===== Purpose and Goals =====
We are holding a face to face meeting from November 14 - 16, 2017 in Yokohama, Japan. The main purpose of the meeting is an integration session that pulls together developers working on the 2017 AGL CES Demonstrator software.
===== Event Details =====
**DATE**: Nov 14-16, 2017\\
** Time: ** 10:00 am - 6:00 pm\\
NTT Data MSE Yokohama Office on the [[http://nttd-mse.com/sites_en/company/map/#map08 | 12th floor of their facility]]. See [[http://nttd-mse.com/sites_en/company/map/#map08 | here]] for address and map to the facility which is a 7 minute walk from Yokohama station.
**Video Conference**
We will setup video conferences for both rooms. Primary links are below. If we exceed the capacity, we'll go for the secondary links and announce it here.
**Please watch the wiki page for updates!**
* Primary video conferences
* Room 1 (HMI & common sessions): https://appear.in/agl-f2f
* Room 2 (Audio breakout): https://appear.in/iotbzh
* Secondary/overflow links (**watch this page** or email/irc to be announced):
* Room 1: https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/124487325
* Room 2: https://appear.in/agl-f2f-2
[[http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-compliance-summit/attend/hotel-and-travel | These hotels]] are recommended for attendees of the [[http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/open-compliance-summit | Open Compliance Summit]].
The [[http://ybht.co.jp/en/ | Yokohama Bay Hotel Tokyu]] is nearby.
Of course, there is the world famous [[http://www.yokohamajapan.com/where-to-stay/yokohama-plaza-hotel/ |Yokohama Plaza Hotel.]] Sadly, the Yokohama Plaza Hotel has closed for business as of March 2017.
==== Attendees ====
- Walt Miner - The Linux Foundation
- Jan-Simon Möller - The Linux Foundation
- Dan Cauchy - The Linux Foundation
- Scott Murray - Konsulko Group
- Tadao Tanikawa - Panasonic
- Toshikazu Ohiwa - TOYOTA
- Takeshi Hoshina - TOYOTA
- Wenlong Zheng - NEXTY Electronics
- Kazumasa Mitsunari - WITZ
- Yuta Doi - WITZ
- Hiroshi Kojima - Mentor
- Hideya Kudaka - Mentor
- Soya Saito - Microchip Technology Japan
- Dominig ar Foll - Intel Open Source
- Kien Dinh - Intel Open Source
- Fulup ar Foll - IoT.bzh
- Loic Collignon - IoT.bzh
- Hisao Munakata - Renesas
- Harunobu Kurokawa - Renesas
- Yoshiyuki Ito - Renesas
- Yusuke Goda - Renesas
- Ryo Kodama - Renesas
- Hiroto Imamura - NTT DATA MSE
- Koichi Miyata - NTT DATA MSE
- Keiichirou Maeda - NTT DATA MSE
- Yuichi Kusakabe - DENSO TEN
- Nobuhiko Tanibata - DENSO
- Yoshito Momiyama - AISIN AW
- Naoto Yamaguchi - AISIN AW
- Eriko Takizawa - NEC
- Dai Horiuchi - NEC
- Nobuyuki Tozawa - NEC Solution Innovators
- Keika Kobayashi - NEC Communication Systems
- Yuki Shibuya - NEC Communication Systems
- Tasuku Suzuki - The Qt Company
- Toshiaki Isogai - DENSO(14th only)
- Naohiro Nishiguhi - ADIT(14th only)
- Maxim Salnikov - ForgeRock
- Wataru Mizuno - ADIT(14th only)
- Akane Takeda - NEC
- Manfred Bose - NEC
===== Logistics =====
* Two rooms
* Large room Window Manager, Home Screen, Porting legacy and new apps to the Window Manage
* Small room Audio and Sound Manager
* Hardware
* Kingfisher:
* Nori has **seven** or eight Kingfisher boards
* M3 boards:
* Nori has two M3 boards. Others to bring more.
* Need 5 more boards:
* 1 x Jan-Simon Möller
* 1 x Scott Murray
* 2 x Tanikawa
* 2 x Ohiwa
* Displays
* Need 7 displays:
* 2 x Jan-Simon Möller
* 1 x Scott Murray
* 1 x Ohiwa
* 2 x Tanikawa
* 1 x
* MOST audio kits
* AI(will need the new ones to work with EE or have the old kits reprogrammed (to work with EE)
* Soya-san can do any reprogramming necessary while in Yokohama
* Need 3-4 Kits:
* 1 x Soya-san
* 1 x Jan-Simon Möller
* 1 x
* 1 x
* Rear Seat Entertainment - Need to check with Nori whether he has those in-hand.
* Soya-san ?
* Speaker kits ? Headphones ?
* Other external hardware if not on Kingfisher?
* Fulup to bring some
* Jan-Simon will bring what he has.
===== Action Items =====
* HMI:
* Goal is to confirm that all legacy apps run properly with the new window manager and come out of the meeting with an action item list for any unresolved issues.
* Set up of window manager and home screen in meta-agl-devel or meta-agl-demo should be finalized including the final naming of the packages.
* Switching mechanism between old/new new name and prep for new location
* Audio:
* Goal is to confirm that all legacy apps run properly with the new audio architecture and come out of the meeting with an action item list for any unresolved issues.
* High-level api towards applications
* Switch between frameworks must not enforce recompilation (e.g. pulseaudio), packaging
* Other topic:
* tbd
===== Agenda =====
==== Nov 14th ====
Start: 10:00 (JST)
Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00 (JST)
End: 18:00 (JST)
* 10:00 - 11:00 - Welcome (Dan), schedule and split of groups (Jan-Simon), Logistics
* 11:00 - 13:00 - Split sessions
* Room HMI:
* In Room:
* Mini Kickstart sessions (max ~25 min each session - 2h slot shared by all)
* New Homescreen/WindowManager(HMI-Framework) demo (Toyota){{:agl-distro:20171114_ces_integration_session_demonstration_hmi-fw.pdf|}}
* Kickstart for Qt Client (IoT.bzh / Witz)
* Kickstart for Wayland Client (NEXTY Electronics){{:kickstart_for_wayland_client.pdf|}}
* Kickstart for Audio Client (IoT.bzh)
* Room Audio:
* In Room:
* Topic leads: Jan-Simon Möller, Isogai-san, Fulup ar Foll
* Agenda for today:
* tbd
* 13:00 - 14:00 -- Lunch break (attendees on own/in groups)
* 14:00 - 17:00 - Split sessions continued
* Room HMI:
* In Room:
* Topic leads: Tanikawa-san, Scott Murray
* Agenda for today:
* tbd
* Room Audio:
* In Room:
* Topic leads: Jan-Simon Möller, Isogai-san, Fulup ar Foll
* Agenda for today:
* tbd
* 17:30 - 18:00 - Joint session, summary, plan for next day
* Room:
* Report of HMI session topic leads
* Report of Audio session topic leads
* Summary, AIs, JIRA
==== Nov 15th ====
Start: 10:00 (JST)
Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00 (JST)
End: 18:00 (JST)
* 10:00 - 10:30 - Welcome, schedule and split of groups
* 10:30 - 13:00 - Split sessions continued
* Room HMI:
* In Room:
* Topic leads:
* Agenda for today:
* tbd
* Room Audio:
* In Room:
* Topic leads: Jan-Simon, Fulup
* Agenda for today:
* tbd
* 13:00 - 14:00 -- Lunch break (attendees on own/in groups)
* 14:00 - 17:00 - Split sessions continued
* 17:30 - 18:00 - Joint session, summary, plan for next day
* Report of HMI session topic leads
* Report of Audio session topic leads
* Summary, AIs, JIRA
==== Nov 16th ====
Start: 10:00 (JST)
Lunch: 13:00 - 14:00 (JST)
End: 17:00 (JST)
* 10:00 - 10:30 - Welcome, schedule and split of groups
* 10:30 - 13:00 - Split sessions continued
* Room HMI:
* In Room:
* Topic leads:
* Agenda for today:
* tbd
* Room Audio:
* In Room:
* Topic leads:
* Agenda for today:
* tbd
* 13:00 - 14:00 -- Lunch break (attendees on own/in groups)
* 14:00 - 14:30 - Joint session, interim reports
* Interim report of HMI session topic leads
* Interim report of Audio session topic leads
* 14:30 - 16:30 - Split sessions continued, possibly open track
* Room 1:
* breakout tbd
* Room 2:
* breakout tbd
* 16:30 - 17:00 - Joint session, final reports
* Report, Summary and collection of AI, End.
===== Minutes =====
* Room 1 (HMI): [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WKt2W4PjT6yqArvdNmFTwz1rMhajZN6q82-gjZ937GE/edit?usp=sharing|Google doc for minutes of room 1]]
* Room 2 (Audio): [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HUDrlOQRTfpilAZUMfZRxdpP5Ijg5yIklxZoZmbo8TY/edit?usp=sharing | Google doc for minutes of room 2]]
==== Nov 14th ====
==== Nov 15th ====
==== Nov 16th ====