====== App development SDK for Intel Minnowboard ====== **Note** this page is for Apps developers if you are interested in creating a bespoke image and BSP for IA please visit [[agl-distro:developer_resources_intel|Intel Quick Start]] This SDK will create an Image which will work on most Intel 64 bits HW booting with UEFI, you can also work with the Intel images published for AGL for Intel as suport for the App developed with this SDK. ==== Installing the AGL building container ==== As the type of host that you use can affect greatly the building process (even with Yocto) AGL publishes a container ready to use which provides a working version of what you will need. There is no dedicated SDK for Intel and the development SDK for Intel is the same as for the Porter Board. You will find the installation procedure for Windows, Mac and Linux [[http://iot.bzh/download/public/2016/sdk/AGL-Devkit-Image-and-SDK-for-porter.pdf|here]] Follow chapters 1 to 4 depending of your setup. ==== Why do I need to build a SDK ? ==== Even if you build on an Intel PC for an Intel target, the CPU and Linux configurations are unlikely to match at 100%. The only reliable development model is to work in a cross-compilation like model which is provided by the SDK. ==== Building AGL reference image and SDK ==== In order to avoid any contamination of tools between ARM and IA which could lead to a broken build, please follow the next steps carefully. 1) Start the AGL development container docker run \ --publish=2222:22 \ --publish=8000:8000 \ --publish=69:69/udp --publish=10809:10809 \ --detach=true --privileged \ --hostname=bsp-devkit --name=bsp-devkit \ -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \ -v $MIRRORDIR:/home/devel/mirror \ -v $HOME/agl-workspace:/xdt/workspace \ docker.iot.bzh/iotbzh/worker_bsp_base:latest # Note: docker run creates the container from an image. When you restart this container at a later date, # you must to use the command "docker run containerID" # docker start docker.iot.bzh/iotbzh/worker_bsp_base:latest # info: devel password is devel ssh -p 2222 localhost 2) Download the AGL distro source code prepare_meta -f rel2.0 -o /xdt -l ~/mirror/ -t intel-corei7-64 -e wipeconfig "$@" 3) Clean all caches rm -rf /xdt/sstate-cache/* /xdt/build/tmp/ 4) source yocto and AFL build environment source /xdt/build/agl-init-build-env 5) Build the AGL SDK bitbake agl-demo-platform-crosssdk 5a) Build your own image [optional] bitbake agl-demo-platform 6) Install the SDK install_sdk /xdt/build/tmp/deploy/sdk/poky-agl-glibc-x86_64-agl-demo-platform-crosssdk-corei7-64-toolchain-2.0.0.sh # info: password is devel 7) Check that you see your SDK tree -L 2 /xdt/sdk ==== Using the SDK ==== The documentation for using SDK for Intel and Porter is the same to the exception of the initialisation script. source /xdt/sdk/environment-setup-corei7-64-poky-linux Then the AGL documentation [[ http://iot.bzh/download/public/2016/sdk/AGL-Devkit-Build-your-1st-AGL-Application.pdf | "AGL/Phase2 - Devkit - Build your 1st AGL Application"]] can be used.