI PR EG meeting time to morning in Japan and afternoon PDT so we can include Joel and Chris in the ongoing discussions. * IC EG Updates * 3/17 * Initial iGel commits have been merged for DRM lease update. Initial review of final code planned for dev call next week. Final review at workshop in April. * Documentation for Marlin is in progress and will be ready for the first patch release. * Final version of IC EG priorities on [[ | Confluence]]. Merged to spreadsheet by Dr. Y is complete. * 3/31 * DRM lease review started in gerrit. * 4/14 * Damian has posted some patches for DRM Lease that need to be reviewed in gerrit. * 4/28 * Damian's patches for DRM lease are ready to be merged into both Marlin and master. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * 4/28 * Panasonic let us know that they have built sample boards with the SA8155P and are currently in discussion with Qualcomm about BSP distribution. They hope to have an agreement with QC by the end of June. There is then a 5 month lead time to build the new boards for the reference hardware once that agreement is reached. * Walt to set up a call with QC now that we have all of the information from Panasonic to see what we can do push this forward. * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. * 4/28 * Will schedule 3 hours for VirtIO and Container discussion on Wednesday morning during the Berlin workshop. New Business: * Walt and Jan-Simon will create a new Github repo for the new spec that was discussed during the Workshop last week FIXME to include link. At the next SAT call we will have a template for each of the images and profiles to be reviewed by the SAT. Will use the IVI demo image as the test case for the template. ==== April 14, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Scott, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Marius, Date, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * 3/17 * Toyota has run multiple apps using XDG shell, They are running multiple embedder instances rather than multiple apps within a single embedder. Question is does it need to use AGL shell and compositor and what changes to them might be required to support this use case? Toyota will try using the AGL compositor and get back to us with any issues that might need to be fixed. * 3/31 * No updates other than plan is to be ready for end of July * 4/14 * No updates * IC EG Updates * 3/17 * Initial iGel commits have been merged for DRM lease update. Initial review of final code planned for dev call next week. Final review at workshop in April. * Documentation for Marlin is in progress and will be ready for the first patch release. * Final version of IC EG priorities on [[ | Confluence]]. Merged to spreadsheet by Dr. Y is complete. * 3/31 * DRM lease review started in gerrit. * 4/14 * Damian has posted some patches for DRM Lease that need to be reviewed in gerrit. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * 4/14 * Notes from SC * Question during AGL Tech Day which Qualcomm hardware will be supported. * Walt setting up call with QC to discuss BSP availability of QC BSPs in general * Hypervisor and VirtIO support availability * Bare metal Linux support * BSP layer available for Koi in Code Aurora, but it is not clear that can be built without the full Qualcomm tree which is not publicly available (only a subset is available on Code Aurora) * Audio support. Does Qualcomm support PipeWire and WirePlumber? Our understanding is that the audio is dependent on Pulse Audio and it is not clear how to make AGL's audio work. * Would like to see a lower cost development board available (under $1000) * BSP maintenance. How often will the BSP be updated? * What does the graphics stack look like? * Panasonic was looking at SA8155P or SA6155P for reference hardware. * Lantronix * Amazon interested in Quectel AG55XQ * Virt EG * 4/14 * Jerry discussed the touch panel availability with Date-san and confirmed the choice of panels. See [[ | Confluence]] for more details. New Business: * Walt and Jan-Simon will create a new Github repo for the new spec that was discussed during the Workshop last week FIXME to include link. At the next SAT call we will have a template for each of the images and profiles to be reviewed by the SAT. Will use the IVI demo image as the test case for the template. * ==== March 31, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Marius, Ilya Guterman, Date * Marlin Release notes review * Discuss the future of the SAT and how it works * Workshop agenda for Apr 5-6. * Workshop plan for May 17-19 in Berlin * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * 3/17 * Toyota has run multiple apps using XDG shell, They are running multiple embedder instances rather than multiple apps within a single embedder. Question is does it need to use AGL shell and compositor and what changes to them might be required to support this use case? Toyota will try using the AGL compositor and get back to us with any issues that might need to be fixed. * 3/31 * No updates other than plan is to be ready for end of July * IC EG Updates * 3/17 * Initial iGel commits have been merged for DRM lease update. Initial review of final code planned for dev call next week. Final review at workshop in April. * Documentation for Marlin is in progress and will be ready for the first patch release. * Final version of IC EG priorities on [[ | Confluence]]. Merged to spreadsheet by Dr. Y is complete. * 3/31 * DRM lease review started in gerrit. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * Virt EG * 3/17 New Business: ==== March 17, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Jerry, Ishii, Bernard, Marius, Date, Takeuchi, Nomoto, * Next meeting * Review Feature list and discuss the future of the SAT and how it works * Workshop agenda for Apr 5-6. * Workshop plan for May 17-19 in Berlin * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * 3/17 * Toyota has run multiple apps using XDG shell, They are running multiple embedder instances rather than multiple apps within a single embedder. Question is does it need to use AGL shell and compositor and what changes to them might be required to support this use case? Toyota will try using the AGL compositor and get back to us with any issues that might need to be fixed. * IC EG Updates * 3/17 * Initial iGel commits have been merged for DRM lease update. Initial review of final code planned for dev call next week. Final review at workshop in April. * Documentation for Marlin is in progress and will be ready for the first patch release. * Final version of IC EG priorities on [[ | Confluence]]. Merged to spreadsheet by Dr. Y is complete. * Reference Hardware * 3/17 * No update * Virt EG * 3/17 New Business: ==== March 3, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Ishii, Marius, Bernard, Kurokawa, Stephane, Takeuchi, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/9 * ALS demo app prep is completed, but Toyota was not able to use the Igalia demo apps, so they used some apps that Toyota worked on, * Gerrit 26868 should be ready to merge today which will enable the Flutter build as a set up option. Next step will be adding the target to CI. * Nomoto looking at SPEC-4091 to change the package group name. * 1/20 * IVI PR [[ | slides posted in Confluence]]. Plan for 2022 continue with Flutter, base system updates including collaboration on the revised App FW, and contribution for policy management. * Flutter build is failing in CI. Jan-Simon to work with Joel and Date-san to get it working. * 2/3 * Updates from the meeting are available on [[ |Confluence]] * 2/17 * Updates from the meeting available on Confluence. Toyota will prepare a document about what will be available in the near future. Major issue running multiple concurrent Flutter apps as there is no plan from Toyota right now to enable that. * Base systems updates are delayed. * Kato-san committed a patch to get VirtIO working with the Basesystem and documented in Confluence. * 3/3 * Discussed Toyota plan for multiple app support for Flutter. Should get a better idea of timing from Toyota at the next IVI PR meeting. * IC EG Updates * 12/9 * Critical fix to boot time was developed and merged to Lamprey and master. * Ishii-san is continuing his work on the reference hardware in parallel which was also merged. * 1/20 * Qt updates on-going. * Investigating input support based on suggesting from Collabora at the last IC EG meeting which is more generic than the current IC solution that relies heavily on Qt. * Waiting on a response from Igel to the IC RFQ. Walt will send the RFQ to Igel today awaiting on the written response so we can issue a PO. * 2/3 * Igel RFQ response received. Final review will be on Monday's EG call. Walt will post a version for review later today. * 2/17 * iGel RFQ response accepted by IC EG. PO went out to the iGel this week. * Final patches for MM release were merged this week,. * Reviewed SPEC-3929 the Epic that covers the IC work * Some documentation work is left to be completed for MM * Reference Hardware * 12/9 * No update * 1/20 * No update. * 2/3 * No update * 2/17 * No update * Virt EG * 12/9 * RFQ evaluation matrix is in progress. Walt will send to Jerry to today. * VirtIO features are in review in gerrit. * 1/20 * RFQ in progress. Candidate company interviews and RFQ response scoring will be done next week. * Virt EG met with AVL about virtualized ADAS use cases that may be able to contribute to. Discussions are on-going. * 2/3 * RFQ responses reviewed yesterday. Will be proceeding with one of the candidates. New Business: * Reviewed and updated the feature list. * Kurokawa would SAT to start discussing high level and/or overall architecture topics. * Jerry suggested it is time to review and update the system specification. * Next meeting * Review Feature list and discuss the future of the SAT and how it works * Workshop agenda for Apr 5-6. ==== February 17, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Kurokawa, Stephane. HeeWon, Ishii, Marius, Yamaguchi, Takeuchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/9 * ALS demo app prep is completed, but Toyota was not able to use the Igalia demo apps, so they used some apps that Toyota worked on, * Gerrit 26868 should be ready to merge today which will enable the Flutter build as a set up option. Next step will be adding the target to CI. * Nomoto looking at SPEC-4091 to change the package group name. * 1/20 * IVI PR [[ | slides posted in Confluence]]. Plan for 2022 continue with Flutter, base system updates including collaboration on the revised App FW, and contribution for policy management. * Flutter build is failing in CI. Jan-Simon to work with Joel and Date-san to get it working. * 2/3 * Updates from the meeting are available on [[ |Confluence]] * 2/17 * Updates from the meeting available on Confluence. Toyota will prepare a document about what will be available in the near future. Major issue running multiple concurrent Flutter apps as there is no plan from Toyota right now to enable that. * Base systems updates are delayed. * Kato-san committed a patch to get VirtIO working with the Basesystem and documented in Confluence. * IC EG Updates * 12/9 * Critical fix to boot time was developed and merged to Lamprey and master. * Ishii-san is continuing his work on the reference hardware in parallel which was also merged. * 1/20 * Qt updates on-going. * Investigating input support based on suggesting from Collabora at the last IC EG meeting which is more generic than the current IC solution that relies heavily on Qt. * Waiting on a response from Igel to the IC RFQ. Walt will send the RFQ to Igel today awaiting on the written response so we can issue a PO. * 2/3 * Igel RFQ response received. Final review will be on Monday's EG call. Walt will post a version for review later today. * 2/17 * iGel RFQ response accepted by IC EG. PO went out to the iGel this week. * Final patches for MM release were merged this week,. * Reviewed SPEC-3929 the Epic that covers the IC work * Some documentation work is left to be completed for MM * Reference Hardware * 12/9 * No update * 1/20 * No update. * 2/3 * No update * 2/17 * No update * Virt EG * 12/9 * RFQ evaluation matrix is in progress. Walt will send to Jerry to today. * VirtIO features are in review in gerrit. * 1/20 * RFQ in progress. Candidate company interviews and RFQ response scoring will be done next week. * Virt EG met with AVL about virtualized ADAS use cases that may be able to contribute to. Discussions are on-going. * 2/3 * RFQ responses reviewed yesterday. Will be proceeding with one of the candidates. New Business: * Plan for kirkstone * Cut Marlin branch after M3 * Add YP 3.5 M3 (kirkstone) to master in early March * Renesas BSP available for build test in late March * Starter Kit BSP by May 5 * KF BSP by May 27 for NN M1 release * Feature list - roadmap planning * SPEC-4256 - Agreed that we should merge to Lamprey ==== February 3, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Yamaguchi, Jerry, Takeuchi, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/9 * ALS demo app prep is completed, but Toyota was not able to use the Igalia demo apps, so they used some apps that Toyota worked on, * Gerrit 26868 should be ready to merge today which will enable the Flutter build as a set up option. Next step will be adding the target to CI. * Nomoto looking at SPEC-4091 to change the package group name. * 1/20 * IVI PR [[ | slides posted in Confluence]]. Plan for 2022 continue with Flutter, base system updates including collaboration on the revised App FW, and contribution for policy management. * Flutter build is failing in CI. Jan-Simon to work with Joel and Date-san to get it working. * 2/3 * Updates from the meeting are available on [[ |Confluence]] * IC EG Updates * 12/9 * Critical fix to boot time was developed and merged to Lamprey and master. * Ishii-san is continuing his work on the reference hardware in parallel which was also merged. * 1/20 * Qt updates on-going. * Investigating input support based on suggesting from Collabora at the last IC EG meeting which is more generic than the current IC solution that relies heavily on Qt. * Waiting on a response from Igel to the IC RFQ. Walt will send the RFQ to Igel today awaiting on the written response so we can issue a PO. * 2/3 * Igel RFQ response received. Final review will be on Monday's EG call. Walt will post a version for review later today. * Reference Hardware * 12/9 * No update * 1/20 * No update. * 2/3 * No update * Virt EG * 12/9 * RFQ evaluation matrix is in progress. Walt will send to Jerry to today. * VirtIO features are in review in gerrit. * 1/20 * RFQ in progress. Candidate company interviews and RFQ response scoring will be done next week. * Virt EG met with AVL about virtualized ADAS use cases that may be able to contribute to. Discussions are on-going. * 2/3 * RFQ responses reviewed yesterday. Will be proceeding with one of the candidates. New Business: * Will schedule a virtual only workshop in early April and in-person in mid-May in Berlin ==== January 20, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Kurokawa, Mikhail, Yamaguchi, Marius, Jerry, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 12/9 * ALS demo app prep is completed, but Toyota was not able to use the Igalia demo apps, so they used some apps that Toyota worked on, * Gerrit 26868 should be ready to merge today which will enable the Flutter build as a set up option. Next step will be adding the target to CI. * Nomoto looking at SPEC-4091 to change the package group name. * 1/20 * IVI PR [[ | slides posted in Confluence]]. Plan for 2022 continue with Flutter, base system updates including collaboration on the revised App FW, and contribution for policy management. * Flutter build is failing in CI. Jan-Simon to work with Joel and Date-san to get it working. * IC EG Updates * 12/9 * Critical fix to boot time was developed and merged to Lamprey and master. * Ishii-san is continuing his work on the reference hardware in parallel which was also merged. * 1/20 * Qt updates on-going. * Investigating input support based on suggesting from Collabora at the last IC EG meeting which is more generic than the current IC solution that relies heavily on Qt. * Waiting on a response from Igel to the IC RFQ. Walt will send the RFQ to Igel today awaiting on the written response so we can issue a PO. * Reference Hardware * 12/9 * No update * 1/20 * No update. * Virt EG * 12/9 * RFQ evaluation matrix is in progress. Walt will send to Jerry to today. * VirtIO features are in review in gerrit. * 1/20 * RFQ in progress. Candidate company interviews and RFQ response scoring will be done next week. * Virt EG met with AVL about virtualized ADAS use cases that may be able to contribute to. Discussions are on-going. New Business * Date for next F2F workshop. Walt to send out Doodle. * Walt and Jan-Simon plan to attend Embedded World in Nuremberg instead of ELC since they now conflict. * Renesas R-Car 3 BSP using YP 3.5 (kirkstone) to be available in May. Scott currently building poky master on agl-next branch primarily testing QEMU. AGL plans to switch to kirkstone for NN release in July. * AGL will continue to support dunfell using Lamprey over the next year or so. * Will switch AGL master to kirkstone sometime in March once the Marlin branch is created and kirkstone is closer to release. ==== December 9, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Daniel, Marius, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * 9/2 * Date-san - flutter update end of next week * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on the [[ | GPS and Sensor Information]] section of the PR spec by September 10. * 9/16 * Ready to release Flutter code in next day or so. * Initial release of IVI PR spec expected by the end of September. Will get additional feedback from members at the October F2F meeting with a follow up release planned for after that meeting. * 9/30 - IVI EG reviewed flutter plan during the last hour. PR Spec 1.0 is ready. Both topics to be discussed during the workshop on Oct 19-20. * 10/28 - Nomoto-san still accepting feedback on PR system Spec. * Date-san working out a plan with Igalia for a demo of the flutter embedder with demo HVAC and home screen at ALS. * 11/25 * Joel's commits are in review in gerrit, There is a separate call next week to finalize the review. * Nomoto-san working on contributing updated base system which could be ready next month. Mostly small changes and no new features. * Will resume regular IVI-PR EG meetings after New Year's holiday in Japan (Jan 20 will be the next meeting). * 12/9 * ALS demo app prep is completed, but Toyota was not able to use the Igalia demo apps, so they used some apps that Toyota worked on, * Gerrit 26868 should be ready to merge today which will enable the Flutter build as a set up option. Next step will be adding the target to CI. * Nomoto looking at SPEC-4091 to change the package group name. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * 9/3 * RFQ for additional DRM lease topics will be reviewed during next two IC EG calls and will be available for SAT review end of September * DLT demo in progress. * Yamaguchi-san working on demo with H3 started kit + KF + [[インチ液晶パネル-解像度1920x720-LCDコントロール基盤-Type-SDカード/dp/B08CCSPCHB | this display]] for IC * 9/16 * Will discuss the rest of the year's development plan at the next IC EG meeting. * 9/30 * No topic * 10/28 * Waiting for Renesas BSP 5.5. There are a number of fixes that apply to the 4.7 BSP that will be fixed by 5.5. Also found and fixed a serious bug in the IVI container. * [[ | DRM Lease RFQ]] ready for review. Comments are needed by November 1 before the IC EG call. * 11/11 * Yamaguchi-san submitted 21 patches to gerrit that are under review. * Review [[ |this proposal]] from Dr. Y for managing multiple display. Swill discuss further at next SAT meeting. * Reviewed SPEC-4124 and possible solutions. Will wait for additional input from Kurokawa-san. * 11/25 * Yamaguchi'san's patches were merged for master and for Lamprey * Next features planned are Instrument Cluster service and touch display support. * 12/9 * Critical fix to boot time was developed and merged to Lamprey and master. * Ishii-san is continuing his work on the reference hardware in parallel which was also merged. * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * 9/3 - Scott asked for schematics on WLAN card and received it from Panasonic. Wifi is working fine, but BT is not happy. Only works every several boots. Possible UART issue? * 9/16 * New Reference hardware sets are for sale by Panasonic. See [[ | confluence]] for details about ordering. * WLAN changes are merged on latest Lamprey, missed the 12.0.1 merge window so they will be released in 12.0.2. Bluetooth audio requires support from PipeWire to get A2DP and HFP working. No ETA from George yet. * 9/30 * Scott pushed CAN changes to enable the transceiver. * Scott ready for Renesas BSP 5.5 when it is ready. * George has not had time to look at Bluetooth. * 10/28 * No updates * 11/11 * No updates * 11/25 * Scott discovered a Kingfisher patch from Cogent that needs to be ported to Ref HW that affects Bluetooth audio. * 12/9 * No update * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. * 9/16 * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. * 9/30 * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO * 10/28 * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. * 11/11 * Final review of [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] * 11/25 * Busy preparing ALS slides and getting demo videos from EG members. * RFQ in progress. * Linaro and Open Synergy are both considering bringing their demo to the AGL booth at Embedded World Conference in March. * 12/9 * RFQ evaluation matrix is in progress. Walt will send to Jerry to today. * VirtIO features are in review in gerrit. New Business ==== November 25, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Date, Jerry, Kurokawa, Ishii, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Sachin * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * 9/2 * Date-san - flutter update end of next week * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on the [[ | GPS and Sensor Information]] section of the PR spec by September 10. * 9/16 * Ready to release Flutter code in next day or so. * Initial release of IVI PR spec expected by the end of September. Will get additional feedback from members at the October F2F meeting with a follow up release planned for after that meeting. * 9/30 - IVI EG reviewed flutter plan during the last hour. PR Spec 1.0 is ready. Both topics to be discussed during the workshop on Oct 19-20. * 10/28 - Nomoto-san still accepting feedback on PR system Spec. * Date-san working out a plan with Igalia for a demo of the flutter embedder with demo HVAC and home screen at ALS. * 11/25 * Joel's commits are in review in gerrit, There is a separate call next week to finalize the review. * Nomoto-san working on contributing updated base system which could be ready next month. Mostly small changes and no new features. * Will resume regular IVI-PR EG meetings after New Year's holiday in Japan (Jan 20 will be the next meeting). * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * 9/3 * RFQ for additional DRM lease topics will be reviewed during next two IC EG calls and will be available for SAT review end of September * DLT demo in progress. * Yamaguchi-san working on demo with H3 started kit + KF + [[インチ液晶パネル-解像度1920x720-LCDコントロール基盤-Type-SDカード/dp/B08CCSPCHB | this display]] for IC * 9/16 * Will discuss the rest of the year's development plan at the next IC EG meeting. * 9/30 * No topic * 10/28 * Waiting for Renesas BSP 5.5. There are a number of fixes that apply to the 4.7 BSP that will be fixed by 5.5. Also found and fixed a serious bug in the IVI container. * [[ | DRM Lease RFQ]] ready for review. Comments are needed by November 1 before the IC EG call. * 11/11 * Yamaguchi-san submitted 21 patches to gerrit that are under review. * Review [[ |this proposal]] from Dr. Y for managing multiple display. Swill discuss further at next SAT meeting. * Reviewed SPEC-4124 and possible solutions. Will wait for additional input from Kurokawa-san. * 11/25 * Yamaguchi'san's patches were merged for master and for Lamprey * Next features planned are Instrument Cluster service and touch display support. * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * 9/3 - Scott asked for schematics on WLAN card and received it from Panasonic. Wifi is working fine, but BT is not happy. Only works every several boots. Possible UART issue? * 9/16 * New Reference hardware sets are for sale by Panasonic. See [[ | confluence]] for details about ordering. * WLAN changes are merged on latest Lamprey, missed the 12.0.1 merge window so they will be released in 12.0.2. Bluetooth audio requires support from PipeWire to get A2DP and HFP working. No ETA from George yet. * 9/30 * Scott pushed CAN changes to enable the transceiver. * Scott ready for Renesas BSP 5.5 when it is ready. * George has not had time to look at Bluetooth. * 10/28 * No updates * 11/11 * No updates * 11/25 * Scott discovered a Kingfisher patch from Cogent that needs to be ported to Ref HW that affects Bluetooth audio. * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. * 9/16 * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. * 9/30 * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO * 10/28 * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. * 11/11 * Final review of [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] * 11/25 * Busy preparing ALS slides and getting demo videos from EG members. * RFQ in progress. * Linaro and Open Synergy are both considering bringing their demo to the AGL booth at Embedded World Conference in March. New Business ==== November 11, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Jerry, Ishii, Date, Nomoto, Kurokawa, Bernard * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * 9/2 * Date-san - flutter update end of next week * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on the [[ | GPS and Sensor Information]] section of the PR spec by September 10. * 9/16 * Ready to release Flutter code in next day or so. * Initial release of IVI PR spec expected by the end of September. Will get additional feedback from members at the October F2F meeting with a follow up release planned for after that meeting. * 9/30 - IVI EG reviewed flutter plan during the last hour. PR Spec 1.0 is ready. Both topics to be discussed during the workshop on Oct 19-20. * 10/28 - Nomoto-san still accepting feedback on PR system Spec. * Date-san working out a plan with Igalia for a demo of the flutter embedder with demo HVAC and home screen at ALS. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * 9/3 * RFQ for additional DRM lease topics will be reviewed during next two IC EG calls and will be available for SAT review end of September * DLT demo in progress. * Yamaguchi-san working on demo with H3 started kit + KF + [[インチ液晶パネル-解像度1920x720-LCDコントロール基盤-Type-SDカード/dp/B08CCSPCHB | this display]] for IC * 9/16 * Will discuss the rest of the year's development plan at the next IC EG meeting. * 9/30 * No topic * 10/28 * Waiting for Renesas BSP 5.5. There are a number of fixes that apply to the 4.7 BSP that will be fixed by 5.5. Also found and fixed a serious bug in the IVI container. * [[ | DRM Lease RFQ]] ready for review. Comments are needed by November 1 before the IC EG call. * 11/11 * Yamaguchi-san submitted 21 patches to gerrit that are under review. * Review [[ |this proposal]] from Dr. Y for managing multiple display. Swill discuss further at next SAT meeting. * Reviewed SPEC-4124 and possible solutions. Will wait for additional input from Kurokawa-san. * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * 9/3 - Scott asked for schematics on WLAN card and received it from Panasonic. Wifi is working fine, but BT is not happy. Only works every several boots. Possible UART issue? * 9/16 * New Reference hardware sets are for sale by Panasonic. See [[ | confluence]] for details about ordering. * WLAN changes are merged on latest Lamprey, missed the 12.0.1 merge window so they will be released in 12.0.2. Bluetooth audio requires support from PipeWire to get A2DP and HFP working. No ETA from George yet. * 9/30 * Scott pushed CAN changes to enable the transceiver. * Scott ready for Renesas BSP 5.5 when it is ready. * George has not had time to look at Bluetooth. * 10/28 * No updates * 11/11 * No updates * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. * 9/16 * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. * 9/30 * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO * 10/28 * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. * 11/11 * Final review of [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] New Business: * Merges of BSP 5.5 and removal of app FW are complete on master. ==== October 28, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Hosokawa, Ishii, Date, Yamaguchi Nomoto, Mikhail, Takeuchi, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * 9/2 * Date-san - flutter update end of next week * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on the [[ | GPS and Sensor Information]] section of the PR spec by September 10. * 9/16 * Ready to release Flutter code in next day or so. * Initial release of IVI PR spec expected by the end of September. Will get additional feedback from members at the October F2F meeting with a follow up release planned for after that meeting. * 9/30 - IVI EG reviewed flutter plan during the last hour. PR Spec 1.0 is ready. Both topics to be discussed during the workshop on Oct 19-20. * 10/28 - Nomoto-san still accepting feedback on PR system Spec. * Date-san working out a plan with Igalia for a demo of the flutter embedder with demo HVAC and home screen at ALS. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * 9/3 * RFQ for additional DRM lease topics will be reviewed during next two IC EG calls and will be available for SAT review end of September * DLT demo in progress. * Yamaguchi-san working on demo with H3 started kit + KF + [[インチ液晶パネル-解像度1920x720-LCDコントロール基盤-Type-SDカード/dp/B08CCSPCHB | this display]] for IC * 9/16 * Will discuss the rest of the year's development plan at the next IC EG meeting. * 9/30 * No topic * 10/28 * Waiting for Renesas BSP 5.5. There are a number of fixes that apply to the 4.7 BSP that will be fixed by 5.5. Also found and fixed a serious bug in the IVI container. * [[ | DRM Lease RFQ]] ready for review. Comments are needed by November 1 before the IC EG call. * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * 9/3 - Scott asked for schematics on WLAN card and received it from Panasonic. Wifi is working fine, but BT is not happy. Only works every several boots. Possible UART issue? * 9/16 * New Reference hardware sets are for sale by Panasonic. See [[ | confluence]] for details about ordering. * WLAN changes are merged on latest Lamprey, missed the 12.0.1 merge window so they will be released in 12.0.2. Bluetooth audio requires support from PipeWire to get A2DP and HFP working. No ETA from George yet. * 9/30 * Scott pushed CAN changes to enable the transceiver. * Scott ready for Renesas BSP 5.5 when it is ready. * George has not had time to look at Bluetooth. * 10/28 * No updates * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. * 9/16 * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. * 9/30 * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO * 10/28 * [[ | RFQ for Common Device Interface]] is ready for review. Comments are due in two weeks for the next Virt EG meeting. New Business: * SPEC-4121 - Removal of SMACK and any components with with SMACK dependencies (especially App FW and apps relying on it) from master. (gerrit 266752, 26753, 26754) * Merge BSP 5.5 before we merge these and tag the last working version prior to removal of the app FW. * Jan-Simon has done test builds of the three commits in a sandbox * Expect CI failures of where the code has been removed. * Will discuss again on Tuesday during the dev call to make a final decision on merging. * BSP 5.5 (gerrit 26703) - Waiting to resolve the comments from Kurosawa-san on HDMI port numbering. Will wait until tomorrow to get a comment or +2 from him. Can go ahead and merge tomorrow one or way or another and create another each to fix the numbering later, if needed. ==== September 30, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Hosokawa, Ishii, Stephane, Date, Yamaguchi, Guy, Ned, Jerry, Kurokawa, Mikhail, Takeuchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * 9/2 * Date-san - flutter update end of next week * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on the [[ | GPS and Sensor Information]] section of the PR spec by September 10. * 9/16 * Ready to release Flutter code in next day or so. * Initial release of IVI PR spec expected by the end of September. Will get additional feedback from members at the October F2F meeting with a follow up release planned for after that meeting. * 9/30 - IVI EG reviewed flutter plan during the last hour. PR Spec 1.0 is ready. Both topics to be discussed during the workshop on Oct 19-20. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * 9/3 * RFQ for additional DRM lease topics will be reviewed during next two IC EG calls and will be available for SAT review end of September * DLT demo in progress. * Yamaguchi-san working on demo with H3 started kit + KF + [[インチ液晶パネル-解像度1920x720-LCDコントロール基盤-Type-SDカード/dp/B08CCSPCHB | this display]] for IC * 9/16 * Will discuss the rest of the year's development plan at the next IC EG meeting. * 9/30 * No topic * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * 9/3 - Scott asked for schematics on WLAN card and received it from Panasonic. Wifi is working fine, but BT is not happy. Only works every several boots. Possible UART issue? * 9/16 * New Reference hardware sets are for sale by Panasonic. See [[ | confluence]] for details about ordering. * WLAN changes are merged on latest Lamprey, missed the 12.0.1 merge window so they will be released in 12.0.2. Bluetooth audio requires support from PipeWire to get A2DP and HFP working. No ETA from George yet. * 9/30 * Scott pushed CAN changes to enable the transceiver. * Scott ready for Renesas BSP 5.5 when it is ready. * George has not had time to look at Bluetooth. * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. * 9/16 * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. * 9/30 * Workshop for virtualization of wireless devices during the F2F in October * Getting information from Jan-Simon on adding automated tests for VirtIO New Business: * Yamaguchi-san made a [[ | presentation]] about Qt 5 vs 6 - For now we will continue to follow Yocto and use Qt 5.14 for Marlin and evaluation Qt usage next year when we update to new Yocto LTS version. * Ned - AVL is making [[ | ADAS reference hardware]] available for purchase. Uses Renesas H3 as SOC. At some point they may want to include as reference hardware. Suggested that they start by including BSP as community board so that AGL does not need to have boards in our board farm. * App FW - discussed getting Collabora on track for Oct F2F meeting. ==== September 16, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Hosokawa, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Sekine, Takeuchi, Jerry, Date, Nomoto, Kurokawa, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * 9/2 * Date-san - flutter update end of next week * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on the [[ | GPS and Sensor Information]] section of the PR spec by September 10. * 9/16 * Ready to release Flutter code in next day or so. * Initial release of IVI PR spec expected by the end of September. Will get additional feedback from members at the October F2F meeting with a follow up release planned for after that meeting. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * 9/3 * RFQ for additional DRM lease topics will be reviewed during next two IC EG calls and will be available for SAT review end of September * DLT demo in progress. * Yamaguchi-san working on demo with H3 started kit + KF + [[インチ液晶パネル-解像度1920x720-LCDコントロール基盤-Type-SDカード/dp/B08CCSPCHB | this display]] for IC * 9/16 * Will discuss the rest of the year's development plan at the next IC EG meeting. * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * 9/3 - Scott asked for schematics on WLAN card and received it from Panasonic. Wifi is working fine, but BT is not happy. Only works every several boots. Possible UART issue? * 9/16 * New Reference hardware sets are for sale by Panasonic. See [[ | confluence]] for details about ordering. * WLAN changes are merged on latest Lamprey, missed the 12.0.1 merge window so they will be released in 12.0.2. Bluetooth audio requires support from PipeWire to get A2DP and HFP working. No ETA from George yet. * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. * 9/16 * Renesas BSP version 5.5 is available in a sandbox/ronan/rcar-bsp-5.5.0 in gerrit. New Business: ==== September 2, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Nomoto, Takeuchi, Jerry, Daniel, Richard, Date, Kurokawa, Ishii, Hosokawa, Yamaguchi, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * 9/2 * Date-san - flutter update end of next week * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on the [[ | GPS and Sensor Information]] section of the PR spec by September 10. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * 9/3 * RFQ for additional DRM lease topics will be reviewed during next two IC EG calls and will be available for SAT review end of September * DLT demo in progress. * Yamaguchi-san working on demo with H3 started kit + KF + [[インチ液晶パネル-解像度1920x720-LCDコントロール基盤-Type-SDカード/dp/B08CCSPCHB | this display]] for IC * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * 9/3 - Scott asked for schematics on WLAN card and received it from Panasonic. Wifi is working fine, but BT is not happy. Only works every several boots. Possible UART issue? * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. New Business: * Daniel gave a brief readout of App FW updates so far. Mostly getting flatpak up and running with no UI. LSM updates will require some different folks to work on. Daniel thinks a proper update will be available at the Week 36 App FW call once everyone is back from holidays and some more work can be completed. * Virtual Workshop Oct 19-20? * Final review of IVI PR spec * Flutter workshop with Toyota flutter experts * App FW review and update from Collabora * Planning Marlin release * CES planning ==== August 19, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Nomoto, Takeuchi, Daniel, Ishii, Stephane, Bernard, Kurokawa, George, Jerry * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * 8/19 * Takeuchi-san said that Flutter may be ready at beginning next month. * Nomoto-san asked for feedback on [[ | CAN Communication]] and [[ | Vehicle Parameter Configuration]] sections in the PR spec by the end of August. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * 8/19 * No update * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * 8/19 - On hold for a few weeks. * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. * 8/19 * BSP 5.5 with kernel 5.10 will be available as a sandbox with a minimal image in late September. Full BSP will be a month later after the KF updates are completed. New Business: * Daniel gave a brief readout of App FW updates so far. Mostly getting flatpak up and running with no UI. LSM updates will require some different folks to work on. Daniel thinks a proper update will be available at the Week 36 App FW call once everyone is back from holidays and some more work can be completed. ==== August 5, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Richard, Bernard, Ishii, Hosokawa, Date, Yamaguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * 8/5 * Date-san said it would be at least another month before Toyota can make their internal Flutter software available. * Discussed the risk reduction plan to have Igalia and PumpedFuel use the WAM sandbox environment to develop some AGL apps that will be ready when Toyota can disclose their software. * Nomoto-san asked for reviews of the [[ | IVI PR requirements]] in Confluence by Aug 18. * IC EG Updates * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * 8/5 * Currently getting source code into the AGL repositories. Ran into some problems that he is trying to resolve with Jan-Simon. * Reference Hardware * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * 8/5 - Scott received the Wifi card and assembled it. * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * 8/5 * Jerry asked about Renesas 5.10 BSP and when it will be merged. No one from Renesas on the call. Added to developer call agenda for next week. New Business: * Richard was asking about the LSM updates and whether they are included in Collabora's work for the App FW. Will be included in the App FW EG discussion next week. ==== July 22, 2021 ==== Attendees: Jan-Simon, Sekine-san, Scott, Nishiguchi-san * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * 4/22 * Realigned meetings to fall the same week as SAT starting May 13. * Nomoto-san working on IVI PR spec which he would like feedback on from other OEM members. Initial work will be uploaded prior to the next IVI PR call. * 5/13 * IVI PR EG reviewed power management requirements in [[ | Confluence]]. SAT members should review and comment as well. * Latest Flutter status from Toyota was reviewed. Timeline for their opening up their code is under review. Hopefully just a matter of a few months. * 5/27 * Added topics to the F2F workshop agenda * Sony (Matsubayashi-san) [[ | presented their Flutter embedded solution]] to a local Japan meeting. Dr. Y invited Matsubayashi-san to attend the Virtual workshop. * 6/10 * Nomoto-san will will send an email tomorrow with links to all of the IVI content to be reviewed during the workshop. * Date-san and Yamaguchi-san will finalize details of Matsubayahi-san's participation in the workshop next week. * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * 4/22 * Container work in progress. Next two weeks no calls due to Golden Week, but Yamaguchi-san would like to discuss during the developer call in Tuesday. * DRM lease recipe * 5/13 * Yamaguchi-san's trial integration GitHub * Proposal for layer structure * Both will be reviewed at the next IC EG meeting on Monday. * 5/27 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on integration. Jan-Simon and Scott working on getting a container solution in M2 of Lucky Lamprey. * Ishii-san disclosed reference UI ("really local version") for IC EG this week and has started integration. * 6/10 * Scott uploaded IC container code to gerrit (26419) * Scott's built Ishii-san's reference app with his latest patches and it starts up. * Scott suggested recoding the map video from H.264 to something open source (OGG) so that licensing of the codec is not an issue. * Ishii-san checking performance issues and should have fixed next week. * Discussed kernel version used for DRM Lease with OpenGL (see SPEC-3979) * 6/24 * Scott's gerrit for the containers (24619) was approved and merged. * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * 4/22- No update * 5/13 - No update. * 5/27 - Discussion about which device to build new module with, Added to F2F agenda * 7/22 - Distribution of wifi cards is WIP. * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! New Business: * ==== July 8, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott,, Jerry, George, Hosokawa, Nomoto, Nishiguchi, Bernard, Kurokawa, Date, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Takeuchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * 4/22 * Realigned meetings to fall the same week as SAT starting May 13. * Nomoto-san working on IVI PR spec which he would like feedback on from other OEM members. Initial work will be uploaded prior to the next IVI PR call. * 5/13 * IVI PR EG reviewed power management requirements in [[ | Confluence]]. SAT members should review and comment as well. * Latest Flutter status from Toyota was reviewed. Timeline for their opening up their code is under review. Hopefully just a matter of a few months. * 5/27 * Added topics to the F2F workshop agenda * Sony (Matsubayashi-san) [[ | presented their Flutter embedded solution]] to a local Japan meeting. Dr. Y invited Matsubayashi-san to attend the Virtual workshop. * 6/10 * Nomoto-san will will send an email tomorrow with links to all of the IVI content to be reviewed during the workshop. * Date-san and Yamaguchi-san will finalize details of Matsubayahi-san's participation in the workshop next week. * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * 7/8 * Toyota internal check is on-going. Not sure of timeline. * Igalia doing some work to port existing AGL apps to Flutter then running Flutter on top of Web App Manager. More information is available on [[ | Confluence]]. * Toyota updated some of the IVI Product readiness specs on Confluence and would like SAT and OEM members to review. Specifically we should review [[ | System Failure Detection]] and [[ | Services Launch and Termination]]. Comments should be provided in Confluence. * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * 4/22 * Container work in progress. Next two weeks no calls due to Golden Week, but Yamaguchi-san would like to discuss during the developer call in Tuesday. * DRM lease recipe * 5/13 * Yamaguchi-san's trial integration GitHub * Proposal for layer structure * Both will be reviewed at the next IC EG meeting on Monday. * 5/27 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on integration. Jan-Simon and Scott working on getting a container solution in M2 of Lucky Lamprey. * Ishii-san disclosed reference UI ("really local version") for IC EG this week and has started integration. * 6/10 * Scott uploaded IC container code to gerrit (26419) * Scott's built Ishii-san's reference app with his latest patches and it starts up. * Scott suggested recoding the map video from H.264 to something open source (OGG) so that licensing of the codec is not an issue. * Ishii-san checking performance issues and should have fixed next week. * Discussed kernel version used for DRM Lease with OpenGL (see SPEC-3979) * 6/24 * Scott's gerrit for the containers (24619) was approved and merged. * 7/8 * No update from Dr, Y. He will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! * IC EG would like review comments for the [[ | IC EG Architecture Overview]] and [[ | IC IPC Design]]. Please provide comments in Jira as requested at the top of each page. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * 4/22- No update * 5/13 - No update. * 5/27 - Discussion about which device to build new module with, Added to F2F agenda * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday * 7/8 * Jerry will provide an update during AGL Tech Day! New Business: ==== June 24, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Ishii, Jerry, Kurokawa, George, Hosokawa, Nomoto, * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * 4/22 * Realigned meetings to fall the same week as SAT starting May 13. * Nomoto-san working on IVI PR spec which he would like feedback on from other OEM members. Initial work will be uploaded prior to the next IVI PR call. * 5/13 * IVI PR EG reviewed power management requirements in [[ | Confluence]]. SAT members should review and comment as well. * Latest Flutter status from Toyota was reviewed. Timeline for their opening up their code is under review. Hopefully just a matter of a few months. * 5/27 * Added topics to the F2F workshop agenda * Sony (Matsubayashi-san) [[ | presented their Flutter embedded solution]] to a local Japan meeting. Dr. Y invited Matsubayashi-san to attend the Virtual workshop. * 6/10 * Nomoto-san will will send an email tomorrow with links to all of the IVI content to be reviewed during the workshop. * Date-san and Yamaguchi-san will finalize details of Matsubayahi-san's participation in the workshop next week. * 6/24 * Data-san is working on Flutter internally. Not available this week for an update, but the legal check internally is taking a long time. * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * 4/22 * Container work in progress. Next two weeks no calls due to Golden Week, but Yamaguchi-san would like to discuss during the developer call in Tuesday. * DRM lease recipe * 5/13 * Yamaguchi-san's trial integration GitHub * Proposal for layer structure * Both will be reviewed at the next IC EG meeting on Monday. * 5/27 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on integration. Jan-Simon and Scott working on getting a container solution in M2 of Lucky Lamprey. * Ishii-san disclosed reference UI ("really local version") for IC EG this week and has started integration. * 6/10 * Scott uploaded IC container code to gerrit (26419) * Scott's built Ishii-san's reference app with his latest patches and it starts up. * Scott suggested recoding the map video from H.264 to something open source (OGG) so that licensing of the codec is not an issue. * Ishii-san checking performance issues and should have fixed next week. * Discussed kernel version used for DRM Lease with OpenGL (see SPEC-3979) * 6/24 * Scott's gerrit for the containers (24619) was approved and merged. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * 4/22- No update * 5/13 - No update. * 5/27 - Discussion about which device to build new module with, Added to F2F agenda * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news * 4/8 - No update * 5/13 * Offered to set up Instrument Cluster subgroup in gitlab to allow development to proceed there. * 5/27 * No update * 6/24 * Based on our conversation with LF Release Management and what is available in Gitlab for us, it does not make sense to switch from our current gerrit and Jenkins set up at this time. * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday New Business: ==== June 10, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jerry, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Sekine, Date, Marius, Hosokawa, Bernard, George, Nishiguchi, Stephane, Kurokawa * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * 4/22 * Realigned meetings to fall the same week as SAT starting May 13. * Nomoto-san working on IVI PR spec which he would like feedback on from other OEM members. Initial work will be uploaded prior to the next IVI PR call. * 5/13 * IVI PR EG reviewed power management requirements in [[ | Confluence]]. SAT members should review and comment as well. * Latest Flutter status from Toyota was reviewed. Timeline for their opening up their code is under review. Hopefully just a matter of a few months. * 5/27 * Added topics to the F2F workshop agenda * Sony (Matsubayashi-san) [[ | presented their Flutter embedded solution]] to a local Japan meeting. Dr. Y invited Matsubayashi-san to attend the Virtual workshop. * 6/10 * Nomoto-san will will send an email tomorrow with links to all of the IVI content to be reviewed during the workshop. * Date-san and Yamaguchi-san will finalize details of Matsubayahi-san's participation in the workshop next week. * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * 4/22 * Container work in progress. Next two weeks no calls due to Golden Week, but Yamaguchi-san would like to discuss during the developer call in Tuesday. * DRM lease recipe * 5/13 * Yamaguchi-san's trial integration GitHub * Proposal for layer structure * Both will be reviewed at the next IC EG meeting on Monday. * 5/27 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on integration. Jan-Simon and Scott working on getting a container solution in M2 of Lucky Lamprey. * Ishii-san disclosed reference UI ("really local version") for IC EG this week and has started integration. * 6/10 * Scott uploaded IC container code to gerrit (26419) * Scott's built Ishii-san's reference app with his latest patches and it starts up. * Scott suggested recoding the map video from H.264 to something open source (OGG) so that licensing of the codec is not an issue. * Ishii-san checking performance issues and should have fixed next week. * Discussed kernel version used for DRM Lease with OpenGL (see SPEC-3979) * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * 4/22- No update * 5/13 - No update. * 5/27 - Discussion about which device to build new module with, Added to F2F agenda * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news * 4/8 - No update * 5/13 * Offered to set up Instrument Cluster subgroup in gitlab to allow development to proceed there. * 5/27 * No update * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday New Business: * Next Virtual F2F meeting will be [[agl-distro:jun2021-f2f|June 15-16]]. Schedule also [[ | here]]. ==== May 27, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jerry, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Hosokawa, Sekine, Date, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Mikhail, Richard, Takeuchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * 4/22 * Realigned meetings to fall the same week as SAT starting May 13. * Nomoto-san working on IVI PR spec which he would like feedback on from other OEM members. Initial work will be uploaded prior to the next IVI PR call. * 5/13 * IVI PR EG reviewed power management requirements in [[ | Confluence]]. SAT members should review and comment as well. * Latest Flutter status from Toyota was reviewed. Timeline for their opening up their code is under review. Hopefully just a matter of a few months. * 5/27 * Added topics to the F2F workshop agenda * Sony (Matsubayashi-san) [[ | presented their Flutter embedded solution]] to a local Japan meeting. Dr. Y invited Matsubayashi-san to attend the Virtual workshop. * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * 4/22 * Container work in progress. Next two weeks no calls due to Golden Week, but Yamaguchi-san would like to discuss during the developer call in Tuesday. * DRM lease recipe * 5/13 * Yamaguchi-san's trial integration GitHub * Proposal for layer structure * Both will be reviewed at the next IC EG meeting on Monday. * 5/27 * Yamaguchi-san continues to work on integration. Jan-Simon and Scott working on getting a container solution in M2 of Lucky Lamprey. * Ishii-san disclosed reference UI ("really local version") for IC EG this week and has started integration. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * 4/22- No update * 5/13 - No update. * 5/27 - Discussion about which device to build new module with, Added to F2F agenda * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news * 4/8 - No update * 5/13 * Offered to set up Instrument Cluster subgroup in gitlab to allow development to proceed there. * 5/27 * No update * Virt EG * 5/13 * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. * 5/27 * Final feedback due date extended to next Thursday New Business: * Next Virtual F2F meeting will be [[agl-distro:jun2021-f2f|June 15-16]]. * New EG announced for Container and Mesh EG which will be led AWS. Meetings will be every other Wednesday after Virt EG call. * Changing next week's V2C meeting to Tuesday due to Memorial Day. ==== May 13, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Jerry, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Ishii, Hosokawa, Sekine, Date, Takeuchi, Marius. Anmol, Nishiguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * 4/22 * Realigned meetings to fall the same week as SAT starting May 13. * Nomoto-san working on IVI PR spec which he would like feedback on from other OEM members. Initial work will be uploaded prior to the next IVI PR call. * 5/13 * IVI PR EG reviewed power management requirements in [[ | Confluence]]. SAT members should review and comment as well. * Latest Flutter status from Toyota was reviewed. Timeline for their opening up their code is under review. Hopefully just a matter of a few months. * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * 4/22 * Container work in progress. Next two weeks no calls due to Golden Week, but Yamaguchi-san would like to discuss during the developer call in Tuesday. * DRM lease recipe * 5/11 * * Yamaguchi-san's trial integration GitHub * Proposal for layer structure * Both will be reviewed at the next IC EG meeting on Monday. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * 4/22- No update * 5/11 - No update. * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news * 4/8 - No update * 5/11 * Offered to set up Instrument Cluster subgroup in gitlab to allow development to proceed there. * Virt EG * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 27. New Business: * Next Virtual F2F meeting will be [[agl-distro:jun2021-f2f|June 15-16]]. ==== April 22, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jerry, Scott, Richard. Ishii, Data, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Takeuchi, Mikhail, Nishiguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * 4/22 * Realigned meetings to fall the same week as SAT starting May 13. * Nomoto-san working on IVI PR spec which he would like feedback on from other OEM members. Initial work will be uploaded prior to the next IVI PR call. * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * 4/22 * Container work in progress. Next two weeks no calls due to Golden Week, but Yamaguchi-san would like to discuss during the developer call in Tuesday. * DRM lease recipe * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * 4/22- No update * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news * 4/8 - No update * Virt EG * Jerry shared some {{ :2021-04-22_sat_virt_eg.pdf |slides to review}} an example of Virt IO usage in AG:. * Feedback for [[ | device list prioritization]] to be included in the VirtIO implementation is due by May 19. New Business: ==== April 8, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Nomoto, Marius, Stephane, Takeuchi, Fujiwara, Jerry, Sekine, Date, Nishiguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * 4/8 * No update * IC EG Updates * 4/8 - Quick discussion of gerrit 26222 * Container implementation for George's Sound Manager work is being based on [[ | Tanakawa-san's sandbox]]. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * 4/8 - No update * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news * 4/8 - No update New Business: * Virt EG - Reviewed the EG tasks on the roadmaps. * Jerry reviewed this [[ | spreadsheet]] to prioritize the device list to be included in the VirtIO implementation. ==== March 25, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Date, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Nomoto, George, Marius, Stephane, Nishiguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * 3/25 * Toyota Presentation * 2021 Planned Contributions{{ :20210325_ivi-eg_2021_planning.pptx.pdf |}} * Flutter embedder * Policy management (previously called Application Management) * Production requirements spec * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * 12/17 - No update * 1/14 - The IC EG is using the Container Host development as a test of the development process. The design document is in progress and following the development process. The document will be shared at the AMM. * 1/28 - No update on process. * 3/11 - No update * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news New Business: ==== March 23, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon Special SAT Meeting to review the 2021 Planning Feature List before the SC starts reviewing it. ==== March 11, 2022 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguch, Kurokawa, Nomoto, Sekine, Stephane, Haraki, Marius, Richard , Nishiguchi,, Date,,, Takeuchi, Farshid, Hosokawa, * Next virtual F2F meeting scheduled for [[agl-distro:mar2021-f2f|March 19]] * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * 3/11 * AMM has been focus. * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * 12/17 - No update * 1/14 - The IC EG is using the Container Host development as a test of the development process. The design document is in progress and following the development process. The document will be shared at the AMM. * 1/28 - No update on process. * 3/11 - No update * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * 3/11 * Modules received by Mazda and LF Yokohama. Mazda was able to test with KK 11.0.0 and BT and Wifi both work, Will be shipping to others this week from Yokohama. * Purchase contact info added to the Confluence page. * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. * 3/11 * No news New Business: * Yamaguchi-san updated the IC roadmap on the [[agl-roadmap|AGL Roadmap]]page. will transfer these to the planning spreadsheet tomorrow. ==== February 25, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Date, Richard, Sekine, Takeuchi, Farshid, Hosokawa, Marius * Next virtual F2F meeting scheduled for [[agl-distro:mar2021-f2f|March 19]] * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * 2/25 * No update other than preparing for AMM * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * 12/17 - No update * 1/14 - The IC EG is using the Container Host development as a test of the development process. The design document is in progress and following the development process. The document will be shared at the AMM. * 1/28 - No update on process. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * 2/25 * Panasonic will ship the BT/Wifi modules tomorrow. * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? * 2/25 * Gitlab platinum membership available to AGL. New Business: * Instrument Cluster GSoC Proposal * Report {{sat_meetings:gsoc_sat.pdf}} * Discussed feature ranking process for 2021. * Kurokawa-san gave us an update of the Renesas BSP schedule for 2021. Will be switching to kernel 5.10 for LL and MM. ==== February 11, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, George, Nishiguchi * Next virtual F2F meeting scheduled for [[agl-distro:mar2021-f2f|March 19]] * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * 2/10 * No update * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * 12/17 - No update * 1/14 - The IC EG is using the Container Host development as a test of the development process. The design document is in progress and following the development process. The document will be shared at the AMM. * 1/28 - No update on process. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update * 2/11 * No update from Panasonic on BT/ Wifi module. Scott working on testing CAN-FD, ordered some parts to allow for testing. * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) * 2/11 * No update? New Business: * Instrument Cluster GSoC Proposal * Report {{sat_meetings:gsoc_sat.pdf}} ==== January 28, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Tanikawa, Nomoto, Hosokawa, Date, Yamaguchi, Stephane, Marius, Paul, Shuhei, Takeuchi, Nishiguchi * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * 1/28 - Seven patches merged to master. Two remain in review. 25653 not building in CI, but it should be resolved with the latest rebase. 25654 builds, but Jan-Simon is not sure how to verify the functionality. * Working on a demo for AMM * Disclosing other source is under discussion within Toyota. * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * 12/17 - No update * 1/14 - The IC EG is using the Container Host development as a test of the development process. The design document is in progress and following the development process. The document will be shared at the AMM. * 1/28 - No update on process. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. * 1/28 * No update New Business: * Next virtual F2F meeting March 19? * GitLab (see [[ | presentation ]] ) ==== January 14, 2021 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Marius, Date, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Scott, Sekine, Tanikawa, Oki, Nishiguchi, George, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * 1/14 - Second oem-pr-bs commit (25647) was merged yesterday. There are seven others queued up that should be merged tomorrow morning (except 25654). * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * 12/17 - No update * 1/14 - The IC EG is using the Container Host development as a test of the development process. The design document is in progress and following the development process. The document will be shared at the AMM. * Reference Hardware * 12/17 * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. * 1/14 * Sekine-san asked about updating the documentation site for the build procedure. Scott has a Jira ticket (SPEC-3708) to complete it. * Panasonic is preparing information on patches needed to test the module as well as changes to the BSP that we can incorporate. New Business: * Read-only PR Server * Need a Bitbake PR (Package Revision) serv to enable binary package. * We have a PR server turned on, but it is read/write. Needs to be read-only to enable individual developers or outside companies to work without affecting the central database and without re-using identical package revisions by different developers. * Another option is migrate from PR serv to newer Hash equivalency server which has better performance and already has a read-only port. <---- This is the recommended option from the SAT * Konsulko task for Paul Barker * Nishiguchi-san asked about the Sound System RFQ. Walt to check with Guy about the requote based on the request for additional documentation. * ELISA workshop #6 to be held Feb 2 - 4. Details are [[ | here]] ==== December 17, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Kurokawa, Tanikawa, Sekine, Oki, Nomoto, Scott, Nishiguchi, Haraki, Takeuchi, Changhyeok, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Two special meetings held this week to review the code in gerrit. * Kickoff of IVI EG held last week during Virtual F2F meeting * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * 12/17 - No update * Reference Hardware * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * From Dev Call: * Proposal to issue BT/Wifi module with the TI Bluetooth hardware from the KF instead of the Qualcomm module. One question to Panasonic is to use the QC 6174 part that has firmware available. Scott pointed out that the TI will not work with “out of the box” Pulse Audio and Blues it will not work properly. Kurokawa-san checked with Cogent and they are using the KF design with Pulse Audio and different stack. Need to make sure the antenna uses the external connector on the Reference Hardware and not an onboard antenna like the KF since it is not usable most environments. * Sekine-san confirmed that the external antenna is used in the reference design. New Business: ==== December 3, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Micheal, Scott, Marius, Oki, Sekine, Nomoto, George, Tanikawa, Yamaguchi, Nishiguchi, Hosokawa, Takeuchi, Haraki * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Working on the gerrit commit of Toyota Base System to get it accepted into master * Fixing the issues found by Jan-Simon and Scott in the initial commit * Working with Tanikawa-san to break up the commit into smaller pieces. * Gerrit 25493 was moved to WIP so review will be suspended while they work on breaking up the commit and fixing the initial comments. It will take a week or so to get the smaller commits prepared. * Working on ALS presentation * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * IVI EG Creation * Nomoto-san will be the EG lead. * Will be every other Thursday starting Dec 10 at * 6 am Chicago/ 1 pm CET / 9pm JST * Reference Hardware * Raquel pushed the upgrade to BSP 4.1 (kernel 5.4) to gerrit. All of the basics of the IVI demo are working. GPS and HDMI input are the primary open issues. * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. New Business: * Agenda for F2F Meeting ==== November 19, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Changhyeok, Oki, Sekine, Nomoto, Tanikawa, Kurokawa, Nishiguchi, Yamaguchi, Takeuchi, Marius, George, Stephane * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Working on the gerrit commit of Toyota Base System to get it accepted into master * Fixing the issues found by Jan-Simon and Scott in the initial commit * Worked with Tanikawa-san to break up the commit into smaller pieces (9 patches) and first commit was accepted to be merged to master. Will continue to work on the other patches. * ALS presentation went well. Thank you to Date-san and Nishiguchi-san * New PR IVI EG kicks off next week. * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * 11/19 - No update * Reference Hardware * Raquel pushed the upgrade to BSP 4.1 (kernel 5.4) to gerrit. All of the basics of the IVI demo are working. GPS and HDMI input are the primary open issues. * SPEC-3690 - Oki-san asking for feedback on the reference hardware for preparing the next generation reference hardware specification. * Review the new milestone based schedule which can be seen at [[schedule|AGL Schedule and Milestones]] ==== November 5, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Oki, Sekine, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Tanikawa, Date, Takeuchi, Kimura, Marius * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Gerrit 25493 - configuration of base system. Biggest comment so far is that the source code needs to be separated from the layers. * Would like to move this discussion to the IVI EG * Walt suggested that the commit get broken up into smaller features to be reviewed separately to make the review more manageable. Nomoto-san to consider how to do that. * RBA integration with AGL Compositor (Veeresh) * Slides presented are on [[ | Confluence]] * Integration Idea Option 2 preferred in general as it fits with AGL architecture some modifications are required to transmit app name/tag to the RBA. * Option 1 is currently in production in Denso. * Both integration options show integration with AGL Compositor which rules this integration out of PR Trial version since the Trial Version has no Apps to test with and no defined plan for the compositor. * Denso will do some further planning/ detailed design for option 2 as the next step. * 11/5 - Moving the discussion to App FW call. Arusha took over from Vareesh as the lead. * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san based on initial comments on Confluence * FIXME [ | Sub information]] * GPL V2 only will be a requirement for IC EG. * IVI EG Creation * Need someone from Toyota to be identified as the EG lead. * Need time and day for the calls. * Reference Hardware * The Panasonic provided BSP now works in Scott's tree with old Renesas BSP with another patch provided by Panasonic, Raquel working on the BSP 4.1 (kernel 5.4) upgrade. ==== October 22 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Anusha, Kurokawa, Marius, Oki, Sekine, Nomoto, Scott, Stephane, Veeresh, Tanikawa, Yamaguchi, Kimura, Tanibata, Takeuchi, Kusakabe * RBA integration with AGL Compositor (Veeresh) * Slides presented are on [[ | Confluence]] * Integration Idea Option 2 preferred in general as it fits with AGL architecture some modifications are required to transmit app name/tag to the RBA. * Option 1 is currently in production in Denso. * Both integration options show integration with AGL Compositor which rules this integration out of PR Trial version since the Trial Version has no Apps to test with and no defined plan for the compositor. * Denso will do some further planning/ detailed design for option 2 as the next step. * Instrument Cluster Dev Process * Reviewed document from Yamaguchi-san * [[ | Sub information]] * Should add comments in [[ | Confluence]] next week in time for SAT review in two weeks. * IVI EG Creation * IVI PR Updates from Toyota * Summary from Workshop * ==== September 24 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Nomoto (Toyota), Scott, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Imamura, Hosokawa, Marius, Yamaguchi, Sekine, Tanikawa, Takemoto, Haraki ==== September 17 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Nomoto (Toyota), Scott, Changhyeok(Daimler), Kimura (Denso-Ten), Furtua (Denso-Ten), Kurokawa, Imamura (NTT Data MSE), Date (Toyota), Momiyama (Aisin AW), Nakadachi (Mazda), Nishiguchi, Oki (Mazda) Takeuchi (Toyota), Tanikawa (Panasonic), Takemoto (NTT Data MSE), Hoshina (Toyota) Special SAT Meeting #4 * Recap of Special SAT Meeting #3 * Announcement of [[agl-distro:sep2020-f2f|Virtual Workshop]] * [[ | Presentation]] from Nomota-san about trial period development. * Reviewed plan for Trial Period * Nomota-san asked for comments on the [[ | Product Ready Specification v0.1]]. Comments should be added to the Jira ticket [[ | SPEC-3588]]. A time to review the spec will be added to the Workshop, ==== September 10 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Dr. Yamaguchi. * DRM Lease RFQ - SPEC-3388 - Igel reply approved by SC. * Fast Boot RFQ - SPEC-3371 - Review version today. * Sound System RFQ - SPEC-3471 - Nishiguchi-san updating with comments from the last review as well some additional feedback from Yamaguchi-san. Should be ready for next SAT meeting. * Rules Based Arbitration - SPEC-3552 - RBA repository created and the source code was pushed to AGL Gerrit, ADIT and Denso discussing creating a sample rule set to be provided to AGL. * Toyota Production Readiness Update * Workshop proposal- dates Oct 6 - 8 New Topics: * Possible transition to Gitlab. Guy mentioned that Daniel has a lot of experience moving projects from Jenkins into Gitlab so we can bug him to ask questions. ==== August 27 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Tanikawa, Kimura, Kurokawa, Sekine, Takemoto, Scott, Nomoto, Lokesh Gugale, * DRM Lease RFQ - SPEC-3388 - Igel reply received and approved by IC EG. Forwarded to Steering Committee. Kurokawa-san confirmed that Igel already has a board set and if they need a second set Renesas can provide it to them directly. * Fast Boot RFQ - SPEC-3371 - Kusakabe uploaded new versions of the document to the ticket. Not on the call. Haraki-san will confirm the next step with him. * Sound System RFQ - SPEC-3471 - Nishiguchi-san updating with comments from the last review as well some additional feedback from Yamaguchi-san. Should be ready for next SAT meeting. * Rules Based Arbitration - (Need Jira ticket) - RBA repository created and the source code was pushed to AGL Gerrit, Next step is working on integrating with the AGL compositor. * Toyota Production Readiness Update * EGs struggling to figure out what the expectations are for next 18 months. SAT needs to move faster to assign work packages to EGs to keep things moving smoothly. * App FW EG came up with a preliminary list of tasks to be reviewed by SAT * Continued use of systemd * Linux Security Module for AGL (SMACK, SELinux, AppArmor, or none). None implies leaving the LSM to the product developer. Choosing one effectively locks in the Product developer to a solution. * Package management and deployment solution * API mechanism. Continue to use OpenAPI or change to a different mechanism for platform services. Ideally we have an IDL that autogenerates the API code. (grpc, OpenAPI, or another) * Long-term use of Qt * IPC should be defined and selected. New Topics: * Inclusion of QEMU RISC-V target in koi as a community supported board. * Not added to CI. * No boards for automotive available today, but a lot of boards in development from Microchip and NXP. * Graphics not available. * Scott noted that there are a lot of patches hitting OpenEmbedded for RISC-V so eventually there should be better support from upstream, but not until a later releases than Dunfell. * Release readiness for Jellyfish - Everyone should check their Jira queue to close issues and review the files to insure documentation is update * SPEC-3517 - m3/h3 naming wrt kingfisher - Will keep as-is and Jan-Simon will document better. This should allow for better support of the reference hardware going forward. * * Code removals prior to Jellyfish release? * agl-service-libwindowmanager, qlibwindowmanager, libwindowmanager * Older navigation recipes. * can-generator needs updated from Scott to create ticket and assign to Ronan. ==== August 20, 2020 ==== Attendees: ** Need to update attendee list ** * Nomoto-san shared a [[ | presentation]] ==== August 6, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Nomoto, Yamaguchi, Haraki, Munakata, Tanikawa, Nishiguchi, e, Kusakabe, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Fulup, Daniel ** Need to update attendee list ** * Nomoto-san shared a presentation ==== July 30, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Yamaguchi, Haraki, Munakata, Tanikawa, Nishiguchi, Olivier Delbeke, Kusakabe, Hosokawa, Nishiguchi, Kurokawa, Fulup, Daniel * Presentation of IC EG Architecture Overview (SPEC-3521) ==== July 30, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Haraki, Jose, Takemoto (NTT Data MSE), Takeuchi (Toyota), Kimura, Dr. Y, Scott, Nomoto, Kurokawa, George, Guy, Nishiguchi, Hosakawa, Tanikawa, Marius, Jose, Kusakabe (late), * DRM Lease RFQ - SPEC-3388 -waiting for Igel reply. * Fast Boot RFQ - SPEC-3371 - Kusakabe uploaded new versions of the document to the ticket. Not on the call. Haraki-san will confirm the next step with him. * Sound System RFQ - SPEC-3471 - Nishiguchi-san updating with comments from the last review. Should be ready to review next meeting, * Rules Based Arbitration - (Need Jira ticket) - task of translating code comments from Japanese to English is nearly complete. Will be ready to upload to staging tree in August. Once code is posted would like to integrate with the AGL compositor. * Toyota Update - New Production Readiness effort kicked off. Nomoto-san sent out an email to the member list asking for feature ranking by members. SAT discussed and requested that Toyota comes back with an architecture proposal at the Special SAT meeting on August 6 so that the members can get a better idea of what each of the features in the list means. Voting should not take place until after the architecture is more fully disclosed by Toyota. * Reference Hardware was received in Yokohama. Will shipped out next week to members who requested it. * Board documentation can be found on the [[ | RHSA EG group page]] * Scott commented that the documentation is insufficient without schematics for the boards. * Walt will request the schematics from Panasonic, * 7/2 -Reviewed the disclaimer in the RHSA manuals. New Business: * Next steps for Window Manager and Compositor work being completed by Marius - Collabora will propose a set of possible new features to be worked on. * Aug 3 - Special SAT meeting to review IC architecture to be scheduled ==== July 17, 2020 ==== [[agl-distro:jul2020-f2f|Virtual F2F meeting]] after the Virtual AMM, Meeting minutes are [[agl-distro:jul2020-f2f|here]]. ==== July 2, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Haraki, Tanikawa, Kusakabe, Sekine, Yamaguchi, Nomoto, Nishiguchi, Hosokawa, Kurokawa, Li, * DRM Lease RFQ - SPEC-3388 * Fast Boot RFQ - SPEC-3371 -Reviewed the updated version that is uploaded in the Jira ticket. Added review comments in the ticket. * Toyota Update - No update. Will be providing an update to the Steering Committee and AB. Will review the proposal with the SAT on the July 17 SAT/EG meeting. * Reference Hardware was received in Yokohama. Will shipped out next week to members who requested it. * Board documentation can be found on the [[ | RHSA EG group page]] * Scott commented that the documentation is insufficient without schematics for the boards. * Walt will request the schematics from Panasonic, * 7/2 -Reviewed the disclaimer in the RHSA manuals. New Business: * DRM Lease RFQ will be sent out to mail list and the responses reviewed by the IC EG. * Sound System RFQ review. Nishiguchi-san will create a JIRA ticket for the review. Would like George to take part in the review. Will ask George to participate in the July 17 SAT/EG meeting and added a time slot for the review. ==== June 18, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon * DRM Lease RFQ - SPEC-3388 * Fast Boot RFQ - SPEC-3371 - Kusakabe-san not available today. Haraki-san reported that he spoke to Kusakabe-san and he will update the RFQ document for the next meeting. He will add the M2 as an alternative device as well as address the concerns from the last review. * Toyota Update - No update. Will be providing an update to the Steering Committee and AB. * Reference Hardware was received in Yokohama. Will shipped out next week to members who requested it. * Board documentation can be found on the [[ | RHSA EG group page]] * Scott commented that the documentation is insufficient without schematics for the boards. * Walt will request the schematics from Panasonic, New Business: * DRM Lease RFQ will be sent out to mail list and the responses reviewed by the IC EG. ==== June 4, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Yamaguchi, Michael, Kurokawa, Hosokawa, Nomoto, Scott, Hanaoka, Sekine, Tanikawa, Haraki, * Yamaguchi-san to [[ | present a proposal from the IC EG]] for the development process for IC. * Toyota Update - Ohiwa-san not available * Virtual AMM CFP closes on Friday. ==== May 28, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Daniel, Hosokawa, Joel Catala, Jesus Cabrera, Nishiguchi, Haraki, Bernd Niedermeier, Anusha, Special meeting to review IC EG RFQs * DRM Lease RFQ - SPEC-3388 * Fast Boot RFQ - SPEC-3371 ==== May 21, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Haraki, Scott, Sekine, Kurokawa, Nomoto, Tanikawa * 2020 Roadmap Review * Create Jira tickets for components that may be moved to AGL core and post a request for comments on the mail list. To be reviewed at SAT F2F at the AMM. * Each EG need to update [[ | Roadmap ]]. * Yocto version discussion * Renesas plans to use 4.14 kernel for dunfell this year and would upgrade to 5.4 for the LL release. * SAT agreed on the following plan for YP versioning + Renesas BSP kernel version. Other platforms will support 5.4 kernel at initial release. * JJ - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel (best case end of June to with release in July) * KK - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel * LL - YP 3.1 + 5.4 kernel. * MM - YP 3.1 + 5.4 Kernel * Yamaguchi-san asked about support for Ubuntu 20.4. Probably has not been tested. Ubuntu release is 1 day before the YP release so it is unlikely to be explicitly support on day 1. Jan-Simon will check with YP on their plans for 20.4 support. * 4/23 - Plan to merge next with dunfell (YP 3.1) to master. Scott has built all platforms except Renesas. * YP 3.1 was released April 21 (Tuesday) * Noted an issue with using the QEMU image on Intel hardware that needs to be addressed. * QEMU runs fine * H3 and BBE do not work in CI. * Jan-Simon notes that H3 would boot to kernel with old version of the BSP by adding Ronan's patches in gerrit plus another one. Would need to skip H3 from test suite until official patch comes out from Renesas. Could leave it in CI and only run boot test. * BBE fails uboot so it needs to be updated by Sanclound. Will need to be skipped in CI * Target from Renesas is May 18 for the starter kit BSP update. * Ubuntu 20.4 releases today and Fedora 32 is coming out soon, We expect that the next point release of 3.1 will include support for both of them. * Proposal is to merge next to master next week. * 5/5 - Merge to master is complete. Work is ongoing for RCar H3 BSP. Will be pushed to their GitHub end of next week. * 5/21 - Merge complete. Looking pretty good. Yocto accepting patches upstream and about two start a two week cycle for merging updates. Schedule for point releases is still under discussion. 3.1.1 current plan is to release July. Will stick to point releases only for master and our release branches. * Reviewed the Fast Boot RFQ developed by Kusakabe-san for the IC EG * Kusakabe-san will post the document for further review. * Plenty of comments were provided. Another round of updates will take place and a new version will be available in two weeks (Kusakabe-san to confirm the timing) for the next SAT call. * 4/23 - Revised version was delayed due to coronavirus issues at Denso-Ten. Should be ready for the next meeting. * 5/5 - Updated version was posted to the SC, but not generally to the community. We will release the document to the community and review it at the next SAT call. * 5/21 - Document posted to SPEC-3371. Added comments in the Jira ticket during the call. IC EG needs to review with Kusakabe-san, * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 5/5 - PO went out last week, Delivery expected end of May * 5/21- Still expecting hardware at the end of May. will be shipped to Yokohama LF office and then sent to companies that have requested it. Software delivery from Panasonic will not be downloadable, but provided on media. Expected deliverable will be patches against the Renesas BSP. * Radio architecture and Tuner API - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 3/26 - Kusakabe-san prepared a draft document that will be reviewed during the Connectivity EG meeting next week. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * 3/26 - Tanikawa is working on this and will provided a verbal update. Will provide another update at the next SAT meeting, * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * 3/12 - Ohiwa-san showed a presentation on the latest status from Toyota.{{:sat_meetings:document_for_sat_20200312.pdf|latest status}} * Nomoto-san showed analysis of Bluetooth use cases. He will forward to the mail list or post in the meeting minutes, Detailed discussion will pick up in the Connectivity EG. * 3/26 - Ohiwa-san can start to upload the code now that it has been approved internally. Code will be uploaded on Monday unless he cannot go to the office due to Coronavirus restrictions. * 4/9 - SPEC-3322 written with details on the code that was uploaded to gerrit including build instructions and other documentation in [[ | Confluence.]] * 4/23 - Ohiwa-san reviewed the use cases that he added to SPEC-3322. Questions about the specifics of the use cases. * Positioning - What is the difference between what agl-service-gps and the Toyota code that was dropped and what benefits are there to changing to it? AGL is using open source components that are well maintained upstream. * Communication - What is difference between agl-service-can-low-level and Toyota's communication component and what benefits do we derive from switching the Toyota component? * Tanikawa-san - Is there a statement of what the purpose of the code drop is? What is Toyota's expectation and vision for contributing this code? How are we going to use this code? * Additional questions can be added to the [[ | Confluence Q&A page]] * 5/5 - Presentation is being prepared to address the questions asked at the last meeting and should be ready in early June. * Ohiwa-san showed a comparison of the Toyota code with the AGL positioning and low CAN service and concluded that there is no large gap between the what AGL has and the Toyota code. * 5/22 - Nothing to report. Ohiwa-san out sick. * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. * 4/26 - Dr. Yamaguchi provided an update on the [[ | ELISA AGL cooperation proposal]]. * 5/5 - Preparing for the ELISA virtual workshop later this month. There is a new automotive working group that will be kicked off during the workshop. * 5/22 - ELISA workshop was held this week. Slides from presentations are still be updated. Dr. Y will provide further updates during the next SAT meeting. Automotive WG was kicked off and is working out their charter. Dr. Y will propose to the AGL AB that Walt participate in the ELISA Automotive WG by attending their meetings and reporting back to the SAT and SC on their progress. FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. * 3/26 - Multiple issues blocking getting FOSSology server going, * 4/23 - 9.0.1 run and results sent to Li. 360,000 files that need to be cleared if we look at the entire code base including the kernel. Li asked if we can limit it to just the AGL created code which would limit it to 2000ish files. * 5/5 - Li started reviewing the QEMU results today and should be finished this week. * 5/22 - Review is ongoing. Open question of what to with packages that were not reviewed. Only AGL developed packages are currently being reviewed. New Business: * Kurokawa-san completed the first draft of the DRM sharing RFQ. Will put in a JIRA ticket and we will schedule a separate SAT call for next Thursday to review since we anticipate the next regular SAT call to be busy with the new Toyota proposal. Will also see if we can get Kusakabe-san on the call to discuss the fast boot RFQ. ==== May 7, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Li, Michael, Andrey, Mikhail, Leonid, Sebastien, Hosokawa, Ohiwa, Nishiguchi, Dr, Yamaguchi, Mr, K, Haraki, * 2020 Roadmap Review * Create Jira tickets for components that may be moved to AGL core and post a request for comments on the mail list. To be reviewed at SAT F2F at the AMM. * Each EG need to update [[ | Roadmap ]]. * Yocto version discussion * Renesas plans to use 4.14 kernel for dunfell this year and would upgrade to 5.4 for the LL release. * SAT agreed on the following plan for YP versioning + Renesas BSP kernel version. Other platforms will support 5.4 kernel at initial release. * JJ - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel (best case end of June to with release in July) * KK - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel * LL - YP 3.1 + 5.4 kernel. * MM - YP 3.1 + 5.4 Kernel * Yamaguchi-san asked about support for Ubuntu 20.4. Probably has not been tested. Ubuntu release is 1 day before the YP release so it is unlikely to be explicitly support on day 1. Jan-Simon will check with YP on their plans for 20.4 support. * 4/23 - Plan to merge next with dunfell (YP 3.1) to master. Scott has built all platforms except Renesas. * YP 3.1 was released April 21 (Tuesday) * Noted an issue with using the QEMU image on Intel hardware that needs to be addressed. * QEMU runs fine * H3 and BBE do not work in CI. * Jan-Simon notes that H3 would boot to kernel with old version of the BSP by adding Ronan's patches in gerrit plus another one. Would need to skip H3 from test suite until official patch comes out from Renesas. Could leave it in CI and only run boot test. * BBE fails uboot so it needs to be updated by Sanclound. Will need to be skipped in CI * Target from Renesas is May 18 for the starter kit BSP update. * Ubuntu 20.4 releases today and Fedora 32 is coming out soon, We expect that the next point release of 3.1 will include support for both of them. * Proposal is to merge next to master next week. * 5/5 - Merge to master is complete. Work is ongoing for RCar H3 BSP. Will be pushed to their GitHub end of next week. . * Reviewed the Fast Boot RFQ developed by Kusakabe-san for the IC EG * Kusakabe-san will post the document for further review. * Plenty of comments were provided. Another round of updates will take place and a new version will be available in two weeks (Kusakabe-san to confirm the timing) for the next SAT call. * 4/23 - Revised version was delayed due to coronavirus issues at Denso-Ten. Should be ready for the next meeting. * 5/5 - Updated version was posted to the SC, but not generally to the community. We will release the document to the community and review it at the next SAT call. * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * 1/16 - Panasonic and Qualcomm are talking at the executive level about licensing the WiFi and Bluetooth chip firmware using a click-thru license most likely. * 3/26 - BSP RFI responses to be reviewed. AB tentatively approved purchasing the boards pending the Qualcomm and BSP discussions. * 5/5 - PO went out last week, Delivery expected end of May * Radio architecture and Tuner API - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 3/26 - Kusakabe-san prepared a draft document that will be reviewed during the Connectivity EG meeting next week. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * 3/26 - Tanikawa is working on this and will provided a verbal update. Will provide another update at the next SAT meeting, * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * 3/12 - Ohiwa-san showed a presentation on the latest status from Toyota.{{:sat_meetings:document_for_sat_20200312.pdf|latest status}} * Nomoto-san showed analysis of Bluetooth use cases. He will forward to the mail list or post in the meeting minutes, Detailed discussion will pick up in the Connectivity EG. * 3/26 - Ohiwa-san can start to upload the code now that it has been approved internally. Code will be uploaded on Monday unless he cannot go to the office due to Coronavirus restrictions. * 4/9 - SPEC-3322 written with details on the code that was uploaded to gerrit including build instructions and other documentation in [[ | Confluence.]] * 4/23 - Ohiwa-san reviewed the use cases that he added to SPEC-3322. Questions about the specifics of the use cases. * Positioning - What is the difference between what agl-service-gps and the Toyota code that was dropped and what benefits are there to changing to it? AGL is using open source components that are well maintained upstream. * Communication - What is difference between agl-service-can-low-level and Toyota's communication component and what benefits do we derive from switching the Toyota component? * Tanikawa-san - Is there a statement of what the purpose of the code drop is? What is Toyota's expectation and vision for contributing this code? How are we going to use this code? * Additional questions can be added to the [[ | Confluence Q&A page]] * 5/5 - Presentation is being prepared to address the questions asked at the last meeting and should be ready in early June. * Ohiwa-san showed a comparison of the Toyota code with the AGL positioning and low CAN service and concluded that there is no large gap between the what AGL has and the Toyota code. * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. * 4/26 - Dr. Yamaguchi provided an update on the [[ | ELISA AGL cooperation proposal]]. * 5/5 - Preparing for the ELISA virtual workshop later this month. There is a new automotive working group that will be kicked off during the workshop. FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. * 3/26 - Multiple issues blocking getting FOSSology server going, * 4/23 - 9.0.1 run and results sent to Li. 360,000 files that need to be cleared if we look at the entire code base including the kernel. Li asked if we can limit it to just the AGL created code which would limit it to 2000ish files. * 5/5 - Li started reviewing the QEMU results today and should be finished this week. New Business: * New AGL service binder proposal for cloud proxy. See [[ | SPEC-3351]] ==== April 23, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Abe, Tanikawa, Haraki, Ohiwa * 2020 Roadmap Review * Create Jira tickets for components that may be moved to AGL core and post a request for comments on the mail list. To be reviewed at SAT F2F at the AMM. * Each EG need to update [[ | Roadmap ]]. * Yocto version discussion * Renesas plans to use 4.14 kernel for dunfell this year and would upgrade to 5.4 for the LL release. * SAT agreed on the following plan for YP versioning + Renesas BSP kernel version. Other platforms will support 5.4 kernel at initial release. * JJ - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel (best case end of June to with release in July) * KK - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel * LL - YP 3.1 + 5.4 kernel. * MM - YP 3.1 + 5.4 Kernel * Yamaguchi-san asked about support for Ubuntu 20.4. Probably has not been tested. Ubuntu release is 1 day before the YP release so it is unlikely to be explicitly support on day 1. Jan-Simon will check with YP on their plans for 20.4 support. * 4/23 - Plan to merge next with dunfell (YP 3.1) to master. Scott has built all platforms except Renesas. * YP 3.1 was released April 21 (Tuesday) * Noted an issue with using the QEMU image on Intel hardware that needs to be addressed. * QEMU runs fine * H3 and BBE do not work in CI. * Jan-Simon notes that H3 would boot to kernel with old version of the BSP by adding Ronan's patches in gerrit plus another one. Would need to skip H3 from test suite until official patch comes out from Renesas. Could leave it in CI and only run boot test. * BBE fails uboot so it needs to be updated by Sanclound. Will need to be skipped in CI * Target from Renesas is May 18 for the starter kit BSP update. * Ubuntu 20.4 releases today and Fedora 32 is coming out soon, We expect that the next point release of 3.1 will include support for both of them. * Proposal is to merge next to master next week. * Reviewed the Fast Boot RFQ developed by Kusakabe-san for the IC EG * Kusakabe-san will post the document for further review. * Plenty of comments were provided. Another round of updates will take place and a new version will be available in two weeks (Kusakabe-san to confirm the timing) for the next SAT call. * 4/23 - Revised version was delayed due to coronavirus issues at Denso-Ten. Should be ready for the next meeting. * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * 1/16 - Panasonic and Qualcomm are talking at the executive level about licensing the WiFi and Bluetooth chip firmware using a click-thru license most likely. * 3/26 - BSP RFI responses to be reviewed. AB tentatively approved purchasing the boards pending the Qualcomm and BSP discussions. * Radio architecture and Tuner API - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 3/26 - Kusakabe-san prepared a draft document that will be reviewed during the Connectivity EG meeting next week. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * 3/26 - Tanikawa is working on this and will provided a verbal update. Will provide another update at the next SAT meeting, * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * 3/12 - Ohiwa-san showed a presentation on the latest status from Toyota.{{:sat_meetings:document_for_sat_20200312.pdf|latest status}} * Nomoto-san showed analysis of Bluetooth use cases. He will forward to the mail list or post in the meeting minutes, Detailed discussion will pick up in the Connectivity EG. * 3/26 - Ohiwa-san can start to upload the code now that it has been approved internally. Code will be uploaded on Monday unless he cannot go to the office due to Coronavirus restrictions. * 4/9 - SPEC-3322 written with details on the code that was uploaded to gerrit including build instructions and other documentation in [[ | Confluence.]] * 4/23 - Ohiwa-san reviewed the use cases that he added to SPEC-3322. Questions about the specifics of the use cases. * Positioning - What is the difference between what agl-service-gps and the Toyota code that was dropped and what benefits are there to changing to it? AGL is using open source components that are well maintained upstream. * Communication - What is difference between agl-service-can-low-level and Toyota's communication component and what benefits do we derive from switching the Toyota component? * Tanikawa-san - Is there a statement of what the purpose of the code drop is? What is Toyota's expectation and vision for contributing this code? How are we going to use this code? * Additional questions can be added to the [[ | Confluence Q&A page]] * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. * 3/26 - Dr. Yamaguchi provided an update on the [[ | ELISA AGL cooperation proposal]]. FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. * 3/26 - Multiple issues blocking getting FOSSology server going, * 4/23 - 9.0.1 run and results sent to Li. 360,000 files that need to be cleared if we look at the entire code base including the kernel. Li asked if we can limit it to just the AGL created code which would limit it to 2000ish files. New Business: ==== April 9, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Stephane, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Haraki, Hosokawa, Tanikawa, Nomoto, Abe, Ohiwa, Scott, * 2020 Roadmap Review * Create Jira tickets for components that may be moved to AGL core and post a request for comments on the mail list. To be reviewed at SAT F2F at the AMM. * Each EG need to update [[ | Roadmap ]]. * Yocto version discussion * Renesas plans to use 4.14 kernel for dunfell this year and would upgrade to 5.4 for the LL release. * SAT agreed on the following plan for YP versioning + Renesas BSP kernel version. Other platforms will support 5.4 kernel at initial release. * JJ - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel (best case end of June to with release in July) * KK - YP 3.1 + 4.14 kernel * LL - YP 3.1 + 5.4 kernel. * MM - YP 3.1 + 5.4 Kernel * Yamaguchi-san asked about support for Ubuntu 20.4. Probably has not been tested. Ubuntu release is 1 day before the YP release so it is unlikely to be explicitly support on day 1. Jan-Simon will check with YP on their plans for 20.4 support. * Reviewed the Fast Boot RFQ developed by Kusakabe-san for the IC EG * Kusakabe-san will post the document for further review. * Plenty of comments were provided. Another round of updates will take place and a new version will be available in two weeks (Kusakabe-san to confirm the timing) for the next SAT call. * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * 1/16 - Panasonic and Qualcomm are talking at the executive level about licensing the WiFi and Bluetooth chip firmware using a click-thru license most likely. * 3/26 - BSP RFI responses to be reviewed. AB tentatively approved purchasing the boards pending the Qualcomm and BSP discussions. * Radio architecture and Tuner API - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 3/26 - Kusakabe-san prepared a draft document that will be reviewed during the Connectivity EG meeting next week. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * 3/26 - Tanikawa is working on this and will provided a verbal update. Will provide another update at the next SAT meeting, * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * 3/12 - Ohiwa-san showed a presentation on the latest status from Toyota.{{:sat_meetings:document_for_sat_20200312.pdf|latest status}} * Nomoto-san showed analysis of Bluetooth use cases. He will forward to the mail list or post in the meeting minutes, Detailed discussion will pick up in the Connectivity EG. * 3/26 - Ohiwa-san can start to upload the code now that it has been approved internally. Code will be uploaded on Monday unless he cannot go to the office due to Coronavirus restrictions. * 4/9 - SPEC-3322 written with details on the code that was uploaded to gerrit including build instructions and other documentation in [[ | Confluence.]] * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. * 3/26 - Dr. Yamaguchi provided an update on the ELISA AGL cooperation proposal. FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. * 3/26 - Multiple issues blocking getting FOSSology server going, New Business: ==== March 26, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Dr. Yamaguchi, Ohiwa, Nomoto, Abe, Kusakabe, Haraki, Hosokawa, Stephane, Parth, Nishiguchi, Tanikawa * 2020 Roadmap Review * Create Jira tickets for components that may be moved to AGL core and post a request for comments on the mail list. To be reviewed at SAT F2F at the AMM. * Each EG need to update [[ | Roadmap ]]. [[ | SPEC-2538]] - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously. * 2/13 - Sandbox tested out and will be included in JJ release. Build option will be available for keeping multiple versions, * 3/26 - Merged. * Icefish final release * Done * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * 1/16 - Panasonic and Qualcomm are talking at the executive level about licensing the WiFi and Bluetooth chip firmware using a click-thru license most likely. * 3/26 - BSP RFI responses to be reviewed. AB tentatively approved purchasing the boards pending the Qualcomm and BSP discussions. * Radio architecture and Tuner API - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 3/26 - Kusakabe-san prepared a draft document that will be reviewed during the Connectivity EG meeting next week. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * 3/26 - Tanikawa is working on this and will provided a verbal update. Will provide another update at the next SAT meeting, * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * 3/12 - Ohiwa-san showed a presentation on the latest status from Toyota.{{:sat_meetings:document_for_sat_20200312.pdf|latest status}} * Nomoto-san showed analysis of Bluetooth use cases. He will forward to the mail list or post in the meeting minutes, Detailed discussion will pick up in the Connectivity EG. * 3/26 - Ohiwa-san can start to upload the code now that it has been approved internally. Code will be uploaded on Monday unless he cannot go to the office due to Coronavirus restrictions. * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. * 3/26 - Dr. Yamaguchi provided an update on the ELISA AGL cooperation proposal. FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. * 3/26 - Multiple issues blocking getting FOSSology server going, New Business: * SPEC-3295 - Apply yocto metadata license file format to AGL layers. * New repository requests for POI (SPEC-3291 and SPEC-3293) ==== March 12, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Li, Ohiwa, Kusakabe, Kurokawa, Tanikawa, Haraki, Abe, Hosokawa, Dr. Yamaguchi, Nomoto * 2020 Roadmap Review * Create Jira tickets for components that may be moved to AGL core and post a request for comments on the mail list. To be reviewed at SAT F2F at the AMM. * Each EG need to update [[ | Roadmap ]]. [[ | SPEC-2538]] - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously. * 2/13 - Sandbox tested out and will be included in JJ release. Build option will be available for keeping multiple versions, * Icefish final release * Being slowed down by issues with CI. * Waiting for a fix from Igalia on the WAM issue reported by Scott on Tuesday (SPEC-3181). * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * 1/16 - Panasonic and Qualcomm are talking at the executive level about licensing the WiFi and Bluetooth chip firmware using a click-thru license most likely. * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. * 9/26 * **Radio API review ** * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/documents * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above * focus on generic calls over hw specifics * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done * 10/10 * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. * 11/21 - No update. * 12/4 - No update. Further translations from Denso Ten may be available at the end of December. * 12/19 - No update * 1/16 - No update. Scott will start looking at it now that he is done with CES. SPEC-1903 - will provide a POC for the radio API. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * 3/12 - Ohiwa-san showed a presentation on the latest status from Toyota.{{:sat_meetings:document_for_sat_20200312.pdf|latest status}} * Nomoto-san showed analysis of Bluetooth use cases. He will forward to the mail list or post in the meeting minutes, Detailed discussion will pick up in the Connectivity EG. * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. New Business: * Walt to send out info on the CIP / EILSA webinar scheduled for tomorrow, * Fujitsu wants to buy an i.MX8 board for testing, Scott recommended the [[ | NXP i.Mx8 EVKB]] ==== February 13, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Li, Scott, Jose, Sebastien, Kusakabe, Dr. Yamaguchi, Hosokawa, Michael, Jeremy, Kurokawa, Ronan, Sekine, Ohiwa, Guy * 2020 Roadmap Review * Create Jira tickets for components that may be moved to AGL core and post a request for comments on the mail list. To be reviewed at SAT F2F at the AMM. * Each EG need to update [[ | Roadmap ]]. [[ | SPEC-2538]] - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously. * 2/13 - Sandbox tested out and will be included in JJ release. Build option will be available for keeping multiple versions, * Icefish final release * Being slowed down by issues with CI. * Waiting for a fix from Igalia on the WAM issue reported by Scott on Tuesday (SPEC-3181). * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * 1/16 - Panasonic and Qualcomm are talking at the executive level about licensing the WiFi and Bluetooth chip firmware using a click-thru license most likely. * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. * 9/26 * **Radio API review ** * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/documents * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above * focus on generic calls over hw specifics * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done * 10/10 * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. * 11/21 - No update. * 12/4 - No update. Further translations from Denso Ten may be available at the end of December. * 12/19 - No update * 1/16 - No update. Scott will start looking at it now that he is done with CES. SPEC-1903 - will provide a POC for the radio API. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. * FOSDEM * FOSDEM stand accepted. Embedded devroom talk schedule is now available. * Sign up for staffing the stand at FOSDEM at
 * Deadline for AMM CFP is now Jan 17 * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. New Business: * SPEC-3097 - SOTA Issues (Ronan) * Fixed, but SOTA is not built or tested in CI. Feature was broken for an unknown length of time. Ronan asked if we could set up periodic SOTA build. Jan-Simon suggested adding patches to CI management scripts. ==== January 16, 2020 ==== Attendees: Walt, Dr. Yamaguchi, Kusakabe, Scott, Stephane, Michael [[ | SPEC-2538]] - Remove support for multiple versions of widgets to be installed simultaneously. * Window manager update from Daniel * Icefish RC3 decisions * Will release this week. * Waiting on the last changes from Daniel and Scott for window manager. Window manager is being rescheduled for January and will have to be in a point release of Itchy Icefish. * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * 1/16 - Panasonic and Qualcomm are talking at the executive level about licensing the WiFi and Bluetooth chip firmware using a click-thru license most likely. * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. * 9/26 * **Radio API review ** * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/documents * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above * focus on generic calls over hw specifics * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done * 10/10 * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. * 11/21 - No update. * 12/4 - No update. Further translations from Denso Ten may be available at the end of December. * 12/19 - No update * 1/16 - No update. Scott will start looking at it now that he is done with CES. SPEC-1903 - will provide a POC for the radio API. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * 1/16 - Added LTS to the SC agenda for February. * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * 1/16 - New version of the specification was uploaded to Confluence last week. Code will be uploaded to gerrit in the next week or two. Will be licensed under Apache 2.0. * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. * FOSDEM * FOSDEM stand accepted. Embedded devroom talk schedule is now available. * Sign up for staffing the stand at FOSDEM at
 * Deadline for AMM CFP is now Jan 17 * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. New Business: FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. * Future meeting scheduling * Block scheduling of meetings to consolidate the schedule * Japanese members attending the call are ok with this meetings at this time. * Might be better one or two hours earlier than currently (Hosokawa) * Will bring up at the SC meeting next week. Also post a question on the mail list (maybe create a poll) Tanibata: Merge Graphics and UI with Instrument Cluster EG starting next year. Schedule for a more EU/Japan joint friendly time. Would like feedback from Haraki-san on this proposal. Tanibata-san will meet with Haraki-san today to discuss. One idea is for meetings to be held at 5:00 pm JST (which is 9 am CET, 2 am Chicago time) Developer call. Can try to hold two sessions per week. One at the current time on Tuesday and a second session at 6 pm Chicago time/ 9 am JST. ==== January 2, 2020 ==== Meeting Cancelled ==== December 19, 2019 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Scott, Stephane, Ohiwa, Kurokawa, Yamaguchi, Fulup, Guy, Li, Sekine, Takada, Nishiguchi, Haraki, Juhyun Doh, Cristoph Stoidner, Fulup, Vincent, George, Sebastien * Window manager update from Daniel * Icefish RC3 decisions * Will release this week. * Waiting on the last changes from Daniel and Scott for window manager. Window manager is being rescheduled for January and will have to be in a point release of Itchy Icefish. * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * 12/19 - No update. Was reviewed by SC last week. Will forward and RFI to Konsulko for creating and maintaining the BSP. * Panasonic to get agreement with Qualcomm to release firmware for the BT/Wifi chip. No update on this topic. * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. * 9/26 * **Radio API review ** * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/documents * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above * focus on generic calls over hw specifics * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done * 10/10 * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. * 11/21 - No update. * 12/4 - No update. Further translations from Denso Ten may be available at the end of December. * 12/19 - No update * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * 12/19 - Ohiwa-san presented some further use cases for persistent storage involving shutdown then rapid restart while meeting the 2 second requirement for review camera after start up. Ohiwa-san will upload the document to the Toyota code drop Confluence page. * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. * FOSDEM * FOSDEM stand accepted. Embedded devroom talk schedule is now available. * Sign up for staffing the stand at FOSDEM at
 * Deadline for AMM CFP is now Jan 17 * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. New Business: FOSSology/ License Review * So far there has been no action taken on FOSSology reports. Dan brought up starting a new project to evaluate license file, conflicts etc. and funding someone to go do that work. Will be brought up to AB at their next meeting. * Open Chain reported that we have 320 different licenses. How do we plan to collaborate with OpenChain? * Fujitsu has volunteered to do some work sorting out the licensing which will get started in the new year. * Future meeting scheduling * Block scheduling of meetings to consolidate the schedule * Japanese members attending the call are ok with this meetings at this time. * Might be better one or two hours earlier than currently (Hosokawa) * Will bring up at the SC meeting next week. Also post a question on the mail list (maybe create a poll) Tanibata: Merge Graphics and UI with Instrument Cluster EG starting next year. Schedule for a more EU/Japan joint friendly time. Would like feedback from Haraki-san on this proposal. Tanibata-san will meet with Haraki-san today to discuss. One idea is for meetings to be held at 5:00 pm JST (which is 9 am CET, 2 am Chicago time) Developer call. Can try to hold two sessions per week. One at the current time on Tuesday and a second session at 6 pm Chicago time/ 9 am JST. ==== December 5, 2019 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Michael, Edi, Stephane, Sebastian, George, Nick, Jasim Quazi, Jeremy Puhlman, Guy, Julian, Ohiwa, Dr. Yamaguchi, Kurokawa, Kusakabe, Nishiguchi, Scott, Sekine * Window manager update from Daniel * Icefish RC2 decisions * Token logic. Edi tested and no regressions noted. WE will include the token logic in the RC2 * Waiting on one last patch from George. Will take Jacobo's changes and one liner from Scott for low CAN. * Waiting on the last changes from Daniel and Scott for window manager. Really need to get this into RC2 today. Guy will check with Daniel. * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * 12/4 - Block diagram [[ | uploaded to the wiki page]]. Will be reviewed at the steering committee on Monday/Tuesday. * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. * 9/26 * **Radio API review ** * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/documents * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above * focus on generic calls over hw specifics * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done * 10/10 * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. * 11/21 - No update. * 12/4 - No update. Further translations from Denso Ten may be available at the end of December. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * 12/5 - Following up next week. * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * 12/4 - Ohiwa-san presented Persistent Data Manager (Backup Manager) use case ideas. * Discussion on whether the existing AGL [[ |data persistence binder]] can be reused/ extended. * Discussion of whether the backed up data is in a Linux file system, a proprietary file system, or managed memory of some sort (battery backed RAM or flash). * Other requirements need to be documented that were discussed. Ohiwa-san will update and we will review further at the next SAT meeting. * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. * FOSDEM * FOSDEM stand accepted. Deadline for embedded devroom talk submissions is Dec 6. * Will put together a sign up for staffing the stand at FOSDEM * Deadline for AMM CFP is Dec 6 * ELISA updates * ELISA and IC EG are recruiting AGL members to participate. The next F2F meeting for ELISA is in Brussel the Thursday and Friday before FOSDEM. Registration information can be found [[ | here]] * ELISA page can be found [[ | here ]] * New ELISA development process subgroup has formed. See their [[,,,20,0,0,0::recentpostdate%2Fsticky,,,20,2,0,61718502 | page]] for more information and to sign up. New Business: * Future meeting scheduling * Block scheduling of meetings to consolidate the schedule * Japanese members attending the call are ok with this meetings at this time. * Might be better one or two hours earlier than currently (Hosokawa) * Will bring up at the SC meeting next week. Also post a question on the mail list (maybe create a poll) ==== November 21, 2019 ==== Attendees: Walt, Jan-Simon, Sebastien, Guy, Michael, Stephane, Nick, Hosokawa, Haraki, Kurokawa, Sekine, Ohiwa, Kusakabe, Nishiguchi, Dr. Yamaguchi, * Daniel getting window manager into Gerrit for Karlsruhe next week. * SPEC-2927 - Window Manager for WAM * RHSA RFQ - updated the RFQ document with comments. The revised version is {{:eg-rhsa:agl_referencehardware_rfq_v0.2.pdf|here}}. * 8/29 Panasonic is reviewing * 9/12 - Panasonic still in review. Sekine-san will check with Panasonic about EG review during the AMM in Monaco. * 9/26 - Still in review at Panasonic. Sekine-san expects a reply soon. * 10/10 - Sekine-san thinks Panasonic will release the RFQ in time to be reviewed in Monte Carlo, Walt will be in Yokohama in November, We should plan a F2F meeting at that time with Panasonic and RHSA EG. * 11/7 - SC to meet next week and make recommendation to AB. We will make sure that Panasonic and Mazda RHSA team members are invited to that portion of the SC meeting next week. * 11/21 - SC meeting last week in Yokohama. Waiting on block diagram from Panasonic which was promised for two weeks (next week). There is a meeting next week in Tokyo to discuss further. There is a on-going discussion between Panasonic and Renesas about BSP. Also will get a quote for creating the BSP from Konsulko. * Gap analysis - Denso Ten will release documentation for radio and tuner functions by the end of September. * 9/12 - document is 60% translated to english. Kusakabe will present an update at the dev call next week. * 9/26 * **Radio API review ** * Sample API of Denso Ten released in staging/documents * Goal is to refine the radio api with additional functions found in the review of above * focus on generic calls over hw specifics * Scott Murray will review the documents and make a proposal for extending the radio api for review in the connectivity call and during AMM * Lateron a definition is needed how the interface to the various implementations (hw+driver) can be done * 10/10 * Kusakabe posted the API to Gerrit * Kusakabe to release additional APIs by the end of the month * Scott needs to review. Need some additional Tier 1 or OEM reviewers. * 11/7 - Scott has been blocked on higher priority tasks. Will bring this up to SC as an area for additional Tier One members to review the proposed API. * 11/21 - No update. * LTS * 9/26 (Berlin F2F) * AI: identify base services. What is in core-image-minimal that is available in all profiles. * lifecycle * apps vs platform (which applications * * API definition & documentation & Schema * AI: will follow-up on * e.g. what about new things like: * Follow-up on SAT * API versions * -> APPFW / Jose * 'core' LTS vs. IVI or Cluster LTS * depends on changes required e.g. by IC * 11/7 - 3 year Yocto LTS proposal was debated in Lyon last week, but no decision was made. No one was opposed to the proposal as it is written, but funding is a question. Proposal is to maintain OE Core, so it still leaves most of our user space and meta-openembedded as question marks for us. * There were a number of talks last week in Lyon about using a combination of Debian/Fedora/CentOS for user space and Yocto for BSPs for LTS in embedded projects. * Stephane posted link for [[ CentOS Stream]] which is the CentOS plan for LTS and testing. * Will add to SC agenda for next week. * 11/21 - SC did not get to this topic, Will be addressed at December meeting. * Toyota Code Drop * 10/10 * No update. Will need some decisions about how we want APIs to be formatted based on LTS discussion. * Kusakabe-Can will meet with Ohiwa-san next week and provide some feedback to the AGL community, * 11/7 - Toyota documents are quite large. Were posted on Confluence. Ohiwa-san is working on splitting them up and providing header files. Ohiwa-san will be in Yokohama next week to discuss the next steps with the SC. * 11/21 - * Notes from SC meeting * Discussed the need to take each of the API documents and deep dive the contents with the appropriate developers within the AGL community. Will need Toyota to do some analysis of the architectural/ design gaps between AGL and their proposed code changes and work with the community to fill those gaps. For example, the “Peripheral API” document has a lot of details about CAN messaging but it is difficult to determine what the context of API is and how it fits into the overall architecture. There may be parts of it that are already covered by AGL. Suggestion is for Toyota to pick an API to focus on and develop the higher level context with the AGL community to figure out how to fit it into the existing structure. * Ohiwa-san is working on providing the context for the API documents. First task will be System Manager API in the System Service Document (see [[ | Confluence]] for more on the documents. * Navi EG met last week with Momiyama-san and they will present a new architecture at the November SAT call. * 11/7 - More discussion needed before Navi EG is ready to present the new architecture. * 11/21 - Navi EG presented an update last week in Yokohama. Need to get the document from Micware. New Business: * FOSDEM stand accepted. Deadline for embedded devroom talk submissions is Dec 6.