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20170626_ui_gra_telco_mm [2017/06/26 13:52]
20170626_ui_gra_telco_mm [2017/06/27 00:47] (current)
Line 33: Line 33:
       * PulseAudio upstream: Audio manager plugin       * PulseAudio upstream: Audio manager plugin
       * Most volumn control       * Most volumn control
-        ​ +    ​* [[https://​​pipermail/​automotive-discussions/​2017-March/​003622.html |this email]].
-    * Recommended company: TBD +
-    * Background: Strong relationship with PulseAudio. +
-    * ** 13 March ** - Fulup gave an update on his work with the audio API which is also documented in [[https://​​pipermail/​automotive-discussions/​2017-March/​003622.html |this email]].+
20170626_ui_gra_telco_mm.1498485152.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/06/26 13:52 by ntanibata